[WARFRAME] Get RAD RELICS quickly! A guide for farming Meta Void Traces in 2024 | Whispers In The Wall. - Gamedeck.in (2024)

The key insight here is to focus on disruption fissure missions for fast void trace farming. By seeking out these missions on the steel path, you can maximize your traces and get bonus relics. Use a spea kavat with the charm ability and an orange resource drop amount booster for maximum loot. This strategy can get you up to 1,800 traces in about an hour and a half, making it a win-win for farming gold parts. So, go disrupt those fissures and get those traces! 🚀🔥

📈 Introduction


In this guide, we will be discussing strategies for quickly refining as many relics as possible in Warframe to obtain gold parts. We will focus on obtaining void traces and maximizing their drop rates to ensure efficient relic refinement.

💡 Understanding Void Traces

Void traces are essential for refining relics in Warframe. They are used to enhance the drop rates of rare items from relics, such as gold parts. The higher the drop rate, the more likely you are to obtain valuable items from your relics.

🎮 Strategies for Void Trace Farming

When it comes to farming void traces, disruption fissure missions are the way to go. These missions provide the quickest way to obtain reactant, which is crucial for refining relics. It is important to seek out disruption fissure missions on either the steel path or the normal path to maximize your void trace farming efficiency.

"Fissures in Warframe are RNG, so it's essential to actively seek out the disruption fissure missions to ensure a steady supply of reactant."

🕒 Maximizing Traces in Disruption Fissures

By participating in disruption fissure missions, you can expect to obtain approximately 1,800 traces in about an hour and a half. This is the maximum amount of traces a player can hold, making it a highly efficient farming method.

🚀 Leveraging Boosters and Team Coordination

To further enhance your void trace farming, it is crucial to utilize specific gear and strategies. Utilizing an orange resource drop amount booster from the market can significantly increase the number of traces obtained. Additionally, having a spea kavat with the ability to bestow the owner with loot buffs is essential for maximizing trace drops.

"Coordinating with your team and utilizing boosters can greatly enhance your void trace farming efficiency, ensuring a steady supply of valuable relics and resources."

🏆 Alternative Farming Strategies

For those who prefer alternative farming methods, capture and exterminate missions can also be effective for obtaining void traces. These missions allow for quick relic openings and can be a viable option for players who prefer a different approach to farming.

💪 Schlussfolgerung

In conclusion, maximizing void trace farming efficiency in Warframe requires a combination of specific gear, mission selection, and team coordination. By leveraging disruption fissure missions and utilizing boosters, players can obtain a significant number of traces in a relatively short amount of time. Whether it's disruption fissures or alternative missions, there are various strategies available to ensure a steady supply of valuable relics and resources.

📋 Wichtigste Erkenntnisse

  • Disruption fissure missions provide the quickest way to obtain void traces.
  • Utilizing boosters and coordinating with your team can significantly enhance trace farming efficiency.
  • Alternative missions such as capture and exterminate can also be effective for obtaining void traces.


Q: Can I farm void traces solo?
A: While it is possible to farm void traces solo, coordinating with a team and utilizing boosters can greatly enhance your farming efficiency.

Q: Are there specific frames that are best for void trace farming?
A: Frames such as Zombie Ash and Zombie Revenant are highly recommended for disruption fissure missions, but there are various options available based on player preference.

Q: How long should I stay in a disruption fissure mission?
A: It is recommended to stay in a disruption fissure mission until you reach the maximum amount of void traces you can hold, typically around 1,800 traces.

🌟 Wichtigste Erkenntnisse

  • Disruption fissure missions provide the quickest way to obtain void traces.
  • Utilizing boosters and coordinating with your team can significantly enhance trace farming efficiency.
  • Alternative missions such as capture and exterminate can also be effective for obtaining void traces.

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[WARFRAME] Get RAD RELICS quickly! A guide for farming Meta Void Traces in 2024 | Whispers In The Wall. - Gamedeck.in (2024)
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