From Where Do All Preganglionic Nerve Fibers Of The Sympathetic Nervous System Arise?. (2024)

Biology High School


Answer 1

Answer:Thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord


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(q004) the human genome encodes about 21,000 protein-coding genes. approximately how many such genes does the typical differentiated human cell express at any one time?


The human genome encodes about 21,000 protein-coding genes. The typical differentiated human cell expresses 5000 and 15,000 genes at any one time.

The term "gene therapy" refers to a broad range of in vitro and in vivo applications that use nucleic acids for therapeutic purposes. As stated earlier, there is no shortage of information and data regarding the structure of human genomes today. There were between 30,000 and 40,000 protein-coding genes present when the first draught of the human genome sequence was published in 2001. The number of protein-coding genes and functional, non-coding RNA sequences estimated in the most recent revisions is closer to 20,000. It is now much simpler to pinpoint the molecular causes of inherited genetic illnesses. In the meantime, 3674 human phenotypes have been identified by researchers, the bulk of which are single-gene alterations.

Hence, protein are synthesized based on need and after completion of their role are degraded.

To know more about Gene therapy .


Genomic imprinting in mammals appears to primarily affect genes involved in __________.


Genomic imprinting in mammals appears to primarily affect genes involved in germline (sperms or egg cells) ,embryonic and placental development and growth .

What is genomic imprinting ? It is a type of epigenetic phenomenon that leads an impact on expression of genes , which controls whether it would be expressed or not . It is also defined as the process of silencing genes through DNA METHYLATION .

In this the gene expression is silenced by the epigenetic addition of chemical tags to the DNA during egg or sperm formation . In which one copy of the gene is active and other copy of the gene is silenced in a diploid cell in a parental origin dependent manner .

Hence , genes involved in the germline are primarily affected by genomic imprinting . To learn more about genomic imprinting from the given link #SPJ4

What is the effect of the growth of a population in an ecosystem?


The growth of the population can lead to a decrease in the number of resources needed by each individual. Thus the correct answer is option (C).

The consumption of resources including land, food, water, air, fossil fuels, and minerals is one of the two main ways that so many people have an impact on the environment. waste products from consumption, such as hazardous substances, greenhouse gases, and air and water pollutants.

However, due to human activities that harm the environment, many ecosystems have deteriorated. Common human actions that can impair biodiversity include invasive species introduction, over-exploitation of natural resources, and loss of natural vegetation for agricultural and urban development.

Numerous human activities such as overpopulation, pollution, the burning of fossil fuels, and deforestation have an adverse effect on the physical environment. Climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water have all been brought on by changes like these.

The complete question is:

What is the effect of the growth of a population in an ecosystem?

A fewer resources for each individual in the population.

B greater amount of resources in the ecosystem.

C decrease in the number of resources needed by each individual.

D An increase in the size of the ecosystem.

To learn more about population growth please click on the given link:


describe how the ames test screens for potential environmental mutagens. why is it thought that a compound that tests positively in the ames test may also be carcinogenic?


More than 80% of the mutagens are said to be carcinogenic.

Ames test is performed to determine if the compound is a chemical mutagen. It is based on the principle of back mutation . A positive result indicates that the chemical is mutagen and may act as a carcinogen. If the result is negative, then the chemical is not a mutagen.

However, this test is not authentic because a mutation can occur spontaneous in a Salmonella Strain. Salmonella Typhimurium carry mutation in gene encoding histidine which makes it unable to synthesize histidine and hence it require histidine in the growth media to grow. When histidine deficient strains of salmonella are cultured in a media with certain chemicals it undergoes reverse mutation in histidine encoding gene which makes it able to synthesize histidine again. This is reverse mutation.

Ames test is used to determine the mutagenic ability of the chemical.

To know more about Ames test:


the foramen ovale is covered by a flap that creates a check valve allowing blood to flow unidirectionally from the to the .


The foramen ovale is covered by a flap that creates a check valve allowing blood to flow unidirectionally from the right atrium to the left atrium.

Oxygen-rich blood flows to the heart over the vein that drains blood from the body to the right upper heart chamber. This vein is also termed as the inferior vena cava. The blood then travels across the foramen ovale and onto the left upper heart chamber.

In general, the foramen ovale allows blood to flow and bypass the lungs a fetus gets the oxygen it needs from the placenta, not the lungs. The foramen ovule allowing oxygenated blood to bypass the pulmonary circulation from the right atrium to the left.

To learn more about foramen ovale , here


evolution is: group of answer choices constantly occurring at the same rate in all organisms. a process that occurs as a result of differences in reproductive fitness. currently occurring only in scientific laboratories. a process that occurred only in the past.


A process that occurs as a result of differences in reproductive fitness.

Physical fitness is used to quantify reproductive success. Polygenic traits, or features influenced by various alleles of a single gene, can be affected by natural selection.

What is Reproductive fitness ?

Reproductive fitness is a measure of an individual's capacity to pass on their genes to future generations. Fitness traits, also known as life-history traits, are intricate phenotypes that are the direct focus of Darwinian selection. They include measures of fertility and mortality.

The term "reproductive fitness" refers to factors including litter size, first-mating age, litter frequency, and overall lifetime litter frequency.

The capacity of an individual to endure and procreate in its surroundings is known as reproductive fitness. Every population has evolved to be as reproductively fit as possible in a particular habitat. Additionally known as Darwinian fitness.

To know more about Reproductive fitness please click here ;


What were the first two structures seen in eukaryotic cells in a light microscope?.


Answer: The correct answer should be the nucleus and centrosomes.

Explanation: I hope this helps!!!


Genes are hereditary information units located on chromosomes in the nucleus.

A gene is the elementary tangible and functional whole of ancestry. Genes are containing DNA. Some genes serve as an education to form molecules named proteins. However, many genes do not law for proteins. In persons, genes change in intensity from any hundred DNA bases to more than 2 heap bases.

Genes carry instructions that narrate your containers how work and to evolve. Cells are the construction blocks of the carcass. Every some your frame is containing billions of containers cooperation. Genes are organized in constructions named chromosomes. A chromosome is a long DNA molecule accompanying part or all of the historical material of an animal.

To know more about Genes refer to:


what is controversial about biomass energy (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?


The controversial statement about biomass energy is that it produces enough of harmful chemicals and pollutants and causes air pollution. When the biomass is burnt even if it is much safer than the pollutants that are produced by the man but still much more contribution to the air pollution.

What is air pollution ?

It is defined as the incorporation of harmful pollutants, air polluting agents and harmful toxins that get released in air and contribute to the air pollution.

Air pollution causes severe diseases in humans as mostly are the respiratory problems where the air is polluted to this level that the harmful toxins get mixed with air and people inhale them and get infected with diseases like asthma, lung infections and breathing problems.

In order to prevent the situation it is necessary to get tested the air quality index timely.

Learn more about air pollution at :


if a mouse with the genotype aadd is crossed with a mouse that has the genotype aadd what will the phenotypic ratios of the offspring be


The offspring's phenotypic ratio is 9: 3: 3: 1. Normal running speed is a dominant feature in mice. These mice are known as running mice (R). Mice only run in circles due to the recessive characteristic.

What does a mouse with the genotype AA look like phenotypically?

Agouti mice are AA or Aa mice. Regardless of the phenotype at the second locus, mice with genotype aa are albino because all pigment formation is suppressed. The B allele (agouti coat) is dominant to the b allele at the second location (black coat).

What is the offspring's genotypic ratio?

The ratio that represents the various genotypes of a test cross' offspring is called the genotypic ratio. It depicts the pattern of a family's progeny.

To know more about offspring's phenotypic visit:-


What were the first two structures seen in eukaryotic cells in a light microscope?.



The first two structures seen in eukaryotic cells in a light microscope are the plasma membrane and the nucleus.

Plasma membrane

The plasma membrane is a thin layer of fat and protein that surrounds each cell. It helps to protect the cell and regulate what goes in and out.


The nucleus of a eukaryotic cell is a large, spherical organelle that contains the cell's chromosomes. The nucleus is surrounded by a double membrane, and it has a number of specialized structures, including the nucleolus and nuclear pores.

Give me brainliest if that helped!

Which of the choices below correctly describes how an action potential generated at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is converted to excitation in the muscle fiber?
An action potential in the motor neuron causes ACh to be released into the synaptic cleft. Binding of ACh to sarcolemma receptors initiates graded potentials.


When an action potential is conveyed to the axon terminus, depolarization causes voltage-gated calcium channels to open and conduct an influx of calcium, allowing the vesicles carrying acetylcholine to be released into the synaptic cleft with a chemical transmitter(ACh)

Acetylcholine (ACh), a chemical transmitter, is released into the synaptic cleft as a result of the action potential. ACh diffuses through the post synaptic or postjunctional membrane and binds to specific receptors there. A membrane channel particularly undergoes a conformational change upon ACh binding to its receptors.

learn more about ACh here:


ACh is activated cleft in response to with an action potential inside the motor neuron.

Voltage-gated calcium channels open and transmit an influx of calcium when an action potential is sent to the axon terminus neuron, allowing synaptic vesicle carrying acetylcholine to be discharged into the synaptic gap with such a chemical transmitter (ACh).The action potential cleft causes the chemical transmitter acetylcholine (ACh) to be released into to the synaptic cleft. ACh is activated cleft in response to with an action potential inside the motor neuron transmitter.ACh binds to certain receptors in the idea of this approach or postjunctional membrane after diffusing through it. When ACh binds to a membrane channel's receptors, the channel changes conformation.

Learn more about neuron


What did the other animals see when they looked into the farmhouse group of answer choices?.


Other animals saw that pigs were in alliance with the humans when they looked into the farmhouse group.

George Orwell's novella animal Farm, a satirical allegorical beast fable, was first released in England on August 17, 1945. It depicts the tale of a band of farm animals who rise up against their human farmer in an effort to establish an animal-friendly society. In the end, the rebellion is put down, and the farm is ruled by a pig named Napoleon in a situation just as awful as it was before.

To know more about animal farm, click here,


Is ATP a carbohydrate lipid protein or nucleic acid?.


ATP stands for adenosine triphosphate and GTP stands for guanosine triphosphate. each of them is a nucleic acid, which means that they should contain pentose sugar, a nitrogenous base, and phosphate businesses. both ATP and GTP incorporate three phosphate companies.

Nucleotides are composed of sugar, a phosphate organization, and a nitrogenous base. ATP, DNA, and RNA are all examples of nucleic acids. Nucleic acids are one of the four fundamental varieties of natural molecules.

No, adenosine triphosphate isn't a protein; it is a nucleic acid. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is manufactured from a series of nucleotides (monomers) such as sugars, phosphate agencies, and nitrogen. Produced inside the mitochondria of the mobile, ATP is an electricity molecule essential to strengthen the functions of the cellular.

ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) is a nucleotide. it's miles made up of three predominant additives – a nitrogenous base (adenine), the pentose sugar ribose, and a series of 3 phosphate businesses (the triphosphate), which is bound to ribose.

Learn more about nucleic acid, here:


In selecting recombinant bacteria, cells are chosen that are resistant to a specific antibiotic. How are the bacteria made resistant?.


The antibiotic resistance gene is encoded on donor insert. They are pre-selected for experiment on this basis.

Antimicrobial resistance is accelerated when presence of antibiotics and antifungals pressure bacteria and fungi to adapt.Antibiotics and antifungals kill some germs that cause infections, but they also kill helpful germs that protect our body from the infection.The resistance genes are located on plasmids which have ability to transfer in vitro, and the plasmids in E. coli play an important role in multiple antibiotic resistance linked transfer.Adding an antibiotic resistance gene to plasmid solves both problems at once – it allows a scientist to easily detect plasmid-containing bacteria when cells are grown on selective media, and provides those bacteria with a pressure to keep your plasmid.

learn more about recombinant bacteria at


What best describes the relationship between Ain't IA Woman and the women's suffrage movement?.


The relationship between "Ain't I a Woman?" and the women's suffrage movement can be best portrayed by fact that they both promote equal rights for women.

She made a speech titled "Ain't I A Woman?" in 1851 at the Akron, Ohio, Women's Convention. The female attendees at the convention were asked to demand a right and to convince others that giving women's right to vote was indeed a sensible and thoughtful idea and needed to be considered. The women's suffrage movement was fought to gain voting rights for women. To obtain that privilege, reformers and activists had to fight for nearly a century, and the battle was not simple.

To learn more about women click here:


according to the blank species concept, a species is a group of populations whose members have the potential to interbreed in nature and produce viable, fertile offspring. the separation between species is maintained by blank isolation, which prevents gene flow between species. but in some cases, distinct species can occasionally interbreed, producing blank offspring.


According to the biological species concept, a species is a group of populations whose members have the potential to interbreed in nature and produce viable, fertile offspring. The separation between species is maintained by reproduction isolation, which prevents gene flow between species. But in some cases, distinct species can occasionally interbreed, producing hybrid offspring.

In science there are several concepts of species from various viewpoints of experts. One of them is the concept of biological species which describes a species as a group of populations whose members have the potential to interbreed in nature and produce suburban and suburban offspring. Speciation or the formation of new species can be caused by geographic isolation, reproduction, and genetic changes. Reproductive isolation will prevent cross-breeding between two sympatric species to produce fertile marriages.

Hybrid offspring occurs because two different species can sometimes cross over. If the individual has one different trait it is called monohybrid, two different traits are called dihybrid, three different traits are trihybrid, and so on.

Learn more about hybrid at:


what type of inhibitor is the v max and k m values for an unusual hexokinase the parasite hexokinase


Vmax and KM values for an unusual hexokinase are found in the presence and absence of a Bisphosphonates inhibitor.

Bisphosphonates have proven their pharmacological utility as inhibitors of enzymes that metabolize phosphate and pyrophosphate substrates. Bisphosphonates inhibitor can also inhibit Trypanosoma cruzi activity .

Other important uses of drug Bisphosphonates are they target areas of higher bone turnover. Cells such as osteoclast cells, break down old bone, usually absorb the bisphosphonate drug. That helps to slow down the activity and reduces bone breakdown.

To learn more about Bisphosphonates , here


Which hypothesis suggests that ancestral vertebrates may have evolved from urochordate larvae?.


According to Garstang's Auricularia hypothesis, early vertebrates might have descended from urochordate larvae.

By highlighting the significance of alterations in larval forms, Garstang's Auricularia theory aimed to explain how the chordate body plan arose from a deuterostome common ancestor. According to this theory, the original chordate was a sedentary filter feeder like adult ascidian tunicates. The swimming larva did not mature into an adult, sessile tunicate; instead, it developed gonads and reproduced while still in the larval stage. This concept can now be evaluated because of new genetic and developmental evidence, although the majority of zoologists still believe that the ancestor chordate was a free-swimming animal.

To learn more about larval please visit here:


the air supply to a bioreactor was turned off for a short time and then turned back on. a. use the data below to estimate the oxygen uptake rate (our). b. use the data below to estimate kla of the system. note: you do not have


By multiplying the mass transfer coefficient, the specific transfer area, and the concentration driving force, the oxygen transfer rate (OTR) via bioreactor an interface is determined.

The rate at which oxygen is transferred from the gas phase to the liquid, the rate at which oxygen is transported into the cells (where it is consumed), using bioreactor and the oxygen uptake rate (OUR) by the microorganism for growth, maintenance, and reproduction all affect the dissolved oxygen concentration in a suspension of aerobic microorganisms with bioreactor in terms of Kla.

learn more about oxygen here:


A human skin cell has 46 chromosomes and undergoes mitosis. How many chromosomes will be present in each daughter cells when mitosis is complete?.


Human skin cells go through mitosis and have 46 chromosomes. When mitosis is finished, each daughter cell will contain 46 chromosomes.

Humans and the majority of other animals may divide their cells using the processes known as meiosis and mitosis. A cell that splits through the process of mitosis creates two identical copies of itself, each with the same number of chromosomes. A cell that undergoes meiosis produces four gametes when it divides. Male gametes are more often referred to as sperm and female gametes as eggs. Because each gamete has exactly half as many chromosomes as the mother cell, unlike mitosis, meiosis does not produce clones of the original cell.

Hence, Mitosis is a type of cell division in which one cell replicates to form identical two cells.

To know more about Cell division.


What elements must be present in order for cellular respiration?.


Cellular respiration is an aerobic process that requires oxygen and gives off carbon dioxide; it usually involves the complete breakdown of glucose and releases ATP.

ATP, carbon dioxide and water are all byproducts of the process known as cellular respiration, which uses oxygen and glucose to produce these three compounds. ATP, carbon dioxide, and water are all byproducts of the process since they are what is produced. All living creatures use the process of cellular respiration to transform glucose into energy. During photosynthesis, autotrophs (like plants) create glucose. Heterotrophs eat other living things to obtain glucose, including people.

Cellular respiration occurs in the following cycle: Glycolysis (Krebs cycle), electron transport chain, citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation. All these stages require oxygen for the process.

To learn more about cellular respiration please click on the given link:


What role does photosynthesis play in cycling materials and energy through ecosystems.


The cycle of materials and the movement of energy into and out of organisms are both influenced by photosynthesis.

It is possible to track the movement of matter and energy. An energy input is necessary for the chemical reaction that occurs in plants to build complex food molecules.

The cycle of materials and the movement of energy into and out of organisms are both influenced by photosynthesis. It is possible to track the movement of matter and energy. Sugars are produced by plants through a chemical reaction that requires an energy input, specifically sunshine, to take place.

Plants can harness solar energy through photosynthesis. This energy is used by plants for vital processes.

To know more about solar energy, visit:


genes a and b are on the same chromosome. what gametes could an aabb individual produce, if crossing-over and nondisjunction do not occur?


There is only one sort of normal gamete: AB. AAB, B, ABB, or A or AABB gametes are abnormal gametes .E. Translocation in the meiotic process.

Translocation is the movement of a portion of a chromosome into a different location, most frequently on a nonhom*ologous chromosome.

The changing of the generations.

Like eggs and sperm, gametes are sexually active cells.

The driving force behind sexual reproduction in an organism occurs when gametes, also known as sex cells, fuse together under specific circ*mstances.

The sperm and egg cells that combine to create the zygote make up the gamete. The egg cells are typically from the female part of organisms, whereas the sperm cells typically come from the male part.

For more information about gametes visit here :


when lichens grow on bare rock, they may eventually accumulate enough organic material around them to supply the foothold for later rooted vegetation. these early pioneering lichens can be said to do what to the later arrivals?


These early pioneering lichens can facilitate later arrivals.

What do you mean by Lichen ?

Lichens can be defined as the primary successors on barren land . They form soil by breaking rocks and provide necessary organic material for later rooted vegetation.It is a composite organism that arises from algae or cyanobacteria.They live among filaments of multiple fungi species in a mutualistic relationship. These are important as early stage primary succession organisms. They provide forage, shelter, and building materials for elk, deer, birds, and insects.

Hence, they facilitate the whole later development process.

To know more about Lichen from the given link


On the lines provided, enter the name of the target organ(s) affected by the pituitary hormone indicated. Hypothalamic nerve call Posterior pituitary Anterior pituitary Growth hormone (GH) 10 Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) Thyroid- stimulating hormone (TSH) Oxytocin (OCT) Prolactin (PRL) Gonadotropic hormones (FSH, LH) Melanocyte stimulating hgfa (MSH)


Produced by the anterior pituitary. It's regarded as a tropical hormone. Target cells are impacted by tropical hormones indirectly after being stimulated.

The anterior pituitary gland affects which organs?

The following organs, glands, and bodily tissues are affected by and interact with the anterior pituitary hormones: organs, muscles, and bones the growth hormone (GH). Adrenocorticotropic hormone: Adrenal gland (ACTH). thyroid hormone, which stimulates the thyroid gland (TSH).

What are the anterior pituitary gland's seven hormones?

Frontal pituitary

hormone adrenocorticotrophic (ACTH)

hormone that stimulates the thyroid (TSH)

Luteinizing agent (LH)

hormone that stimulates ovulation (FSH)

Prolactin (PRL) (PRL)

hormonal growth (GH)

MSH, or melanocytic-stimulating hormone

Because it releases hormones that regulate the thyroid, adrenal glands, ovaries, and testes, the pituitary gland is frequently referred to as the "master gland."

To know more about pituitary hormone visit :-


Which 3 processes result in the release of carbon?.


Carbon is returned to the atmosphere in a number of ways, including when animals perish, volcanoes erupt, fires burn, fossil fuels are burned, and through a number of other processes.

When organisms breathe or decay, weathering of carbonate rocks, forest fires, and volcanic eruptions all take place naturally, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. Human activities like the burning of fossil fuels, clearing forests, and making cement all contribute to the atmosphere's increase in carbon dioxide. Burning hydrocarbon fuels, such as wood, coal, natural gas, gasoline, and oil, releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Carbon from fossil fuels reacts with oxygen in the air to produce carbon dioxide and water vapor during combustion. Carbon is released into the atmosphere by living things. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a gas that is released into the atmosphere each time you exhale. Through a process known as respiration, both plants and animals must get rid of carbon dioxide gas.

Learn more about fossil fuels here:


The adrenal medulla secretes epinephrine during sympathetic stimulation. Which of the following statements describes why epinephrine would increase the sympathetic response? The same receptors that respond to norepinephrine also respond to epinephrine, increasing the action of both.


The same receptors that respond to norepinephrine also respond to epinephrine, enhancing both activity.

What is meant by Epinephrine ?

Adrenaline, often known as epinephrine, is a hormone and medicine that regulates visceral functions (e.g., respiration). It appears as a white microcrystalline particle. Adrenaline is generally created by the adrenal glands and a small number of neurons in the medulla oblongata. It aids in the fight-or-flight response by increasing blood flow to muscles, cardiac output via the SA node, pupil dilation reaction, and blood sugar level. It accomplishes this by attaching to alpha and beta receptors. It is found in numerous species, including humans, as well as some single-celled creatures. It has also been isolated from the plant Scoparia dulcis, which grows in Northern Vietnam.

The statements describes that epinephrine would increase the sympathetic response is the same receptors that respond to norepinephrine also respond to epinephrine, increasing the action of both.

To know more about epinephrine, visit:


the atrial and ventricular chambers on the right side of the heart perform which of the following functions?


Two atria and two ventricles make up the heart's four chambers. Blood with low oxygen content leaves the body through the right atrium and is pumped to the right ventricle. Oxygen-deficient blood is pumped to the lungs by the right ventricle.

What role does the atrium play?

Two ventricles and two atria make up the human heart's four chambers. The chambers responsible for pumping and receiving blood are known as the ventricles and the atrium, respectively.

One of the four chambers of the heart is the right atrium. Blood with low oxygen content is drawn into the right atrium from the body, where it is then pumped into the right ventricle.

To know more about atrium visit:


which intervertebral foramina are demonstrated on an ap axial oblique projection of the cervical spine


The foramen and pedicle closest to the IR is demonstrated on an AP axial oblique projection of the cervical spine.

The positioning of the intervertebral foramina present on the cervical spine is positioned axially and this can be studied using the medical diagnostic technique of Radiography.

On the AP reviews of the cervical spine of the bodies, C3 to C7 can be easily visualized. However in younger bodies, C1 - C2 is easily visualized. Along with these the uncovertebral (Luschka) joints and the intervertebral disk spaces are also well demonstrated.

The anatomical structures are best demonstrated by the AP axial oblique projection are farthest away intervertebral foramina in the film and those structures demonstrated by PA axial oblique projection are nearest intervertebral foramina in the film .

To know more about AP Projection:


From Where Do All Preganglionic Nerve Fibers Of The Sympathetic Nervous System Arise?. (2024)
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