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Gene D. Matlock-What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholic Ism, And Mexico- A Concise but Detailed History of Things Divine and Earthly

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What Strange Mystery Unitesthe Turkish Nations, India,Catholicism, and Mexico?

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What Strange Mystery Unitesthe Turkish Nations, India,Catholicism, and Mexico?

A Concise but Detailed History of ThingsDivine and Earthly

Gene D. Matlock

iUniverse, Inc.New York Lincoln Shanghai

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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India,Catholicism, and Mexico?

A Concise but Detailed History of Things Divine and Earthly

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Copyright © 2006 by Gene D. Matlock

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I dedicate this book to the all the Mexican people, in the hopes that what I saywill help them realize their full potential as a nation. I have lived among them fornearly 65 years and have come to admire them very much. They well deserve tobe happy and prosperous in their own country.

I especially dedicate it to my great friends Hector and Micaela Abrego, herhusband Fidel, my deceased Mexican wife Consuelo’s fine cousins Antonio andAntonia Corona, Rita Ruvalcaba and her family, Adelberto and Guadalupe Pérez,Angel and María Perez, Consuelo’s relatives in Mexico, my friends Noé andTrinidad Valencia, Anselmo and Ofelia Luviano, José and Maura Albarrán, Mar-tín and Marta Morales, Leodegario and Amparo Luviano, Cirilo and BedaSaucedo, Francisco and Consuelo Velásquez, Pedro and Margarita Mata, Edu-ardo and Rebecca Felix, Eduardo’s mother and sisters, Estela Talamantes, Alfredoand Carmen Beltrán, Alfredo’s mother and father, Jaime and Viridiana Jorge, mygreat Salvadoran neighbor Mauricio Velásquez and wife Luz, Juan and BertaVilla (Let’s not forget my nietecita), Guadalupe and Cleo Lázaro, Ignacio andSofía Vásquez, Alberto and Yolanda Franco, and all the other fine Mexican peo-ple who have blessed my life in so many ways. I couldn’t begin to count them all.When Consuelo died, they were beside me every step of the way-in every way.And, of course, I include Consuelo in this dedication. I am almost convinced thatConsuelo actually helped me write this book, for it rose up from the depths of mysoul, with hardly any effort on my part. No one loved the USA more than Con-suelo. She was fond of saying, “I have three priorities in my life. The first is God;the second is the USA; the third is my husband.”

I know how it pained these good, hard-working people to be forced to leavetheir beloved country where conditions presently give them little hope forprogress. I have thought hard and long about the Mexican people and want toshare with them a secret that not even they may know. This is my way of sayingthanks for having helped make my life so fascinating and intellectually fruitful. Itis a rigorous and entirely scientific spiritual solution that will work for them aswell as for us gringuitos. If the solution I offer in this book is applied, no longerwill my fellow countrymen have to resent the influx of so many millions of them,for the Mexicans will find happiness and full stomachs in their own country.

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(PDF) Gene D. Matlock-What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholic Ism, And Mexico- A Concise but Detailed History of Things Divine and Earthly - DOKUMEN.TIPS (8)


Chapter 1 The Strange Circ*mstances Surrounding theWriting of This Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Chapter 2 When Are We Going to Learn the Real Meanings ofBelief and Science?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Chapter 3 People of the World-Do You Know You Are AllTurkish? Your DNA Can Prove it!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Chapter 4 Jesus Christ-For Atheists, Unbelievers, andEveryone Else! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Chapter 5 Why Scriptures and Gospels Can’t SaveAnybody! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Chapter 6 The Turks Gave Us Our God, Our Holy Cross,the Name of Jesus, and the Holy Trinity! . . . . . . . . . 40

Chapter 7 Could the Ancient Hyperboreans Live a ThousandYears?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Chapter 8 Were the Original Five Races of Humanity fromOuter Space? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Chapter 9 Did the Ancient Turks and Hindus HaveAirships? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Chapter 10 The Post Noachide Migrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Chapter 11 Who Was the King of the Five Krishtaya Races? . . . . 82

Chapter 12 How and Why the Hebrews (Phoenicians andJews) Brought Our Amerindians to theAmericas.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87


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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?viii

Chapter 13 What Is the Right Religion? (Cross Science101.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Chapter 14 The Brain and Spinal Cord Are Receptors andProcessors of Solar Energy. (Cross Science102) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

Chapter 15 Reincarnation (Cross Science 103) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

Chapter 16 An Urgent Message to the Mexican People! . . . . . . 158

Chapter 17 Two Non-Christian Southwestern Indian TribesWho Want You to Become a Christian! . . . . . . . . . 168

Chapter 18 Give Christianity Back to the Christians andTengri Back to the Turks! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174

About the References Used in the Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183

Recommended References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

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The Strange Circ*mstancesSurrounding the Writing of

This Book.

Why is this book entitled, What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations,India, Catholicism, and México? Why did I dedicate it to the Mexican people?What does all this have to do with true spirituality? And why did I discuss indetail the cultural, spiritual, and blood links connnecting the Turks, Hindus, andMexicans?

Several years ago, I established an online correspondence with a well-knownSanatana Dharma (the real name of Hinduism) holy man and devotee to the San-atana Dharma Mother Goddess, Mr. T. L. Subash Chandra Bose, a Dravidianliving in India’s state of Tamil Nadu. Most of our correspondence focused on ourmutual conviction that India had something to do with the pre-Columbian colo-nization of Mexico. Central America, and South America. I had already writtenseveral books about this matter. Mr. Bose is so convinced of this, that after hisdeath, he wants his ashes scattered over the Nazca plains in Peru.

When I wrote him that I had finished this book and the extremely difficult cir-c*mstances leading to its conclusion, he reminded me that he had predicted allthis to me just before Consuelo’s death on Monday, August 15, 2004. He askedme to tell my readers this.

On Sunday, March 19, 2006, he wrote me:

Dear Brother Shree Gene (Author’s note: Shree is a term of respect.),Please add the below mail in your book, as my respect for your [deceased]

wife Consuelo. You can correct the grammar accordingly.

Mr. Bose included the copy of the letter he wrote me a few days after Con-suelo entered the hospital, critically ill of the rare human ailment called vasculitis.She was put on life support. On August 12, I decided to have this support


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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?2

removed and let her die as God intended. On that same day, Brother Bose wroteme as follows:

Dear big brother Shree Gene,No one can console you. You are a man of principle with noble thoughts.

That is the reason why God blessed you with your wife Mrs. Consuelo, aMexican woman, as a good life partner for you.

As a true brother, Brother Gene, let me tell you, there is but one man in athousand who respects women. I should write this: She is a divine woman.You must treat her as the Mother Goddess in the near future.

You have a lot to do for the indigenous Americans. Be bold; face all theworst conditions…Again, I am insisting that you be with her [in spirit]. Shewants to tell you what you have to do in your future.

Sorry brother, Saturday and Sunday are the crucial days and also the com-ing dark moon day.

O Mother, take care of your child. You know everything. We do not knowanything; so we beg you to turn your smiling face towards your child.

May I request that you have a friend buy a red rose on my behalf and giveit to my sister-in-law after touching her feet and telling her that her SouthIndian brother-in-law respects her as his mother.

On that very day, I told Consuelo’s doctor to remove her from life support at1.00 P.M. on Sunday, August 14. Friends and relatives gathered to be presentwhen it happened. At precisely 5:00 A.M., on Monday, Consuelo died. I waswith her at that moment.

As you read in his letter to me, Mr. Bose wrote that Consuelo had somethingto say to me for my future. He said that I should do something to help the Mexi-cans free themselves from the cultural chains keeping them from progressing. Hesaid that I would be under severe duress while I did this.

Soon after Consuelo’s death, I wrote my book, The Ego-Mankind’s Inner Ter-rorist. By concentrating on this book, I was able to overcome my grief apprecia-bly. Then, at the last half of August, 2005, some other depressing circ*mstancesattacked me. I then wrote the second book, Christianity-Mankind’s First World-wide Religion! Writing has always been therapeutic for me. This one renewed meinwardly. After several hours of researching and writing every day, I always cameaway feeling refreshed and almost reborn.

During February, 2006, some extremely negative influences hit me like anavalanche. An inner urging pressured me to write a book concentrating on spiri-tual science. I felt as if something had taken possession of me while I was writingit. I am even partially convinced that my deceased wife Consuelo was guiding me

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from wherever she was. She knew of my deep interest in Mexico, the origins of itsindigenous people, spirituality, and the origins of all religions. She always told methat if she went first, she’d return somehow to tell me what I needed to know andguide me.

The book you are now reading benefited me more than any other. I’d work onit for as long as 12 hours a day. Instead of getting tired, I felt refreshed and exhil-arated as never before! During this time, I acted like a recluse, going out only tobuy groceries and return. Sometimes the neighbors worried about me, thinkingthat I had died. When they called me to the door, I told them not to worrybecause I felt inspired to get to the root of Mexico’s problems.

If anyone doubts the truth of what I am saying, there’s no lack of evidence.Everything happened exactly as Brother Bose said it would, and exactly as I said itdid. When Brother Bose wrote me the letter when Consuelo was dying, I read itto dozens of people before she passed away. I also read it during the Mass forConsuelo as a eulogy. The church was filled to overflowing. Many friends andrelatives of Consuelo and me had to wait outside in the parking lot. Both BrotherBose and I have copies of the letter. If proof is what anyone needs to verify certainfacts, he and I have it. You have already read Brother Bose’s letter exactly as hewrote it to me, except for a few minor grammar corrections. The original is in myfiles-and his. Other strange things happened during this time also, some of whicheven my neighbors saw for themselves. As a result, I don’t think any of my neigh-bors will ever become atheists!

I say this: Whoever “helped” me write this book was telling me exactly whatwe humans must know in order to enjoy a measure of peace and happiness in thisold world.

Although I have spoken of a “spiritual” solution to mankind’s problems, theterm “spiritual solution” is actually inappropriate. Each human and his spirit area dual entity. No peace or harmony on earth can come to the world if the spirit orthe body must be emphasized at the expense of the other. For example, Americatends to be a materialistic country. But this emphasis leads to social dissension,crime, and other injustices. Now, let’s take India. It tends to concentrate on apurely “spiritual” approach to mankind’s problems. For that reason, India is ahell for poor people, just as Mexico is a hell for its lower classes. Perhaps, afterapplying the simple “dual techniques” in this book, we humans will agree collec-tively that only a “dual” approach to human problems can be successful. But wemust first know what “duality” really means where “spirituality” is concerned.What I have to say next and in the chapters to come may help.

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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?4

If each human’s real self is an eternal and subtle entity or spirit encased in alarge piece of animated clay, and if this self actually exists, there must be a scien-tifically applicable and measurable technology for people to reconnect with it.Furthermore, scriptures, singing, preaching, conversion tactics, bible-thumping,speculation, and other bizarre behaviors we call “spiritual,” may not be spiritualat all, but ineffectual and potentially destructive gropings in the dark.

Several thousand years ago, a highly civilized and cultured people lived hap-pily and abundantly in a paradise near the northern polar regions. All the majorreligions on earth, of whatever nationality, state emphatically that they were theoriginal five races of mankind. In Judaism and Christianity, we call this paradiseEden. The Hindus call it Uttara Kuru. The Tibetan Buddhists call it KhedarKhand (Country of God Shiva) and Shambala. It was also called Sivariya orSibirya (Land of God Shiva), now called Siberia. The ancient Greek historiansand myths referred to it as Hyperborea. The Chinese Taoists don’t call it by aspecific name, but they do describe it as a type of paradise where men lived incomplete harmony with Nature.

The original five races, called Panchala (Phoenician) Krishti, Krishtaya, Krish-tihan, or Kurus, were said to be able to live for hundreds of years in a state ofcomplete bliss and harmony. They were able to maintain their enviable statethrough a science involving knowledge of Duality, The Holy Trinity, The Cross,and the powerful energies emanating from the sun from east to west. In thosedays, they knew nothing of sectarian religions. They knew only that their supe-rior way of life was “The Krishtaya or Krishti Way of Life.” Many hundreds ofyears later, when mankind invented names for his “gods,” such as Shiva, Vishnu,Krishna, Apollo, Mithra, Dionysius, Jupiter, Zeus, Surya, Rama, Tengri, Indra,Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan, Bochica, Agni, Kedar, Keyser, or any others, thesenames just hid what it really was: Krishtaya or Krishti (the original five races ofmankind). You can verify what I have just said for yourself. Refer to the onlineSanskrit Lexicon. Krishti or Krishtaya (spelled as Krsti in the dictionary) pre-ceded Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, or any other religious “ism.” Itwas Krishti or Krishtaya then, and it is now-no matter what name it hidesbehind.

According to Hindu mythology, after approximately thirty thousand years ofthe existence of mankind’s original fully developed civilization, a sudden shift ofthe earth’s axis turned Kedar Khand into a frozen hell. The Kurus or The FiveKrishtayas, whom we now call Turks, were forced to flee southward. In time,they united with the indigenous inhabitants of India, turning all of Central Asiaand India into a single nation. Eventually, they fanned out in other directions

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also. Consequently, everybody on earth can trace his bloodline directly or indi-rectly to the Turks.

In this book, I describe much of what is presently known about the ancientTurks and their virtually infallible spiritual science. Will it work?

Some people have told me that I must be foolishly desperate to approach thisriddle of mankind’s spiritual nature as if it were something real. They think it isjust an unreachable and vain fairy tale people yearn for during Sunday churchservices, on the battle field, and at the moment of their respective deaths.

They are entirely correct. I am desperate. They would be wise to get desperateas well. In his spiritual ignorance, modern Man has made a complete mess of thisplanet. Even some backward and barbaric theocracies are developing weapons ofmass destruction-and they’re not afraid to use them. I can’t think of a better timeto put the Turkish Krishtihans’ spiritual science to the test than right now! Weare seeing that the specter of Armageddon is no longer a religious scare tactic. Itcan be real. Which of the two do you prefer? The reality of Armageddon and thedestruction of all life on Earth? Or that of a truly valid spiritual science?

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When Are We Going to Learnthe Real Meanings of Belief

and Science?

In this book, I’m going to attempt to prove that the Noachide Flood was notthe last time God (Creation) has tried to force mankind to live by Divine Law,which the Chinese call Tao, and what the Hindus call Dharma (The Science ofLife).

God’s first attempt to reform mankind was to send Adam and Eve out ofEden. If Adam and Eve were forced to work for a living, perhaps they would haveinsufficient time to commit evil acts. But honest work proved to be of no value.Mankind immediately began to destroy himself again, as demonstrated by Ham’sattempt to perform sodomy on his own father. Both Genesis and the Hindu holybooks mention Ham’s unspeakable sin:

The following account, taken from the Hindu Matsya Purana (Fish Chronicle),is one of several versions of our Noachide Flood account:

To Satyavarman, that sovereign of the whole earth, were born three sons:the eldest Shem; then Sham; and thirdly, Jyapeti by name.

They were all men of good morals, excellent in virtue and virtuous deeds,skilled in the use of weapons to strike with, or to be thrown; brave men, eagerfor victory in battle.

But Satyavarman, being continually delighted with devout meditation,and seeing his sons fit for dominion, laid upon them the burdens of govern-ment.

Whilst he remained honouring and satisfying the gods, and priests, andkine, one day, by the act of destiny, the king, having drunk mead.

Became senseless and lay asleep naked. Then, was he seen by Sham, and byhim were his two brothers called:


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To whom he said, ‘What now has befallen? In what state is this our sire?’By these two he was hidden with clothes, and called to his senses again andagain.

Having recovered his intellect, and perfectly knowing what had passed, hecursed Sham, saying, ‘Thou shalt be the servant of servants.’

And since thou wast a laugher in their presence, from laughter thou shaltacquire a name. Then he gave Sham the wide domain on the south of thesnowy mountains.

And to Jyapeti he gave all on the north of the snowy mountains; but he, bythe power of religious contemplation, attained supreme bliss.

Compare the above account with our Genesis flood story:The sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem, Ham, and Japheth-

Ham being the father of Canaan. These three were the sons of Noah, andfrom these the whole world branched out.

Noah, the tiller of the soil, was the first to plant a vineyard. He drank ofthe wine and became drunk, and he uncovered himself within his tent. Ham,the brother of Canaan, saw his father’s nakedness and told his brothers out-side. But Shem and Japheth took a cloth, placed it against both their backsand, walking backward, they covered their father’s nakedness; their faces wereturned the other way, so that they did not see their father’s nakedness. WhenNoah woke up from his wine and learned what his youngest son had done tohim, he said, “Cursed be Canaan, the lowest of slaves shall he be to his broth-ers.”

And he said, “Blessed be the Lord, the God of Shem, let Canaan be a slaveto them. May God enlarge Japheth, and let him dwell in the tents of Shem.And let Canaan be a slave to them.” (9:18-28.)

As you’ll learn further on in this book, a great civilization called Hyperborea,the northernmost part of what is now known as Siberia or Northern Central Asia,once existed in the region we now call the Arctic Circle. Because so many Hyper-boreans or Krishtayas had ceased to be Spiritual Men, devoting themselves to evildeeds, God cursed the Hyperboreans, causing the earth to tilt on its axis. Hyper-borea became totally flooded. The tilting of the earth’s axis turned the floodedArctic Circle into a barren, uninhabitable wasteland of ice and snow.

According to the Bible, Noah and his family were the only survivors. In real-ity, the remnants of five Noachide tribes survived the flood as well as people inother parts of the world.

The Ark floated southward in Central Asia, landing on Mt. Ararat in Arme-nia. At that time in history, everybody in the world could have spoken only San-skrit, according to what most of us have been taught. The inhabitants ofHyperborea, the progenitors of every nation on earth, were the people we todaycall Turks.

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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?8

It should come as no surprise to us to note that not even the Great Flood wasenough to deter mankind from evil. Ham proved that conclusively. It was thenthat God or Creation devised another strategy:

Everyone on earth had the same language and the same words. And as theymigrated from the east, they came upon a valley in the land of Shinar and set-tled there. They said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and burnthem hard.” Brick served them as stone, and bitumen served them as mortar-And they said, “Come, let us build us a city, and a tower with its top in thesky, to make a name for ourselves, else we shall be scattered all over the world.The Lord came down to look at the city and tower that man had built, andthe Lord said, “If as one people with one language for all, this is how they havebegun to act, then nothing that they propose to do will be out of their reach.Let us, then, go down and confound their speech there, so that they shall notunderstand one another’s speech. Thus the Lord scattered them from thereover the face of the whole earth, and they stopped building the city. That iswhy it was called Babel, because there the Lord confounded the speech of thewhole earth, and from there the Lord scattered them over the face of thewhole earth. (Genesis 11:1-20.)

Christians and Jews have been conditioned erroneously to “believe” that thebuilding of the Tower of Babylonia took place in Sumeria. I say that the Turksand the ancient Hindus, who founded Sumeria, brought the story with themwhen they migrated there from the mythical Mt. Meru, the navel, and origin ofall the races of mankind. It was really the place where humankind dispersed toother parts of the world. We also know it as Siyoni (Zion), the Sanskrit word for“the source or vulva of all humanity.”

Tradition says that Mt. Meru was what is now Mt. Kailasa in Western Tibet.However, it could have been a mountain near Herat, Afghanistan or a similar onein Southeastern Central Asia, near what are now Afghanistan and Pakistan. (Ref:Ancient Geography of Ayodhya, by Dr. Shyam Narain Pande.) Many Christiansand Jews think Mt. Ararat was the original Mt. Meru, but the Bible does notindicate this.

Another name of Mt. Meru is Seneru or Sinaru, meaning “Belonging toIndia.” Linguistically, this word appears to be identical to Shinar or Sinar.

God was merciful enough to leave us with many words from the original lan-guage. Two of them are Belief and Science. These two words are similarly pro-nounced in most of the world’s major languages. If we can recapture the spirits ofthose two words, we may be able to return to the source.

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We humans may come to learn about and understand ourselves and the worldmore effectively if we learn what the ancient expressions, Belief, Science, and Sci-entific really mean.

The compilers of dictionaries usually state that no one knows the origin oretymology of the words belief and believe. Non-Belief and Not-Believe are justbelieving negations. English is an Indo-European language. Some Hindus thinkEnglish and German are the closest languages to Sanskrit. They should alsoinclude Turkish because it, too, helped form our English and Germanic lan-guages.

When the five original human races lived in Hyperborea before the GreatFlood, their minds were synchronized with the Universal Mind which knew allthings and was never in error. As the Chinese Taoists say, they were the SpiritualMen. However, when mankind’s Ego began to take over his thought processes,giving himself false confidence in his thoughts, actions, and potentialities, heslowly lost nearly all contact with the Universal Mind and had to begin to searchfor truth on his own. No help from God this time around. He also discoveredthat he could often deceive himself further by making his ideas appear valid byforcing others to follow him.

Examining the Psychology of Religiosity.

Before going further into this chapter and my book, I must describe in detailthe potentially lethal emotional state of people wanting to recruit others to sus-cribe to their thinking about the teachings of certain religio-political doctrinesand organizations. When a person concludes that his ideas on these matters areimmutable gospels, he automatically gets a feeling of omniscience and self-righ-teousness. He feels expanded-in tune with the Infinite. I well know this feeling. Ifeel it now about the subject matter I discuss in this book. It is a good feeling.However, this feeling becomes evil when we use it as justification to organizegroups to pressure others to bend to our will.

When I was a child, my parents belonged to the Nazarene fundamentalistChristian church. We were taught that we were the only ones in the world whowere right, and that everyone else was wrong. I remember feeling deeply sorry forpeople who weren’t Nazarenes. My friends and I were especially sorry for a Jeho-vah’s Witness family in our neighborhood. One day, a friend and I told the sonsin that family how we pitied them and were praying for the salvation of their“poor lost souls.” The boys answered that they, too, were as worried about us aswe were about them.

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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?10

When the Iraqi conflict against dictator Saddam Hussein began, thousands ofanti-war political activists here in Southern California congregated on the streets,keeping people from going to work or doing other business. They justified theircriminal activities by saying they were “just trying to make people aware andwanted them to convert to their way of right thinking.” They were convincedthat only they were “thinking right.” They refused to admit that the innocentpeople they were harrassing were already aware. They also wanted to go to work,get home from work, or take their children to school and back.

On the day I was reworking this chapter, the legal authorities of Afghanistanwere about to condemn a man to death for having converted to Christianity. TheAfghan judges wanted to find a way out of the situation by declaring him insane.However, the clerics of Afghanistan’s state religion declared that if the courtsfreed the man, they and their followers would kill him anyway. For this reason,no country should ever be governed indirectly or directly by a theocracy.

But the religious people of Afghanistan aren’t the only ones who think thatthey know what God wants of mankind. A prominent Democratic politician herein the USA said that Jesus wants the United States to liberalize its immigrationlaws.

As I have already said, I feel as strongly and “omniscient” about what I teachin this book as politicians and religionists feel about their “gospels.” In order tokeep my “religious ardor” in the right perspective, I undertook a study of all themajor religions on earth. I found out that that the seed teachings of all these reli-gions except one (I don’t need to mention its name), were exactly what I describein this book. Therefore, I concluded that all religions except one teach the basicscience of spirituality. No one should be encouraged to leave his religion and joinanother. He is “right” where he is.

I want to warn any religious organization who accepts what I say in this book,not to impose it on members by any sort of pressure. Neither should anyone cre-ate an organization to keep members in line. If such happened, Nature wouldautomatically and surely render the teachings totally useless and irrelevant forthem. No religion can excommunicate anyone-but Nature certainly can. We callmankind’s inalienable and natural right to decide for himself whether or not he isto be saved, Buddhism or Christianity (Krishtaya).

We call mankind’s ignorant, barbaric, and impossible quest to make peoplemarch to the same music, belief or infancy of the human thought processes. Actually,belief is a strange emotion forcing humans to sacrifice their lives to prove or dis-prove any of their theories, ideas and convictions. They use words to convert pro-spective followers.

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Gene D. Matlock 11

Of course, in order to survive, infant mankind had to take some risks, or hewould never have survived. You’ve heard the trite old expressions, If you are notwith me, you are against me, and I don’t accept your beliefs, but I’d die for your rightto believe them. I can’t think of any more efficient way to die miserable and surelythan falling into the mire of Belief/Not-Belief.

The Turks and Hindus bequeathed to mankind all his religions. But they didnot just sit down someplace and dream up ways to worship God (Creation).Man’s religions exist in the innermost depths of the souls of all humans. They areas much a part of us as our own bodies, spirits, behaviors, and minds. In fact,they are our own bodies, spirits, behaviors, and minds.

The word Belief derives from the name of an ancient Turkic-Hindu Godcalled Bali, Baliu, and Bel. In ancient Sumeria, God Bel was depicted as a manwith a bull’s head and horns. He represents the second mystery of the Holy Trin-ity-The Son-as completely cut off from the Father and the Holy Spirit. His sacreddirection was North and South. When cut off from the sacred direction of theFather, East and West, Bel can offer mankind only blood, tribulations, andunending tragedy on earth. That is why Bel was commonly called “Lord Sec-ond.” (See The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors, by Kersey Graves, p. 128.)

In Orissa, India, Bali is a large sect, having hundreds of thousands of follow-ers. Even in the Catholic Church to which I belong, I have seen grotesque imagesof a blood-spattered Christ in Latin-American communities, minus the Cross,lying in a coffin. In Mexico, thieves, cutthroats, and sinners in general worshipBel as a skeleton named Saint Death. It is especially revered by drug smugglersand cut-throats seeking illegal entry into the United States. The image is com-monly seen along the border between Mexico and the United States.

Bel worshipers are often flagellants who torture their bodies in various ways.In the Phillipine Islands, New Mexico, and Mexico, Penitentes, as they are so-called, will allow themselves to be nailed to crosses. Supposedly, Eve, the wife ofAdam, introduced Adam to the religion of sin and degradation. That is how“Belief got its name: Baleva/Beleva. The Hindus also share in common withChristians, Jews, Moslems, Turks, and others the myth of Adam and Eve. It wasthis myth that gave rise to the now outlawed Hindu custom of Suttee (widowburning) on the pyres of their dead husbands.

In Sanskrit, Bala=“explain, describe, force, against one’s will, without beingable to help or change things, militarily, troops, young, childish, infantile, notfull-grown or developed, newly, rising early, ignorant, simple, foolish, fit for sac-rifice, child, fool, simpleton, or any immature living creature,”

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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?12

Eva means earth, world, conduct, habit, usage, custom. We derived the wordEve from the Sanskrit Eva.

The connotation of Baleva is, “forcing one’s childish, foolish, ignorant, infan-tile, underdeveloped, sacrifice worthy, earthly habits, conduct, and customs ononeself and others” (preferably on others).

The Turkish Bela=“calamity; misfortune; evil; trouble.”In Kashmir, India, one of the places to which the Turks emigrated after the

flood, Balava (believe or belief) means “tumult; disturbance; insurrection; rebel-lion; mutiny.” Balavayi (True Believer) means “rioter; one who stars an insurrec-tion; a mob of rioters.”

The Spanish palabra, meaning “word,” derives also from Belaba. When wedepend on palabras or our English palaver to teach us the fundamental truths,we’re always going to be refugees from Mt. Meru, The Beginning or Source of AllMankind.

We seem to invoke God Bel unconsciously when our baser passions arearoused, such as hate and violence. A warlike, violent-prone person is called “bel-licose.” In Spanish, he is bélico. A person rising up against established authority isa “rebel. When a person loses control of himself, becoming temporarily insane,we may say he has gone “ballistic.” It seems that any word in which the syllablebal/bel is found implies some undesirable trait, thing, or behavior. For example, a“ball” is at the mercy of ballplayers. A “bull” is either ferocious or meat for din-ner. A “balance” or scale implies measuring one thing against another. A “bullet”is a murderous projectile.

For the Phoenicians, Bel was the Devil, God of the Underworld.In India, the members of the Baleva sect observe a special holiday held every

mid-August, in which people exchange gifts to show their willingness to sacrificethemselves for the things in which they believe (Baleva). According to theirmyths, a certain king, Bali Raja, offered devotion to the God Narayan, by givingup his kingdom and his own life. In some parts of India, it is customary for peo-ple to celebrate Baleva by drawing pictures on the walls of their homes and thenworshipping them. They will also place the imprints of their palms on either sideof the entrances, hoping that demons will get stuck on them.

Not only was the Ancient Egyptian culture readily assimilated by the Phoe-nicians, so, too, was that of Sumeria. The result was not only a fusion of cul-tural beliefs, but also confusion, which resulted in the loss of the originalmeaning of the Baal Myth.

The god Bel, from whom the Beltane Festival derives its name, was theAncient Babylonian counterpart of the Syrian Baal.

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Gene D. Matlock 13

“Bel” is translated with the titles “Lord” and “Baal”. “Baal” is sometimesrepresented as “Ba-al”. Babylon was a village in c2230 BCE when Ur was acity. “Babylon”, is the Greek rendition of the Hebrew word “Babel”, and istranslated as both “Confusion” and “Gate of Bel”.

The “Confusion” aspect is recalled in the story associated with the Towerof Babel and the confusion of languages…(Ancient Egyptians and the Constella-tions, by Audrey Fletcher, Adelaide, South Australia; part 15.)

In Sumerian, Ba=“Father.” “Bel”=Confusion.” Iva=Eve. Therefore, whensomeone says, “I believe,” he is really saying, “I, the Father/Mother of Confu-sion.”

It is indeed strange that so many people hallow this hideous Bel or “The Sec-ond Son,” admitting that they dearly love to be cut off from The Holy Trinity.As Audrey Adelaide said, it means “Confusion” or “Belief.”

Basically, all I have said so far renders down to this: Mankind is so confusedand lost by the Babel of human languages, scriptures, preaching and words, allgoverned by his Ego or limited perceptions of life, that he can never attain wis-dom by trying to make some true sense of them. He can attain spiritual salvationonly by looking inwardly to himself, through the entirely scientific spiritual tech-nology called The Holy Trinity.

Of course, we know that “The Second Son” signifies some good in humanexistence. But there are always two sides to every question and equation. Andthere is sacrifice in all three components of the Holy Trinity.

There are also two aspects of the Holy Trinity:1. Buddhism or the efforts of each individual to be his own priest and savior.2. Brahmanism or collective control of human society by the priests and

clergy. This is the type of social control leading to horrors like Suttee, actualblood sacrifice, arguments, squabbles, all manner of wars, and tragic human lives.In no way should clerics be able to govern human societies, for when and if ithappens, the consequences are always dire. No individual, if he has his choice of“druthers,” would subject himself to Bel’s wrath.

Skeptics often tell me that the Turkic-Sanskrit Baleva/Balava doesn’t indicateany similarity to our own god Belief. When I research the etymology of any word,the word itself must match, or become the mental and physical representation of,its effect. For example, if I find a word in a language that expresses “have,” such asthe English “got,” I realize that it is unrelated to the “God” that means “Cre-ation.” If it has the name, it must also have the game. And if it has the game, itmust be linked with the name. Ask yourself what, more often than not, is theeffect of “believing.” I did. “Belief” is the type of behavior and mentation that we

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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?14

humans must employ when we choose to cut ourselves off from the Father andthe Holy Ghost. Religious, sectarian, secular, agnostic, skeptic, atheist or not, weimmediately revert to worshipping God Bel when we tell someone, “I believe,” or“I don’t believe.” When we utter that word, even when joking, we are automati-cally saying publicly and privately: “I am ignorant of Divine Truth. I have noknowledge of that which is real. I have no desire to reconnect with the Father andthe Holy Ghost. I know only blood, turmoil, and confusion.”

No matter how ignorant and/or disdainful of The Holy Trinity he may be, nomatter whether he admits it or denies it, the atheist, just by saying he’s an atheist,is announcing to the world that he is a card-carrying, wild-eyed, and fanaticalworshiper of Bel (The Second Religion). Nature insists that all of us mustannounce to the world what religion or combination of religions we belong to.She won’t have it any other way. No one can fool Mother Nature. Nature doesn’tknow anything about sects, such as the myriad sects of Hinduism, the 24,000Christian sects, those of Buddhism, etc., or who is right and who is wrong. Butshe knows this: By your thoughts and works alone, she can tell you what imbal-ances of the Holy Trinity exist within your soul.

If you are a beginning student of the entirely scientific and verifiable science ofThe Holy Trinity, you should know that this book concentrates mainly on theTriune Religion. I must do all in my power to keep your mind riveted on mymain objective.

There are many ways for us humans to make sacrifice. Only one requiresblood and even violence: Bel! Do you want all this confusion to control yourevery waking and sleeping moment? If you do, sleep in a North-South directionevery night. Make sure that unscrupulous politicians, businessmen, criminals andprisoners do it also. Do that, and you’ll never be “disappointed.” I’ll explain thismystery of the “Holy Directions” in the latter part of this book.

When mankind was cast out of Eden (the primordial human environment),he had to make the slow, millenniums-long struggle to return to the source. Hesoon found out that unlike before, God would never again hand it to him on asilver platter. He had to learn about truth the hard way. Mankind came to forgetthat he was inexorably connected to the source. He became convinced that hisway of thinking and acting as an individual (Ego), or the collective mind of hisrespective culture, as normal and legitimate. But normal and legitimate it is not!For this reason, Nature puts every conceivable and inconceivable obstacle inMan’s way, to keep him from becoming a master of the universe. Most of thetrouble we have in the world, and that which is to come, stems from mankind’sstubborn, malicious, and conceited insistence on taking his mind and thoughts

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Gene D. Matlock 15

seriously. Many people will die for their beliefs. We know for sure that they didin ancient Turkey and India. Guess what engendered such folly.

I know without making proper inquiry that more than a few people will readwhat I have written here, declaring conceitedly and confidently, “I don’t believeit!” That is Nature’s way of keeping them from finding out what Universal Truthis until they are ready. It represents their reverential devotion to causing wars,civil unrest, and social fragmentation. When will we accept the truth about thatword?

I realize that mankind, being a baby in this old world, has not acquiredenough knowledge to confront it with solid truths dealing with what and whatnot to do. Therefore, we are all crushed in the reptilian worship of “The SecondGod,” who is none other than Bel himself.

As much as I cringe in shame and disgust with that expression, I am as muchimprisoned in it as anyone else. I cannot open my mouth without using the term.When I’m talking to people, they often wonder why I scorn The Second God.But I can’t help myself. I, too, am deplorably ignorant. Listen to the politiciansand the pundits on the TV newscasts. They are fanatically generous in impartingtheir “beliefs” to the world. But the fact that God Beleva is our jailor does not giveus any excuse to hallow and worship it any longer. We must accelerate humanprogress and find some way to extricate ourselves from this filthy mire. We mustlink ourselves tightly with the Father and the Holy Ghost. We must adhere faith-fully to the full significance of the Holy Trinity.

If, by now, you are willing to accept the possibility, as I do, that Belief/Not-Belief is an inappropriate and dangerous state of mind in this world, what can wesubstitute in its stead? I recommend that we live by the spirit of Cabala. It means“acceptance.” At all times, when we suspect that someone or something is seekingto capture our respective minds, we must train them to affirm this possibility bysubstituting such expressions as the following:

I accept the possibility that little green men come here from Outer Space.I accept the possibility that the suspect may have commited that crime.I accept the possibility that you may not be guilty.I suspect that this new political ideology may not be good for humanity.I suspect that this automobile salesman wants to cheat me.

Remember: In all cases, never put the negative dependent clause first. Alwaysbegin with “accept” or “suspect,” placing negative possibilities in the secondclause. If we practice using such expressions as these, we may someday bury “TheFather of Confusion,” mankind’s Second God, in a deep grave.

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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?16

Although this book describes an actual science of spirituality, I want you tostudy books about and cultivate friendships with atheists in order to further yourknowledge and deepen your wisdom. Where books are concerned, I can recom-mend none better than Kersey Graves’ The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors. Hewas one of the most famous atheists in American history. Study closely every-thing he says in the book. Read other books about atheism, also. Attend atheistgatherings-not to be converted, but to know more about the mental processesmaking atheists what they are. Listen to what they say. Where atheist friends areconcerned, cultivate friendships only with the most cultured and erudite. Then,and only then, if you consider both sides of the equation, you will surely knowwhether or not The Triumvirate Religion is in every way a science.

The next Sanskrit-originated words I want to tackle are Science and Scientific.This word is also of Sanskrit Origin: Siyoni/Suyoni. It crept into English as Zion.

Si/Su = “bound or fettered to, procreated or brought forth from.”Yoni = “womb, uterus, vulva, vagin*, female organs of generation, place of

birth, source, origin, spring, fountain.”Siyoni/Suyoni = “Bound to or brought forth from the Source.”Siyoni or Suyoni is an epithet of India’s Mt. Meru, the original home of all the

races of mankind. When the Jesuit priests entered India, they noted that North-ern India was often referred to as Seunadesa, meaning “Land of Zion.”

Right now, the nations of the world are slowly becoming embroiled in a vio-lent, bloody squabble over Israel, erroneously thinking it is the original Zion orMt. Meru. The Hindus say that Mt. Meru is Kailasa in Western Tibet. And evenif it is not, it at least represents the holy directions in which one must sleep anddirect his spiritual energies. Hopefully, the Christians, Jews, and Moslems willcome to see that they are all fighting for domination of the wrong location of Mt.Zion. They, too, worship God Baleva! A long as people keep refusing to recognizetheir Turkish roots, and the truth that the True Zion is Mt. Meru in India, we’regoing to keep on killing and drawing blood in honor of Baleva.

There is only one, and only one, solution to the ghastly horrors now takingplace in Israel. It is a spiritual solution. But what is a spiritual solution? Does itmean we must all drop our weapons and lather each other’s faces with dirty, slob-bery, disease-laden spit kisses? Is it possible for us to love people we despise?Should we scapegoat our leaders for all the bad in this world? Should we read ourrespective holy books and then decide who is right and who is wrong? Of coursenot. If such were true, even God Himself might be tempted to turn atheistagainst himself. God may be incomprehensible, but stupid He is not!

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Gene D. Matlock 17

A true spiritual solution is the application of simple principles working foreveryone. Political solutions and blood-shedding won’t work in this case. Didyou know that if all the Christians, Jews, and Moslems would just go to bed atnight, with their heads facing east and their feet pointing west, most of the partic-ipants’ thirst for blood would eventually weaken? Not overnight of course, butwe’d surely come to see light at the end of the tunnel. You’ll find out in this bookwhy changing the position of your bed is an ideal spiritual solution to manypolitical troubles making mankind drown in blood, pain, and sorrow. But I can’tsay whether you’ll accept it, for politics and politicians are the Trojan Horses ofhuman history:

Do politicians need so much to have history told the way they want?Really, they have their own, twisted view of history. They loathe the truth.They only want to see politics everywhere, in their own light at that. (MuradAdji, A Story Told By The Rocks.)

Thousands of years after the races of mankind left Turkey and NorthernIndia, Siyoni/Suyoni became Science, connoting “penetrating certain fields ofknowledge to the source.”

Since my early youth, I have been searching for the origins of mankind andreligion, including the riddle of whether we humans have a spiritual side of ourbeings. Naturally, I delve into spirits, guardian angels, miracles, and other similarcreatures and phenomena. Along the way, I met many other people engaged inthe same endeavors. All of us felt and feel that we are penetrating our field ofinterest to the source. But what happened? Certain people claiming to be “scien-tific,” knowing nothing of what we are doing, whose interests involve penetratingmathematics, geology, biology, physics, astronomy, medicine and other special-ized fields to their source, came along and told us that they, not we, are the realauthorities in our specialized field of interest. Yet, we do not claim to be expertsin their respective fields of knowledge. How did all this confusion (Baleva) comeabout?

As you’ll find out in this book, no one can say I haven’t discovered some validand verifiable information. Could it be that mankind has forgotten the truemeaning of Science? Why is it that I, who tirelessly investigate my field of special-ization, must regard myself as unscientific?

I want to warn you beforehand that I will not discuss the problems of man-kind, using the tools and theories of mathematicians, physicists and others. I’mgoing to use spiritual investigators’ scientific theories and approaches. Essentially,

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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?18

I present the world’s most ancient spiritual axioms for people wanting to returnto their inner selves: Jacob’s Ladder, knowing what and where the Source is, theHoly Directions, and the true science of The Holy Trinity.

So what is best for us? The Mountain of Babel? Or that of Zion?

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People of the World-Do YouKnow You Are All Turkish?

Your DNA Can Prove it!

I extracted the following quotes from a free online book, The Kipchaks-AnAncient History of the Turkic People and the Great Steppe; Introduction, by MuradAdji. Published by St. George International Charity Foundation (Jargan), 2002.Westerners have read a lot about the Mongol hordes, led by Atilla the Hun, andhow they struck fear in the hearts of Europeans. He almost defeated Rome itself.But rarely do we get a lucid historical perspective from the other side of the fence,about the Huns and Turks who once overran Europe. Murad Adji will enlightenus all. I will quote him abundantly in this book. I recommend that everyone readhis free online books and those that are for sale. They won’t be disappointed, forin learning about the Turks, we at last finding out who we are. Murad Adji’swords are crying for a receptive audience.

Note: Mr. Adji is a Russian citizen of Turkish descent. The person who translatedhis book has a laudatory command of English, but it is still faulty and not edited well.I did not edit the quotes in any part of my book, but left them exactly as I found themin Mr. Adji’ website. Even so, Mr. Adji’s important message to mankind gets throughpowerfully and clearly.

Many people, in fact billions of them around the Earth, speak Turkic lan-guages today, and have done so since the beginnings of history, from snow-swept Yakutia in Northeast Asia to temperate Central Europe, from chillySiberia to torrid India, and even in a good many villages in Africa.

The Turkic world is vast and diverse. Turks are its largest tribe. They arethe title nation of Turkey, a big country in West Asia and a long-familiarname for the rest of the world for its distinct identity, ancient customs and tra-ditions, and high and unique culture, a subject of a myriad of books and fea-tures.


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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?20

At the other end of the Turkic world, the Tofalars, numbering only a fewhundred, are not someone you can tell much about. It’s a sure bet they arehardly known to anyone beyond their dense Siberian forests and the couple ofvillages they call home town. But then, the Tofalars, perhaps, still speak theoriginal, ancient Turkic tongue after many centuries of only occasional con-tacts with outside cultures that could distill their speech with borrowings.

The Turkic world is great indeed, and thoroughly enigmatic, too. It is likea cut diamond, its every facet a nation-Azerbaijanis, Altaians, Balkarians,Bashkirs, Gagauzes, Kazakhs, Karaims, Karachais, Kyrgyz, Crimean Tatars,Kumyks, Volga Tatars, Tuvans, Turkmen, Uighurs, Uzbeks, Khakass, Chu-vash, Shorians, Yakut-too many names to reel off in the same breath.

Dozens [of millions] of peoples live in the Turkic world—all alike and dif-ferent at the same time. You can always tell where they belong, from the spe-cial sounds and undertones of their speech. Which means a word that is onething in one place may be a completely different thing in another. This diver-sity of meaning makes the Turkic languages fathomless, on top of their sim-plicity and ancient heritage.

They were not always that different, though. There was a time, too longago, when all members of the Turkic race spoke one tongue that everyoneunderstood in every corner of the Turkic world. Around two thousand yearsago, they started for various reasons to move away from one another, geo-graphically and linguistically, from their next of kin and their commontongue, developing their endemic dialects that were a closed book to outsiders.For a while, they were keenly aware of their common ancestry and remem-bered their shared language that they could still speak at bazaars and fairsdrawing merchants from far away.

Their common primeval language provided a framework for belles-lettres.Poets and story-tellers honed every word of their writings, so they could thencaress the ear of the Turkic world at large. Besides, the common language wasspoken by government officials mustering the troops or collecting taxes fromtheir subjects. Large empires, from end to end, spoke and wrote Turkic.

Is it only the language that makes one Turkic nation different fromanother? Is it the linguistic diversity that gives brilliance to the diamond wecall the Turkic world?

Everything is much more complex than it looks on the surface at times.Can you imagine, some communities on Earth are ignorant of their Turkic

origins and will never believe you if you tell them who they are…. They wereconquered, at one time or another, and forbidden, on pain of death, to speaktheir native tongue. They just forgot it clean, out of fear of reprisal. And withit their forefathers and all that had come before…. They were now peoplewithout memory or knowledge of their real past.

This is the kind of thing that happened to people on our planet, though.Of course, these people have visages that look exactly like the faces of their

ancestors (what the genes would then be good for?). Take the Austrians orBavarians, Bulgarians or Bosnians, Magyars or Lithuanians, Poles or Saxons,

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Gene D. Matlock 21

Serbs or Ukrainians, Czechs or Croats, Burgundians or Catalans…. Nearly allof them blue-eyed and fair-haired (exact replicas of the ancient Turkic menand women), and all blissfully oblivious of their common roots. Doesn’t thatstrike you?

Many unsuspicious Americans, Britons, Armenians, Georgians, Spaniards,and Italians have Turkic blood flowing in their veins. And especially Iranians,Russians and French. They, too, wear the unspoiled faces of their ancientTurkic forerunners, and they, too, are dead sure they are anything but….

A sad enough story. It has been made that way, though-sad, or more accu-rately, broken before it could be written to the end.

The Cossacks are what you can label an exception: a nation-yes and no, atribe-depends on the way you look at it. If you will understand it, of course.Their true story lurks somewhere behind a veil of co*ck-and-bull stories. Whatwe have then, in the end, is that the Cossacks have contrived somehow to getlost on the crossroads of Time-they style themselves Slavs, and still remembermuch of their native Turkic tongue. Indeed, Turkic is palavered informally insome Cossack villages. True, they call it, with tongue in cheek, their kitchen-speak, not native language.

I have pondered for many long years why the Turkic world is so littleknown to so many people on Earth. Was it by fluke or design? You will hardlyfind another language with as many nuances and dialects as the Turkic-really,people of common blood, common ancestors, common history speaking dif-ferent languages and thinking differently of themselves. Why, indeed?

The next quote is from one of Mr. Adji’s books, that hasn’t yet been translatedfrom Russian to English:

Geographical map is a serious historical document bearing information notless than a heavy book. But we should be able to read it: The Great Movementof Peoples left their trace on the map. Then, in the 2nd-5th centuries AD,appeared a huge steppe country, the Desht-i-Kipchak, with the settlements,cities, villages, and road stations.

The Türkic culture dominated from the Baikal to the Alps. In all of thesteppe zone. Europe then “began” in Siberia! Centuries passed, seems that itall disappeared. But nothing was forgotten. The map remembers what peopleforgot.

For example, the borders of the Desht-i-Kipchak. They are intact! In Rus-sian, the word “kurgan”, as writes the most prominent toponymicianE.M.Murzaev, previously meant “border”, “boundary”. Why? Because first ofall kurgans distinguished the Türkic lands. Beyond the kurgans began theother’s land.

The border of the Desht-i-Kipchak in the north passed by the MoscowRiver, the northern bank belonged to the Finns and Ugrs, and the southern tothe Türks. Only within the limits of Moscow are known quite a few kurgan

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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?22

groups, the majority of them are on the southern (right) bank. They are alsoin the former “Türkic” Moscow suburbs where there were settlements ofTürks, the toponyms witness to it. For example, Kolomenskoe, its old name isKolloma, in Türkic “Guardian”, “Providence”. Kopotnya is from “Tall Settle-ment” (or “Tall Grass”), Kuntsevo from “Shelter” or “Inn”…These words areobviously not of the Slavic origin…And to the north of the Moscow River,there are no kurgans, there lived other people, with other culture, and thetoponymy there have other root and also not Slavic.

(Note: wherever you see notes in parenthesis, either by Mr. Adji or the transla-tor, they are not my comments.)

Authors Note. Seems, we need to clarify. Say, in the 12th century the borderwas not a line, as nowadays. It was a wide zone in which neighbors were interestedin equal measure (a zone of a dialogue, of exchange and the peace). The MoscowRiver, Oka and adjoining lands were such territories before the arrival here of theSlavs, therefore the Türkic monuments are alongside the Finno-Ugric monuments.It is natural. For example, the Nizhni Novgorod initially was called in Türkic,Bulgar, and since the old times was famous for its fairs. To the Bulgar fair werecoming merchants from the Europe, from Persia.

In the south the country of Türks reached Iran, the kurgans bear witness tothat. The border remains almost without changes, Türks still live there, andthey are called the Iranian Azerbaijanis.

Between the northern and the southern border of the Desht-i-Kipchak alsonowadays remain thousands of Türkic place names, it is presently a real trea-sure for the toponymy! For example, opposite the Moscow Kremlin, on theright bank, is Balchug. In Russian there is no such word, and in Türkic it is“bog”, “mud”. Clearly it’s a Türkic toponym.

There is a multitude of similar examples. As a rule, the names of the manyold cities of steppe Russia are from the Türkic root: Orel is “Road Upward”,Tula is “Full”, Bryansk (Birinchi, Bryanechsk) is “First”, “Main”, Saratov(Sarytau) is “Yellow Mountain”, Simbirsk (Simbir) is “Lonely Tomb”…Kash-ira, Kolomna, Kaluga, Voronezh, Penza, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan…There are alot of names, and everyone tells the forgetful Kipchaks about their native land.

The geographical maps captured the traces of the aggressive wars of Ivanthe Terrible and Peter I. They show how Rus grew at the expence of theneighbors. The map keeps the very dark history which is being tried to washoff the re-written chronicles. And it becomes understandable, why the ancientTürkic city of Kipenzaj, shown on the European maps, became the RussianPenza, Shapashkar became Cheboksary, Buruninej became Vironej, Sarytaubecame Saratov, Chelyaba became Chelyabinsk, Birinchi became Bryansk…

In Atilla’s time the lands farthest from the Altai were called “Aleman”, inTürkic “Distant”. From here comes the nowadays toponym Alemania, presentday Germany. Many of the “Germanic tribes” were blue-eyed, with wide

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chick bones, with the obvious Kipchak appearance, and they spoke in Türkic,which shows in their runic writing, ancient customs and folk memory. Theyare comers from the far-away Altai!

The part of the population of the France and Italy, England and Austria,Yugoslavia and Czechia have a similar early history. Judging by the archives,almost to the end of the 16th century there was in use the Türkic language. Infact, later, during the time of the inquisition, the Roman Catholic church car-ried a great purge” of the archives, but, fortunately, some documents survived.It is these documents that allow to assert the unconventional, that the Türkslived in Central Europe…A detailed discussion about it follows later.

Certainly, the Türkic place names remained on the maps of the Europe. Inthem the history of some countries and peoples is clearly read.

Are You Getting Mr. Adji’s Message?

Most of us know that in the latter days of Rome’s greatness, hordes of CentralAsian Turks, whom we call Goths, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Alans, Alemans,Franks, and other tribes, gradually began to infiltrate Europe. The so-called“native Europeans” felt a cultural and linguistic kinship with them. After all, atone time or another, all of us have been Turks and Ramanakas (Hindus).

We can compare those times with our present relationship with England. Weare the same people living in other parts of the world. But five hundred or onethousand years from now, we may find it difficult to accept that we Americansand the English were at one time the same people. Even now, Europoids living inthis country, though of Dutch, German, Swedish, Norwegian, and other descen-dancies, “feel” closer to England culturally and linguistically than they do withthe homelands of their immigrant ancestors. Here’s an example for people toponder. The Spanish-speaking people in this country and Anglo-Americans feelthat each group is different. However, England was settled by Spanish Goths orIberians (ancient Turkish Georgians). Mr. Adji is just trying to refresh our mem-ories of who and what all of us are: Turks and Hindus!

When I was traveling in Central America, during the 1950s, the Salvadoranscomplained about the large population of wealthy Turks (Turcos) living there.Yet, they and the Amerindian tribes there are also descendants of Turks, as we allare.

Here is the path of the Burgund clan. The Ulus Burgund came to theEurope from the spurs of the Baikal Ridge, the eastern-most toponym “Bur-gund” is known there. Then they lived in the Caspian steppes, then a part ofthem settled in the foothills of the Caucasus in Karachai, where is a settlementBurgund. And in the 435 AD their ulus, led by the Attila’s father, reached the

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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?24

present France, creating the Burgundy, the Burgund-yurt…The French-Bur-gundians preserved the dishes of the Türkic national cuisine, elements fromthe dress and utensils, and have not forgotten the traditions and the customs.They lost the native language.

It is possible to trace the Ulus Savoi. This toponym also stretches by a thinchain on the geographical map from the Altai…It also coincides in time withthe Great Movement of the Peoples.

And the word “Tering” may also serve as a compass in a similar historicaltravel.

“Tering” in Türkic is “Plentiful”. So was called, for example, an extensive,fertile valley. From Balkhash (also Balkash-Translator’s Note) (this lake waspreviously called Tering-Kül-Author) to the Central Europe this toponym isclearly marked. Coincidence? Certainly not. Attila’s cohorts, judging from theWest-European literature, were Terings (Türings, Tyurings), Burgunds andothers “Germanic tribes”. All of them were fine horsem*n, they fought underthe banners with a cross…Not surprising is a line of the historian Jordanesabout Terings, about their skill in the horse breeding…The native Europeansdid not breed horses then! And did not drink koumiss. That was a favoriteTürkish occupation.

Looking at the map of Danube gives a plethora of the Kipchak names. Bythe way, “Balkan” in Türkic is “Wooded Mountain”. So is called one of theareas Azerbaijan, with surprisingly beautiful wooded mountains.

The Chernogorets (Black Mountaineers—Translator’s Note) in the Balkansare teased “Karaties”, why is that? Without knowing the Türkic language,there is no answer. But the answer is simple. “Kara” is black, “Tau” is moun-tain. So, “Karaties” and “Chernogorets” is the same.

There are as many Türkic toponyms on the map of Eurasia as there arestars in the sky. However to learn about them is impossible (for peoples inRussia—Translator’s Note). The books on this thematic were published, butonly beyond the Russian borders. Only a narrow circle of scientists knowsabout them. One of them is a prominent geographer Edward MakarovichMurzaev. He wrote his own book, maybe the main in his life, “Türkic geo-graphical names”…The book, mockingly, was published with a measly print(only five hundred copies).

The borders of the Great Steppe can also be clearly discerned in England.There they are a memory of Anglo-Saxon campaigns which in the 5th-6thcenturies AD were lead by the Türks (Saks or Saxes?).

Defeating the natives, Kipchaks established their “island” state, starting thecity of Kent, which gave the name to the Yurt, later to the kingdom. “Kent” inTürkic is a “Stone Fortress” (Compare Tashkent—“Stone Fortress”—Transla-tor’s Note). That was a foothold for the advance deeper into the island. Acrossthe gulf, on the continent was built the city of Calais, from here, we know,began the Anglo-Saxon campaigns, here was prepared the fording of thegulf…The map confirms this story.

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Authors Note. “Kala” is also Türkic, “Fortress”, with not a stone, but with anearthen rampart.

And, maybe, the most fascinating, what the toponymy shows, is right onthe surface. “Ing” in the Old Türkic expression means “Booty”. Is this thesource for “Ingland”, the “Captured Land”? Before the arrival of the Türks theisland was called Albion.

One more fact, at first for reflection, and then and for the disputes: theChurch in Ingland did not recognized the Pope, only the Pope St. Gregory Ithe Great (590-604—Translator’s Note). managed to win the trust. At first theEnglishmen followed the traditions of the eastern rites. Why? Where it cameto the island from? They were called Arians, why? The very first abbot had theTürkic name Aidan (it means “Light” in Türkic), he taught the natives tobelieve in the Heavenly God. The missionary went along with a translator.Again, why was that?

By the way, who come that in the far England there are kurgans, whichbecame the long-standing attractions? Precisely the same kurgans are also inthe other lands of the Great Steppe. There are none in Scotland…And do theEnglishmen know, what their favorite polo game (on horses and with sticks)was popular in Altai before the Great Movement of Peoples? They drove not awooden ball, but a head of the enemy bound in a leather bag. Türks have notforgotten this game, as well as many other ancient games.

The Kipchak Blood did not freeze in the veins of some Englishmen. Theirappearance and behavior give out their roots…The English Kipchaks, seem-ingly, have forgotten the proverb of their ancestors long before Anglo-Saxoncampaigns: “Do not get in another’s trousers”. They will not hide you.

Having conquered half of the world, the Kipchaks seem to have left thehistory. After each large intercene conflict an ulus after another ulus left—theDesht-i-Kipchak, becoming either a “new” people, or merging with anotherpeoples. The Türks melted away, as snow under the sun.

My readers wanting to penetrate and research further what I have said herewill notice that Murad Adji’s detractors call him a fanatical nationalist who willstop at nothing to put the Turks on top of the world again. But he is anythingbut. All he wants is for us humans to know exactly who we are and exactly wherewe came from. They not only gave us our blood and physical visages, they evengave us our religions. They, along with the ancient Hindus, are truly the fathersand mothers of the world. How can anyone who finds out what Mr. Adji said,and what I shall say in this book, get the courage to declare war against his ownblood brothers? Our own Jesus Christ was called David Koresh. Korush, Kurash,Kurush, Kurios, were titles of the Turkish leadership and priestly class. EvenMohammed was a member of the Arab leadership and priestly clan calledQuyresh.

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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?26

Anyone doubting the truth of what author Murad Adj said has only to pick upthe Torah, the first five books of the Christian Old Testament, to confirm thatnearly every word Mr. Adj has said is true. In fact, the word Torah itself derivesfrom the Turkic Terai. It means “History.”

Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham, and Japhet, were Turks. The fact that theArk settled on the border between Armenia and Turkey indicates this. Abrahamwas a Chaldean, for even the Iraqis, as well as the Kurds, along with their Sumer-ian, Hittite (Khatti, Hatti, (Keder), and Kassite Kish, Kashi, Kaiser (Keser), wereTurks. The Syrian Catholic church of Turkey calls itself “Chaldean.”

If you’ve read the Torah, the story of mankind’s early beginnings, you’vesurely noticed that Genesis and the other books of the Torah mention such placenames as Kabul, Havilah, Sophir, Khaiber, Gozan, Thibet, Lhasa, Kophen River,the tribe of Dan, etc. These biblical place names were and still are scatteredthroughout Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Rajasthan, Gujarat, and severalother Turkic-populated areas in Northwestern India and Central Asia.

Indirectly, even this book is a miniature Torah or Cabala, for it presents thetruths about mankind’s exodus from Eden (Siberia or Hyperborea), and the wan-derings of the post-diluvian Turkish nomads to the far reaches of the earth. Neveragain should we forget our holy beginnings.

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Jesus Christ-For Atheists,Unbelievers, and Everyone


It is not unusual for a person to be born and raised in the religious faith of hisparents, only to reject it later on in life. He may either leave the religion or sect,converting to another one, or he may retain his religious convictions withoutjoining other religious philosophies. We call such people “secular.”

There is another group of people who become agnostics, admitting honestlythat they don’t know whether divine forces exist in the world. Many individualsbecome atheists, denying outright, hotly, and even violently, that no divine forcesexist in the universe and that when we humans die physically, our individualawareness disappears completely, never to appear again in any form. In nearly allcases, the agnostics and atheists will openly renew their faith in God and religion,just before or at the hour of their demise. Before dying, some pretend to stay trueto their apostasies while inwardly confessing that there is a God in the universe,regardless how they rejected the idea in their youth. Better to be safe than sorry.Or is their another reason?

I was such a person. As a child, I was deeply religious. By the time I wastwelve, I left the Nazarene Church to which my parents belonged, trying otherChristian sects on for size: Baptist, Methodist, Christian, and other churches.When I was a young university student in Mexico, I joined the Roman CatholicChurch, not out of conviction, but just to make myself culturally palatable to theMexicans. That was nearly 60 years before I began this book. I never regrettedthat decision. However, while still remaining in the Catholic Church, I oftengorged myself abundantly and lengthily on Buddhism, Hinduism, Rosicrucian-ism, Mental Physics, and a variety of other religious persuasions. I’m happy to saythat in all that time, I held fast to the conviction that I wasn’t an atheist; that Iwas more than just an animated piece of earth.


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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?28

Like nearly every skeptic and atheist who quits “doubting” when he nears thegrave, I did the same thing, but in another way. I am the type of person wholoathes the mortal sin of “believing” ideas and teachings for which no proofsexist. I must know (gnosis), just as surely as I know the sun rises and sets. Insteadof ending my life as a “believer,” I hope to end it as a “knower.”

“Knowing” is infinitely more satisfying and reassuring than holding fast tostubborn “beliefs.” Another beautiful aspect of “knowing” is that no one needs toconvert to the Catholicism to which I belong. He can be a Jew, Buddhist, Hindu,Jainist, or whatever. Jesus has truly existed since the beginning of time. In manycases and in many other incarnations, he was crucified, dying on the cross or treeto which he was appended, coming back to the physical world. His martyrdomdidn’t always happen in “Christianity” alone. And he wasn’t always called JesusChrist. I hope that the facts I’ve put in this book will have great meaning and sig-nificance for you as well.

In 1964, my family and I left Kansas and went to California where I appliedfor and received a position as Spanish instructor in a Southern California highschool. A young American-educated Pakistani history teacher was also a new fac-ulty member there. He often marveled that most Christians are convinced thatJesus Christ died on the cross and arose from the dead three days later. He told usthat Jesus had survived the cross ordeal and that he, his mother Mary, and St.Thomas had escaped to Northern India. Predictably, none of the teachers at ourschool would accept this “pagan heresy” on his part. However, I decided to beopen-minded about what he said and began investigating for myself. My investi-gations bore no appreciable fruit until 1973. I read an illustrated article in a Mex-ican magazine, corroborating everything my Pakistani colleague had said. It evenprovided pictures of Jesus’ descendants, his tomb, and an impression of hisscarred feet, imbedded in concrete beside his sarcophagus.

The Mexican article about Jesus’ tomb and living descendants was a transla-tion from the German magazine Stern. Stern commissioned some writers to go toIndia and investigate this matter. When Cardinal Valerian Gracias, Archbishopof Bombay at the time, got word of their investigations, he begged them: “For thelove of God, don’t write anything about this!”

In 1989, when my now deceased wife Consuelo and I were enjoying a week-end in Tijuana, Mexico, I bought a book entitled, Jesús Vivió y Murió en India(Jesus Lived and Died in India), written by the German researcher and writer,Andreas Faber-Kaiser. It’s one of the most enlightening books I’ve ever read. Oneof the illustrations in the book shows a stone relief of St. Thomas, that archeolo-gists found in the ruins of Taxila, Pakistan. An inscription below the relief identi-

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fied Thomas and his mission to India. In Jesus’ time, Taxila was one of theleading cultural centers of the ancient Turkic world. The book also shows pic-tures of Moses’ Kashmiri tomb on Mt. Nebo, just as the Torah states. Yes, Moseswas also a Turk.

Those who don’t want the world to know Jesus is buried in India state that thestories of his escape to India are deceitful fabrications of the Ahmadiya Moslemsect who care for an ancient tomb which they say contains Jesus. That just isn’tso. Many ancient books describe Jesus’ flight to and mission in India. Placenames attributed to Jesus are found all over Kashmir. A Hindu holy book, Bhav-ishya Purana, gives a lucid account of why Jesus fled to India. It was written inA.D. 115. Read a partial translation, as follows:

On a certain day, (King) Salivahana went to the Himalayan mountains,and there, in the center of the country of the Huns, the powerful king saw adistinguished personage seated near a mountain. The saint was of a light com-plexion and wore white clothing. Salivahana asked who he was. He repliedamiably: “I am known as Ishvara Putaram or ‘The Son of God’ and KanayaGarbam or ‘Issue of a Virgin.’ Being given to truth and penances, I preach thetruth to the Amalekites and follow their true principles.

Astonished by this answer, the king asked him about his religion, and heanswered, “Oh, King, I come from a distant country where truth doesn’t exist,and where wickedness knows no bounds. I appeared there in the country ofthe Amalekites as the Messiah. I made the sinners and lawbreakers suffer, andI also suffered at their hands.’

I appeared as Issah Masiah (Jesus the Messiah). I received the Messiahhood(Christhood)…etc., etc.

The Bavishya Purana mentions that Jesus and Salivahana first met each otherin the land of the Huns. The Huns were and still are Mongoloid Turks.

Are you skeptical that the story of Jesus’ escape to India exists in a Hindu holybook? It has been translated into English.

The enemies of truth in religious teachings claim that the document is fraudu-lent. I’ve read several Christian condemnations of the Bavishya Purana. It waswritten just after Jesus’ death, in about 115 AD. He was 120 years old when hepassed away.

In the Bavishya Purana’s account of Jesus’ Christ’s flight to his new home inIndia, I deliberately left out something he said to King Salivahana, that I’ll quotein another chapter. What he told Salivahana may truly amaze you, giving youdeep insight into the Divine Nature of Jesus Christ.

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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?30

At this point, you may be tempted to think I’m trying to convert you to acceptand “believe” all that I say about Christ in this book-or that I’m some kind ofAnti-Christ. However, neither those of us who accept Christ’s escape to India astruth, nor Christ, nor God, nor hopefully, anyone else, should care one whitwhether anyone accepts or believes Jesus escaped to India. If this book shoulddestroy his so-called faith, he probably didn’t have any to start with. Why? Christdid not come to earth to give us history lessons and a biography of his life whichwe must be frightened into “believing” in order to avoid eternal hell. As for therules (Ten Commandments or The Noachide Laws) for behaving in a civilized,altruistic, and civilized manner, they were no different than those that also existedin Israel and the rest of the ancient world.

Christ came here to guide all mankind and keep us aware that we are reallynot our physical bodies, but something else. It’s not even imperative that weaccept and “believe” that. We can still remain atheists, agnostics, unbelievers,skeptics or non-churchgoers. We can even refuse to accept the reality of God andJesus. However, there is one reality that not even atheists and skeptics can affordto reject. At the end of this book, I’ll tell how atheists and skeptics can lose theirsouls-if they are brave enough to accept wholeheartedly the consequences of theirrespective anti-spiritual mindsets.

In a book about the history of ancient Turkic Afghanistan, I found such bibli-cal personages as King David, Saul, Adam and Eve, Goliath, and even Solomon.However, in the Afghan account, Goliath was riding on an elephant when Davidknocked him off the elephant. The Afghan account mentioned that after beingbanished from Eden, Adam went to Ceylon or what is now Sri Lanka (Serendip-ity). Eve went to Jiddah, in Arabia. (Ref: History of The Afghans, by KhwajaNeamat Ullah.)

It was painfully difficult for me to challenge, weaken and anesthetize my pre-vious religious conditionings. After all, I was born Christian and still am. But Iremained strong and resolute in my quest. I did not overlook any kind of anom-aly, such as the strange similarities between Brahm-Abraham, Sarah-Saraisvati,and Hakra (Hagar?). I also found other Noahs and several Moseses in Hindumyths, but the Hindus say that many of the myths in their holy books occurredin Central Asia, especially in Siberia, ancestral home of all the Turkish peoples.Even the biblical Hindu Hittites and Amorites, the fathers and mothers of Jerus-alem, also Abraham and Sarah, were Turks. If one cannot accept that the Hittitesand Amorites were Turkish Krishtayas, he’ll never get any sense out of the Bible.But they were also Hebrews and Phoenicians, as you’ll find out later on. Basicallythis book centers around the fathers of all humanity and all religions: the Greeks,

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Turks, and Hindus. When you close the last page of this document, the Torahand the Kristos may cease to be a mystery to you.

In 1989, I naively and incorrectly assumed that I had found out all that washumanly possibly about these matters. I decided to put what I had learned up tothat point in a book entitled, Jesus and Moses Are Buried in India, Birthplace ofAbraham and the Jews. No sooner had the book gone into print, I then cameupon literal avalanches of equally pertinent information. I realized that I hadn’tappreciated adequately the part that the Phoenicians and Jews, simultaneouslythe Indo-Turks, had played in the ancient world. It was difficult for me to acceptthe truth that ancient India once extended from Siberia down to what is now SriLanka and in what are now Palestine and Israel. In saying this, I am being conser-vative, At one time, Turkic-Hindu (Kuru-Ramanaka) influence encompassedevery inch of this globe. The influence stretched even to Britain and the Ameri-cas.

Another mistake I made in my investigations was my concentration on the“forest” called India and not enough on its “trees,” such as the Greeks, Turks,Armenians, and the sub-continent Hindus themselves. I also fell into a trap thatsome Hindu activists set for me. They claim that the so-called “Aryan invasion”was a concoction of white racists. They insist that the Aryans were lily-white. Butlater on, I found out that the Aryans were of all races. I finally had to concludethat the Turks (Kurus or Aryans) were the most numerous and influential of the“trees” in giving India and Greece mankind’s first fully developed civilizationsand religions. Hitler tried to make the world think the Germans, not the Turks,were the true Aryans. Fortunately, he failed to convince the world. But that is notto say that the Germans are not Turks. In truth, we all are!

Even with all Jesus and Moses etal’s shortcomings, some occasional sloppyscholarship, and gross errors caused by my previous iron-clad mental condition-ings and biases, I’m proud of it. It will give any sincere researcher a wealth ofmaterial in order to unravel many of the riddles and mysteries of ancient history,as well as to prepare his mind for greater insights and adventures.

After the book was published, I felt that I had deprogrammed myself suffi-ciently to know that Christ never died on the cross but escaped from his enemiesback in Jerusalem. But the information I kept accumulating, almost non-stop,made me realize that I had just perverted my mind to blind me to the reality thatJesus had, indeed, died physically on the Cross. Christ would never have lied to us.His spirit really re-entered his body, bringing him back to physical life. As a pre-caution, in order not to continue being crucified time after time and then return-

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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?32

ing to his physical body as often, he went to India with his mother Mary and St.Thomas. He was able to live out his life peacefully.

After returning to his earthly form, Christ took up his staff and limped pain-fully to Central Asia and Northern India, the home of his ancestors and all man-kind, to reassure the people there, who knew him in his youth. As Christ said, hecame to earth to show us how to live abundantly. By “abundance,” he meant along earthly life and infinite returns to earthly life in the future.

I have also realized that those who made us think Jesus rose to a Heaven in thesky unintentionally led us astray. Had Jesus left this world after his crucifixion, hecould not have convinced us that we continue living here after death. The Turk-ish peoples from Siberia to Northern India, who knew about him soon after hisbirth and met him as a youth, thanks to three Turkish kings or wise men, hadalso heard about his crucifixion and death. Although there were no technologi-cally advanced communication media in those days, news still moved fastthroughout the ancient world. It is a historical fact that Anatolia or Kurustan(Turkey) and parts of India as far down the western coast as Kerala were the firstpeople to accept Christ’s Messiah-hood. After that, Christ’s simple but all-power-ful message bounced back to the Middle East and Europe.

You may be surprised to learn that when I started my research, I was interestedmainly in enlightening myself. I published the results of my research in case any-one else was equally interested.

Jesus and Moses, etal, inspired me to look within myself and the minds of allhumans, to find out why we insist on falling into the venomous trap of Belief/Non-Belief, causing us to treat unproven facts and fictions as gospel truth.

When I was a teacher, I discovered that if one wants to really learn any subjectin depth, he should start “cold,” with what little he has at hand, and try to teachit to someone else. Long before I began my career as a teacher, I found out that Icould learn better if I imagined that I was teaching what I was learning to others.Therefore, I started doing research on beliefs and non-beliefs, putting what I waslearning in book form, pretending that I was back in the classroom. Only in thiscase, I was the classroom. In this way, I was able to become my own teacher ofwhatever I wanted to learn. After finishing one book, I’d start another, trying tomake it easier, simpler, and more instructive than the prior one. I published sev-eral books in this fashion. These books represent my step by step struggles to findout what God, Jesus, and mankind are all about, for they are inseparable. Theymay help you in your own struggles. Here’s why:

After finishing my last two books, The Ego-Mankind’s Inner Terrorist andChristianity-the World’s First Worldwide Religion, I realized joyfully that my mind

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was about to make a complete circuit of personal and collective human existence.I realized this when I reviewed Jesus and Christ are Buried in India, etal. Not onlyhad I unconsciously alluded to the Turkish Krishtaya. I even stated, “Christayasroots extend back to the dawn of human reasoning.” In short, I had known it allalong! This circle, strange as it may seem, became at one and the same time, myown search to return to myself, as well as a history of mankind’s struggles to dothe same thing. The former was inextricably linked to the latter. We humans,without realizing it, “have always known it all along.” In my case, and I suspect inthat of nearly all humans, we are too ignorant of ourselves and history to knowthat mankind indeed remembers his individual and collective past. We just needto open our minds sufficiently to admit this to ourselves. Therefore, I realizedthat my two previous books were just self-realization on my part. As for anyonereading those two books, plus this one, atheists and non-atheists alike will bene-fit. They are actually the first rungs of the cabalistic Jacob’s Ladder. You see, man-kind has presently fallen almost to the bottom of human existence. Don’t beblinded by our technological development. If we don’t know about the dual sidesof our selves, we know nothing, no matter how technologically advanced we havebecome. To save himself, Man must remember what and where he’s been andclimb back up the ladder. After the publication of this book, and if I’m still alive,I will take this circle you are now reading and attempt to keep on reducing its cir-cumference to singularity-if such is humanly possible. In short, it will point outclearly what the remaining rungs up the ladder are.

I fail to understand why the early Church never told us that Christ has beenwith and among us since the beginning of time, and not necessarily in our brandof Christianity. Why have we never found out that the original Phoenicians wereTurkish Christians? Why did our historians, both secular and sectarian, keep usfrom knowing about the wonders of the primogenitor Turks of ancient Siberia,Hyperborea, and Central Asia? Many Christs, each bearing the same honorifictitle, were crucified before our “Christ” suffered the same indignity. Other“Christs” still appear to us as great leaders. thinkers, or just average humans. Andnot all of them are martyred. Many of them appear to be normal humans likeourselves. Beings like Christ and guardian angels appear to us almost daily, butwe’re unaware of their presence.

I am reminded of a poor black couple, with a teenage daughter, who told mehow they once received help from a divine being or guardian angel. Unable toafford a home, they lived in an RV. One day, as they were walking downtown,here in Victorville, California, the daughter fell in love with a certain pair of shoesshe saw in a shoe store. The girl begged her parents to buy them for her. The

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father said he would buy the shoes if they didn’t cost too much. When theyentered the store, a pleasant mannered and well-dressed man offered to servethem. The girl said she wanted to try on those shoes. He removed the shoes fromthe display window and brought them to her. The girl was desperate to ownthem. The father asked the salesman how much they cost. The salesman quoted ahigh price that this family couldn’t afford to pay. Seeing that the girl was so crest-fallen, the salesman said, “I have an idea. Take the shoes with you; pay me whenyou get enough money.”

The mother and father gratefully accepted his generosity and trust in them.Before leaving the store, they asked him: “Who are you? We want to know, sothat we can tell the personnel about our arrangement, just in case you won’t behere when we return.”

The salesman said, “I’m the owner of this store. My name is _______.”A few weeks later, the father and mother had saved enough money to pay for

the shoes. They returned, asking for him. The employers working there said thatthey had never heard of the man.

There are more poor people on earth than prosperous ones. And there mayalso be more dishonest people than honest ones, according to my life experiences.It would be foolish and impoverishing for businessmen to give unknowns mer-chandise without demanding immediate payment or some other kind of security.How did that strange man know he could trust this honest couple?

Had the employees known all about the all-encompassing spiritual nature ofthat gentleman, even they would have known that he was, indeed, the real owner.

My next door neighbor, a Salvadoran man, told me how some invisible bene-factor saved his life when he was living back in Central America. One day, whenMauricio was crossing a street in downtown San Salvador, a speeding car rushedtoward him. He realized that he had no time to get out of its way. At the momentof impact, some invisible being grabbed his shoulders, lifted him out of the way,and placed him back on the street. Who-and what-did such a marvelous thing?

Such encounters with spiritual beings happen to virtually all of us, many timesin our lives. I insist that each and every one of us interacts with them occasion-ally, perhaps even frequently-or every day. However, they generally set up specialscenarios, so that we won’t realize they exist among us.

In my previous book, Christianity, Mankind’s First Worldwide Religion, I relatehow “something” used me to warn an elderly friend about his young wife’sintended infidelity. But I didn’t know she intended to be unfaithful. She nevercommunicated anything to me, for we mutually disliked each other; neither did Iknow I was the tattletale-not even when the words were supposedly coming out

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of my mouth. “Something else” set me up as the fall guy. Unseen beings haveintervened in your life also-more times than you know. I guarantee it. If such hashappened, why don’t spirits aid and advise us more frequently? I can’t answerthat question.

If I, a mere mortal, can have such experiences, who am I to say confidentlythat spirits, guardian angels, and demi-gods like Jesus Christ are just figments ofour imagination?

Jesus Christ truly exists among us and within us, but we are rarely aware of hispresence. For what reasons, I don’t know.

Testimonies are virtually worthless as evidence of divine beings existingamong us. We are not generally aware of their presence and interactions withhumanity. We tend to regard such stories as lies.

I personally tend to take testimonies of encounters with spiritual beings seri-ously because I have had many paranormal experiences in which certain mysteri-ous beings living among humans neglected to hide their presence from me. Thisis another reason why I’m sure that Christ in no way lied to us. He really did die,leave his body, and return to it. But my opinions need not become yours as well.As I have already said, do what you want with what I have told you. What we callGod does not require of you any sort of acceptance of mystical history stories,biographies of divinely inspired men, gospels and scriptures which nobody willever truly understand, divine powers. miracles, and divine intervention. No con-versions to any religion, either. All you have to know is the route “home,”described in kindergarten-simple terms. If you obtain and read my well-researched account of the life of Jesus and his ministry in India, you’ll get a finebeginning to initiate your own search for yourself.

I’ve heard the admonitions of blindly religious people who say that Christ’sprincipal teachings won’t save us-just a simple, naïve belief that he lived and diedtwo thousand years ago. They say that people who rely on good works can neverbe saved. I’ve also noticed that many of those same people would sell their moth-ers’ souls for a dollar bill and commit other crimes against humanity with impu-nity.

I will occasionally quote in this book from the Apocryphal Gospel of Thomas.The Gospel of Thomas is really not a gospel but a Cabala. It guarantees at thebeginning that he who comes to understand the 114 sayings attributed to JesusChrist in this Cabala “will not experience death.” I see nothing wrong with reas-suring myself that I’ll always be eternally alive and aware of my eternal life.

Welcome aboard, atheists, agnostics, skeptics, unbelievers, and infidels! Reli-gious folks of whatever creed or denomination are also welcome. However, if you

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are skeptical of what I’ll say in this book, intending to trash it after finishing it, orgiving it to the Salvation Army, the Divine asks only one simple favor from you-one that most atheists, skeptics, unbelievers, and infidels can easily accept. You’llread about it in the last chapter.

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Why Scriptures and GospelsCan’t Save Anybody!

Figure 1. I’itoi’s Maze. It is one of the most powerfully revealing religioussymbols in the world.

The Arizona O’odham Indians’ “I’itoi’s Maze,” a powerful religious symboland archetype of the human mind, is one of the most amazing natural archetypesthat Creation (God) can send us. Notice that the image of I’toi or Sewa (noneother than the Turkic-Hindu God Shiva or Kedar) has no eyes, face, ears, or nose.He must get through life that way. In front of him lies a nearly straight path tothe Ultimate Reality. It just veers or curves slightly to one side, to throw him offtrack. Nature doesn’t have any regard for persons whose minds and spirits aredeaf, dumb, stupid, and blind. We can be nearly sure he’ll choose the wrong


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paths in the maze. I’itoi’s Maze demonstrates that Man can choose infinite pathsin the universe to find out about his true nature, each of them leading him deeperand deeper into the mire. He can change religions, visit hundreds of gurus, readall the “Babel” in holy scriptures, or whatever. Nothing will work. The sad thingabout these “paths” is that they are too infinite. None of them will lead him any-where. For example, what do we do if we get lost on a journey, in a jungle, in acave, or whatever? Do we keep on going? Or do we retrace our steps back fromwhere we came? I’itoi’s Maze tells us that regardless of whatever road we choose,we’re going to remain hopelessly lost. The only hope for mankind is for him toreject all the choices, teachers, dogmas, and con jobs tempting him. What helooks for has been within him all along. Just find the road back home. Jacob’sLadder is the only way. As you’ll discover in this book. God, or whatever else youwant to call It/Him/Her/Them, according to your respective religious persua-sion, has given us all a familiar natural archetype that anyone, of any religion, ofany nationality, of any region on this earth, of any level of education, and of anyage, will immediately understand. History has shown us that anyone who stub-bornly insists that this archetype is exclusive of his cultural and religious upbring-ing, is the True Anti-Christ. He will allow devastating wars and calamitiescapable of destroying nearly all living beings, as happened in the Noachide Flood.He will conceitedly and foolishly declare that anyone who doesn’t share his exclu-siveness is the Anti-Christ. I sometimes think that God has used this archetype assome kind of practical joke, in order to cull out those who have the sense tounderstand it from those who don’t.

Those who have read my previous books doubtlessly observed that I haranguemercilessly the sins of Belief/Not-Belief-even in this one. After I was musteredout of the Marine Corps in 1954, I bought Eric Hoffer’s book, The True Believer.The book electrified me and vindicated my dislike for that despicable emotion,for it is not a way of thinking as we are erroneously taught. In Mexico, where Igraduated from college, I noted that the Mexicans at that time in history idolized“Belief/Not-Belief.” They often asked me: “What are your most deeply held andcherished beliefs?”

They became shocked and even insulting when I answered, “What does hav-ing to believe a lot of mularkey have to do with my character as a person? I’malways striving to become better and better, in every way.”

When I first began writing my books about Belief/Not-Belief, I naivelythought that what I had to say would awaken people, freeing them of its enslave-ment of their minds, just as Eric Hoffer’s book had given me a measure ofenlightenment. But I was wrong. Americans are generally as crazy about God Bel

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as the Mexicans are. It was then that I decided to just concentrate on the subjectmatter in this book, which deals with the progenitors of all mankind (the Turks),Jacob’s Ladder, the Holy Directions, and the Holy Trinity (Kristos or Logos).They can never be intelligently refuted or contradicted-at least, not by peoplewho truly love God (Creation).

The wonderful aspect about Jacob’s Ladder, the Holy Directions, and theHoly Trinity is that we can still keep on studying and progressing scientifically,socially, and economically. No need to return to ignorance, for ignorance is whatgot all us humans lost in the first place.

A great difficulty I will have, in spite of this book, is that not one of my readerswill understand it fully as I want it to be understood. In every way, each humanbeing is an entity unto himself. Our ways of understanding are just as individualas our finger prints, eye prints, physical and facial features, ways of walking, emis-sions of life energies, and the like. Most of us allow ourselves to think that somepeople are “like” others. In truth, there are only approximations. Jesus himselfsaid that his teachings would not unite any of us. All words, even scriptures, arejust Babel-even my own writings. All beings, things, and phenomena on earth,such as all animals, birds, fish, one-celled bacteria, even earth, air, fire, and water,are in eternal competition against one another. If you doubt this truth, explainsuch things as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornados, floods, droughts, andforest fires. Do you really think they occur “by accident?” We aren’t even safefrom being bombarded from Outer Space. Life on this earth has been destroyedmore than once. We don’t need holy books to convince us of that reality. Sciencehas proven it. And when we travel to Outer Space, we’ll still be fighting for dom-inance over all organic and inorganic matter there. Even the planet we presentlylive on, and those remaining for us to inhabit, are giving us a run for our money.Who can prove that this isn’t so?

I am come to send fire on the earth; and what better wish can I have thanthat it should be kindled? There is a baptism I must needs be baptized with,and how distressed I am for its accomplishment! Do you think that I havecome to bring peace on the earth? No, believe me, I have come to bring dis-sension. (Luke 12:49-53.)

Simply put, Jesus came to earth to give us, free of charge, the one and onlyway we can survive the eternal holocaust going on everywhere in the universe.

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The Turks Gave Us Our God,Our Holy Cross, the Name ofJesus, and the Holy Trinity!

Before discussing the way Creation (God) keeps us from competing success-fully with Him/Her/It/They, I must define what the word God really means. TheTurks’ primal religion, Tengri, known in early post-Christian Europe as Arianismor Aryanism (Ari in Turkic), allowed a person to use a Divine Word that bestexpressed and revealed his Inner Self.

The following is a partial list of the spiritual and mental states (Gods) that bestmet the spiritual requirements of the ancient Turkic worshippers:

Hodai/Khodai. The ancient Turks often regarded “H” and “K’ as fundamen-tally the same sounds because in many languages, “H” is guttural. This is ourword for “God,” the unseen archetype of all Creation. It originally meant“vulva” or “vagin*,” meaning “The Source of All Things,” or “Creation.” Itwas the choice of Divine Manifestation of the Kara Turks or those whom wenow call Jews and Christians (Panchala Krishtaya) or Catholics (Ketylika.) TheKashmiri language, derived from Turkic and Sanskrit, reveals “God’s essentialNature:” God, meaning “the beginning, commencement, of anything.” (Ref-erence: George A. Grierson’s Dictionary of The Kashmiri Language. It is of inter-est to note that many of the ancient Turks who worshiped “God” or “Bogh,”many hundreds of years before Christ, had the Torah as their primary holybook. This, along with the fact that they were all also Panchala Kristaya, wasthe primary reason why Catholic Christianity spread like a prairie firethroughout Central Asia and deep into India in a short time.

Bogh. A word identical in meaning and function to “God.” The Sanskrit wordBagha or Bakh means the same thing, but in an androgynous sense. It is stillused in the Turkish-influenced nations.


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Hz/Khz. This is the word that the ancient Turks used to refer to our Jesus, thereincarnated son of the Archetype of All Mankind: Kristos. It is really a syn-onym of the next God on my list.

Apollo. An epithet of Apollo is Ie or Yah. He was also Hrist, Kristos, Hz, andKhz. For the Khristayas (Way of Life of the Phoenicians or Turks). the physi-cal encarnation of The Archetypical Father was Kristis. Siberia (Shivarya) wasnamed after the God Shiva (The Archetypical Father of The Original FiveHuman Tribes, the Panchala Krishtaya). Shiva was Japhet, a son of Noah, Jya-peti in Sanskrit, Jupiter, derived from Sanskrit Dyupitar, Dyaus (Zeus), Dyu(Jew or Sun God) and more, were all names that the ancient Turks used todefine the nature of Tengri, their primordial concept of God.

Buda. Those who were devoted to Buda or Hz/Khz were determined to searchout their own souls and achieve spiritual superiority through their own efforts,without the intercession of priests, preacher, rabbis, and imans to force themhow to live and think. In India, religious leaders imposing a spiritual policestate on people were called Brahman.

Dini, another epithet of Buddha and Jesus. It is interesting to note that thereligion of the Navajos, derived from the Sanskrit word for sailor, Navaja, callthemselves Diné, meaning “People of Religion.” They, too, are Buddhists orChristians. This word leaves no doubt as to their origins.

Gospodi or Gozbodi. This name was so sacred and hallowed, that not even thepriests of Tengri dared to utter it. However, linguistically it reveals itself as“Christ the Buddha,” having the Holy Trinity or “Cross” as its symbol ofTrue Scientific Divinity.

Bel. Those who were masoch*stic, liked violence, and felt that blood sacrificeand reading scriptures made one “right” with God. For us, it symbolizesChrist nailed to the horizontal beam of the Cross as completely disconnectedfrom the vertical beam symbolizing Kristi, the archetypical father of man-kind’s five races. Because World Civilization first began in the Arctic Circle,and because it afterwards extended southward as far as what is now Sri Lanka,the Bel followers decided that the Sacred Directions were North and South.At night, their bodies aligned themselves with the North and South. Usingterror and brute force, their theocratic leaders forced everyone to do this. Theysurrendered their bodies and souls to Baleva or Ab-Babel, “Father of Confu-sion.”

Allah/Ollo. The devotees to Allah or Ollo felt that only a strong theocraticgovernment, with the dictatorial priests and preachers directing their lives andtelling them how to think and act, could lead mankind to salvation, becauseon his own he could not do it. It was a form of Hindu Brahmanism.

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Not-Gods, Highly Developed Individuals, Masters, Lords, or Semi-Deities. Thesehad names similar to the Gods themselves: Hrist, Kristos, Rab, Allah, Tenri,and Isa. Jesus Christ was called Mesih (Messiah) and Isa.

The Tengri worshippers had a number of deities from which to choose. I havejust named a few, in order not to confuse my readers too much.

The ancient Turks, no matter what “inner God” they worshipped, attendedreligious services in the same Tengri (Aryan) temples. No one was made to con-form to any particular religious persuasion.

Author Murad Adji confirms much of the above:

Who was…that Great Tengri, the heart of Turkic culture?Tengri was an invisible spirit inhabiting the Heaven, as vast as the Heaven

itself and as wide as the whole world. The Turkis reverently called Him theEternal Blue Sky or Tengri Khan, the latter name emphasizing His supremacyin the Universe.

He was the Only God, the Creator of the world and all forms of life onEarth, the Lord. So much was said in ancient legends, which are still remem-bered in our time. To understand the wisdom and depth of faith in Tengri,people were to embrace one simple truth—God is one and He sees everything.You cannot conceal anything from Him. He is the Lord and Judge.

The Turkic people developed a habit of looking forward to Judgment Day.Not in helpless fear, though, for people were sure that supreme justice existedin the world. It was the Judgment of God, to be passed on to everybody, kingor slave.

God is protection and punishment, all in one. This was what the Turkis’faith in the Only God was based on.

Religion was the supreme achievement of the Turkic people’s spiritual cul-ture. The Turkis threw out their pagan gods and turned to Tengri-each inone’s own tongue, Bogh (Bogdo or Boje); Hodai (or Kodai); Allah or Ollo,Gospodi or Gozbodi.

Note: Hodee is the Hebrew word for Hindu. We must keep in mind that theTurks and the Hindus are the same people.

These words resounded in the Altai Mountains as long as two and a halfthousand years ago. And, of course, many other words were addressed to Ten-gri as well.

Bogh was the most frequent word on people’s lips, though. It invokedpeace, calm and perfection. The Turkis now went into battle with Bogh intheir hearts and minds. And took up every challenge with Bogh at their side.

Another form of address to God, Hodai (literally, Be Happy), emphasisedthe unique qualities of Tengri—the Almighty in this world, its Creator. All-

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powerful and Benevolent. Allah (or Ala) was the least frequent word used byancient Turkis. It only came to their minds in moments of desperation whenthey wanted to ask the Great Tengri Khan for something very important intheir lives. The word derived from the Turkic al (hand), suggesting “givingand taking”. In its original sense, Allah could only be uttered while saying aprayer with hands held out in front of you and palms up to face the GreatBlue Sky. Gospodi was the rarest of all-it could only be spoken by priests. Lit-erally, the word means “seeing the light” or “eye opener”. It was an addressone could say in a moment of truth, and it was full of philosophical wisdom.A truly righteous man could ask for guidance in penetrating the inner sense ofthings. The rules to be followed in prayer, celebration or fasting, were polishedover the centuries, to develop into a code of behavior or rites, performed bypriests. Turkic priests could be told from laymen by the way they dressed andbehaved. Their clothing consisted of long robes (caftans or mantles) andpeaked hoods, which were white for senior clergy and black for the rest of thepriesthood. You can guess all right that ancient artists cut images of priests onAltai rocks. So we now know what those “white wanderers” (a popular phrasefor them) were-preachers of the faith.

The Turkis chose a simple equal-armed cross, aji, for a symbol of TengriKhan. The cross was not new to Turkic culture, though-it had been an impor-tant element in Turkis’ lives, along with a “skew” cross that was a sign of theunderworld and old, underground gods.

As can be expected, aji crosses were very crude and simple, gradually evolv-ing into real works of art crafted by jewelers, who used to give them a goldcoat and adorn them with gems to please the eye and heart.

Skew crosses appeared in the Altai between three and four thousand yearsago. In actual fact, those were not crosses and were named so by Europeanswhen they first learned about Tengri religion.

Semantically, the cross is an intersection of two lines. The Tengri signshows no intersection, and is, in fact, a solar circle with four equally spacedrays radiating from it. Get the difference?

Sun rays, otherwise interpreted as grace of God emanating from a singlecentre. They are a Heavenly sign that marks off Turkic culture, the culture ofa people that had profound faith in the power of the Eternal Blue Sky.

Occasionally, a crescent was added to the Tengri sign (or cross, if you like),to convey a different message-a reminder of time and perpetuity. The Sun andMoon were closely related to ancient Turkis (hence their twelve-year calen-dar).

The Tengri sign was embroidered on battle banners and worn on a chainon the chest. It was tattooed on foreheads and woven into designs and orna-ments by artists. It was all in the spirit of strong national tradition.

I asked my friend, Dravidian holy man Shri Subash Bose, whether he knewwhat the word Tengri really meant.

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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?44


Dear Brother Bose,By now, you’ve probably seen that online book I sent you, written by the

Turkish historian, Murad Adji. He speaks of the ancient Turkish God Tengri.I have been trying to find the true meaning of that word. Most generally, onehas only to go to the Sanskrit dictionary to find out anything he wants. Butthis time I can’t find it. Never in my studies of Hinduism have I found thatword. But Mr. Adji says that when the Turks emigrated to India, the Ramanasor Indians accepted Tengri as one of their principal gods. I notice that theword Giri means “mountain and the eight mountains surrounding Mt.Meru.” But I cannot find the meaning of the word Ten. Linguistically it isclose to the word Danu. One of the Turkish republics in Russia is Tannu, alsonamed Tuva or Tiva. It is very strange that some of our Southwestern Ameri-can Indian tribes also call themselves Tanu and Tewa. Brother Bose, whichHindu god would you say that Tengri is? I have suspected that he may beKubera. And then again, he may be Shiva. The reason why I thought he maybe Kubera is that he discovered iron. Also, another name of Kubera is Danu,meaning “Conqueror.” What do you say? You don’t have to agree with me,for I want your opinion which I will take seriously.


Dear brother Gene,Also there is a name for Lord Kubera called “Tanathan.”The word Tengri, appears as Thengri in Tamil. Then or Ten means

(South). The shortened version of the word Therku is Ten. Gri or Kri meansmountain, the mountain (Gri) in the southern (Then or Ten) part of MountHimalayan-Immayam). The name of mountain Pothigaimalai is called Ten-gri, from which pleasant (Tendral) wind comes to many parts of Tamil Nadu,in particular to Madurai city and around. Saint Agasthiya said remain Pothi-gaimalai (Tengri). You must know that Malai means Hills or mountain.

Tanam-means Gold, if we add Gri or Kri it will show that Tangri meansGolden Mountain, known as Mount Meru. There is a name of mother god-dess as Dhan+vandari or Tan+vandri.

By comparing the above two, possibly the word Tengri may be referring toMount Meru, where the mother goddess abides.

Since I claim that Jesus Christ is a spiritual and blood descendant of theancient Krishtayas (Aryans), I will let the word “God” predominate in my discus-sion of the original human concept of Jesus Christ. Naturally, there are manywords for “God” in the world. Perhaps the most common word of God in the

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pre- and post-diluvial world was and is the Turkish Tengri or Tenri. The nameisn’t important. It’s the game that counts.

The original meaning of “God” implies that Creation is feminine. I have noexplanation of this. Perhaps none is necessary, according to what Brother Bosetold me.

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Could the AncientHyperboreans Live a

Thousand Years?

The holy books of the world’s major religions state that at one time, humanscould easily live for a thousand years. Moreover, they state in what part of theworld people could live that long: ancient Siberia, Hyperborea, which are reallyall the Turkish peoples from Northwestern Canada, Alaska, Siberia, includingthe countries down to and including Northern India. In short, the whole of Cen-tral Asia. The Hebrew Torah, the Hindu Vedas, The Greek myths, the Koran,the Mayans of Mexico, and the ancient Chinese history books all mention thisanomaly. I have drawn from all those sources.

Nei Ching, The Yellow Emperor Classic of Internal Medicine, was supposed tohave been written more than five thousand years ago. It is a Taoist document.The book describes a conversation about human health and healing between theYellow Emperor and a divinely inspired teacher named Chi’Po. I will just quotefrom a few passages.

Huang Ti said: “I have heard that in ancient times there were the so-calledSpiritual Men. They mastered the Universe and controlled Yin and Yang, thetwo principles in nature. They breathed the essence of life, they were indepen-dent in preserving their spirit, and their muscles and flesh remainedunchanged. Therefore, they could enjoy a long life, just as there is no end forHeaven and Earth, All this was the result of their life in accordance with Tao,the Right Way.

“In medieval times there existed the Sapients; their virtue was preservedand they unfailingly upheld Tao, the Right Way. They lived in accord withYin and Yang, and in harmony with the four seasons. They departed from thisworld and retired from mundane affairs; they saved their energies, and pre-served their spirits completely. They roamed and traveled all over the universeand could see and hear beyond the eight distant places. By all these means


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they increased their life and strengthened it; and at last they attained the posi-tion of the Spiritual Man.

As the Nei Ching says, the Sapients and the Spiritual Men could choose toleave their bodies and explore the universe, or they could choose to remain intheir bodies and enjoy the physical and material world. There were no limits putupon them. Naturally, such a life would make most of us happy.

The Nei Ching continues to say:

“They were succeeded by the Sages, The Sages attained harmony withHeaven and Earth and followed closely the laws of the eight winds. They wereable to adjust their desires to worldly affairs, and within their hearts there wasneither hatred nor anger. They did not wish to separate their activities fromthe world; they could be indifferent to custom. They did not over-exert theirbodies at physical labour and they did not over-exert their minds by strenuousmeditation. They were not concerned about any thing, they regarded innerhappiness and peace as fundamental, and contentment as highest achieve-ment. Their bodies could never be harmed and their mental faculties never bedissipated. Thus they could reach the age of one hundred years or more.

“They were succeeded by the Men of Excellent Virtue who followed therules of the universe and emulated the sun and the moon, and they also dis-covered the arrangement of the stars; they could foresee the works of Yin andYang and obey them; and they could distinguish the four seasons. They fol-lowed the ancient times and tried to maintain their harmony with Tao. Indoing so they increased their age toward a long life.” The Yellow Emperor’sClassic of Internal Medicine, translated by Ilza Veith. Published by Universityof California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London 1972.

Notice that all humans fell five steps to degradation. The cabalistic idea of“Jacob’s Ladder” means that if we want to again become Spiritual Men, we mustclimb back to where we originated.

As Chi’Po said, in the beginning of mankind’s existence on earth, humansunconsciously and naturally obeyed the Tao. Tao was the original name of TheFundamental Laws of Nature. The term was once used by all the peoples of theancient world, included the Americas. The Greeks called it Theo, Zeus, and Jupi-ter. For the ancient Mexican Toltecs and Aztecs, it was Teo, Teotl, and Tonatiu(Sun God). Some of our North American Indian tribes used the term Manitou(God of Mankind). The Romans called it Dio, Deus and Zeus. In Sanskrit, it wasknown as Dyu, Dyaus, and Dyaus Pitar. The Jews call it Tau. Notice the nearlyexact linguistic similarities between the Greek and Sanskrit names. The Phoeni-cians called it Taut, Taus, Taut, Tash. For the Egyptians, It was Thoth. The

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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?48

O’odham Indians of Southern Arizona and Northern Mexico called and call itJosh and Ju (The Sun). It was also named after what was an ancient post-deluvialking of Siberia: Shiva. Shiva was really Dyaus-Pitar, Jupiter, or Japhet. In San-skrit, he was called Jyapeti. Siberia was named after him: Shivarya (The NobleOne). Shiva is not only a God of the world, and with his names and epithets, buthe was and is the first God worshiped In India. As I stated in the previous chap-ter, God’s Turkish name was Tengri or Tenri. The Tengri symbol was a cross. Infact, our Christian cross was derived from the Tengri religion. Nearly every pastand present religion in the world had and has a Cross as a symbol of veneration.It was carried to the world by the Phoenician Krishtayanis or “Catholics,” for theKrishtayanis, who were really Turks, also called their powerful religion Katylikain Turkish, and Ketuloka in Sanskrit. Both terms mean the Universal Religion ofMankind.

Like most of the other major holy books of the world, the Mayan Popol-Vuhstates that until mankind rids himself of the temptation to play God, the creativeforces will keep him bound in ignorance and sexual slavery:

They were endowed with intelligence; they saw and instantly they couldsee far, they succeeded in seeing, they succeeded in knowing all that there is inthe world. When they looked, instantly they saw all around them, and theycontemplated in turn the arch of heaven and the round face of the earth.

The things hidden [in the distance] they saw all, without first having tomove; at once they saw the world, and so, too, from where they were, they sawit.

Great was their wisdom; their sight reached to the forests, the rocks, thelakes, the seas, the mountains, and the valleys. In truth, they were admirablemen. Balam-Quitzé, Balam-Acab, Mahucutah, and Iqui-Balam.

Then the Creator and the Maker asked them: “What do you think of yourcondition? Do you not see? Do you not hear? Are not your speech and mannerof walking good? Look, then! Contemplate the world, look [and see] if themountains and the valleys appear! Try, then, to see!” they said to [the four firstmen].

And immediately they [the four first men] began to see all that was in theworld. Then they gave thanks to the Creator and the Maker: “We really giveyou thanks, two and three times! We have been created, we have been given amouth and a face, we speak, we hear, we think, and walk; we feel perfectly,and we know what is far and what is near. We also see the large and the smallin the sky and on earth. We give you thanks, then, for having created us, oh,Creator and Maker, for having given us being, oh, our Grandmother! Oh, ourGrandfather!” they said, giving thanks for their creation and formation.

They were able to know all, and they examined the four comers, the fourpoints of the arch of the sky and the round face of the earth.

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But the Creator and the Maker did not hear this with pleasure. “It is notwell what our creatures, our works say; they know all, the large and the small,”they said. And so the Forefathers held counsel again. “What shall we do withthem now? Let their sight reach only to that which is near; let them see only alittle of the face of the earth! It is not well what they say. Perchance, are theynot by nature simple creatures of our making? Must they also be gods? And ifthey do not reproduce and multiply when it will dawn, when the sun rises?And what if they do not multiply?” So they spoke.

“Let us check a little their desires, because it is not well what we see. Mustthey perchance be the equals of ourselves, their Makers, who can see afar, whoknow all and see all?”

Thus spoke the Heart of Heaven, Huracán, Chipi-Caculhá, Raxa-Caculhá,Tepeu, Gucumatz, the Forefathers, Xpiyacoc, Xmucané, the Creator and theMaker. Thus they spoke, and immediately they changed the nature of theirworks, of their creatures.

Then the Heart of Heaven blew mist into their eyes, which clouded theirsight as when a mirror is breathed upon. Their eyes were covered and theycould see only what was close, only that was clear to them.

In this way the wisdom and all the knowledge of the four men, the originand beginning [of the Quiché race], were destroyed.

In this way were created and formed our grandfathers, our fathers, by theHeart of Heaven, the Heart of Earth.

Genesis tells us that Nature will not give Man effective control over her secretsuntil he rids himself of his animal-like propensity to exploit, harm, murder,accept, reject, classify, and judge innocent human beings. Those with the greatestknowledge, money, fame, and power must be especially virtuous and humanitar-ian. Man will not be allowed to have more than a tiny amount of control overnatural phenomena. First, Man must submit himself totally and honestly to thereality of a Higher Power, just as he must now render obeisance to man-createdgovernments. This is the fundamental reason why most educated and powerfulmen think that lack of spirituality is “scientific” and that simple, uneducated peo-ple are “superstitious”.

And the Lord God said, ‘Now that the man has become one of us, know-ing good and bad, what if he should stretch out his hand and take also fromthe tree of life and eat, and live forever!’ So the Lord God banished him fromthe Garden of Eden, to till the soil from which he was taken. He drove theman out, and stationed east of the garden of Eden the cherubim and the fieryever-turning sword, to guard the way of the tree of life. (Genesis 4:20-24.)

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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?50

The Bible mentions the ages of the patriarchs of old. In the following list, notethat after the flood, the longevity of human kind began to decrease dramatically:

Pre-diluvial Period

Adam 930; Seth 912; Enoch 905; Kenan 910; Mahaleel 895; Jared 862;Methuselah 969; Lamech 777.

Post-diluvial Period

Noah 950; Shem 602; Sala 433; Eber 464; Peleg 239; Serug 230; Nahor 148;Terah 205; Abraham 175; Isaac 180; Jacob 147; Job 140; Levi 137; Kohath133; Amaran 137; Moses; 120; Joshua 110; Eli 98; David 70.

The following ancient historians confirm that pre-historical mankind lived forup to hundreds of years until just after the Great Flood:

Hecataus; Hellenicus; Acusilaus; Manetho; Berosus; Machu; Hestiaeus;Hieronymus; Hesios; Ephorus; Nicolaus; Josephus.

The Hindus share most of our own Old Testament or Torah traditions also.The five original tribes of mankind were collectively called Panchala Krishtaya(Phoenician Christians) or Panchala Kristihan (Phoenician Christian Conquer-ors), also called Arya (Ari in Turkic). Each brought with them an oral history oftheir pre- and post-diluvial past, which in the Turkic language was called Tarih.Unlike many other languages, the Turkish language remains fundamentally sta-ble. And no wonder! Many of the words in that strange language are incrediblyshort. Such short words don’t easily change perceptibly.

When I was a youngster, my teachers said that the word “history” means “hisstory.” Its real meaning is History of the Hittites (Keder) or Kassites (Keser/Kai-ser)-the Turks. We hom*o-Sapiens-Sapiens all descend from the mysterious Turk-ish tribes who, even today, remain a mystery to us. We can now clearly see that“history” really means Torah of the Kassites (Turks). From where did we get thewords Kassites and Hittites? Naturally, from the Turks.

When the Five Panchala Kristihan or Aryan descendants of Noah enteredIndia, they brought them their their science of the Cross, The Holy Trinity, Uni-versal Life Energy, and the reasons for mankind’s deprivation of a long life on thisearth.

Bavishya Purana, an ancient Hindu holy book, says:

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There is a couple named Adama and his wife Havyavati. They are bornfrom Vishnu-kardama and will increase the generations of mlecchas…In theeastern side of Pradan city where there is a big God-given forest, which is 16square yojanas in size. The man named Adama was staying there under aPapa-Vriksha or a sinful tree and was eager to see his wife Havyavati. The KaliPurusha quickly came there assuming the form of a serpent. He cheated themand they disobeyed Lord Vishnu. The husband ate the forbidden fruit of thesinful tree. They lived by eating air with the leaves called udumbara. Afterthat, they had sons and all of them became mlecchas. Adama’s duration of lifewas nine-hundred and thirty years. He offered oblations with fruits and wentto heaven with his wife…The son of Hamuka was Matocchila. He ruled for970 years. His son Lomaka ruled 777 years and went to heaven. His sonNyuha (Noah) ruled for 500 years. He had three sons named Sima, Sama andBhava. Nyuha was a devotee of Lord Vishnu.

Once the Lord appeared in his dream and said: “My dear Nyuha, pleaselisten, there will be devastation on the seventh day. Therefore, you have to bevery quick that you make a big boat and ride in it. O chief of the devotees, youwill be celebrated as a great king”.

Then he made a strong boat which was 300 feet long, 50 feet wide and 30feet high. It was beautiful and all the living entities could take shelter in it. Hethen himself rode in it, engaged in meditating on Lord Vishnu.

Lord Indra called the devastating cloud named Sambartaka and pouredheavy rain continuously for 40 days. The whole earth, Bharat-varsa, hadmerged in the water and four oceans came up together. Only Visala orBadarikasrama was not submerged. There were 80,000 great transcendental-ists in Visala who joined with king Nyuha and his family. All of them weresaved and everything else was destroyed.

Note: Mleccha (M’Lekkha) is an ancient Sanskrit word, meaning “Foreigner.”The Hebrew word for “Sailor” is Malakh. Bharat-varsa is India itself. Note alsothat this story implies that India had once conquered the whole world.

The Turks and the Hindus share the same history because when the Five Pan-chala or Ari Krishtayas entered India, they merged their own traditions withthose of India. But all that has changed. India has since been cut down to what isnow the Indian sub-continent. Even now, parts of it are being hacked away.Therefore, just as most of today’s modern Christians don’t know about the AryanTurks, neither do the Hindus know anything about that part of them which wasamputated so many centuries in the past. I think this is the reason why the Hin-dus see Adam and Noah as the same person, for that was the period when theAryans or Krishtaya first showed up in their part of the world.

The Roman natural philosopher, Gaius Plinius Secundus (23-79 AD, betterknown a Pliny the Elder, wrote that the Hyperboreans lived beyond the Ripaean

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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?52

mountains (Central Asia) that the Hyperboreans were a happy race and no dis-cord or sorrow ever occurred there. He said that they lived for as long as theydesired, up to a thousand years. When they got tired of living, they would leapoff a certain rock into the sea. (Pliny Book IV, see 89.)

The Greeks also knew about Hyperborea, claiming that it was the birthplaceof Apollo. The Bulgarians say that Apollo was born in Pataya, Bulgaria.

Herodotus affirmed that they were connected with the cult of Apollo, the sun-god, and their nation was a paradise. He stated that they lived “beyond the NorthWind, which certainly indicates some region near the Arctic Circle. TheseHyperboreans were said to be able to leave their bodies at will, traveling to anypart of the earth. They did this by astral projection and bilocation.

I extracted the following article from the online encyclopedia Wikipedia:

Jean-Sylvain Bailly (1736-1793), who was an astronomer and a mystic,comments that “it is a very remarkable thing that enlightenment appears tohave come from the North, against the common prejudice that the Earth wasenlightened, as it was populated, from the South…” He then goes on to pointout that, according to all the legends and ancient wisdom, “as humanity beganto reconstitute itself after the Noahic Deluge, the purest stream of civilizationdescended from Northern Asia into India, which to this day carries “evidenceof having the most ancient astronomical system on Earth”. He continues onto point out that, in most of the ancient mythologies of the world, thereappears to be a race-memory of a racial origin in the far North and a subse-quent gradual migration southward.

Another great scientific mind of the same era, the Comte de Buffon, placedthe first civilizations in northern and central Asia, east of the Caspian Sea, buthe seemed to be in general agreement with Bailly about a northern origin formankind, rather than a Middle Eastern or Southern one. Rev. Dr. W.F. War-ren, who was president of Boston University and belonged to several learnedsocieties, revived the polar origin theory for mankind in a book published in1885: “Paradise Found”, of which the thesis was “That the cradle of thehuman race…was situated at the North Pole, in a country submerged at thetime of the Deluge.”

His theory compared very well with all the relevant sciences and compara-tive mythology—especially that of Germany. Warren was a Christian and anavowed anti-Darwinist, and he utterly rejected the concept of man havingevolved from the ape, through a period of primitive savagery. He believed thatthe earliest men were the noblest and the longest-lived, “and it was only afterthe Deluge, that humanity began to take on the feeble lineaments of our-selves.” At least, in his work he reveals some amazing insight into what couldhave caused the Deluge, through God’s Hand, by pointing out that, after thesurvivors of the polar flood settled in their north Asian exile, “they found the

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skies (or heavens) tilted in respect to the way they had known them: the NorthStar was no longer overhead”, and he mentions that “they perfectly under-stood why this was so…but their rude descendants, unfavoured with the trea-sures of antediluvian science, and born only to a savage, nomadic life…mighteasily have forgotten the explanation”—which was that, “instead of thehuman horizon, it was the Earth that had shifted”. Here, at long last, we getthe first oblique mention of a polar shift.

Support from India

Bal Gangadhar Tilak (1856-1920), a renowned pioneer protagonist ofIndian Independence at the turn of the century, was also a scholar in astron-omy and Vedic antiquities, who among other feats, was able to place the old-est Indian Vedic civilization at around 4500 BC.

Tilak was jailed by the British for his anti-British writings for several years,and this time he put to good use in studying the Veda scripts, in relation toknown astronomical and geological events. He published his findings in awork: “The Arctic Home of The Vedas”, in 1903. In this he stated that,according to his readings of the Vedas, the original Arctic home of humanitywas destroyed around 10,000 to 8,000 BC by the last Ice Age, and that from8,000 to 3,000 BC, was the Age of Wandering, before the Vedic people finallysettled in India between 5,000 and 3,000 BC. By then, he went on to add,they had already begun to forget their Arctic origins, and their traditions hadbegun to go rapidly downhill.

As we have seen in earlier accounts, his timing of this cataclysm fits in veryclosely with what we know of the destruction of Atlantis and Mu, so we canattribute it to the same cause-a sudden polar shift, resulting in both tidal wavesand tectonic upheavals followed by a very rapid relocation of the polar ice-caps: the so-called “Ice Age”. So, we have the destruction of Mu, dated veryapproximately at 12,000 years ago, that of Atlantis around 10,000 to 12,000years ago, and, according to best estimates, the destruction of Hyperborea alsoat around the same time-frame of 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. Could thisthen, be also the time of the Biblical “Flood” one wonders?

As far as I’m able to determine by reading sundry authorities, this wouldseem to be the case. So it’s up to my readers to resolve for themselves whetherthis is a pure coincidental matter, or whether God chose to bring about thecleansing of an evil and disobedient world by means of a purely natural cata-strophic event—which would seem to be a perfectly logical thing to do if Onewere the Supreme Intellect, who created the entire Universe along purely logi-cal lines.

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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?54

Wanting to know more about what the Hindus think of the existence ofHyperborea, which they call Uttara Kuru (Northernmost Turkey), I again wroteto my friend Mr. Subash Bose about these matters:


Dear Brother Bose,Nearly all the major groups of people on earth discuss Uttara Kuru. The

Chinese, Turks, Greeks, the Old Testament of the Jews and Christians, andthe Mayan holy books state that at one time the people of Uttara Kuru livedup to a thousand years and could enter, leave, and re-enter their bodies at will.Do the Indian books state that? Please let me know.


Uttara Kuru: Let me assume it as a Tamil or Sanskrit word.Uttara—means North.Kuru—I am spelling it as, Guru—means Teacher.Uttara Kuru—may also mean the Himalayan mountains. Parvathi, the

consort of Lord Siva, is the daughter of Mount Himalayas).North direction is for the Mother Goddess. She can bless all beings to get

wisdom or Gnana Sakthi, to attain the liberation from the cycle of birth anddeath.

Oh Mother! You are the one the glorious bright light, hidden in a shape havinghead, two wings, tail and body and which is covered with five sheaths such as Foodsheath, Breath sheath, Mind sheath, Intelligence sheath and Bliss sheath. Thosewho realize and understand shall become knowers of Brahma Vidya or BrahmaGnani. (Sakthi Mahimna Sosthiram-24—An extract from our book “The DivineLight of Soul and the Goats and Tiger Game”.)

Yes, it is a fact that those who know the Brahma Vidya shall attain JivaMukthi.

They can travel to any far distance and reach the feet of Paramatma(Supreme Lord), can have direct communication with him/her and shallreturn to earth to live as human beings.

In the term of metaphysics, those who have attained Jiva mukthi are simi-lar to dead persons because they do not have any attachment to the materialworld. They find happiness in each and every thing, there is no misery or sor-row for them. It is in so many ancient manuscripts…

Such Jiva Mukthas (liberated man while living) lived in this earth thou-sands of year on this mother earth, their souls are capable to leave the body,reach the Supreme soul and re-enter into their body again. Those who traveledin Tamil Nadu, can practically see such Jivamuktha’s just living even like abeggar, sleeping on the road and look like a mad person. But they are the real

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Jivamukthas, The Great Purusas, it is the blessings of mother Goddess to us tosee such divine personalizes. Hope the above may fulfill your requirements.

The Tibetans call Uttara Kuru Kedar Khand (Country of God Shiva). There isalso an area of India’s state of Uttaranchel called Panch Kedar Khand, The Abodeof Phoenician Shiva.

Unlike our present concept of Christianity, the Hindus and Buddhists teachthat Heaven and Hell are in no other place but this earth. Therefore, someearthly humans are living in hell, others in purgatory, some are composed of vari-ous states of heaven, hell, purgatory, etc., because not all of us progress uni-formly. We are illustrious in some areas of development, mediocre in others, andabysmal in other ways. Regarding conduct and spiritual progress, we are checker-boards. As Brother Bose said, we even have spiritual humans among us, such asJesus Christ. They don’t always make themselves known, and they don’t alwayshave to be crucified. So everything boils down to this: We have people and beingsamong us who are in various states of development. Some are at the bottom, oth-ers somewhere near the middle, and others have reached the supreme state.

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Were the Original Five Racesof Humanity from Outer


We who presently call ourselves Christians and Jews, having forgotten allabout our Turkish Aryan roots, recognize our Torah (meaning History of theTurks) as Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. All the mysterieswhich mankind must solve for his own salvation and survival we inherited fromthe original five races of mankind: Yadu, Turvasa, Druhyus, Anu, and Puru. Eachand all of those races known also as Aryans, were, and still are, Turks (Ari orKuru).

Genesis 6 tells us that in remotest times, a people called Nephilim appeared onearth:

When men began to increase on earth and daughters were born to them,the divine beings saw how beautiful the daughters of men were and took wivesfrom among them that pleased. The Lord said, “My breath shall not abide inman forever, since he too is flesh; let the days allowed him be one hundredtwenty years.” It was then, and later too, that the Nephilim appeared on earth-when the divine beings cohabited with the daughters of men, who bore themoffspring. They were the heroes of old, the men of renown.

Notice that the Bible implies that the Nephilim arrived in successive waves.Most people who’ve read Genesis naturally intuit that they came from OuterSpace. From where else could they have come?

Did they arrive in Space Ships? Who can tell for sure? The Phoenicians them-selves said that before the Great Flood, their civilization was 30,000 years old.(The Rg Veda-a History, by Rajesvar Gupta; p. 16.) In that amount of time, theycould have developed an outstandingly high state of civilization, both societal andtechnological. Even scientists are saying that Man may never venture too far into


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Outer Space if he cannot travel at the speed of light. I remember a TV seriescalled Star Trek. Whenever any of the crew members in the space ship wanted tosee a certain planet, they were turned into light and beamed down.

In the Thomas Gospel, which is really a Christian Cabala, Jesus tells his admir-ers and enemies that he and his disciples came from light. If mankind is ever toaccomplish such an incredible feat, a basic pattern must also be beamed down, sothat his bodily atoms and molecules can restructure themselves within their origi-nal form which is the Holy Ghost of each human.

If they say to you, ‘Where did you come from?’ say to them, ‘We camefrom the light, the place where the light came into being on its own accordand established itself and became manifest through their image.’ If they say toyou, ‘Is it you,’ say, ‘We are its children, and we see the elect of the livingfather.’ If they ask you, ‘What is the sign of your father in you?’ say to them,‘It is movement and repose.’ (Thomas Saying 50)

Christ said virtually the same thing to his disciples in Ephesians 5-8: “…nowyou are light in the Lord; walk as children of light…”

You are all children of light, and the children of the day; we are not of night,nor of darkness.” If “light” does not mean what is says, day-light, then what is it?

The ancients, those of all religions, held sunlight to be holy. The Bible associ-ates it with God. “He not only lives in light (Ex:24-10:1; Tim: 1-10:16;) isclothed with it (Ps. 104-2); but he is light (1 John 1:5; Hence when Godbecomes Incarnate, He is called “The Light of the World” (John 1;1-18; 18:12;To walk to the light brings salvation (John 8:12; 12:36; 1 John 1:12; 12:36; 1John 1:7; 2 Cor. 4:6, etc); a life lived without God is darkness (John 3:19; 12:46,etc.) In my researches, I counted so many Old and New Testament statementsthat God is Light, that I couldn’t even begin to count them all. People who dis-agree with me say that Christ was referring to “accuracy in interpreting the scrip-tures.” But no one ever understands the scriptures correctly, if at all; not even I, aresearcher of the world’s scriptures. Everyone interprets in his own way.

Nearly everyone in Jesus’ time was illiterate and unsophisticated. They under-stood “light” as being from the sun and in no other way. For this reason, mostpeople who heard him preach intuited that he was really an incarnation ofApollo. Therefore, his fame extended rapidly from The Holy Land, throughoutCentral Asia, and deep into West Central India. Had people understood light tobe anything else than what it was, the Jesus Christ that we know would beunheard of today.

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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?58

Christ made it abundantly clear that he, his disciples, and all men are basicallyformed from the “breath of God,” which is pure light. Not the “light of under-standing” but flashing, brilliant light. The sun. Nothing on this earth, plant oranimal, can exist without light. Of course, the necessary conditions on a planetmust make it possible for something to be created from light-The Breath ofGod.”

In the Bavishya Purana, the ancient Hindu account of the meeting betweenJesus and King Salivahana, the good king asked Jesus to describe his religiousteachings. Jesus answered: “In truth, oh King, all power rests with the Lord, whois in the center of the sun…”

We know that the Nephilim and “those who followed” didn’t see these“aboriginal earthlings” as undesirable and inferior, for they intermarried withthem, producing progeny. The Torah tells us no lies. Those humans who pre-ceded the Nephilim were just forerunners of one of the five original races knownas the Nephilim. They, too, could have once arrived here in the form of lightwaves.

At first, things went well for the Nephilim: the five Krishtaya or Aryan tribes,the Yadus, Druhyus, Tarvasa, Anus and Purus. The earthly environment sogreatly benefited them that they were able to live nearly ten centuries beyond thelifespan that God had allotted to them. They were not limited in any way, either.They could enter and leave their bodies at will. If they got bored with just whilingaway the centuries in physical form, they could go on vacation to other parts ofthe universe as pure light energy.

If any of them ever became ill for one reason or another, they could becomehealed immediately with a dose or two of extra light energy. The Chinese NeiChing, The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Internal Medicine, confirms this:

The Yellow Emperor said, “From earliest times the communication withHeaven has been the very foundation of life; this foundation exists betweenYin and Yang and between Heaven and Earth and within the six points.

Notice how the Nei Ching, which explains the nature of the Tao, concordswith the Torah. Therefore, we can conclude that the Nei Ching may be the Torahof the race of Anu.

Again I quote from the Nei Ching:

The Atmosphere of Yang is similar to Heaven and to the Sun. Those wholose this atmosphere shorten their lives and do not prolong it. The movements

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of Heaven are illuminated by the sun. Yang rises up to protect man’s bodyexternally.

Again and again, the Torahs of the world insist that all life comes from thelight of the sun.

The Nei Ching says that before mankind started falling into spiritual andmoral decay, all his diseases were healed by “the Gods.” From then on, he had toresort to medicines, manipulations, operations, and the like. “The Gods’ arenothing more, nothing less, than the basic elements and energies coming fromlight.

As I said, our five post-diluvial progenitors healed themselves with concen-trated light energy which they kept in a box. The Torah (The Five Books of Moses,states that this radiant energy, which we call The Ark of the Covenant, could killor cure. When Moses was conferring with God atop the Turkic Mt. Taurus orSinai, God gave him directions for making his own light energy box. This energylocked within this box was capable of giving life or of destroying it. It could evendestroy cities and entire nations.

In Sanskrit, Arka means “belonging or relating to the sun; the sun; copper;fire.”

The Hindu holy books also speak of this all-powerful light energy. Accordingto the myths, the invading Krishtayas brought it into India.

The Aryan Bulgarian, King Kubera, leader of the Turkic Nagas, and his armyof Yakshas or Yakhus (Yehudas) led his subjects to the Hindu Gangetic plains.This could have happened after the Great Flood. They brought along with thema long line of horses or oxen which pulled in their “holy temple.” It was awooden, fortress-like coach. Indian Orientalist, Malati J. Shendge describes it asfollows:

It was “an eight-wheeled, nine-doored, impregnable fortress…” Inside thiswheeled sanctuary was a golden casket called Swarga (Heavenly Light) or Hiran-yaya Kosa (God’s Treasure House), with three spokes and with three supports.”Within the casket lay a strange piece of igneous rock. The ancestors of the Jewishpeople called it Yaksa. Although the casket was kept closed most of the time, amysterious bright light always radiated from it. Over the millenniums, the wordSwarga changed to the Hebrew Zarkor (Searchlight). The Hebrew word Zohar, adocument explaining the Caballah, derives from Swarga.

The energy from the Yaksa (Guardian Angel) element could rejuvenate themind of any person who was devoted to the Holy Trinity. It could even makeplants grow in bone-dry deserts. It also radiated a powerful kinetic energy. How-

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ever, if an evil person touched the “Guardian Angel” (Yaksha) stone, he was eitherburned to a crisp or tossed about like a bouncing rubber ball. Only the purest ofpriests could enclose themselves in the Ark, and even then for just a brief momentor two.

Author Murad Adj hinted in his book that for some reason, priests couldnever enter into the temples honoring Hodai (God) or Tengri for more than a fewminutes.

Prayers were said outside a temple, under the open sky of Tengri. Like itwas back in the Altai when people congregated for prayer at the feet of sacredmountains. Judging by their remains, temples were not large. In the begin-ning, they were built as reminders of those sacred mountains back home,eventually evolving into architectural features.

No one could enter a temple, except for the clergy, who were qualified, andonly for a few brief moments. They wouldn’t hang back more than that any-way, for they were not allowed to breathe inside the sanctuary.

There must be a deeper reason why the priests of God or Tengri could noteven breathe in a temple. Did the ancient Turcic temples house Arks? Or werethey just being superstitious? I would say that they were more rational than all thehumans who came after them. They learned how to smelt all base and preciousmetals. They invented nearly all the world’s alphabets. They traveled everywherein their ships. They were accomplished astronomers. They were poets, scientists,and philosophers.

Would people such as those actually be afraid to even breathe in their templesbecause of some irrational superstition? They had good reasons to be nervouswhen they entered those temples devoted to sun worship.

We’ve been conditioned to “believe” that only Moses found a “Yaksa” stone.But tradition holds it that Kubera did, also. Moses found his “Yaksa” in the Tau-rus Mountains. Kubera found his in Bulgaria. It could be true that enough“Yaksa” was found for all the Tengri or Hodai (God) temples. The Turks say thatMt. Sinai was a Taurus mountain. I decided to study the names of mountains inBulgaria, to see if I could find Kubera’s Mount Sinai. I found a mountain therecalled Sinanica. I went to my Sanskrit Dictionary and discovered a Senanikha,meaning “Body belonging to Lord Brahma (or Heaven).” Could there be moreYaksa stones on top of Mt. Sinanica? Could there be any still available on thatelusive peak in the Taurus mountain chain? It would be good to find out.

The Ethiopians say the original Ark is kept in a Coptic temple in the town ofAxum. They keep it covered so that it won’t endanger people’s lives. When are

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we going to persuade the guardians of that Ark to let our scientists get a peep atit?

Why were Kubera’s subjects called Yaksas? The powers in the light radiatingfrom the Ark could turn people into supermen, capable of overcoming any obsta-cle and giving them everlasting life and health. Kubera was a king whom anyonewould be fortunate to have! If a person advanced in the science of The HolyTrinity let the radiations coming from the Yaksa penetrate his being, then he wasimmediately converted into a mental giant and Spiritual Man.

Orientalist Shendge wrote:

Yaksa “seems to be intimately related to something that is related to thebody but is not the body. There are indications that it can leave one body andenter another. This transferable quality points to spirit or something like thespirit, a kind of essence of the whole personality, the moving force behind it,which was believed to migrate from one body to another. (p. 116.)…A shortpassage in Brhhadarnyaakopanishad (5.4) may serve as a comment on this:“Whoever knows this mahad yaksa with Brahma and the association withBrahma may point to the primal force.” (p. 117.) Author Shendge furtherstates, “Primarily Yaksa may have been a godhead, a supreme deity which wasconceived to be the essence of the universe as well a of the individual…” (TheCivilized Demons-The Harappans in Rgveda; p. 120,)

Over and over again, we get assurances from the world’s holy books that theKristos or Holy Trinity is a reality on which everyone can depend.

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Did the Ancient Turks andHindus Have Airships?

Early in the 16th century, a brilliant Turkish admiral, Piri Reis, obtained someof the charts that Columbus had used to cross the Atlantic to the Americas. Afterexamining Columbus’ maps, Piri Reis noted that they were precise. The admiralhad an impressive collection of copies of ancient charts, some of them thousandsof years old. Being a Turk, he could have had access to documents still held insecret in some Turkish nation. Each time that he dropped anchor in whateverport, he sent his sailors out to find people who owned ancient maps and werewilling to sell them. Using the other ancient copies in his collection, the admiralmade his own world map in 1513. In 1929, some historians rummaging aroundin the harem section of the Topkapi Palace, in Istanbul, Turkey, found this oldchart buried under a pile of trash.

Upon examining the Piri Reis map, the historians were astonished to note thatit presented a detailed and precise outline of the east coast of Southern Mexico,Central America, and South America, as well as the western coast of Africa. Butthis part didn’t surprise them because Columbus’ charts had been used to drawthis map. What shocked them was a huge island off the coast of what is now VeraCruz and an exact outline of the mountains, valleys, islands, rivers, and plains ofthe North Pole and Antarctica before those polar regions became buried underthe thousands of feet of ice covering them today. Supposedly, no one knew thatAntarctica ever existed until 1818. Scientists have always maintained that theAntarctic ice cap is millions of years old. They say that this ice cap has existed fortens of thousands of years. As for that large island, Plato said that one just like ithad sunk under the sea in about 9,000 BC! The Piri Reis map shows Greenlandas two islands. A French expedition made seismic soundings proving that ice cov-ers the space between the two Greenland islands. Army engineers and the U.S.Navy Hydrographic bureau, as well as other scientific organizations, have provenbeyond doubt that the Piri Reis map shows the landforms under the Northern


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and Southern ice caps exactly as they existed before becoming covered by snowand ice. I invite my readers to examine this anomaly themselves on the manywebsites discussing the map and those ancient polar landforms.

What is even more unbelievable and shocking is that all the scientists andexperts who have examined this map are in total agreement that these polar landforms could have been charted only from extremely high altitudes above theearth! Some ancient nation, as early as 12,000 years ago, had airships. A numberof people would like for us to think that the pilots of those airships were really lit-tle green men from Mars. I’m far from ready to accept such declarations withoutconfirming evidence. However, documents like the Piri Reis map point directlytoward the only ancient nations that had mechanized land and air vehicles: Tur-key and India.

Recent underwater archeological explorations prove that large portions ofIndia were civilized thousands of years before Egypt and Sumeria became a gleamin the eyes of their Turkish and Hindu forefathers. Also, Hindu myths talk fre-quently of their ancient land and air vehicles, atomic weapons, and the like. Mostof us know about the Biblical story of Ezekiel being saved by an ancient airship.That incident took place in a Turkish nation: Afghanistan.

Piri Reis himself stated that he had copied much of the information on hismap from maps dating back to Alexander the Great:

I have used twenty maps and mappae mundi dating from the time of Alex-ander the Great showing the islands inhabited by men. The Arab people referto these maps as caferiye. As well as eight caferiye of that kind, I have made useof one Arabic map of India and four modern Portuguese maps, some of whichdelineate the lands of Sind, India and China according to geometrical meth-ods, and one map drawn by Columbus in the western lands. By reducing allthese maps to one scale this form was arrived at. So that the present map is ascorrect and reliable for the seven seas as the map of our countries is consideredcorrect and reliable by seamen.

Piri Reis’ map is not the only map showing the polar landforms and otherlandforms of the world as it appeared more than ten thousand years before thebirth of Christ. Three other maps, made at approximately the same time thatAdmiral Reis made his, those of Oroneus Fineaus, Mercator, and PhillipeBuache, show pre-glacial Antartica before it was supposedly “discovered” in1818. These maps were also included information from copies of ancient chartsmade thousands of years ago. Estimates are made that the original charts weremade as far back as 12,000 to 14,000 BC.

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Wanting to get some hard scientific evidence that the Piri Reis map shows thepre-glacial Antarctica correctly, Professor Charles H. Hapgood, of Keene College,NH, sent pictures and details of the map to the Reconnaissance Technical squad-ron (SAC) of the United States Air Force Westover Air Force base, in Massachu-setts. He asked the officials there to give him their opinion of the Reis map. Thefollowing was their reply:

6, July, 1960Subject: Admiral Piri Reis MapTO: Prof. Charles H. HapgoodKeene CollegeKeene, New HampshireDear Professor Hapgood,Your request of evaluation of certain unusual features of the Piri Reis map of1513 by this organization has been reviewed. The claim that the lower part ofthe map portrays the Princess Martha Coast of Queen Maud Land, Antarctic,and the Palmer Peninsular, is reasonable. We find that this is the most logicaland in all probability the correct interpretation of the map. The geographicaldetail shown in the lower part of the map agrees very remarkably with theresults of the seismic profile made across the top of the ice-cap by the Swedish-British Antarctic Expedition of 1949.This indicates the coastline had been mapped before it was covered by the ice-cap.The ice-cap in this region is now about a mile thick. We have no idea how thedata on this map can be reconciled with the supposed state of geographicalknowledge in 1513.Harold Z. OhlmeyerLt.Colonel,USAF,Commander

Note: The worldwide web has changed the way we corroborate the statements ofwriters and researchers. Before the advent of PCs, authors had to provide their readerswith abundant references for them to search for in libraries. This is no longer neces-sary. To corroborate what I have written thus far, you’ll find innumerable referencesto the Piri Reis map on many websites. You should also read all you can find underthe headings of Cattigara and Trikuta. I will discuss this further in Chapter 14, withsome astonishing maps.

If, as I say, The Aryan Krishtayas and Ramanakas had flying ships and othertechnological marvels, why can’t archeologists find any of them? Why can’t someproofs be brought to light? I am confident that this will happen someday. Surely,when archeologists start penetrating the ancient ruins at the bottom of the seanear the coast of Gujarat, India, they will confirm many statements made inHindu myths, which right now seem bizarre and unbelievable to most of us.

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A famous Hindu historian, P. N. Oak, author of World Vedic Heritage, claimsthat millions of thousands-of-years-old documents, an estimated 90 million, arerotting away in a depository in Poona, India, waiting for the Turks and Indiansto quit bragging about having an illustrious past—and prove it. I know they cando it. A Turkish gentleman, who has read my books and articles, tells me that thearchives of the Chaldean Christian community in Turkey contain thousands ofancient documents, many of which were saved from the fire that burned downthe library of Alexandria.

Perhaps what I have just stated will clear up the mysteries of Mexico’s Teoti-huacan, The Peruvian ruins of Tihuanaco, and those of Karal, Peru, for all threeof these ruins have Turkish names. Teotihuacan derives from Teo (God) plusTiwa (one of the names of the Turkish republic of Tannu, Tewa, or Tiwa) plusKhan (Turkish name for king; kingdom.) The Tannu or Tiwa/Tewa people wereso highly advanced that in India, the word came to be Deva (Demi-God). Tihua-naco is estimated to be around 20,000 years old. Its name may derive from Tiwaplus Naga. The old pyramids and ruins at Karal are older than the pyramids ofEgypt. Karal derives from the Turkish word Kral, meaning “Royal Domain.”

Taking into consideration all that I have said so far about the ancient Turks, Iknow that my Christian, Jewish, Turkic, Buddhist, Shinto, Confucian, Taoistand Hindu readers may be wanting to ask me:

If what you say about the Turks is true, what happened to make them sinkinto ignominy? Why are the Turkish republics the most mysterious andunknown countries in today’s modern world? Why do they no longer demon-strate the traits that their Kedar Khand, Nephylim, Aryan, or Krishtaya ances-tors once had in such abundance, that they were even able to live up to onethousand years, bilocate to any part of the universe at the speed of light, andheal themselves with certain elements contained in sunlight?

I must apologize for not being able to answer such important questions. As aChristian. I have never abandoned entirely the science of the Cross and the HolyTrinity that the Turks gave to your forefathers and mine. Perhaps you should askthose who, at sword point, ripped the Aryan God Tengri and his son Keder/Keserout of the hearts, minds, and souls of the Turks. They do have the answer!

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The Post Noachide Migrations

Although the Great Flood destroyed millions of people, it didn’t drown all thebad guys. If Ham, a son of Noah, sodomized his own father, one can just imaginehow much evil existed in the world at that time. In desperation, the five Krishtayatribes decided to send Tengri missionaries to teach mankind this God’s messageof the Cross and the Holy Trinity, mankind might reform.

Murad Adj says that they first concentrated on China:

…China sent back Turkic preachers from its borders. With a vengeance,literally. It was shortly overrun by Turkic horsem*n who put China to itsknees by force, the defensive Great Wall regardless. Eventually, however, peo-ple in the country that styled itself the Celestial Empire learned about Tengri.The Chinese probably had their own ideas about the cult of the Heaven andtried to uphold them.

…It was all different in India, however. Interest in Tengri caught onimmediately, and an Indian page opened in Turkic history two thousand anda half years ago, or even slightly earlier.

The Altai and India now shared a common spirituality. They certainly hadsolid backgrounds for that communion, faith in the first place. (In truth, theHindus interpreted their Buddha in a way different from what Turkis madeout their Tengri, and still they felt free to search for an eternal truth and havespiritual dialogues with one another.) Indian legends of nagas are a reminderof that distant past.

In Hindu mythology, nagas were semidivine beings, half human and halfserpentine, who had the Serpent as their forbear. They lived in a country farnorth of India, in a land where incalculable treasures and an iron cross lay bur-ied in the ground. That distant land was known to Hindus as Shambhu(Benevolent), or Shambhkala (Shining Fortress in Turkic).

According to legend, nagas had human faces and long snake bodies. Theycould assume either human or wholly serpentine form. They were very gentleand musical creatures who loved poetry, and their women were of strikingbeauty.

An ancient Hindu holy book, Mahabharata, tells of the origins of religionand the evolution of spiritual culture. The book is really a chronicle of Ancient


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India, with some of its pages devoted to the nagas and their mysterious north-ern land. No, this is not a fairytale. It is an account of real events which is told,in a long-standing Indian tradition, in legend form. (Indian scholars approachtheir legends in all earnest, calling them absolutely reliable sources.)

The Hindus, for example, made no secret of the fact that they had bor-rowed their sacred texts, Prajnyaparamita, from the nagas, or Turkis. Thisbody of wisdom could only be read by the wisest of proselytizers, who alonewere capable of absorbing the message of text.

In this way, the Hindus did a great honour to Turkic culture-they havepreserved for the Turkic race a sacred treasure that the Turkis have managedto forget.

The land of Shambhkala lay at the foot of Mount Sambyl-Taskhyl, in thecatchment area of the Khan Tengri River. There, a wall of icy mist concealedcities, monasteries and blossoming forests. Legends abounded about that enig-matic land. It was rumoured that monastics in possession of consummateknowledge lived in that land.

Many people failed in their attempts to reach that land. No one came any-where near it. It was commonly held that it was hidden in an inaccessible val-ley somewhere in Tibet, where earthly life touches the ultimate heavenlyreason.

This view was voiced by some major Orientalists in the 19th century, andwas strongly endorsed by, among other leading public figures, NikolaiPrzhevalsky, the famous Russian traveller and ethnographer, Nikolai Roerich,a philosopher, and Elena Blavatskaya, an educationist. For all their high stat-ure, we cannot share their view. It’s human to err, especially if you look forsomething in a wrong place.

Theirs was certainly this case. Actually, scientists knew almost nothingabout the Altai and its ancient culture, while many of them were not evenaware of much there was to know in the 19th century. By suppressing and dis-torting the Turkic nation’s history, the Russian authorities drove Russian his-torical science into a corner, where recognized celebrities, let alonecommoners, could be misguided.

No one was aware at the time that belief in the God of Heaven had beenbrought to Tibet and India from the Altai, of all places, and struck deep rootthere. Modern Tibetan Buddhism (or less formal, Lamaism), the core religionof Tibet, Mongolia and Buriatia, a republic in Russia, originated among theTurkis.

The name of Tengri was certainly known in India. How else could youexplain the Buddha’s blue Turkic-slit eyes? Was it a reflection of a long-for-gotten epic? Such as one that unfolded two and half thousand years ago whenstrange horsem*n rode into India from the North? They settled in India, tobecome a new nation, the Shak. In fact, they were Sacae of the Turkic race.

And more, Hindus called Buddha (his teaching was disseminated at exactlythat time) Shakyamuni or the Turkic god. It is highly probable, we assume,that Buddha’s teaching could be spread by the Turkis. This is abundant evi-

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dence, you will agree. Besides, Buddha, Indian tradition goes, could turn intoa naga. Finally, at least fifty million of India’s inhabitants profess faith in theGod of Heaven. They are neither Buddhists nor Moslems. They are calledChristians in India, but they are not like any other Christians around theworld-they have distinct religious rites and symbols. They will accept no othersign but the Tengri cross, which they wear on their chests and say their dis-tinct prayers in front of it. This is probably the only place in the world wherethe Turkis’ creed survives in its undistilled form. Indeed, nothing goes with-out leaving a trace.

Traces of past events may at times surface suddenly in the least expectedplace.

Here is a good example. According to Indian legends, none other thanTurkis taught Hindus how to plough their fields with iron ploughshares andreap their harvests with iron sickles. Hindus always praised the nagas for theirfertile lands and copious crops. The old ploughs unearthed in the Altai andIndian and Pakistani legends appear to bring together the fragmented knowl-edge about ancient Turkis and fit in place many missing pieces of the jigsawpuzzle left by history.

While we are on the subject of borrowings, the famous Indian cavalry, too,traces its beginnings from the coming of the Altaians. It will not be out ofplace here to emphasise again that Turkic influence on Indian culture wasenormous at that time. Convincing evidencr of this has been unearthed byarchaeologists. More proof is, of course, available elsewhere.

Altaic tribes came to India to stay forever there rather than just hit andrun. About one in ten Indians or Pakistanis today has a family tree rooted inTurkic soil. A significant proportion, you will agree.

India was ruled for a long time by the famous Sun Dynasty, one of its twomajor ruling families founded by King Ikshwaku, a nephew of the Sun, whomigrated from the Altai, where he lived in the Aksu River Valley, to India inthe 5th century BC. Once installed in power, Ikshwaku started building a city,Ayodhya, to be the capital city of the Koshala (or Koshkala?) Kingdom. Thecity, which still stands today, has a museum dedicated to the Sun Dynasty,with enough evidence about the Turkis who had arrived from the Altai.

Ayodhya alternated between prominence and decline, and at one time itwas regarded as the capital city of Northern India, an indication of the greatinfluence Koshala had on that region. Eventually, the city fell into decay andneglect, only to experience an upsurge again. With the arrival of Turkis, lifewas no longer calm or smooth in India.

Ayodhya stood on the banks of the Sarayu (modern Ghaghara) River. Itlooks like another Turkic place name, with an undisguised connotation of pal-ace. Why not? The city was the capital city of a powerful kingdom, withsplendid palaces, temples and beautiful residential houses. The river takes itsname from the royal palace.

In fact, the map of India shows a lot of Turkic place names. Take Hin-dustan, the vast region in Northern India. The name sends a Turkic message,

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with its typically Turkic stan ending (Tatarstan, Kazakhstan, Bashkortostan orDaghestan), which means “country” in Turkic.

Nothing stands alone in life. Nothing comes from nowhere and goes with-out a trace. During the rule of Sun Dynasty kings, numberless families reset-tled from the Altai to India. Migration continued for many centuries. Youcould see Altaic families among the Indian nobility, their members going onto become great generals, poets, scholars or clerics. But all of them spokeTurkic. The destinies are now part of Indian legends and in genealogies ofsome Indian aristocrats. To give an example, the celebrated dynasties of maha-rajas of Udaipur, Jodhpur and Jaipur rose from their Turkic roots in theAncient Altai.

Little surprise, though, for India and the Altai were, in all but in fact, ahuge single country, both parts of which were linked by roads that can still beused today-the Biisk and Nerchinsk routes.

The earliest road the Turkis built to reach India was the legendary Suspen-sion Pass, a mysterious road no one knows of today. No parts of it have sur-vived, save for folklore and suspension bridges, its replicas continue to be builtin the Pamir Mountains and Tibet to this day.

Turkic cavalry used suspension bridges to cross mountain streams anddeep gorges on its way to India. It took a very brave man to ride a horse oversoaring cloud-high cliffs.

Pilgrims, too, followed this road to see their relations or pray at sacredMount Kailasa, or visit the city of Kashmir.

It was a cherished dream come true for a Turki to see Mount Kailasa, asalso India itself. It was broadly held that a man who happened to see MountKailasa would be happy for the rest of his life. According to legend, it was aplace where Tengri Khan himself rested from his chores, from time to time. Asacred place indeed.

The Illustrious Khan Erke

The world first learned about the mighty Kushan Khanate in the 1st cen-tury AD, when the famous King Kanishka elevated the Turkic race to glory.Happily, we know his real name-Khan Erke (or Kanerka, which was stampedon his coins).

More than anyone else before or after him, Khan Erke, a born philosopherand poet, a sagacious ruler and brilliant warlord, contributed to the high gloryof Turkic culture. He made it unchallenged in the East. To their friends andfoes alike, Turkis appeared to be endowed with unnatural talents and powers.

Erke ascended to the Kushan throne in 78 AD and ruled for twenty-threeyears. Word, not sword, nor spear, nor iron shirt of mail, was his mainweapon, and above all the word of God. To Him alone Erke and the Turkicworld owe a debt of gratitude for their spectacular victories.

Khan Erke’s principal gift to the East was faith in Tengri.His mission was made the easier thanks to his thorough knowledge of the

rites, prayers and the teaching itself. He could speak for hours, using fine

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words and polished style that kept his listeners alert and thirsting for more.The khan’s nice speech and wise policies showed the indigenous populationthat the Turkic settlers valued kindness and generosity more than they didgold, perfidy or power over non-Turkic people. Their ruler was the truespokesman for his people. And the locals accepted him on faith, and his peo-ple as well.

Khan Erke was convinced that every human being could, by controllinghis own behaviour, build paradise or hell for himself and his near and dear.No one, he said, could blame anyone but himself for his misery and woes.God gives everyone his deserves—no less no more.

This is really the only just Judgment-you alone are accountable to God foryour good and evil actions-under the Eternal Blue Sky. Only this matters, andnothing else. The message of the new religion was simple enough-do goodwherever you can for the world to be kind to you.

This truth being as simple as that, people embraced it without hesitation.Their new faith was simple and wise, unlike any other on Earth. The mostattractive side of the new creed was that you have your future in your ownhands. Remember this and don’t miss your chance.

Turkis, for example, believed in the eternity of human soul and in theirreincarnation after death. Everyone knew that even a hardened sinner couldatone for all of his sins. He was given a chance and hope to cleanse himself anytime in his life on Earth. Faith in Tengri reinforced people’s spirit and encour-aged them to excel.

“Seek salvation in your deeds,” Khan Erke exhorted his subjects.Strangers were bewildered by the rite Turkis performed in the name of

Tengri. It was a grand occasion, and very festive, too. They never said thename of the God of Heaven in haste. The rite was ceremonious and leisurely.No one in the pagan world had ever witnessed so much grandeur and splen-dour or imagined it could be that way.

Pagans took the Turkis for what we now call extraterrestrials-people from aworld completely unfamiliar to them. The Turkis had everything neat andtidy, so little wonder their Altai was paradise come true for other Orientalraces and its inhabitants got the name of Aryans. Not unlike Shambhkala inIndia, this birthplace of the Turkic race themselves were the stuff of endlesslegends.

During the reign of Khan Erke, cities awoke to the melodious peels of bellssummoning the congregation to morning prayer. We can only guess what itfelt like in those thrilling moments.

Actually, very little is known about them. What kind of bells were they?How did the bell towers look? No one can give the answers after so many cen-turies. We certainly know, though, that bells really existed (some evidence ofthem has been unearthed). The Turkic word for bell (kolokol) probablycomes from that remote age-in ancient Turkic, it meant “facing the Heaven”,or more specifically, “praying to the Heaven”. And pray people did.

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Prayers were said outside a temple, under the open sky of Tengri. Like itwas back in the Altai when people congregated for prayer at the feet of sacredmountains. Judging by their remains, temples were not large. In the begin-ning, they were built as reminders of those sacred mountains back home,eventually evolving into architectural features.

No one could enter a temple, except for the clergy, who were qualified, andonly for a few brief moments. They wouldn’t hang back more than that any-way, for they were not allowed to breathe inside the sanctuary.

Things were different with other peoples. Their congregations swarmedtheir temples. Later on, however, the Turkis adopted this practice, too. (Toour regret again, very little is known as yet about the destinies of various cul-tural traditions or why some were superseded by others.)

It was general custom to burn incense before prayer. Incense burners (cen-sers) were used for this purpose. According to an ancient Altaic legend, evilforces could not abide by the smell of incense (the incense-burning ritual wascalled qadyt in ancient Turkic, from the root verb “repel” or “scare off”).

The Turkis prayed to subdued singing. The choir fervently intoned asacred melody, Yirmaz (literally, “our songs”), in praise of the God of Heaven.

Whatever side of Turkic culture you take, you always see the equal-armedcross of Tengri, called vajra in the East.

Khan Erke did not spare himself to propagate his faith. His reign is deeplyimpressed on the memory of Oriental nations. It was a great reign indeed.Happily, we know fairly much, from the archaeologists’ digs, about Tengricrosses and ruined Turkic cities and temples that existed in the Kushanperiod.

We can only guess about the confusion that overwhelmed people whor*fused to accept Tengri. They were lost in doubt and depressed, tormentedby their own powerlessness.

After all, iron tools and weapons, an excellent army and general affluencein the country were strong indications of the high mission of Turkic culture,in a way completely different from divine services. For these reasons the Altaiand, by implication, the Kushan Khanate were, therefore, regarded as the keyspiritual centres in the East, a promised land sought out by people in otherlands. (Incidentally, some later geographical maps label the Altai as Paradise-really.) People came here from afar to find out more about Turkic culture. Aschool of arts was opened in Gandhara for foreigners, along with several theo-logical centres across the Kushan Khanate.

At one time, a Jew by the name of Joshua (Jesus Christ) studied in theAltai, following the example of Moses (Moshe or Mousa). An indirect refer-ence to this is contained in the Koran. On his return to Palestine, then a prov-ince of the Roman Empire, Joshua brought news of horsem*n in the service ofthe God of Heaven. His words are recorded in the Apocalypse, the Christians’earliest religious book. For this he was called Jesus Christ (Isa), or “GodBlessed”, that is, a “Divine Witness”.

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Priests from India and Tibet were frequent guests at the Kushan khan’scourt. Appropriately enough, for Khan Erke transformed Kashmir into a holycity and a centre of pilgrimage.

Altaic pilgrims, too, had a temple in Kashmir to worship their own god,and Turkic was heard there day and night, all year round. Could it probablybe the Golden Temple that is still a major attraction in Kashmir?

Khan Erke devoted much of his time and effort to the promotion of hiscreed and culture, benefiting enormously the Turkic world as a whole. Bud-dhists held their Fourth Assembly in Kashmir, which drew many theologiansfrom around the East. They gave recognition to Tengri and His teaching thatexpanded the content of Buddhism (which evolved into the well-known ver-sion of Buddhism, Mahayana).

The text of Mahayana was engraved on copper plates that immediatelybecame (and still are) a sacred dogma of Buddhism in China, Tibet and Mon-golia, among other places. These plates, or more correctly the Fourth Assem-bly, signaled the birth of a new school of Buddhism, which was later named“Tibet Buddhism” or “Lamaism”.

The East’s greatest enlightener, the sagacious Khan Erke knew how tomake friends and allies. He has been consecrated as a saint by the Buddhists,and his name is cited in a prayer. The Turkis are, however, fully oblivious oftheir illustrious khan.

Fortunately, some other peoples have fond memories of him.

About God Kubera, India’s Regent of the North, King of the Yakshasor Yakhus, God of Wealth, Miners, Farmers, and Good Fortune.

Most Hindu scholars are willing to admit that the Krishtayas a.k.a. Aryanswere the fathers of Indian civilization. In his book, Ancient Geography of Ayodhya,Dr. Shyam Narain Pande states:

Ancient Ayodhya, near Meru mountain, identified with the Pamir plateauis the ancient common home not only of Indians but of mankind…Indiansand Iranians claim their common home towards the Asian Steppes, the ‘Ariy-ana-Vaego’ of the ancient Iranians, the country between Oxus and Xaxartes,north of Pamir plateau. The Western origin of the Chinese civilization provesthat people from the steppes and lake regions of Asia, from time immemorial,have settled down in the Yellow River basin. The date is believed to be C.2145 B.C. on the authority of Shu-chiang and Confucius. Those who fol-lowed agriculture in China must have been Rama.

According to Dr. Dandekar, the earliest common habitat of the speakers ofproto Indo-Europeans [languages] is the steppes between the Urals and Altai.In view of the fact that the proto Hellenes can be shown to have entered inGreece in C. 200 B.C., that the Hittites migrated in C. 2800 BC. towards the

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Caucasus mountains and the Caspian sea and the proto Aryans must beassumed to have separated from the main stock in C. 2500 B.C., the protoIndo-European unity must be, with reasonable certainty, dated from 3500B.C. (pp. 45-46.)

Several hundred years after the Great Flood, the Turkic country now calledBulgaria appears to have been the leader of all Central Asia. They were a hordecalled Kubera. Their leaders were Khagans (kings) of the Bulgarians and oftencalled Kubrat, derived from the Sanskrit Kuber-Ratha, meaning, “Hero of theKuberas.” Kubera appears to have been a large group; not a single individual.

Kubera’s followers were called Yakshas or Yakhus. These had to be today’spartially mongoloid Siberian group called Yakhuts. They are associated also withsimilar peoples in the area called Buryats and Saka. When I was going through alist of Nomads of the Steppes, I was surprised to find many other tribes whosenames are also common today in India Proper. In India, we have the Yadu (alsoknown as Yayati, Yakhuda, Japeth, etc.), whose name derived from Yakhut, theBharats (India’s true name) and the Sakas or Scythians.

Indian thinker and historian Kuttikhat Purushothama Chon wrote in Remedythe Frauds in Hinduism:

In December, 1988, the Soviet scientists have found to their surprise thatthe Yakutian nationality living in remote Siberia have in their blood the HLA-b70 antigen, which is possessed only by the Hindus of North India…Archeo-logical evidences in Indus valley, and skull and bone measurements of somepeople of South India indicate the Siberian origin. Philologists have found acommon origin for Sanskrit, Persian, and European languages. Literary Rus-sian language has 30 to 40 percent of words with Sanskrit origin…The origi-nal Siberian home of our Vedic ancestors has been conclusively shown in ourVedas in many places. Rig Veda mentions existence of large Aryan kingdomsin Roosam (Russia) and Hariyupia (Eastern Europe). (p. 116.)

It is no coincidence that Yakuts, Buryats, and Saka of Siberia have similarnames to the Yadu or Yakhuda, Bharats and Saka of Northern India.

Kubera, also known as Khyber, Kheever, etc., being a Naga, was leader of theAryan Phoenician and Juddhi maritime caste (Hebrews), with several thousandships. The legends state that he even had airships. The Great Flood changed thegeography of Central Asia so drastically, that today we can not find much, if any,indication that any kind of maritime civilization ever existed in Siberia.

The Torah or Old Testament lists Kubera or Khyber’s name as Eber or Heber:

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Sons were also born to Shem, ancestor of all the descendants ofEber…Two sons were born to Eber: the name of the first was Peleg, for in hisdays was the earth divided; and the name of his brother was Joktan…(Genesis10:25.)

In other words, the dispersal of humanity from Mt. Meru occurred with theprogeny of Kubera or Khyber. Flavius Josephus confirms this:

Heber begot Joctan and Phaleg. He was called Phaleg, because he was bornat the dispersion of the nations to their several countries…(Antiquities of theJews:1.6.4)

The Hindu epic Ramayana confirms what the Torah and Joseph stated, butgoing into much more mythical detail.

During Kubera’s time the Huns (Mongoloids) of the plains and mountainswere not as highly civilized as they are now. Their own lands were almost unin-habitable. Therefore, they decided to invade and conquer the Scythian or Aryannations. Jordanes, in his story about the origins of his Kipchak or Turkish ances-tors, the Goths, Ostrogoths (Eastern Goths), Visigoths (Western Goths), etc.,describes them in unpleasant and unflattering terms:

…after a short space of time, as Orosius relates, the race of the Huns,fiercer than ferocity itself, flamed forth against the Goths. We learn from oldtraditions that their origin was as follows: Filimer, king of the Goths, son ofGadaric the Great, who was the fifth in succession to hold the rule of theGetae after their departure from the island of Scandza,—and who, as we havesaid, entered the land of Scythia with his tribe,—found among his people cer-tain witches, whom he called in his native tongue Haliurunnae. Suspectingthese women, he expelled them from the midst of his race and compelledthem to wander in solitary exile afar from his army. There the unclean spirits,who beheld them as they wandered through the wilderness, bestowed theirembraces upon them and begat this savage race, which dwelt at first in theswamps,—a stunted, foul and puny tribe, scarcely human, and having no lan-guage save one which bore but slight resemblance to human speech. Such wasthe descent of the Huns who came to the country of the Goths.

This cruel tribe, as Priscus the historian relates, settled on the farther bankof the Maeotic swamp. They were fond of hunting and had no skill in anyother art. After they had grown to a nation, they disturbed the peace of neigh-boring races by theft and rapine. At one time, while hunters of their tribe wereas usual seeking for game on the farthest edge of Maeotis, they saw a doe unex-pectedly appear to their sight and enter the swamp, acting as guide of the way;now advancing and again standing still. The hunters followed and crossed on

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foot the Maeotic swamp, which they had supposed was impassable as the sea.Presently the unknown land of Scythia disclosed itself and the doe disap-peared. Now in my opinion the evil spirits, from whom the Huns aredescended, did this from envy of the Scythians. And the Huns, who had beenwholly ignorant that there was another world beyond Maeotis, were now filledwith admiration for the Scythian land. As they were quick of mind, theybelieved that this path, utterly unknown to any age of the past, had beendivinely revealed to them. They returned to their tribe, told them what hadhappened, praised Scythia and persuaded the people to hasten thither alongthe way they had found by the guidance of the doe. As many as they captured,when they thus entered Scythia for the first time, they sacrificed to Victory.The remainder they conquered and made subject to themselves. Like a whirl-wind of nations they swept across the great swamp and at once fell upon theAlpidzuri, Alcildzuri, Itimari, Tuncarsi and Boisci, who bordered on that partof Scythia. The Alani also, who were their equals in battle, but unlike them incivilization, manners and appearance, they exhausted by their incessant attacksand subdued. For by the terror of their features they inspired great fear inthose whom perhaps they did not really surpass in war. They made their foesflee in horror because their swarthy aspect was fearful, and they had, if I maycall it so, a sort of shapeless lump, not a head, with pin-holes rather than eyes.Their hardihood is evident in their wild appearance, and they are beings whoare cruel to their children on the very day they are born. For they cut thecheeks of the males with a sword, so that before they receive the nourishmentof milk they must learn to endure wounds. Hence they grow old beardless andtheir young men are without comeliness, because a face furrowed by the swordspoils by its scars the natural beauty of a beard. They are short in stature,quick in bodily movement, alert horsem*n, broad shouldered, ready in the useof bow and arrow, and have firm-set necks which are ever erect in pride.Though they live in the form of men, they have the cruelty of wild beasts.

When the Getae beheld this active race that had invaded many nations,they took fright and consulted with their king how they might escape fromsuch a foe. Now although Hermanaric, king of the Goths, was the conquerorof many tribes, as we have said above, yet while he was deliberating on thisinvasion of the Huns, the treacherous tribe of the Rosomoni, who at that timewere among those who owed him their homage, took this chance to catch himunawares. For when the king had given orders that a certain woman of thetribe I have mentioned, Sunilda by name, should be bound to wild horses andtorn apart by driving them at full speed in opposite directions (for he wasroused to fury by her husband’s treachery to him), her brothers Sarus andAmmius came to avenge their sister’s death and plunged a sword into Herma-naric’s side. Enfeebled by this blow, he dragged out a miserable existence inbodily weakness. Balamber, king of the Huns, took advantage of his ill healthto move an army into the country of the Ostrogoths, from whom the Visig-oths had already separated because of some dispute. Meanwhile Hermanaric,who was unable to endure either the pain of his wound or the inroads of the

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Huns, died full of days at the great age of one hundred and ten years. The factof his death enabled the Huns to prevail over those Goths who, as we havesaid, dwelt in the East and were called Ostrogoths…. (The Origins and Deedsof the Goths, by Jordanes. Translated by Charles C. Mierow.)

Disastrous changes of climate and the savagery of the Rakshasas and Pisacas(the Sanskrit names of the early Huns) became so unbearable that Kubera and hisYaksha subjects, in order to avoid total annihilation as a people, decided to flee toIndia. But the Huns followed them, nipping at their heels every step of the way.It was there that Kubera decided to capture most of the Rakshasas (Steppe Huns)and Pisacas (Mountain Huns) and deport them to what is now Sri Lanka.[Author’s note: Since the history of the Aryan Turks and that of the Hindus merged, Icannot guarantee that this dispersion to Lanka started in India itself. It could havebegun back in Bulgaria. I am just doing the best I can with the information I havegleaned from Hindu mythology and history. Even Murad Adji acknowledges that theHindus have preserved what little the Turks know of their own ancient history.]

In those days, Lanka was much larger than it is now-perhaps twice the size ofall of India. The land was tropical, fertile, and lush. He thought that if he tookthem there, they would settle down to more civilized and benign behaviors.

The progeny of Adam populated the world by way of Serendipity or Ceylon.Serendipity was also known as Lanka. Even the Moslem Koran states this. Tens ofthousands of low-lying islands literally circled the southern part of the globe,making ocean travel easy in those days. Little by little, these islands began to wearaway, leaving mainly the Maldives, the Seychelles, and the Malayan Archipelago.Scientists say that within the next fifty years, the sandbar nation of Maldives willultimately succumb to the sea.

In his book, Outlines of Ceylon History, author Donald Obeyesekere states:

Both the Skanda Purana and the Ramayana represent Ceylon as a hugeContinent, a tradition not unsupported by science. The geology and fauna ofthe Island point clearly to a time when Ceylon was part of an Oriental Conti-nent, which stretched from an unbroken land from Madagascar to the MalayArchipelago and northward to the present valley of the Ganges. The valley wasthen occupied by a spreading westward across Persia, Arabia and the SaharaDesert and forming the southern limit of the Palaearctic Continent whichembraced Europe, North Africa, and North Asia. In the course of ages thegreater part of the Oriental Continent was submerged in the sea, leaving Cey-lon as a fragment in the centre, with, on one side, the Maldives, Laccadives,Seychelles, Mauritius, and Madagascar, themselves separated from oneanother by hundreds of miles of sea, and, on the other, the Malay Islands;

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while the Ganges valley was upheaved, making North and South India oneland, and, later Ceylon itself was separated from South India by a narrow sea.The greater part of Ceylon is said in the Ramayana to have been submerged inthe sea in punishment of Ravana’s misdeeds, and the Greater Basses light-house, which stands on a solitary rock in the south-east sea of Ceylon, is stillcalled Rawana’s fort. The meridian of Lanka of the Indian astronomers whichwas reputed to pass through Rawana’s capital passes through the MaldiveIslands at 75° 53' 15 East Greenwich, quite four hundred miles from thepresent limit of Ceylon. On this coast the Sinhalese chronicles record exten-sive submersion by the sea in the reigns of Panduwasa (circa 500 B.C.) andKelani Tissa (200 B.C.). At this latter period Kelaniya is said to have been adistance of “seven gows” (28 miles) from the sea. “The guardian deities ofLanka having become indignant with Tissa, king of Kelaniya (for the unjustexecution of a Bhuddist Elder), the sea began to encroach. 100,000 towns(Patunugam), 970 fishers’ villages and 470 villages of pearl fisheries, makingaltogether eleven-twelfths of Lanka, were submerged by the great sea. Mannarescaped destruction of sea-port towns Katupati Madampe.” (P. 1.)

The exiled Rakshasas and Pisacas did not take advantage of their tropical,Eden-like home in Lanka. The Ramayana gives the details about Kubera and hisdecision to transport these Tartars to Patala or America. In Sanskrit, Pa-Talameans “Protector of the Upper World” or Eastern Hemisphere.” Atala was theWestern Hemisphere or “Under World.” Patala was similar to the Greek Atlaswho supported the world on his shoulders. The following is what the Ramayanasays about Kubera’s difficulties with the Tartars:

Kubera performed penance for ten thousand years in water with his headsubmerged, to please Brahma. Then he performed penance standing on onefoot in the center of Pancagni. Brahma appeared and asked him to choose anyboon. Kubera requested that he might be made a lokapalaka (protector of theuniverse, known biblically as Peleg or Phaleg)) and the custodian of wealth,and Brahma responded by supplying Kubera the treasures Sankanidhi andPadmannidhi and also the Puspaka Vimana as his vehicle. He was alsoappointed one of the Astadikpalakas (Indra, Agni, Yama, Niirti, Varuna,Vayu, Kubera and Isa are the eight protectors of the eight regions). Kubera’scity is called Mahodaya.

Kubera really felt happy and told his father Visravas about his new statusand dignity. The father also blessed the son. Kubera requested his father to geta city built for him to live in, and his father told him to settle down in Lankabuilt by Maya on top of the mountain Trikuta in the middle of the South Sea.From that day onwards, Kubera took his abode in Lanka. (It was originallybuilt for Indra.) (The Puranic Encyclopedia, by Vettam Mani; pp 434-435).

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Trikuta ia the Sanskrit name of the now submerged large island near Mexico’sstate of Veracruz, shown on the Piri Reis map. Today, we call the remaining ves-tiges of that island nation, The West Indies. Was Trikuta ancient Atlantis? (Ref:My book, The Last Atlantis Book-You’ll Ever Have to Read.) In my special map inChapter 14, I’m going to provide you with an astonishing proof, which nobodycan refute effectively, that the Ramayana and the Piri Reis map are telling ustruths that may force us to rewrite our history books!

The expression, “Kubera performed penance for ten thousand years with hishead under water,” just means that the Kuberas were well acquainted with theworld, having visited various part of the world in their ocean-going vessels andair-borne ships for around ten thousand years. As the world’s maritime nationcaste, they were convinced that they owned by divine right all the waterways andcoasts of the entire world, as well as the exclusive monopoly to exploit its naturalresources.

Finally, the Khyberis began to see that the incorrigible Rakshasas were increas-ing in such numbers that most of them would have to be transported elsewhere.If not, Hindu civilization in Ceylon would be doomed just as it had nearly wipedout that of the Aryan Krishtayas. Since America was, for all practical reasons,almost totally uninhabited, the Phoenicians and Jews decided to take as manyRakshasas as possible to what are now Southern Mexico and Central Americawhere, hopefully, they could be trained and raised in the arts of civilization andculture—as well as to mine gold, copper, and silver for them. The story ofKubera is the same as our Biblical story of the dispersal from The Tower of Baby-lon, presided over by Heber and his son Phaleg/Peleg.

When the harassments of the Raksasas became unbearable, the Devassought protection from Siva, and Indra detailed to him about the unrighteousactions of Malyavan, Somali, and Mali. Siva directed the Devas to Visnu, whoset out to fight against the Raksasas, Mali cut at Garuda, and Visnu killed him(Mali) with this Sudarsana Cakra. The other Raksasas retreated to Lanka. Astheir presence in Lanka was dangerous to the Devas, Visnu directed the Sudar-sana Cakra to go to Lanka every day and kill the Raksasas in groups. TheCakra began its work, and the remaining Raksas escaped to Patala. Lankabecame thus deserted and Kubera took his abode there. The Yaksas, bornfrom the hunger of Brahma, roamed about without a leader and ultimatelysettled down in Lanka under the leadership of Kubera. (Uttara Ramayana).(The Puranic Encyclopedia; p. 435.)

The Cakra (pronounced as “Chakra”) was a type of mechanized scythe thatcould mow down dozens of men at a time, just as if they were blades of tall grass.

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The Hindu books speak of a number of persons and groups being deported toPatala, especially “Nagas.” These “Nagas” were actually Phoenician groups whohad snake emblems for totems. “…Patala is the abode of serpents.” (The PuranicEncyclopedia; p. 581.)

…the legend told in the Mahabharata that Arjuna, the companion andChela of Krishna, it said to have descended into Patala, the ‘antipodes,’ andthere to have married Ulipi, the daughter of the king of the Nagas. ApparentlyPatala is America, and the Nagas were initiates. The above is said to have hap-pened some five thousand years ago. (The Encircled Serpent, by M. OldfieldHowey, pp. 297-298,)

Originally the Asuras or Nagas were not only a civilized people, but a mar-itime power, and in the Mahabharata, where the ocean is described as theirhabitation, an ancient legend is preserved of how Kadru, the mother of ser-pents, compelled Garuda (the Eagle or Hawk) to serve her sons by transport-ing them across the sea to a beautiful country in a distant land, which wasinhabited by Nagas…The Asuras (Nagas) were expert navigators, possessed ofvery considerable naval resources, and had founded colonies upon distantcoasts. (Ibid; p. 47.)

One Hindu myth states that God Vishnu once went to Patala-Loka (TheUnderworld or America) to help the people recover from a huge flood. In theAmericas, Vishnu, also known as Dionysius, became the Toltec Quetzalcoatl, theMayan Kukulcan, and the Inca Bochica.

The Collation of Theosophical Glossaries, compiled by Scott J. Osterhage, saysthe following about Nagas:

Naga (Sk). Literally “Serpent”. The name in the Indian Pantheon of theSerpent or Dragon Spirits, and of the inhabitants of Patala, hell. But as Patalameans the antipodes, and was the name given to America by the ancients, whoknew and visited that continent before Europe had ever heard of it, the term isprobably akin to the Mexican Nagals the (now) sorcerers and medicine men.The Nagas are the Burmese Nats, serpent-gods, or “dragon demons”. In Eso-tericism, however, and as already stated, this is a nick-name for the “wise men”or adepts. In China and Tibet, the “Dragons” are regarded as the titulary dei-ties of the world, and of various spots on the earth, and the word is explainedas meaning adepts, yogis, and narjols. The term has simply reference to theirgreat knowledge and wisdom. This is also proven in the ancient Sutras andBuddha’s biographies. The Naga is ever a wise (wo)man, endowed withextraordinary magic powers, in South and Central America as in India, inChaldea as also in ancient Egypt. In China the “worship” of the Nagas waswidespread, and it has become still more pronounced since Nagarjuna (the

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“great Naga”, the “great adept” literally), the fourteenth Buddhist patriarch,visited China. The “Nagas” are regarded by the Celestials as “the tutelary Spir-its or gods of the five regions or the four points of the compass and the centre,as the guardians of the five lakes and four oceans” (Eitel). This, traced to itsorigin and translated esoterically, means that the five continents and their fiveroot-races had always been under the guardianship of “terrestrial deities”, i.e.,Wise Adepts. The tradition that Nagas washed Gautama Buddha at his birth,protected him and guarded the relics of his body when dead, points again tothe Nagas being only wise men, Arhats, and no monsters or Dragons. This isalso corroborated by the innumerable stories of the conversion of Nagas toBuddhism. The Naga of a lake in a forest near Rajagriha and many other“Dragons” were thus converted by Buddha to the good Law.

Naga, a serpent; a tree; a mountain; the sun; the number seven; a symbol ofwisdom; an Initiate. Naga The word means a snake, especially a cobra; but inthe Mahabharata it refers to a race of beings inhabiting Patala, the daughter ofwhose king, Ulupi married Arjuna. “But as Patala means the antipodes, andwas the name given to America by the ancients, who knew and visited thatcontinent before Europe had ever heard of it, the term is probably akin to theMexican Nagals the (now) sorcerers and medicine men.” (Theosophical Glos-sary, H. P. Blavatsky, p. 222) One myth relates that the Nagas were the off-spring of the Rishi Kasyapa (the son of Marichi q.v.). Regarding this H. P.Blavatsky wrote: “What is the fable, the genealogy and origin of Kasyapa, withhis twelve wives, by whom he had a numerous and diversified progeny ofnagas (serpents), reptiles, birds, and all kinds of living things, and who wasthus the father of all kinds of animals, but a veiled record of the order of evo-lution in this round?” (Secret Doctrine, II, p. 253) Another tale represents theNagas as a semi-divine race (the race of Kadru) inhabiting the waters, or thecity of Bhogavati situated under the earth: they are fabled to possess a humanface with serpent-like lower extremities. Ananta (q.v.) is king of the Nagas. InThe Secret Doctrine, the word Naga stands for a Serpent of Wisdom, a fullInitiate—the serpent has ever been used in Occultism as the symbol ofimmortality and wisdom. “In the Secret Doctrine, the first Nagas—beingswiser than Serpents—are the ‘Sons of Will and Yoga,’” (Secret Doctrine, II, p.181). “Some of the descendants of the primitive Nagas, the Serpents of Wis-dom, peopled America, when its continent arose during the balmy days of thegreat Atlantis,” (Secret Doctrine, II, p. 182). (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p.75)

A number of Hindus have told me that back in India, their teachers provedthat Patala is Mexico and Central America by folding a world map and running apin through India. The point comes out in the vicinity of Patala or Meso-Amer-ica. According to the ancient Hindu myths, evidently these Phoenicians and Jews(Khyberi), were universally regarded with exceeding respect and awe. It is not sur-

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prising that after the Great Flood, they became for some cultures, The Creatorhimself—God or Jehovah!

I have gone into a lot of detail in this chapter, so that readers can get a clearpicture of the post-diluvial circ*mstances forcing the Kuberas and Krishtayanis toIndia. Edward Poco*cke, in India in Greece, said that the Mt. Meru dispersalcaused the banishment of the Aryan Krishtayas (Christians) from India. Heshould have referred to the banishment of Abraham and Sarah, which occurredone or two thousand years later. The ones who were banished from Mt. Meruwere India’s incorrigibles. During the Abrahamic dispersal from India, the Krish-tayas or Kristihans fled to Europe.

In other chapters, I will emphasize more that blood relationship between theTurks and Hindus in Tala and the Meso-Americans (Mexicans) in Atala, for theyare connected by an invisible but powerful psychic and physical umbilical cord.The Mexicans and Central Americans in Atala, and their Turkic-Hindu brothersin Tala have a major part to play in the “Spiritual Cure” of the problems nowplaguing the earth. Will they take what I have said seriously? Or will I be laughedoff the stage? Who knows?

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Who Was the King of the FiveKrishtaya Races?

When I wrote my prior books about the evils of “belief,” I thought they wouldbe sufficient to show people that only Zion (Science), not Babel (Belief), couldlead people out of darkness. Furthermore, I wanted people to realize that TheCross, The Holy Trinity, Jacob’s Ladder, and The Holy Directions were actualverifiable sciences and could be depended on to help mankind remove the cob-webs from his eyes. However, I was mistaken. It was then that I decided to writethis book, showing how cabalists use both the Torah and the holy books of theHindus, to get some sense out of humanity and the reasons for our being here. Iwill use Murad Adji’s description of the ancient Turkish Tengri religion, makingmy own comments where appropriate:

Tengri sent his favorite son, Gheser, to the Ancient Altai to teach the tribesto lead a righteous life. Gheser was the first ever Prophet on Earth. The mes-senger of the God of Heaven, he illuminated people on Tengri.

Central Asian peoples have composed many legends about Gheser and hisholy deeds. True, Gheser’s name has been modified over the centuries, byaccident or intent, to Keder or even Khyzer, which is now his most commonname among the Turkic people. And he is now best remembered in associa-tion with Tengri, the God of Heaven.

Gheser is a wise guardian of life on Earth. An immortal hero, who to somepeople is a bearded old man leaning on his staff, and a strong young manbrimming with health and vigour to others.

To make some sense out of these two names, Ghezer and Keder, we must sepa-rate them from the suffix er, leaving Ked and Ghez. I’ll now use linguistic analysisto show how the people of different language backgrounds would have pro-nounced them. In each of the blanks, we can substitute A, E, I, O, or U: K__d,K__s, K__sh; K__t, K__th; K__z; H__d, H__s, H__sh; H__t, H__th, H__z.Next: Gh__d, Gh__s, Gh__sh; Gh__t, Gh__th; Gh__z. Additionally, in some


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cultures, the hard G would pronounce as a soft G or J__d; J__s; J__sh; J__t;J__z. Y and Z are often used in place of a J.

From the syllables Ked and Ghez, we can derive not only the name of the per-petual and divinely appointed kings of all the nations on earth a.ka. the Nuphy-lum, who are the five Aryan Krishtayas (Christian) races of man (Yadu, Druhyus,Turvasa, Anu, and Puru), but the titles of virtually all the ruling classes on earth!

The er suffix is like the er or or we place at the end of a noun to identify mem-bers of a particular nationality or group: Britisher; Hollander; Sailor; Banker;Kaiser, Caesar, Soldier; Grantor. We may also place an ite suffix to get Hittite,Kassite, Kuthite; Midianite, etc. The Nahuatl or Toltec speaking tribes of Meso-America used such endings as tl, tle, stle, ztle, etc. Example: Nahua-tl (Nahua-speaker); Toltecatl (Toltec gentility or governing class).

In the case of words beginning with a J sound, we can get Jesse, Joshua, Jesus,etc. Without the er ending, we even get the words Hodai, Khodai, and God. Yes,Jesus Christ is none other than the son of Tengri, Keder or Ghezer! It seems thatfrom the beginning of Man’s appearance on earth, Jesus has been the king, andTengri or God has been his father. Notice that Mr. Adji said that Tengri sent hisfavorite son to rule the five races of Nuphylum. Our own New Testament says noless:

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld hisglory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth.(John 1:14.)

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, thatwhosever believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John,3:16.)

I can continue with many more biblical statements that God gave only oneson to the world from the beginning of time, and no other. This, in my opinion,confirms what Murad Adji said about Tengri, which is that other name of Jesus’Celestial Father: God or Gospodi, for this name in Sanskrit is Dyupiter (Jupiter).

Some readers may want to ask why the Turks insist on claiming Jesus as theirown while the Jews do not. This answer is clear. Jesus himself was a Turk. TheTurkish Karaite Jews themselves claim to be the original Jews. It has never beenhidden from us that one of Jesus’ other names was David Koresh. The Aryans orKurus (Kurush) were the ruling caste of the world from the very beginning. Eventhe Bible mentions the Nephilim or Nuphylum. The Bible tells us that whenAbraham went to Jerusalem, the Hittites (Turks) were already in control of the

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city. But we don’t need the Bible to tell us that. This is a historical fact that can’tbe denied. Christ also spoke Aramaic which is a Turkish dialect.

In some way, the Turks found out that their new Divine King was to be bornin Israel. The names of the Three Wise Men prove they were Turks.

Caspar was from the Kuru (Turkic) Krishtaya populated Caucasus, theCaspian, or Kashmir. He derived his name from the Kashmiri Kasheph or theSanskrit Kasyapa, the son of God Brahma. His real title was Kashephpar orKashayappar. The Kashmiri Par or the Sanskrit Para means “highest; greatest;pre-eminent; supreme; he who is supreme; the Supreme Deity. Caspar means“King of the Caspians, Caucasus, or Kashmir.”

Baltazar was a king of the Afghan or Pakistani province of Balti. Shameans “king; prince; monarch.” Ari means “faithful; pious; devoted.” At theend of a word, just the Ar suffix is added. Thus, Baltishar means “The PiousKing of Balti.”

Melchior could have been the leader of the North Indian province ofKuruksetra or Kurustan. Melik is the Turkic and Kashmiri term for “King.”Kur, Kuru, or Kyur means what it says. Malik-Kuru means King of the Kuru(Turkic) peoples. Even in modern Turkic, the word Kral or Kural means “achief ruler; a sovereign; one invested with supreme authority; a head of acountry tribe; a prince.” We’ve been taught that Caesar was the Latin word for“emperor.” Kurios was also a Latin word for the Roman emperor, sovereign,prince, and chief. It was also a word for God and the Messiah. For the Greeks,the root meaning for Lord, Kurios, was “Power; Force.” From that word, theyderived Kristos. Another Greek word for Lord or “The Highest One” wasKurion. The word “crown” was derived from Kurion. Kristis was the Greekterm describing how the spirit, after the body dies, contemplates the good andbad deeds it did in its past life and realizes what opportunities it missed. Wemust bear in mind that at one time, the Turks, Greeks and Armenians werethe same people. We should not doubt the origins of the Three Wise Men.(Christianity-Mankind’s First Worldwide Religion! By Gene D. Matlock; p. 34.)

Murad Adji continues, as follows:

Curiously, the figure of Khyzer (Keder or even Kederles) is commonamong many nations of the world, those that had links with the ancient cul-ture of the Turkis and their god, Tengri. A keen person will hardly need anypersuading to get the message.

If any of my readers have not yet “gotten the message,” I have more informa-tion to support Murad Adji’s claims. His comments about Keder or Gheserexplain how these names spread to India, and afterwards throughout the world,

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enabling us to find out the true source of mankind’s institutions and govern-ments. All I had to do after that was to open up my Online Sanskrit Lexicon tofind out about the world’s governing caste.

Sanskrit Kashi = “The Sun; Descendants of Prince Kashi; the family ofBharata (India’s true name). Shikha = “chief; head; sheik; best of a kind.”Kashikha = “Chiefs or Sheiks of Kashi (the Sun) or Bharata.” The words Hat-tiya and Kash*triya are even today the caste names of India’s ruling and warriorcaste.

Up to this point, it seems that Keder and Gheser became the names of the rul-ing castes of India. Let us put these two names to the test, to see if we can come toa more rigorous proof that Mr. Adji is correct in saying that these two wordsreveal the true source of all mankind’s institutions and governments throughoutthe world.

The following is a list of many Amerindian leadership castes which I compiledfrom studying the traditions of most American Indian tribes:

Keshua (Inca leadership caste); Kash*tl; Kashikeh (Aztec, Toltec, andNahuatl chiefs); Kashikel; Kisheh (Mayan leaders); Kashekwa; Kashikah (Carib-bean and Florida Taino and Arawak chieftains); Kushuu (Mexican Mixtec andZapotec rulers); Kashonsee (Mexican Tarascan leaders); Kais (ArizonaO’odham word for “rich, wealthy people”); Katsina (Hopi and other Puebloanprotective deities); Koshair (Southwestern Puebloan sun priests); Koshikwe(Zuñi leadership clan); Gasha (Seneca Indian chiefs); Kaddi (leaders of theCaddoan tribe); etc., etc.

Notice the similarity of the Amerindian names for “leadership caste” withtheir Old World equivalents:

Kush (ancient rulers of Egypt, Ethiopia, and other parts of Africa); Kais(hereditary leaders of Afghanistan); Kish (hereditary leaders of Persia); Kassi(Kassites; ancient rulers of Assyria and Mesopotamia); Kashu (Babylonianleaders); Kastra (Roman hereditary leaders); Kish (Hereditary leaders of Kish-tawar, Kashmir); Kathay (China’s ancient leadership caste); Kshatriya; Hattiya(India’s ruling caste); Kossoei (Persian or Iranian aristocracy); Kshatrap (earlyGreek leaders); Hessian (German warrior caste) Katholic (universal religion ofmankind); Kashteel (a name of Spain’s first leadership caste); Kastro (anothername of Spain’s leadership caste); Kaesar/Caesar (mispronounced as “Seezar”;title of Roman kings); Kushang (a fierce warrior tribe that once left EasternSiberia, moved across Mongolia, swept across China, and kept on going to

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India); Kaiser (title of German kings); Kzar (title of Russian rulers);Jutes, Goths, Guti, Gades, Cadis, etc., (ancient Rajput or Yadava warriors thatonce overran Europe); Kossaks; Kazaks (hereditary warrior class of Russia);Castle (home of hereditary leaders).

I know that many, many readers are wanting to find out why Keder a.k.a.Ghezer is no longer ruling mankind but instead the villainous politicians andusurpers of his holy name? Has no one guessed by now? The Noah’s Ark andTower of Babylon tragedies did nothing to change mankind. At various times inhistory, evil men crucify the reincarnation of Keder/Ghezer (originally Krishtis),and then hide behind the name of Caesar.

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How and Why the Hebrews(Phoenicians and Jews)

Brought Our Amerindians tothe Americas.

What do the Turkish-Ramanaka origins of the American Indians have to dowith the mysteries linking the Turkish people, the Hindus, the Cross, JesusChrist, the Holy Trinity, and Mexico? Actually, everything-and more. However,that is something I cannot explain effectively at this moment but in a later chap-ter. Describing the origins of all our American tribes would fill an encyclopedicvolume or two. So, I will try to accomplish this objective by going into detailabout the origins of the Purépecha-speaking tribe of Mexico’s Michoacán and theToltec Nahuatl-speaking tribes, including the Aztecs, Zapotecs, and Mayans. Inmy preceding book, Christianity-Mankind’s Oldest Religion, I gave a reasonabledescription of the origins of the Mayans and Hopis, with just a vignette of someother tribes. Even so, I left out more vital imformation about the Hopis andMayans, which I’ll include in this book. Hopefully, what I say about these tribesmay help me accomplish my objectives adequately. I must keep this book as shortas possible.

One Mexican Tribe with Three Turkish Identities: Michoacán,Tarasco, Purépecha.

The Old Testament or Torah gave the Nahuas, Nahoas, Aztecs, Toltecs, Mex-icans, and the above tribe having three identities a passionate scathing, even men-tioning their collective names. The Christian New Testament also alludes tothem, saying that if they can be persuaded-or forced-to become ecumenical, man-kind will enjoy a thousand years of peace. They are the Meshechs.


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The Bible says the following about them. First, it identifies them accurately,just as the Turks and Hindus have done in their legends and mythology:

The descendants of Japheth: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal,Mesech, and Tiras. The descendants of Gomer: Ashkenaz, Riphath, and Tog-amah. The descendants of Javan: Elisha and Tarshish, the Kittim andDodanim. From these the maritime nations branched out-each with its ownlanguage-their clans and their nations. (Genesis 10:2-5.)

With regard to the Mexican (Meshika, Mehsech) tribe with three Turkishnames, the Bible mentions them as Meshech and Tiras. The Hindu holy booksnot only mention them accurately, but include one that the Bible, for some rea-son, has left out: Puru. However, the name Puru just represents collectively all ofthem. It is the collective name of the Krishtaya Aryan Turkish-related tribes inCentral Asia and India.

The origin legends, cultural, and linguistic evidence of the Mayas, Hopis,Toltecs, Nahuas, Nahoas, Aztecs, Huicholes, O’odham, Cherokees, Caddo,Zuñis, Incas, Caribs, Zapotecs-plus many others-are, perhaps, more accuratethan the accounts that the most erudite of European historians can “dream up.”However, those of the Mexican tribe having three Turkish names easily top all ofthem. They tell us everything, to the dotting of the I’s and crossing of the “Ts.”They even know where they came from: the Himalayan state of HimachalPradesh, India. To me, it is a mystery that no one has ever noticed this until now!

If I revealed no other information than their names, I might stand vindicated:Michoacán, a Turkish compound word meaning “Kingdom of the Meshechs.”

The Phoenicians, who generally spoke Aramaic in the Middle East and Turkey,first regarded them and all the other Meshechs they distributed all over bothAmericas with reverence They called them Meshika, the Aramaic word for “Mes-siah.” The suffix Can derives from the Turkish Khan, meaning “king; kingdom.”

Tarasco. This name derives from the Sanskrit Turushka, meaning Turks; aTurkish prince; Turkestan.

Purépecha, derived from the Turkish and Sanskrit words Puru (all the Turk-ish-speaking tribes in Central Asia and India, plus Cha or Shah, meaning “king;emperor.”

The Turks also called themselves Kuru, Koresh, Kuresh, Quresh (Arab heredi-tary theocratic leadership caste. Mohammed was a Quresh). Even our JesusChrist was Turkish, for he was also known as David Koresh. Saul of Tarshish,later to become Paul, was a Turk. The word “Tarshish” proves it. Mary, motherof Jesus, went to live in Turkey (Anatolia) after Jesus’ martyrdom. Both St. John

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and Paul are buried in Turkey. Thousands of Christians and Moslems yearly visittheir graves as well as the home of Mary.

The Michoacán tribe’s God of Gods exiled them to Mexico. He was ancientBulgarian king Kubera, the Hindu god of all metals, both base and precious, finegems, artisans, farmers, merchants, and good fortune. Kubera was supposed to bean ugly, dwarfish hunchback. The Michoacán idol of their God of Gods, Kuri-Kuvera, wouldn’t have won a beauty contest either. But at least he was made ofgold. Even today, the people of Michoacán are enamoured of gold and the ways itcan be earned. They pride themselves with the gold ornaments they wear. TheMichoacanos living in this country have more rich entrepreneurs among themthan the rest of their Mexican immigrant co-nationals.

Naturally, I should not omit Kuri-Kuvera’s consort: Kuvera-pperi. The termmeans “Goddess of Nature and Fairy Goddess.” In Sanskrit, Para=“The SupremeSpirit; The Absolute.”

The cultural hero of the Michoacanos, who led them to Mexico and helpedestablish their kingdom was Tariák-Kuri. Evidently, Tariak had been a bad boyback in India. There, he was known as Tarak-Yuddhi (The Turkish Conqueror).The Hindu holy books called him a demon (Asura). The Hindu books say that ason of Shiva killed him, but he turned up very much alive in ancient Mexico.Michoacano history does not treat him so shabbily as he was regarded back inIndia.

The Tarascans also worshiped a god called Taras, which appears to be linguis-tically related to the biblical Tiras mentioned in Genesis. (Reference: The Con-quest of Michoacán, by Benedict Warren, p. 6.)

The Michoacano words for “water, places of water,” etc., are Dara and Doro.Here’s another valid proof that they came from Northern India. In Sanskrit,

Jhara=‘river;’ Dhara (stream, jet, gush, flood); Adhara (canal); Farsi, a Persiandialect spoken in Afghanistan and Pakistan: Darya (river); Dar’ya’cheh (lake);Pashto, another Persian dialect: Deria (sea); Kashmiri: Dara (small water channelfor irrigation; current or flow of water in a river); Jori (running; flowing).

I shall never forget when I became aware of the similarity of the Michoacano’sdefinitions of water with those of Northern India. My wife and I had been stay-ing at the home of a Mexican friend in the beautiful little city of Huandacareo.Before dawn one morning, we left Micaela’s house to visit my wife’s hometownin Manalisco, Jalisco. We boarded a rickety old bus, the kind the Mexicans call“chicken buses.”

Just as dawn broke, we entered a town called Puruándaro. The bus stoppedthere to take on more passengers. I almost screamed in astonishment: “Look,” I

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said to my wife, “That’s one of the names of India’s God Shiva!” I asked a womanwho boarded the bus whether she knew what that word meant in Purépecha. Shesaid, “It means ‘sacred health waters.’ This town is famous for its health-bestow-ing waters.” After that, I started doing research on Michoacán fanatically.

Here are just a tiny few of scores of Tarascan towns and villages named after“water:” Ahijadero, Córondoro; Corongoros; Copandaro; Guándaro; Zirimondiro;Urundareo; Uringuítaro; Puruándaro, etc, ad infinitim.

I know without asking that my Hindu readers automatically know what someof those prefixes mean. For example, Coróndoro and Corongoros may derivefrom Khairon, the name of an extremely ancient Kashmiri tribe. Cóndoro andGuándaro also appear to have been derived from the Kandahar and/or the Ghan-dahar regions of Afghanistan. The word Corongoros seems to derive also fromKurungurus (Turkish Wise Men).

An ancient Sumerian and North Indian word meaning “city; place” was Ur orUru. That word abounds in Michoacán, for it, too, means “city; place:” Uru;Uru; Uranden; Ururuta; Uren; Urapa;Uruápan Uringuítaro;Urapicho; Uripitio;Uripito, again, etc.

The ancient Scythians (Saka) were an extremely warlike but civilized CentralAsian tribe. They lived throughout Central Asia, from Siberia down to NorthernIndia. They still live in Siberia. One of their brethren was the immortal deifiedsaint, Sakyamuni Buddha. These same Scythians populated large parts of Mexico.

Among the dozens of Michoacán towns named after the Saka, we have Sacapu(Saka-Bhu, meaning Scythians who came from Bhu, the sacred land around Mt.Meru); Sacapuri (Scythian City); Zakan (Scythia).

Some other Michoacan towns of Turkish-Hindu origin should not be left outof this discussion: Ichan (Ishan or God Shiva); Ixtapa (Shiva Our Lord and Pro-tector); Arapari (Fairy Lights); Iztaro/Ixtala (Ishtar, the Phoenician Moon God-dess); Angao (the North Indian Anga tribe. It seems that not all of them were sentto India. The English and Angles are descended from the Angas. The Michoacanotown of Kuchis derived its name from the ancient Afghan tribe of Kuchis, whostill live there. The name of one Michoacano town fascinated me and tells us alot: Puruátiro, meaning “The-Purus-Who-Crossed-Over-The Ocean.”

Naturally, many Michoacano towns were named after their God of Gods,Kubera, and his faithful Juddhi (Jewish) warrior caste: Yurécuaro (Kubera’s Jud-dhi/Yuddhi (Jewish) warriors; Yuri (Yuddhi); Yuríria (The Aryan Juddhis); Yori-costio (Yuddhi-Kashatriya, meaning Yuddhi-Hindu Leadership Caste); Yurécuaro(Kubera’s Warriors); Itzicuaro (Shiva-Kubera. Shiva and Kubera were allies andclose friends. Some authorities think they could have been the same person.) The

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name of the beautiful colonial city of Pátzcuaro fascinates me. It means, “LordBuddha Kubera.” Pátzcuaro was the most sacred religious center of the Michoa-canos.

The Indic-Phoenicians were also called Pani, meaning “merchant and tradingcaste.” A number of cities and towns in Michoacán have names ending in Pan,and they are still well-known as centers of trading. The grand old city of Uruápanis famous for its textiles, ceramics, clothing manufacture, and Mexican curios ofall kinds. In order to make their lacquer ware, they were employing the Chinesetung nut centuries before the Spaniards arrived. Its Mexican name is still “tung.”

The Michoacano temple pyramids were called Yácata. The Sanskrit word for“Guardian Angel” is Yah, Yakhu, Yahhu, Yaksha, etc. The Sanskrit suffix Ata indi-cates the animate-inanimate, spiritual-physical nature of a being is indistinguish-able. The Michoacano ruling oligarchy was called Kashonsee, which means“Hindu Ruling Class). Naturally, I wouldn’t want to leave out the ancient Taras-can nobility who prided themselves on being called Inti and Henditre (Hindu).

Like the Hindus, Tarascan society was sharply divided in castes. Special priestspresided over all the labor guilds. The word Esha (God Shiva) was added aftereach priest’s labor classification.

Punga-Barato was the name of the Pacific coastal port where their forefathersfirst landed, obviously derived from the Sanskrit Panka-Bharata (PhoenicianIndia).

They claimed that their land of origin was Naran-Shan. Shan was a NorthernIndian, Chinese, and Tibetan name of “region.” In the Himalayan state of Him-achal-Pradesh, there is a region called Naran. It is beautiful, heavily wooded, andmountainous, just as Michoacán is. The architecture of Naran and the physiog-nomy of the humans living there are nearly identical to those of the Tarascans.

As I have stated, the Tarascan words Yuri/Yori meant “warrior; conqueror.”The Michoacanos told the Spaniards that they were once masters of a vast empireextending all the way north, including what are now Arizona and New Mexico.They must have been telling the truth, for the legends of the Yaquis mention thatvaliant legions of warriors called Yoris/Yuris (pronounced like Jodees or Joodees),once marched northward through the Yaqui nation. The Utes of Utah (pro-nounced as Yute and Yutah) were also a large warrior class. The Hopi legends saythat the Utes accompanied them on their strange and ancient Odyssey.

The anthropologist José Corona Núñez cites the Codex Plancarte to sup-port his contention that at one time the Tarascan kingdom included a largepart of Northwestern New Mexico and even extended as far as Zuñi in New

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Mexico. He bases his argument on the place name Zibulan, which appears inthe codex, another name for Zuñi. It is interesting to note that there appearsto be some linguistic connection between the Tarascan and the Zuñian. (TheConquest of Michoacán, by Benedict Warren; (p. 4.)

The legends of the Purépechas imply that the Phoenicians arrived there regu-larly, near what is now the city of Lázaro Cardenas, anchoring their barks in thebreathtakingly beautiful fiords of the Balsas River.

Rodrigo de Albornoz, in a letter that he wrote to the king of Spain in1525…said that the Indians of Zacatula, at the mouth of the Río Balsas, saidthat their fathers and grandfathers had told them that from time to time, Indi-ans had come to that coast from certain southern islands in large dugoutcanoes, bringing excellent things to trade and to take other things from theland…those who came…stayed for five or six months. (The Conquest ofMichoacán; p. 8.)

The legends of the Yaquis and other northern Mexican Indian tribes mentiona strange horde of short, pigmy-like people called Surén who, with their queen,passed through their nations on their way northward. They worshiped the sun(Surya?). The Suren were a Turkish Tribe. Archeologists studying the ancientpuebloan remains in Arizona and New Mexico, have intuited that the earlypuebloans must have been of extremely short stature because of the low doorwaysand childlike handprints found on the mud-plastered walls.

The Michoacanos even told the Spaniards that they were closely related to theIncas of Peru.

…I was surprised to find an analogy between ancient Perú and Michoacán.The two people had the same institutions, the same religious practices, similarlegends, and both adored the sun. In Perú, in Venezuela, and in other regionsof South America, we find many Tarsascan names. on whose nearly identicalsimilarities I have to insist in this work. (Michoacán, by Eduardo Ruíz. p. 25.)

Who says that Turkish, Hindu and American Indian legends are not to betrusted? On the contrary, the highly literate and “scientific” Europoid historiansare the ones who don’t know what they’re talking about. Although the Mayansand Aztecs were literate, the Hopis and Michoacanos, who were illiterate, had anaccurate, valid, detailed history of their struggles to reach the Americas. Throughtheir oral myths and legends, our American Indians have proved themselves bet-ter historians than those who have several degrees backing them up!

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The Nahuatl-speaking Tribes: Nahua, Nahoa, Toltecs, Aztecs, andOthers.

When I went to college in Mexico, during the late 1940s, it didn’t take melong to notice that this country had to have some kind of connection with Indiaand/or the Bible. The first enigma was their name: Mexican, which in Nahuatl isMeshika. I had noticed in my studies that there were a lot of Mesech-like namesin both Americas. And then, there were the words, Nahua and Nahoa. TheNahoa were a tribe in what is now Mexico’s states of Nayarit and Sinaloa. Theywere reputed to be the primogenitors of the Nahuas of Central Mexico. Thatword appeared similar to “Noah” which it, indeed, was. The Nahuatl-speakingtribes couldn’t pronounce the “V” sound. In Sanskrit, Nava means “ship.” TheAztec legend about their “exodus” from Aztlán, Nayarit, Mexico to what is nowMexico City, was unbelievably similar to the story of Moses and the exodus of theHebrews from Egypt. In the Hebrew version of the same story, Moses (Moshe)and his people were enslaved for a number of years. They had to build pyramids,make adobe bricks, and perform other menial chores for the Egyptians. Finally,the Pharaoh released them.

In the Aztec legend, they left an island just off the Pacific Coast, now calledMexcaltitán (Mesh-Kahl-tee-than). When they reached the Mexican mainland,they were enslaved by the king of Aztlán. For a number of years, they, too, had tobuild pyramids and make adobe bricks. Finally, they were allowed to leave, beingled by their prophet Meshi whose name was similar to Moshe, the real name ofMoses.

During the biblical Exodus, the Jews camped for awhile in a place havingmany poisonous snakes in it, called Nehusthan. These Nehusthan snakesappeared to be evil demi-gods. They killed many Israelites. Finally, Moses had abrazen image made of Nehusthan and placed on a pole, telling the Israelites tosalute (worship) it. After that, it didn’t kill any more Israelites.

In the Aztec version of the same story, the Aztecs camped in an extremelyrocky area outside what is now Mexico City, called El Pedregal (The Place ofRocks). Poisonous snakes were everywhere. But the Mexican Meshi was some-what more practical and realistic than our Moses. He told his followers to eatthem. The Aztecs did such a thorough job of eating all those snakes, that not eventoday can one find snakes in El Pedregal.

In India, Aztika was a Brahman leadership sect. A similar word in Turkish,Uztika, means “Upper Class; Nobility.” Those names are strangely similar to theword Azteca. According to the Spanish historian and priest, Fray Diego de Durán,

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The Aztecs claimed to have arrived in the Western Hemisphere from a countryon the other side of the world. They first inhabited a land located more or lesswhere the Florida Cays are now. A severe earthquake or other cataclysm causedtheir land to sink under the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. They were rescued by amaritime nation and taken to the upper East Coast of Mexico in ships. Fromthere, they and the Michoacanos, who appear to have been two clans of the sametribal family, walked to Western Mexico in search of a new land. During theirjourney southward, they separated from the Michoacanos in what is now knownas Lake Pátzcuaro.

The Aztec gentility was called Aztecatl; The common people were Azteca. Theleadership of the Phoenicians was known as Khatti, Their commoners were justcalled Kah. These two class distinctions are too similar to be a coincidence. ThePhoenician Meshikas were a special caste of Phoenicians who specialized inobtaining and overseeing slaves, as well as being artisans for the Phoenicians.Meshika meant “Messiah” in Aramaic, a Turkic language once spoken through-out Central Asia, but not exclusively. The Aztecs were known for their fine goldwork and their enslavement of the other tribes in Meso-America. Their harshnessled the surrounding tribes to ally themselves with the Spaniards against theAztecs. It has been said that the Spaniards never really conquered Mexico. Theyjust oversaw and supported the other Amerindian tribes in such a mission.

Emperor Montezuma told the Spaniards that his family clan came from a far-away land called Teocolhuacán. The Aztecs couldn’t pronounce “R” or “V.”Therefore, this Teocolhuacán had to have been the Turkish Teo-Kaurava-Khan,meaning “The Deified Kaurava (Turkic) Kingdom.”

The Aztecs were descendants of the Toltecs. This Teocolhuacán from whichthe Aztecs descended was located in a far away nation on the other side of theworld, called Tula, Tolan, or Tullan. Keeping in mind that they couldn’t pro-nounce “R,” they were really the Turs, Turan, or Turan, a name of the Turks.Many Turkish Huna tribes couldn’t pronounce “R” either. They called them-selves Tulas, Tulas, or Tulan. In Southern Russia, there was, and is today, a Tula.The Aztecs called the Spaniards Tules. Even today, we find this word Tul or Tolscattered all over both Americas. Toltec derived from Skt. Toltuk (Son of the TolaPeople). In Turkish, Tulteki=“The Unrivalled Tula.”

The Toltec or Aztec word for “warrior,” Yaotl, is similar to its Sanskrit equiva-lent: Yaudi or Yuddhi.

Tepe is the Turkish word for “hill.” Tepes are scattered all over Mexico. Myestimate is that there are more than two hundred. The most famous Tepe isTepeyác, “Hill of the Guardian Angel” in Sanskrit. Before the Virgin of Guada-

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lupe was substituted in her place, Tepeyác was the abode of Mexico’s MotherGoddess: Nan; Inana; Nantzin (Honored or Revered Mother. Tzin is an honor-ific); Ton-nantzin (Resplendent Mother); No-Nantzin (Our Mother); Citl-ali (StarGoddess); Malin-Ali (Flower Goddess).

The Mother Goddess Innana was especially revered in Sumeria and all overCentral Asia. The ancient Turks were the progenitors of Sumeria. In Sumeria andCentral Asia, she was called Nana; Innana; Nan-sin (Honored or ReveredMother); Ishtar (Star Goddess); Str-ila (Star Goddess); Malin-ila (Flower God-dess).

It does not seem possible to me that these identical names for Mother God-dess are coincidences.

The Sumerian word for a pyramidical temple mount is Ziggurat. In Sanskrit,such a temple is a Sakharu or Sakhari. In Nahuatl it is Zacualli. The linguistic dif-ferences in these words are trivial.

The names of the popular Aztec Gods, Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca, derivefrom India and Central Asia. Both these names were probably derived from bothTurkish and Sanskrit. In Turkish, we have Kutsal (Sacred; Holy) Kuru (Turk),which the Toltecs would have pronounced as Kutsalkutl. The word could havealso derived from Kutsalkrl. In Mexico, it would have been Kutsalkatal (HolyTurkish King). This word also has a Sanskrit equivalent: Ket (chief; leader) plusShul (Scepter or Shiva’s Trident) plus Kubera (partnership of the Phoenicians andJews or Khyber, another name of Kubera). This could have only been pro-nounced in Nahuatl as Ketsalkuwatl. Although both of these names certainlyderived from Turkish and Sanskrit, I am of the opinion that Quetzalcoatl wasprobably a holy man from today’s state of Bihar. In ancient times, Bihar wasknown for its monasteries called Bihars. But then it was called Pala. Quetzal-coatl’s native land was Tlapallan. In India, it would have been pronounced asTala-Palan, meaning, “The Upper World Palan.” It was named thusly becauseMeso-America, which was settled by Kubera and his Nagastas (Nagas of the Westor Setting Sun), had brought people from Pala with him. In the Bible, the Pelegsor Phalegs were great builders, especially of canals and waterways. They surelybuilt the old Mayan city of Palenque, meaning Pala-Lanka. Even today, in Cen-tral America, a large container for water is called Palangana (Tribe of Peleg).

Paulisti is Assyrian Palastu or Pilastu, Egyptian Pulesati, Biblical Philistine,Greek Pelasgos, Puranic Pulasta, possibly also Pulama (predatory Poligars ofDeccan)…(Racial History of India, by Chandra Chakraberty; p. 84.)

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In Sanskrit, Palaka=“World Protector.” (See the Sanskrit Lexicon.) Kubera(Heber) and Peleg/Phaleg transported the Meshechs and others to the Americasin order to protect the Middle East, Central Asia, and India, just as the Bible says.

While we are on the subject of biblical names in Mexico, I want to mentionthe coastal city of Papaloapan, in Veracruz. The Nahuatl-speaking people couldnot pronounce “B.” Pan derived from what they saw the Phoenicians (Pani)doing; crossing waters. In Mexico, it came to mean any crossing, such as a bridge,and also a Cross, such as the main subject of this book. Therefore, Papaloapanmeant “Babylonian Crossing.”

Have you ever wondered what the word Panama means? It derives from theSanskrit Pani-maha (The Great Phoenician Crossing). In ancient times, smallships could regularly sail through the swampy Isthmus of Panama.

I must now return to my discussion about Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca. TheNahua people couldn’t pronounce D, B, or G. Therefore, Tezcatlipoca, who isusually regarded as Kubera, had a Turkish name: Desh-Keder-Bhoga (The SacredGod Kheder). In other words, “The Begotten Son of the Unbegotten Father). Allthese names are too similar, both in pronunciation and function, to be “merecoincidences.”

Sanskrit, Turkish, and Tamil place names abound in Meso-America. Nayaritwas named after the Central Indian province of Nayariti; Chihuahua (Shivava,Residence of God Shiva); Jalisco (pronounced Hah-LEES-koh), named after aGreek Sun God. Halys was also the name of the capital city of the Turkic Hit-tites. Sonora, a burning desert, derived from the Sanskrit name of a terrible devilcalled Sunita. Sinaloa’s Old World counterpart derived from the ancient Cey-lonese people was called Sinhala. Zacatecas derives from the Turkish Sakatika(Unique Scythian People). The list goes on and on.

Just as the Michoacanos have a Turkish name for their type of Tamal,Corunda, the Nahuatl people had their Tamal, derived from the Tamil Tamal,which was wrapped in bamboo shucks instead of corn shucks.

The Mayans

The Mayans pinpointed their Old World origins accurately. They claimedthat their forefathers came from a western land lying 150 days’ sailing time fromMeso-America. They gave several names for this land:

Shilanka (Xilanca)—an ancient name of Ceylon (Zeilan-Ka).Shikalanka (Xicalanca)—Ceylon. In Tamil, Shikalam.

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Itzamna was one of their culture heroes. He claimed to have come from awestern country. Isham, meaning ‘Tiger, “Land of Gold,” was a Dravidian nameof Ceylon. The Na in Isham-na is an honorific.

Ishbalanka (Xbalanca), another culture hero. In Tamil, it means “Shiva ofLanka.” India’s God Shiva was supposed to have made the footprint on top ofAdam’s Peak in today’s Sri Lanka.

Shibalba The Mayan underworld. This word stems From the Sanskrit Shi-vulba, meaning “from the fountainhead of God Shiva-Mt. Meru, in India.”

Palenke (Palenque). This name derives from the Tamil Pal-Lanka, meaning“Protectorate of Lanka.” Ancient Lanka was India’s “Atlantis.”

Ceren, a name of Ceylon. Some Mayan ruins in El Salvador are called Ceren.Lacandon, a tribe of Yucatan. India’s god Kubera banished the Laks, a Tartar-

ian Huna or Rakshasha tribe from Northern India to Ceylon, giving the countryone of its many names and becoming the Lakan or Lakam people. The Don inLacan-don derives from Dan. (See the online Cologne Sanskrit and Tamil dictio-naries for comparison of ancient Ceylon names with those of Mayan tribes andplaces.)

Ancient Ceylon was divided into three provinces: Maya, the central division ofthe island; Ruhuna, and Pihitee, the northernmost of the three. The CeyloneseMaya were known for their impressive architectural marvels, temples, and irriga-tion ponds. (Reference: The History of Ceylon, by William Knighton, first pub-lished in Colombo Ceylon, in 1845.)

One of the names of Ceylon’s cult religions was Mayon. It still exists among afew aboriginals living on the island.

As I have stated previously, about 4,000 BC, perhaps even earlier, Kubera orKhyber (Kheeber/Heber), India’s God of Good Luck, Gold, Riches, Merchants,Traders, Mariners and Miners, tried to rid Northern India (Sivapuri; Sivabhu;Shivulva) of its most barbarous tribes. These were mainly the Tartarian Hunas,also called Rakshasas (barbarians). They came from Huna-Bhu, meaning “Hunas(Tartars) from the Sacred Land around Mt. Meru.” Many of these tribes werecannibalistic, given to intertribal fighting, practitioners of human sacrifice intheir religious rites, flattened the foreheads of their babies, took scalps in battle,and observed other customs attributed to many Amerindian tribes.

Ramayana tells us that Kubera (really a group) exiled them to Lanka or Cey-lon, taking along with him many of his Yaksha or Yakkha subjects. These wouldbe the Veddhas, considered to be Ceylon’s first inhabitants. In Ceylon, the Hunas(Huns) refused to settle down and become peaceful. Therefore, Kubera took

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them to Patala (Meso-America), along with his fellow Yakkhas. The Mayansremember them as the culture hero, Hunapu (Huna-Bhu?).

Had the natives of Meso-America been able to pronounce the “ST” combina-tion, today’s Yucatan would be Yucasthan. Even today, the Mexican Indians andpeasants cannot pronounce this combination. For example, instead of Cómo está?(How are you?), they can only say, “¿Cómo tá?”

Guatemala derives from Sanskrit Guadhaamala, meaning Guha (Cosmic Intel-ligence) + Dha (Serpentine) + Amala (Umbilical Cord), the Sacred UmbilicalCord Linking Western Asia and India with Meso-America. Besides the Ceyloneseand Tamil tribal names Yakkha, Maya, and Lak in Maya country, there are alsothe Lenca and Rama tribes. I want to add that no less than two-thirds of all theaboriginal regional names of Mexico are either variations of the name of Lanka orTamil names of West Indian regions.

The architecture of ancient Ceylonese temples and buildings is also nearlyexactly like that of the Mayans.

Kubera even gave his name to North America. The Meso-Americans told theSpaniards that North America was Quivira (Land of the Khyber People).

Most of us have heard of the Mayan holy book, Chilam Balam. Chilan or Chi-lam is a title of Mayan priests. Balam is the Mayan name for Jaguar. In Sanskrit,Cheilan = Ceylonese and Vyalam = tiger; lion; hunting leopard. “Jaguar” probablystems from the Sanskrit Higkara, meaning Tiger-like or “sounding like a tiger.”

Chak was the Mayan God of thunder, lightning, rain, and crops. His equiva-lent in other parts of the world was Zeus, Dyaus, Jupiter, Ca, Jah, Ju, Jahve, JehovaJeho, Sakh, Sagg, Sa-ga-ga, Sakko, Zagg, Zax. a.k.a. Zeus, is often depicted holdinga serpentine thunderbolt and a grail, or someone is handing it to him. TheMayan Chak is equally depicted. He, too, is God Shiva!

They claim to have been brought to Meso-America by a person or groupcalled Votan. This name means “Boat People” in Sanskrit.

The Mayans called their “Quetzalcoatl” Kukulcan and Gukumats. Thesenames derive directly from the Turkic language. Kuk or Gok derived from theTurkic Gog and Gok, names of Ancient Turkish tribes. Ulu means “highplaced.” Mats derives from Masi, the Turkic word for “Messiah.” Khan is aTurkic word for “King.” Therefore, Kukulcan=Gogulkhan (The Revered King ofGog.) Gukumats = Gokumasi (The Revered Gok Messiah.

The word Huna occurs a number of times in Mayan mythology. I have saidthat the second island of Ceylon was named Ruhuna. In Turkic, that means“Soul of the Huna.” Mayan mythology speaks of a God of Wind: Huracán, fromwhich we derived our word Hurricane. Kubera and his people went to Southern

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Mexico either in sailing ships, airships, or both, being taken there by the wind.Hurácan may derive from Kuru-Khan, meaning “The Turkish King.” I havemuch more to say about the Mayans, but I must stop here.

The Zapotecs

This name derives from the Sanskrit Sapota (Owners of Boats). The Zapotecslived and still live in Oaxaca (pronounced in Spanish as wah-HAH-kah). It waspronounced in olden times as Vashaka, “Saka Boat People.”

M. Oldfield Howey said the following about the natives of Oaxaca in hisbook, The Encircled Serpent:

…Saint Patrice writes: ‘…The high priest of the Mixtecs bore the title ofTay Sacca, the man of Sakya, Tay meaning ‘men,’ sacca having no meaning intheir language, but merely to designate a monk. Some other significant termsare Zaca-than, ‘the place of Sakya,’ Zaka-tepec, ‘the mountain of Sakya.’ InChina, Buddhists were often spoken of as ‘Sons of Sakya,’ Sakamuni being thename that was bestowed upon Buddha in his lifetime, his original name beingGuatama.’ Nor is this all. Saint-Patrice further quotes Vining as saying, ‘Thecountry known as Guatemala, in Central America, is named after Buddha,being a corruption of Guatama-than, the Land of Guatama.’ (p. 296.)

Note: I have shown that Guatemala was really called “Guhadhaamala,” meaning“The Transcendental Intelligence Flowing in The Serpentine Umbilical Cord.” Thereis no doubt that such peoples as the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas knew about the Turksand Hindus.

I have given my readers just a crumb of all my collected research about theIndians of both Americas. But I don’t want this book to be too meaty. I want toput the Turks and the Hindus back on the map in both spiritual and physicalways. I hope that my description of these great tribes have proven my point.

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What Is the Right Religion?(Cross Science 101.)

Some readers who have read my last two books, The Ego-Mankind’s Inner Ter-rorist and Christianity-Mankind’s First Worldwide Religion, cannot understandwhy I simultaneously warn people about the evil of proselytizing for any religion,Christian or not. What people should not do is belong to the wrong religion. Sowhat is the right Religion?

In truth, all but one of the major religions on earth are the “right ones.” Nomatter what name they go by, they are just overlays hiding the original religionfrom which they originated; Krishti or Krishtaya. Even that “wrong one” couldbe made “right” if its theocratic leaders wanted it to become so. Most peopleknow what that “wrong” one is without me having to point it out to them. Ifthey don’t, they surely will when they finish this book.

Essentially, The Right Religion is all the religions of the world that acceptDuality, the Cross, and The Holy Trinity as the foundation stones (Krishti) of allhuman existence. Here’s an example: Let’s suppose I want to persuade someoneto leave the Baptist Church and join the Jehovah’s Witnesses. That would be a lotlike carrying coals to Newcastle. The goal of the Baptists is to teach people themysteries of the Cross and the Holy Trinity. Therefore, they and the Jehovah’sWitnesses belong to the same family. Why turn brother against brother? If I didthis, I’d be a common criminal and spiritual murderer. Of course, someone(Guess who?) might knock on your front door frequently, wanting to teach youhow to read the scriptures correctly. There is no correct way to read any kind ofscriptures, for all are Babel.

Let’s suppose that I become a missionary for the Methodist Church. I go toIndia and try to persuade the Hindus to become Methodists. That, too, would bea mortal crime. The Hindus also accept the Cross, Duality and The Holy Trinityas the foundation stones of all human existence.


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The word “Catholic” derives from the Turkic-Armenian Ketylika, meaning“Alliance” and the Sanskrit Ketu-Loka (Phoenician Universal Religion). It derivedfrom the ancient five Central Asian tribes of Panchala Kristaya (Phoenician Chris-tian) or Panchala Kristihan (Phoenician Christian Soldiers or Conquerors). Theywere the Yadu (Yayati, Yahuda, Japheth, or Dyu-Piter); Turvasa (Turk); Druhyus(Druze of the Middle East); Anu (Mongoloids, Japanese, Sumerians, etc.); Puru(the Collective Phoenician Christian Tribes of Central Asia and Northern India)

Tengiri or Tangiri, the “Adam” of all the religions on Earth, which apparentlytook the place of Krishti or Krishtaya, originated in what is now the TurkishRepublic of Altai, now a part of Russia. Tangiri’s Sanskrit meaning may derivefrom Danu (Conqueror or The Tribe of Dan) + Giri (Mountain). Tengiri/Tan-giri is just another way of saying “Mt. Meru,” the navel of the world, or Siyoni(Zion), meaning “Born from the Vulva of Mt. Meru” or “The Source.” Accord-ing to the Torah or Five Books of Moses, as well as the Hindu Holy Books, theprimogenitor races of mankind left Tangiri, Mt. Meru, or Zion and populatedthe entire earth.

The Tengiri religion changed Krishtaya from the way of life of original man-kind to a religion with a specific name, separating it from all others that mighthave been in existence in those ancient times. It preached The Holy Trinity(Father, Son, and Holy Ghost), the archetypical and spiritual significance of theCross, and the Doctrine of Duality (Male and Female Polarities in the World).

According to the Five Krishtayas, the knowledge and skill in applying cor-rectly the spiritual technology of The Holy Trinity, Duality, and the symbolismof their Kurus or Krus, from which we derived our word “Cross,” enabled them tolive at least a thousand years, enter and leave their bodies at will, travel to anyplace in the universe at the speed of light, heal themselves instantly of any afflic-tion, enjoy peace and happiness, know all skills and arts without studying, andinstantly attain a peak of civilization which, if it still existed, would, in compari-son, make us so-called “modern humans” seem Neanderthal. They lived in a stateof bliss.

Overly confident that their lofty status as Spiritual Humans was their inalien-able right, they became egotistical, conceited, and uncaring about the collectivewelfare of their brothers. Gradually forgetting the spiritual technologies I havedescribed, they became more and more atheistic and forgetful of the art of livingin Eternal Heaven. Finally, Nature could tolerate no more their fanatical effortsto turn Heaven into Hell. The earth tilted off its normal orbit, turning theirfrigid Arctic Circle paradise into a frozen wasteland. Therefore, they fled south-ward, eventually settling in North India.

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Who Were the Nephilim?

These original five races, who presumably came from Outer Space to populatethe earth, were what the Torah calls “the maritime nations:” the Phoenicians.The Greeks called them Nuphylum, meaning “The Five Leadership Clans ofNoah.” The Bible calls them Nephilim.

The Sanskrit Lexicon throws further light on this word Nuphylum. Nu/Na=“ship; boat; knowledge; certainty; the descendancy from Noah or LordKrishna; God Shiva; Buddha; Noah.” Nu additionally means “a ship or vesselleading to Heaven.” Navak=“prayer as a spiritual vessel leading to Heaven.”

Unlike Greek, the Sanskrit word for “offspring” or “progeny” is Vela. Nuphy-lum=Nephilim=Nuvelan.

More About the Etymology of Torah.

As I have said, the Turkic word for “story” is Tarih; In the Hebrew Bible,Torah is The Five Books of Moses. In Kashmiri, a North Indian language,Tarikh=“Book.” In a few other languages, Torah goes to the soul of what the FiveBooks of Moses want us to know: The Holy Trinity Itself. In Sanskrit, it is men-tioned as Traya, “the triple sacred science; Triad of Buddha; Dharma, the realname of Hinduism, meaning “The Science of Life.” Trayavida =“Knowing theSacred Science.” Tarana is a large equilateral triangle supporting a large balance.It symbolizes God Shiva as Atlas, holding up the world.

The Japanese call their symbol of “The Holy Trinity” Torii. It is seen every-where in Japan, especially just outside shrines. During the Korean War, I trulyenjoyed worshiping in their very beautiful brand of Christianity. I would drinksweet water from a tank. Then, I would go to the shrine itself, bow, and clap myhands three times; There was also a bell hanging in front of the shrine. After bow-ing and clapping three times, the Japanese Shintoist (Christian) rings a bell threetimes, which hangs in front of the altar. All this symbolism means exactly what itdoes to Catholics-no more-no less: The Holy Trinity, the Father, Son, and HolyGhost.

We also see Torii and Tarana in various parts of the world. We call them Dol-men. Some authorities insist that the ancient Japanese put them there. While it istrue that the Japanese are as Turkic Ramanaka as the rest of us humans, they werenot the original Krishtayas. We must always give credit to the Kurus-Ramanaka,the progenitors of all mankind.

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Do Symbols mean anything?

When Westerners come face to face with Hindu religious philosophy, theytend to become frustrated with and confused about mountains of symbolism,depictions of natural phenomena as animals, parts of animals, different geograph-ical configurations, geometrical symbols such as energy swirls, circles, concentriccircles, swastikas, crosses, and other designs, outlandish descriptions of the livesof the “gods,” using “gods” to represent aspects of Nature, and other anomalies.They see Hindu religious Babel as the ravings of lunatics. For example, therenowned Hindu geographer, Dr. Shyam Narain Pande, said the following todescribe the tribe of Persian people called Pahlava: “The people of this countrysprang from the tail of Vashistha’s cow…” (Ancient Geography of Ayhodhya, p.41.) Or, how about the statement in the Ramayana, saying that Kubera stuck hishead under the water for 10,000 years? The Hindus, through thousands of yearsof study and experience, know that Nature or God does not speak human words.It can communicate with mankind only through sending him visions of womenholding babies in their laps, gods standing on one foot for a thousand years, stick-ing one’s head under water for 10,000 years, a goddess as the symbol of learning,white doves descending from the vagin* of a woman or from the sun, the sun, themoon, humans with animal heads, snakes wrapped around God Shiva’s neck,geometric forms of all kinds, etc. These seemingly impenetrable jungles of anom-alies are called “natural archetypes” or God’s way of explaining all the differentphenomena in the only way Creation can explain them at a time when mankindcould not understand the universe in any other way. Through millenniums ofexperience, the Hindus have come to understand and apply these strange symbolsand anomalies as we understand physics and other sciences with words, mathe-matical statements, chemical formulas, etc. You might call them “vital memoryassociations.” This may be a reason why Hindus generally excel in scientific andtechnological scholarship, for they have been able to align archetypical, naturalthinking with man-created mathematical and other scientific models. Here inCalifornia, Hindus and other Asian students are known for their high scholasticstandards and accomplishments. Even the Sanskrit language itself is regarded asan ideal computer language.

Naturally, some readers may want to inquire about India’s poverty, caste dis-tinctions, high crime rate, worship of gurus, fights between religious factions, andother problems with which Hindus have to cope. There is a reason for this also,which many educated Hindus have explained to me. Most Hindus themselvescan’t understand Nature’s archetypical language. The archetypical language of

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Nature is a science that only the finest and most highly developed of minds cancomprehend and unravel. In itself it engenders an intellectual aristocratic minor-ity, caste distinctions, and the like. It is a fact that our western, manmadeapproach to learning brings the wonders of the human mind, material comforts,and the secrets of Nature to the majority. Having battled for millenniums withNature’s archetypical messages, the Hindus find our western methods of learningchildishly simple.

How The Word “Cross” Got Its Name.

Because the Turks were and are collectively called Kurus, and because the“Cross” was their collective and religious emblem, “Cross” is named after them.However, they call it Aji, meaning “sign.” The Hindus call it Svastika (Swastika).It is one of their most powerfully effective religious symbols. It is a combinationof Sva (soul; one’s self; ego; wealth; riches; power, etc.) plus a contraction withAstika (one’s eternal existence in this world and any other). As Hitler and hisNazis found out, the wrong use of this symbol can destroy anyone who uses it tohurt others. The Aztecs named it after the Phoenicians (Pani) who brought themthe Cross: Pan; Pana.

Another name for this chapter is Cross Science 101. A Cross may not seemlike much to rational thinkers, but it has a power over the human spirit and mindthat no amount of rational reasoning can grasp. You may not understand thetechnology behind it, but that isn’t necessary. Just apply it. Symbolism doesmean something. Take it seriously.

The Cross Symbolizes The World Tree.

Isn’t it strange that even little children are attracted to the Cross, althoughthey have never been taught its significance? Notice their doodlings when theyare scribbling on paper. You’ll see that they never fail to draw a Cross or two.

There are two basic symbols of the original five Panchala Krishtaya. The first isthe unseen spiritual Father of The Original Races. As part of the Cross, he is rep-resented as a vertical beam, signifying a phallus. It symbolizes the eternal move-ment of the sun’s light-giving energy around the world. In Sanskrit, it is calledLingam, Sivalinga, or Shivling. This lingam is either a vertical post or a standingstone. Through its reproductive powers, it sends the “Son” or Phyla to The Mate-rial Dimension of Life. For us, the “Father” is called Krsti or Kristi. The horizon-tal beam symbolize a tree with its branches, the leaves, along with its fruits ornuts. It is the son or Krstis/Kristis. The nails on his hands symbolizes that they arefrozen to the North and South Poles. The “Holy Ghost,” meaning “Life Emanat-

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ing From the Sun,” is represented by the apex of the Krus or a dove perched ontop of the vertical beam or fastened to the apex. A circle around the apex symbol-izes the sun also. This is called the Celtic Cross. This Cross may be enclosedwithin a larger circle, symbolizing The Circle of Life. Sometimes we see a snakewound around the Cross. I’ll explain why later. The Lingam, all varieties ofCrosses, and World Tree symbols are major religious symbols in every crook andcranny of the world.

How do we know that the Jews are also Krishtaya? Their Mogen David is theirmost sacred symbol. They also recognize the Tau. Besides, they are descendantsof Yadu. Kubera’s (Heber) favorite religious symbol was also a Mogen David.When I was living in Mexico City during the late 1950s, a brilliant Hebrewscholar-cabalist, a close friend of mine, told me about its significance. He saidthat anyone who meditated and reflected at all times on the significance of theMogen David would ultimately acquire all power and all knowledge. He told methat once, when King David and his men were going to fight against an over-whelming force, he had the warriors carry shields in the form of the MogenDavid. They defeated their enemy easily. The upright triangle symbolizes thearchetypical Father, called the Ayeen, sending his son, The Yesh, down to thematerial dimension. The upside down triangle symbolizes the Son, or Yesh, whowill someday have to return to the Ayeen. Sometimes there is a circle around theMogen David, symbolizing light, the Holy Ghost, and the Circle of Life.

The Hindus also worship the Holy Trinity as a small tree standing in a pot orbox filled with earth. It is called Deepstumba. The earth in the planter symbolizes“The Earth Mother,” She receives the rays of the sun as a woman receives a phal-lus. The Sun plants within her womb the archetypical human spirit. It mixes withthe water, minerals and earth, becoming a living physical being. Then, this newphysical being rises up from the earth as a linga or phallus and keeps on perpetu-ating the Circle of Life. When this happens, the earth also becomes The MalePrincipal.

Murad Adji says the following about the World Tree:

…Turkic settlements were established and new cities built in the part ofthe Caucasus under their control. One of them was Hamrin. The city wasfamous for its sacred tree, the Tengri Khan tree, which was mentioned inalmost every history of the Caucasus at the time.

It was certainly not a sacred tree of a kind typically adulated by pagans.No, the Turkis kept alive a legend of a world tree embodying everything cre-ated by Great Tengri. (Incidentally, this is an occasion when Tengri was to beaddressed as Hodai [our Christian God], the Creator.)

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The world tree concept is a full-scale science that gives ultimate knowledgeto a man who, by learning it, begins to see the essence of the world and tocomprehend the way it works. Europeans call this science philosophy.

The world tree has branches reaching up to the sky and belonging to Godand birds. The roots of the tree go deep down into the underworld, into theSerpent’s kingdom. The tree trunk extends through the mid-world inhabitedby humans and animals.

My comment: The Serpent’s Kingdom Nagasta, or Guhadhaamala, lies on theother end of the umbilical cord linking Turkey, India, The Holy Trinity, and Mexico.You’ll get undeniable proof in this book.

This tree of life is as eternal as God himself, and you cannot see as you willnever be able to see God.

According to legend, the tree of life is a channel for spirits and thoughts toflow from one world to the other. The world tree gives humans the knowledgethey need. Could it be that Hamrin was a city of wise men and philosophers?Was it possible that here, in the shade of the world tree, the Kipchaks soughtcounsel from Tengri? Surrounded as they were by enemies?

Churches were shortly built in Hamrin, followed many decades later bymosques. Whatever went on around, the tree remained the city’s main sanctu-ary. Today it is the site of a village called Kayakent. It has a regular urban plan,and the sacred Tengri Khan tree still grows on its fringe as a reminder of theplace’s glorious past. The Kumyks living here and beyond do not remember orknow much about the tree, but they have a very deep respect for that treegrowing in Kayakent.

Another representation of The Holy Trinity is a mountain, especially if it hastwo smaller mountains beside it. These sacred mountains are generally calledMeru, Peru, Beru, but not always. A single mountain becomes a Shivalinga. TheEgyptian word for mountain is M’ru. There are two smaller pyramids beside it.Here in Southwestern United states, the O’odham Indians have their own Meru,with two nearby peaks. However, in this case, they call it Babo-Quivari (Grandfa-ther on our Mother’s Side-Khyber/Hibori). In Turkish and Sanskrit, the equiva-lent of that name is Baba-Khyber/Hibori, meaning the Pope or Supreme Priest ofAll Mankind, the Phoenicians and Jews, a.k.a. The Turks and Hindus. Baboqui-vari is, indeed, an American representation of Mt. Meru.

In India, Kubera and God Shiva supposedly live inside Mt. Meru. However,the O’odhams depict Kubera as being the mountain itself. I’itoi, or Sewa as he isalso called, lives within Baboquivari. Meru, Peru, and Beru also mean “GoldenMountain.” Baboquivari has so much gold in it that nearly all the gold panned in

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Southern Arizona leaks out of the Baboquivari mountain range. The O’odhamstold me that anyone who tries to take gold out of the mountain itself, instead ofcontenting himself with what leaks out of it, will be either killed outright ordoomed to a life of tragedy and shame.

I have to admit that I am drawn to Baboquivari as if it were a magnet. It fillsmy heart with awe. I visit it whenever I get the opportunity. Even the Whites liv-ing in Southern Arizona regard it in awe and reverence.

About Duality.

God or Creation requires that we mentally and physically emulate Nature’scycles from activity to repose, at every single moment of our lives. In my dailywalks in the desert every day, when the sun starts rising, I observe the Joshuatrees. I envision them as the Lingam or “Father.” Its “sem*n” forms the branches,leaves and the beautiful white flowers that soon dry up and fall to the ground asseed, perpetuating constantly the regenerative process. I even do this when Iobserve the telephone posts transferring energy to the rest of the posts down theline. When I finished this paragraph, I decided to go to the kitchen for a drink ofwater. I turned on the kitchen lights, making the light become The Male Princi-ple. The kitchen then became bathed in light, becoming The Female Principle.

A friend recently asked me: “If the Kristi is “The Heavenly Father” and theKristis is “The Earthly Son,” what place do we women have in this scheme ofthings?”

I told her that depending on whether we are giving and receiving, we are bothmale and female. If someone extends me some courtesy on the freeway, hebecomes The Male Principle and I The Female Principle. If I am swimming andstart drowning, and a woman life guard dives in to save me, she becomes theMale and I the Female. Let’s suppose a man and his wife are both teaching a classof students. Both of them become The Single Male Principle and the studentsbecome The Single Female Principle. We may be physically male and female, butin regard to spirituality, we are all androgynous.

Simon Peter said to them, “Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthyof life.”

Jesus said, “I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that shetoo may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman whowill make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Thomas Saying114.)

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In the Thomas Gospel, the human body is regarded as an animated corpse. Itis just dirt and water. The spirit is the only reality. At all times, people are inmotion and repose, or giving and receiving. Spiritually, there is no differencebetween men and women.


Since we all live eternally, we must at all times remember that we reap whatwe sow. The harvest is called Karma. What I do to others I also do to myself. If Icommit an evil or violent act, I become The Evil Male Principle. Because as aphysical human being I am the Son of the Father, the Father naturally takes mea-sures to punish anyone who does evil and unseemly things to any of his Sons.Somewhere along the line, I must become the Evil Female Principle and let anEvil Male Principle ravish and harm me-or, I must suffer in some other horribleway. It is the Law of the Universe. It is the Tao. This is why humans shouldalways be kind and good to all beings on this earth and to Mother Earth herself.If I take trash out in the desert and deposit it there, I am actually raping MotherEarth without her permission. Someday and somewhere, I’ll have to pay theprice.

When I was in Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism, we were taught that when some-one treats us favorably, we always must reciprocate in some way, in order to keepa favorable balance between us. It is a fundamental tenet of Buddhism that whensomeone does me some good act or service, I must reciprocate as soon as possible.If not, I’ll always have a karmic debt with him.

Sometimes, we help people out of some difficulty when they cannot promptlyreturn such a favor. The person receiving help can repay his karmic debt by help-ing someone else.

The day before I worked on this part of the chapter, a Mexican friend whocan’t speak English asked me to go to the City Building and arrange for thebuilding inspector to go to his home and inspect his newly built patio. When Ireturned, his wife insisted on serving me a delicious plate of beans, chicken, rice,and tortillas. I gladly accepted. Not only did I enjoy a tasty repast, but I also letthem pay their karmic debt. Naturally, when I received the meal, I became theFemale Principle. That meant that I then had to pay back the debt either to themor to someone else. We are never free of our mutual debts to one another. It islike a gigantic wheel. Round and round it goes, and where it stops nobodyknows.

Jesus said that he came to this world to divide people; not to unite them. Thisis as it should be, for if God favors any one religious organization over another to

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force people to conduct themselves correctly, the Laws of Karma could not possi-bly exist. If the clerics of a certain religious sect in Afghanistan decide to execute aman for having converted to Christianity, they are inventing their own conterfeitLaws of Karma. They, not the man they intended to kill, would fall within thejudgement of the Laws of Karma. The Laws of Karma were not created by mor-tals. Therefore, God does not recognize theocracies. Naturally, such Divine Ecu-menicalism would divide sectarian people who can not see that God is foreverybody.

How does the principle of Duality work when a beggar wants a handout? Thatdepends. All of us have received the gift of life. Life demands that we emulateGod which is Creation. If I am young and capable of creating (working) and giv-ing (becoming the husband or phallus), but I just want to receive, like a femaleprostitute, I upset Natural Balance and must suffer the consequences. As for theperson who gives alms to a hale and hearty beggar, he angers the Father. TheFather wants his Son to grow up to self-sufficiency. He will turn on the personwho seeks to spoil and ruin his Son.

Naturally, the Father smiles upon anyone who will befriend, feed, and help ason who is truly in need, such as elderly and handicapped people.

People are surprised to find out that Hindu Shiva-ism condones capital pun-ishment. The Father frowns on people who want to be merciful and kind to thosewho have murdered and raped his Sons. The Father sees them as working in col-lusion with such evil people. He says, “Such people themselves are not worthy ofkindness. Man lives forever anyway. Why won’t they make it possible for him toleave this Hell he has made for himself and begin life all over again? If they willnot do this, I will visit upon them the same karma as the evil people they want toprotect.”

What about such practices as abortion? The Buddhists say that a spirit seekingrebirth looks for a suitable couple who are copulating. If it desires the male in theact of copulation, it will be born as a male. If it desires the female, it will be bornas a woman. I will leave it up to your conscience to decide whether a fetus ishuman.

How about hom*osexuality? I prefer to let the hom*osexuals define themselves;not me.

If any of my readers understand that both men and women must always prac-tice the Male Principle at all of times, which consists of always protecting andnurturing the Son of the Father, what will this constant practice do for them?The answer should be obvious. They will start climbing Jacob’s Ladder again.

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An Easy Way to Understand Exactly What Karma Is.

The word “androgynous” means “both male and female.” Physically, peopledon’t always appear androgynous. But if you examine people closely, you’ll seethat they are physically androgynous to a degree. A male usually doesn’t have pro-truding breasts. A woman has protruding breasts, but inside her vagin*, one sees atiny penis called “cl*tor*s.” Where the Holy Spirit is concerned, both males andfemales are entirely androgynous. And this is where Karma manifests itself. If aperson demonstrates the Good Male Principle, he must become later on theGood Female Principle. If he demonstrates the Bad Male Principle, he becomeslater on The Bad Female Principle. If he is inconsistent and irregular in the polar-ities of Male and Female Principles, he becomes later on, in both bad and goodways, variations of the opposite. “Pay Back Time” is not always immediatelyreflexive. Sometimes it can be accumulative and retroactive.

How long will it take the practitioner of the Dual Principle to return to thelofty status of Spiritual Man or Woman? That, also, depends on how faithfullyand constantly one practices. A person who sinks his whole being into the prac-tice may attain Divine Status in a few years. Those who are careless and insincerein the practice, occasionally or frequently falling by the wayside, may need hun-dreds of lifetimes and blood-dripping Karma before freeing themselves of theHell in which most humans now find themselves. The practice is like anythingelse. You get as much back as you put into it. Practice this until it becomes a con-ditioned reflex.

We read a lot about the ineffectiveness of psychologists and psychiatrists. Peo-ple having mental afflictions should know that by constantly practicing Tao orDuality in their daily lives, they can ultimately become mentally stable again.

Why Does Conscious and Constant Practice in Searching For theMale and Female Principles in Everything We Do and Say Strengthenand Expand Us Mentally and Spiritually?

The human mind works simultaneously at a conscious and subconscious level.When we were learning how to read, write, and calculate, we repeated therequired disciplines over and over until we could perform these operations auto-matically without thinking about them. For example, people regard me as a goodtypist. I can type as fast as I want without having to look at the keyboard. Whena thought occurs to me while I’m keyboarding, my mind doesn’t have to wonderwhere the tips of my fingers are going to land. In time, after you have practiceddiligently for a year or two, you will begin to do it inwardly as well. When that

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happens, you will be well on your way to imitating the Tao in your daily life andworking your way up Jacob’s ladder.

The famous mathematician-philosopher, Alfred North Whitehead, wrote,“Civilization advances by extending the number of operations which we can per-form without thinking about them.”

Aryan Krishtaya spiritual development science doesn’t demand that we havegurus, read murky scriptures, or study intricate yogic and other such disciplines.All one needs for spiritual advancement to the highest degree is to practice con-stantly the science of the Holy Trinity, the Cross, and develop within one’s selfthe ability to recognize duality in all things and within one’s own being. This isreally not hard to do. I hope you will agree.

To keep ourselves aware at all times of the Triple Alliance and Duality, we notonly observe closely all that goes on around us, determining whether it is theFather or the Son, Male or Female, we can wear the symbols, in order to keepourselves reminded of all times that we have a sacred duty to perform in thisworld. In the Catholic Church, members remind themselves of this during massand in their daily lives by making the sign of the Cross with their hands. All thismay seem irrational to the uninitiated, but Nature is getting the message, and shestrengthens us to grow spiritually.

Many people criticize the fact that Catholics wear crucifixes with the effigy ofJesus Christ affixed to them. Is this paganism? It is not in any way paganism.Such a crucifix is a powerful reminder that there is no way on earth for any of usto escape from the Cross.

According to the ancient Krishtaya, the sacred word Akristi was more powerfulthan the Hindu sacred syllable AUM. Those who chanted this sacred word whilethinking of or looking at a Cross were said to be able to attain anything theywanted.

The Circ*mstances Making the Ancient World Aware of The Power ofThe Cross.

Murad Adj tells how the Turks taught Europe about the power of The Cross.Mr. Adj’s free online book is of such importance to the world, I had to fight thetemptation to quote most of it. Therefore, if he mentions certain individuals ornations with which you are unacquainted, I advise you to do some independentinvestigation.

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A Christian soothsayer, Gregory, had a vision of a fiery column, with across on top of it, rising to the sky. The cross radiated bright light, exactly likea lightning.

At the time, the Armenians held little faith in the salvational power of thecross-they were still pagans. They did remember well, however, the cross-spangled banners the Kipchaks had fought under and were struck by coinci-dence-Saint Gregory saw a similar cross in the sky. Was it a sign of God?

“The Turkis must be helped by their God of Heaven,” the Armeniansdecided.

Rumour about the Turkis’ all-powerful God swept across Europe like wildfire. News of it was carried far and wide by Christians. They spread JesusChrist’s prophetic words of horsem*n who would liberate the world fromRome’s rule. You can read this prophesy in the Apocalypse, one of Christians’most revered books. It was looked to with hope. People would read every linetime and again, relating the prophetic words to what was happening aroundthem. There was a complete match. Everything was turning out exactly as theman called Christ had said.

“The prophecy has been fulfilled. Now wait,” St. Gregory addressed hisfollowers, after he had seen the shining cross of Tengri in the sky. Weren’tthose words why Armenians called the Saint Gregory the Illuminator?

Victory was round the corner. Bide your time and wait, was the message.The Turkis, of course, did not know, or even guess, what was happening in

Europe at the time, until a young Armenian priest who came to them toldthem all. The Armenian’s name was Gregoris, he was a grandson of St. Gre-gory the Illuminator, and he was only sixteen years old. Gregoris made a lowbow and asked, in broken Turkic, for a meeting with the Kipchak king.

Doesn’t the Holy Book tell us, “What Tengri says will be”?Why did the young Bishop Gregoris come to see the khan and what did he

ask for? No, it was not military assistance.This time, the Armenians were asking to be taught how to win. They (both

pagans and Christians) wanted to adopt faith in the God of Heaven who hadmade the Turkis invincible. Christian Bishop Gregoris was the first Europeanto come to the Turkis to learn about the faith in Tengri so he could then teachit to his people. In fact, he wanted to follow the example of Gheser and KhanErke, this time in Europe…

The Kipchaks’ arrival at the boundaries of the Roman Empire and theirbrilliant victory over Iran impressed all, Christians above all. The Kipchakswere on everybody’s lips-they were too outlandish to go unnoticed. Their ironarmour and weapons made them look out of a different world in the Europe-ans’ eyes. And they really were-from the bright world under the high sky ofTengri.

Heathen Europe looked at them bottom-up, like a foot soldier does at ahorseman. Europe lost to the Turkis on all counts, the principal of which wasfaith in God-really an asset it lacked conspicuously, in God who gave theTurkic people plenty of iron and an ability to make the most of it.

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A simple example will emphasize the importance of iron. A well-landedblow with an iron sword could cut a bronze one in two. In other words,Roman troops had no arms to resist the Kipchaks. Like prehistoric men withnothing else but wooden clubs.

You can say whatever and however you like about the collapse of theRoman Empire, put forward any hypotheses and make any guesses. All discus-sion would be a waste of time unless you consider this simple fact.

Turkic Tengri stood for iron and Rome’s Jupiter symbolized bronze. TheKipchaks were to win inevitably, just as iron was superior to bronze. TheRoman Empire was doomed, fully at the mercy of the Kipchaks, if and whenthey cared to finish it off.

The Armenians would not send Bishop Gregoris for nothing. They wereprobably the only Europeans who made the correct guess about the course offuture events, and did whatever they could to distance themselves from Romeon its deathbed, even if not dead yet.

These were the reasons that brought the teenage bishop to Derbent. Hewas baptised there (ary-sili or ary-alkyn in Turkic) by immersion in waterblessed by a priest holding a silver cross over it three times.

My Comment: Notice that word Ary. It means Aryan or the “Aryan Baptism.”Baptism with water is a key rite of the Tengri worship. In fact, initiation

into the faith or, in other words, into the Turkic world. Baptism originated inthe Ancient Altai where newborn babies were dipped in ice-cold water beforethey entered into the realm of the Eternal Blue Sky. (The baptismal bath madea child tiurk, which the Chinese translated as “strong” or “robust”.)

Another ancient Turkic word, aryg, meant “pure” in spirit. It was appliedto a person that had gone through a cleansing ceremony.

The use of water for baptism goes back to the Ancient Altai, among peoplewho cared for their bodily and spiritual purity. Today, introduction of bap-tism is ascribed to Christians or to some other creed. It is completely wrong.Early Christians could not use baptism for the simple reason that Europe firstlearned about the ritual with the arrival of Kipchaks. This is an indisputablefact that is not covered up by Christian historians themselves. Baptisteries, orbasins to have Christians baptised, were first built in the 4th century.

As added evidence, Tibetans, who adhere to traditions of faith in Tengri,still perform ary-alkyn and ary-sili rites.

The Armenian bishop was, therefore, the first European to be admitted tothe faith in Tengri. That was the Turkis’ own way, full of spiritual symbolism,to express their relation to alliance with the West. Gregoris was baptised in alake, Aji or Lake Cross, near the village of Kayakent.

Turkic priests took the spiritually pure Gregoris to Hamrin where he wasinitiated into the mystery of the World Tree. He was shown the Turkis’ sacredtexts, in particular, Tengri’s covenants, which have, as far as can be judged byfragments, been incorporated in the Koran. And then, following an admissionceremony, he was allowed to join together the thumb and fourth finger of hisright hand, a godly sign of reconciliation.

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In Oriental symbolism, the two joined fingers signified allegiance toHeaven. They were then lifted to the forehead, lowered to the chest, raisedagain to the left shoulder and then the right shoulder. The Turkis used thisgesture to ask the God of Heaven for protection and patronage. (Bishop Gre-goris was thus the first Christian who made the sign of the cross.)

Early Christians did not cross themselves, being unaware of the force of thecross, and they adopted this practice from the Kipchaks.

Gregoris told his hosts of Christ, whom he worshipped, about Europe andpersecution of Christians. The Turkis believed him, accepting Christ for theSon of the God of Heaven, because they knew of other sons of Tengri, in par-ticular, Gheser, the Turkic people’s Prophet. Gheser is extolled in a prayer,which is very brief and emotional.

“We gave you Gheser, so say your prayers to God….” This is a phrasefrom Tengri’s Testament. (Today, it makes up Sura 108 of the Koran.) TheEast still remembers these words, even though the meaning of Gheser (Kawsaror Kewser) is not clear to all.

Gregoris spent a long time learning the mysteries of divine service. Turkishelped him to set up a Christian church in Derbent. (Many years later, it wasrenamed Albanian Church, after a new country in the Caucasus, Albania,Gheser being probably one of its cities.)

Armenia was the first country in Europe to have a new Christian church in301. The Armenian church accepted Tengri and adopted His cross. Andmore, Armenians borrowed the principles of divine service from the Turkis.(Previously, Christians had no rite of their own and followed Judaic practicesin synagogues.)

Armenians also were the first defectors from the old practices, causing ireand indignation in Rome. In response, Emperor Diocletian unleashed hisnotorious persecutions of new Christians.

No Christian was, however, frightened by executions and banishment.The new faith acquired growing numbers of followers instead. The seeds ofTurkic culture sprouted into plentiful shoots on the barren soil of heathenRome. Indeed, no one can defy the omnipotence of the God of Heaven.

Now, the various peoples comprising the Roman Empire talked withoutfear about the helplessness of the old gods. They openly rejected Jupiter,crushed Mercury’s statues and smashed idols. “What Tengri says will be.”

In the end, Rome saw light as well. At one time, Emperor Diocletianwanted to convert to new Christianity, but took fright at the last minute. Indesperation he abdicated and left the imperial palace. A wise politician, he rea-lised that he had lost to the Turkis.

He was defeated without ever engaging the Turkis on the battlefield.On his departure exactly, the Roman Empire gave way, without war or

catastrophe. It ceased to be so self-assured and believe in itself, the greatest ofearthly sins.

The Turkis conferred a high, indeed very high, honour upon the head ofthe Armenian Church, giving him the title of katylic, which is “ally” or “initi-

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ated” in Turkic. This title, modified to Catholicos over centuries (with theGreek ending “-os” added on later), has been retained to our day.

Why did the Turkish Tengri Cross and Religion Disappear?

An aggressive religion conquered the Turkish nations a few hundred yearsafter the crucifixion of Christ. It did not permit people to honor and reveresacred icons representing divine natural archetypes. For them, Cross symbolismwas idolatry; the Holy Trinity became anathema. When the new religion sweptover Central Asia, the Tengri religion, the original Krishtaya, died painfully in aholocaust of fire and bloody sword play. However, I have read that some Turksstill keep the religion alive in secret. Don’t let that word Tengri dismay you. Itdoes not represent a pagan idol. It is just another word for Hodai/Khodai, fromwhich we derived the word “God.” The other Turkic word, “Bogh,” is com-monly used in Central Asian countries and in Northern India. Murad Adji is notlying to us. We know that non-Italians were dominant in the Roman army beforeit fell to the so-called “barbarians.” We call them Goths, Ostrogoths, Visgoths,Alans, Vandals, Celts, and other names. The Turks referred to themselves collec-tively as Kipchaks, Kurus, or Aryans. After Christ’s crucifixion, the Greek andTurkic Apolloites, convinced that our Jesus Christ was an incarnation of Apolloby all of his names, such as Keder or Keser, converted almost overnight. Whenthat happened, the infant Christianity became divided into two main groups:The type of Christianity forming the present Roman and Orthodox Catholicism,and the type that the Goths, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Celts, etc., understood to bethe Aryan Son of God, Apollo, Keder, or Keser. Check your religious historybooks to confirm what I have just stated. That branch of Christianity was knownas Arianism, or Aryanism, as it should’ve been spelled in the first place. English isa strange language. Just a different letter, though it stands for the same sound, canlead people astray. In Spanish, one gets a better idea of what “Y” is: I-Griega(Greek I).

I hope that pious Christians will be broad-minded enough to accept whatMurad Adji has to say about the combining of Judeo-Christian and Tengri reli-gious practices. He has history on his side. We should pay attention to him. Theworld is having a difficult time right now. The truth will make us all free.

Will some power come along someday and yank the Cross away from us as itwas torn out of the hands of our Turkish brethren? Not if there is there any truthto that popular song of Christians everywhere! Here are a few excerpts:

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Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,with the cross of Jesus going on before.Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;forward into battle see his banners go!Crowns and thrones may perish, kingdoms rise andwane, but the church of Jesus constant will remain.Gates of hell can never against that church prevail;we have Christ’s own promise, and that cannot fail.Onward then, ye people, join our happy throng,blend with ours your voices in the triumph song.Glory, laud, and honor unto Christ the King,this through countless ages men and angels sing.

Not Even The Most Educated of Clerics Understand The Significanceof The Holy Trinity!

The analytical psychologist Carl Jung’s father was a Protestant minister. Yet,his father knew absolutely nothing about the mystery he was supposed to teach tohis congregation. Jung wrote in his Memories, Dreams, Reflections:

One day I was leafing through the catechism…I came upon the paragraphon the Trinity. Here was something that challenged my interest: a onenessthat was simultaneously a threeness. This was a problem that fascinated mebecause of its inner contradiction. I waited longingly for the moment when wewould reach this question. But when we got that far, my father said, “We nowcome to the Trinity, but we’ll skip that, for I really understand nothing of itmyself.” (pp. 52-63.)

A Popular Salvadoran Folk Tale About The Holy Trinity.

My next-door Salvadoran neighbor and friend, Mauricio Velásquez, said thathis grandmother told him a popular folk tale in his country.

One day, a certain priest was walking along the shore of a Salvadoran beachcalled El Obispo (The Bishop). He was trying to make himself understand the fullsignificance of The Holy Trinity.

Suddenly, he came upon a little boy who was poking a hole in the sand. Hesaid, “My son, why are you doing that?”

The child answered, “I’m punching this hole because I want to drain theentire ocean into it.”

The priest responded, “But my son, that is impossible.”

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The child said, “You’re correct. And likewise it is impossible for mere man-kind to know the full meaning of The Holy Trinity.” After saying that, the littleboy disappeared instantly, before the priest’s eyes.

What would atheists say about all that Mr. Murad Adji and I have said thusfar? Do they think that The Holy Trinity is just a silly superstition? Will it some-day disappear as that little boy did? Do they think that if they shut their eyes andstop up their ears, Christ will go away soon? I think not. He has been with ussince the beginning of the world! He will be here until the end as well.

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The Brain and Spinal Cord AreReceptors and Processors of

Solar Energy.(Cross Science 102)

The problem about Life Energy emanating from the sun and Outer Space ingeneral is that people can’t usually see or feel it. Therefore, they think it is non-existent. However, if they could be made to see and feel the mind-bogglingamounts of radiation and solar energy battering all of us night and day, manypeople might die of fright. For example, if mankind could find a way to capturejust enough solar energy in a coffee cup, he could make all the oceans of theworld boil over! There are elements of solar energy that mankind has not evendiscovered yet. By using light correctly, we could heal all diseases, rejuvenate oldbodies, make plants grow without water, energize the minds of all humans suffi-ciently to turn idiots into geniuses, run automobiles and airplanes without fuel,turn ordinary dirt into metals many times stronger than steel, and help us live forhundreds of years as Noah and the patriarchs of old did. I am not stating an opin-ion, but an actual fact.

Here’s something that I’ll bet you haven’t yet been told in Sunday School andbiology class. Nighttime is not just for snoozing and early evening love-making.It is the time when we humans must recharge the batteries storing our life energy,just as we recharge cell phones, fuel cells, and other kinds of equipment requiringelectrical power. We’re not supposed to be out dancing and carousing around,drinking booze and watching sports events on TV, or working all night in somefactory. Nighttime is for getting recharged!

If I were to explain this concept to you as the Hindus understand it, leaving itat that, you would probably want to put me in a strait-jacket and lock me up for


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my own safety. I’ll just quote a few passages from Dr. Pande’s “geography book,”to give you an idea of what I’m referring to.

The Sun-dynasty is such a riddle that the meaning which is conceived isthat the Ikshwakus and their capital city of Ayodhya is shining like thealmighty sun at the top. This symbolizes the ever-shining city of Ayodhya.The sun does not see tomorrow. It has been said in the Rigveda. Due to thecreation of the earth, the sun’s light makes a horizon which is always movingtoward the west. The union with the light and darkness has been curiouslyconceived as a fight going on between these two. In a symbolic way, the kingof Ayodhya rules on the earth like that of the sun in the heaven. The geo-graphical accounts are connected with the astronomical riddle all over theworld e.g. the word ‘Ra’ in Egypt means sun. Raja title for the king in India isthe same as Rex in Italy. All these titles are related with the sun. Sun’s rays aremostly associated with the north and south Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn,in Sanskrit, Uttarayana and Dakshinayana.

Ayodhya, connected with the Ramayana makes unity in between northand south in the manner as we see one thing by two eyes with the help of spi-nal cord (the Merudana in Sanskrit) in the bodies of living beings like that ofthe Meru Mountain on the earth….

God Rama is also known as Ramachandra.

My comment: The Epic, Ramayana, is actually a history book, hidden in strangemythological terms, telling how mankind, with the help of Heber and Phaleg, left Mt.Meru and settled the world. Rama represents Mt. Meru. Chandra (the moon andstars) represents Mt. Kumeru, in the Western Hemisphere. Kumeru can be no othermountain except Mt. Orizaba in Mexico’s state of Veracruz. The word Veracruz issupposedly a Spanish term, meaning “Where the Cross was seen.” Rama, or Mt.Meru, is where the movement from the Eastern Hemisphere passes eternally over Mt.Orizaba (Kumeru or Citlaltepec) in Southern Mexico because Chandra (Moon) sym-bolizes the place where the Turks (Nagas) and Hindus first landed in the New World.

Dr. Pande confirms my comments:

It is only to associate sun with the moon. Likewise, the ‘Singh’ title for theking in India, introduced later on, has not come out from the forest, as it wasthe strongest animal, but it is associated with the sky as the group of stars‘Singh Rashi,’ the lion. Still better example we see…where the stars areappointed as soldiers. Similarly the riddle of the sun assumed as sitting on the7 horses should be compared with the Rigveda symbol ‘Ashva’ meaning (‘A’-No and ‘Shva’=tomorrow) no tomorrow. The sun is always shining. There-fore, it may be realized that the yesterday, today and tomorrow are meaning-less words on the surface of the sun. Nowadays, the television sets are

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propagating this view. Even a child at night beholds the match going on in theday light somewhere else on this very earth at the same time. The sevencolours from the rays of the sun have been scientifically proved, which areshown also by the flowers which have been the cause for beauty and bliss. Itseems that people have stolen smile from the flowers. Thus, peace and unitymay well be associated with the almighty sun or God Rama or nature. Nowwe shall see how this smiling nature comes to help the humanity for peacefullife through the democracy. In politics of the day whatever be the cause forincreasing percentage in the demoralized activities all over the world, it will bereduced if the source study based on the geographical astronomical and spiri-tual aspects is grasped by every person. (pp. 68-69 in passim.)

…the spinal cord is symbolized as the Meru mountain in the Vedic hymn‘Devanam pu’ which also points out that the human body becomes the mainsource of expansion of culture. The body is representing the sun, Ayodhya andthe Meru mountain. Man’s movement causes an ever-changing horizon inevery direction. Sun’s horizon is moving toward the west. Meru mountain’shorizon is static. But, as soon as the body moves, it combines the threestrands-geographical, astronomical and spiritual-in a beautiful manner.

Ayodhya was safe as its position was on the ‘roof of the world’ identified asMeru Mountain on the earth and in the body on the uppermost portions.Like ‘Atharvaveda’ in the Manusmrita, Vishnu and Shiva have been shown inresiding in the human body. These two examples are the roots of the demo-cratic form of government in the world. Everyone’s life, thus, becomes theepic Ramayana….

We have seen that the Atharvaveda and the Science of String, ‘TantraShastra’ have rightly explained the history of cultural and democratic expan-sion of the ancient city of Ayodhya. The point of confusion was only the sepa-ration of Meru from Ayodhya and understanding the symbolic as well ascondensed form of Kailash mountain and the Earth for Meru mountain asconceived by the Science of String or the Tantra Shastra.

In order to understand the culture and democracy we have to analyse thatthe geographical static Meru mountain has been equated with the static andever-shining almighty sun or the Vedic ‘Ashva’ meaning ‘no tomorrow.’ Thusthe real realizations of the all pervading God of all the religions can well bevisualized by eyes, hearts and minds. This point will harmonise the differencesof views becoming mythical ‘Ashwa’ meaning horse with apparent movement,equated with the dynamic human spinal cord. We should not be dissatisfiedwith such mythical expressions but keep in mind that the truth is emphasizedby nature, teaching a lesson to the humanity to establish a strong centre whichmay equal the capital cities politically…

My comment: Pay particular attention to what he said about “mythical expres-sions.” Nature or God speaks no words. Just Man. God broadcasts these strange imagesto our minds. Soon or later, certain individuals learn that these archetypes are a type

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of foreign language. Additionally, these archetypes are the same in all religions andcultures except one. The “exception” regards these archetypes as “idolatrous.” I’veheard Christians say the same thing. If people could understand that mythologicalexpressions are the Original Words of God, mankind could progress more than he has,especially in the social sciences. The author mentioned Science of String. Science ofString was derived from Hindu mythological sources.

…it is our pious duty to protect ourselves while going towards the horizon,periphery, south or depth because due to the vast and uncontrollable expan-sion these areas are not so protective as the centre…(pp. 70-71 in passim.)

The following is an illustration provided by Dr. Pande, showing how theenergy of the sun enters the brain and moves down the spinal cord when we haveour heads and spinal cords properly aligned while we’re sleeping.

Fig. 2. Dr. Pande’s illustration shows how all life energy from the sun entersthe brain, moves down through the spina lcord and continues westward,

entering the brain and spine of anyone lying correctly in the SacredDirections. As it moves along, it throws its rays toward the North and South.The western coordinate of the movement of this energy is Mt. Orizaba, in


Dr. Pande is trying to show us that a powerful energy constantly moves aroundthe world from East to West, by day and by night, millennium after millennium-

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forever. This energy extends thousands of miles in both Outer and Inner Space;East and West; up and down; round and round. If people align themselves with itwhen they are sleeping or just lying in bed, it will eventually unite in peace and har-mony as many people on earth who will obey Natural Law as God or Natureintended. The greater number of humans who obey and live by this Natural Law(Tao), the more united in peace and harmony they become. They will be attuningthemselves to the Source of All Life. Finally, fewer wars. Less violence. Less crime.Less hunger and suffering. Less unhappiness. And if all humans aligned themselvescorrectly while sleeping? We’d probably return to Eden.

I find it strange that most humans think nothing of picking up a cell phoneand calling friends and relatives, some of whom are on the other side of theworld. Yet, they poke fun at the idea that the life energy of the sun is sweepingaround the world 24 hours a day, and that it, too, communicates with mankindin its own way. How can they be so conceited as to think that God can’t commu-nicate with them in the same way, and even on a much superior and more power-ful level?

They cannot ackowledge the reality of this Divine Energy because it doesn’tspeak to them in words. Dr. Pande said that this is the very energy that causedworld civilization to develop from East to West. We will now put his statementto the test, to see if what he says are just the ravings of a congenital crackpot or isadvice that we should all take seriously. See the following map:

Fig. 3. Civilization always follows the sun and the trade winds. Wherever ittakes root, it then fans out from north to south, just as the sun’s rays do.

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As Dr. Pande said, “Sun’s rays are mostly associated with the north and southTropics of Cancer and Capricorn, in Sanskrit, Uttarayana and Dakshinayana.”

Notice that Mexico and Guatemala are marked in black on the map,. This iswhat Dr. Pande was calling Chandra (Moon) or Mt. Orizaba, Mexico. It is herethat the Turkish and Hindu Nagas (Snakes) first delivered civilization to theAmericas. Some skeptics or critics may say that it is just a coincidence that civili-zation moved from East to West. It is no coincidence. It cannot move in anyother way.

I make some fantastic claims in this book, that we rarely get in Sunday Schoolclass or in Bible-thumping sermons accompanied by throaty shouts of “Hallelu-jah.” Some people may want to say, “Figure Three just shows where the mostfavorable trade winds are. The spread of civilization has nothing to do with themovement of solar energy from East to West.” Therefore, I will put the ancientRamayana Path of Unity theory to another test. See the following map:

Fig. 4. The greatest concentration of solar energy, symbolically shown as aserpent with a head on each end, passing through Mt. Meru in Western

Tibet, and Mt. Orizaba (Citlaltepec), in Veracruz, Mexico.

I have already discussed how Hindu teachers prove to their students that suchholy books as the Ramayana are reliable and valid in spite of the cumbersomemyths and metaphysical expressions contained in them. They can stand up toscrutiny. The teachers get a world map, folding it at 0º Longitude. Then, theystick a pin through mouth of the Indus or Sarasvati rivers. The pinpoint emergesin the Western Hemisphere in what we now call the Antilles or West Indies, inthe Caribbean area.

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On the above map, I have illustrated the eternal flow of solar and life energybetween those two parts of the world as an undulating line, representing serpentenergy. The arrow on each side of the line represents the head of a snake or Naga.This is also how this energy was portrayed by the ancient Aztecs and Mayans.(See the picture of Quetzalcoatl in Chapter Sixteen.) Kailasa (Meru) in WesternTibet is located at 81'10º L. East. Mt. Orizaba (Citlaltepetl) lies at 97'26º L.West. Although Meru and Citlaltepec are not exactly lined up together, they areclose enough to show that any disalignment is trivial. But this in itself is notenough proof. I must provide more evidence.

According to the Ramayana, Kubera (really our Heber and Phaleg), who was aNaga, banished many tribes of the most barbaric and savage Rakshasas (lowlandHuns) and Pisacas (mountain Huns) to Lanka (Ceylon). Athough tropical Lankacontained ideal conditions for life and happiness, they behaved no better therethan they did back in Northern India and Central Asia. In desperation, he andhis followers, the Yakshas or Yakhus, who gave their name to Yucatan, trans-ported them to Patala (Meso-America), to what is now the southern coast of Ver-acruz and Belize. There is a safe port in Belize, next to Mexico’s state of QuintanaRoo, called Chetumal. The Hindu representation of Mt. Meru looks like a flowerwith four petals representing the four directions, north, south, east, and west.The center of the flower represents Mt. Meru. It is the world’s first map of thisglobe. The left petal points west toward a western coastal area called Chetumalaor Ketumala, which was also supposed to be an ancient port. See the Meso-Amer-ican Chetumal on the map. In order to keep the Rakshasas and Pisacas fromreturning to India, and possibly to keep competitors from going to Meso-Amer-ica, Kubera built his palace on a huge island off the coast of Veracruz, the vestigesof which we now call Greater Antilles or West Indies. This island was calledTrikuta. The island, plus the surrounding areas, then as now, was called Antipo-des, derived from the Sanskrit Anta (Outer Boundary) + Pa (Guard; Protector) +Deza (Territory).

According to Hindu mythology, Lanka was an immense territory, stretchingnearly all around the world. About 2,000 B.C., when Abraham and Sarah fled tothe Middle East, nearly all of Lanka sank under the sea. In the Americas, the onlypart of Trikuta that we can still see, are the islands we today called Antilles orWest Indies. Archeologists will someday discover many ruins at the bottom of theGulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. (See my The Last Atlantis Book.)

The Amerindians told the Spaniards that North America was named Quivira(Khyberia). The upper western coast of South America was called Sinnar, a termconnoting “property of India.” The Indians told the Spaniards that the people

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living in Sinnar were called Sinu. Even today, there are tribes in the area calledSinu, Zeno, and Zinyu. These were the Chimu, Incas, and other highly developedtribes. The ancient maps copied from Ptolemy’s world map called what is nowthe Pacific Ocean, Oceanus Indicus and Mar Sinarum. The Ptolemy map calledthe ancient Peruvian ruins of Chan-Chan, Cattigara. This word derives from theSanskrit Khatti-Gatta, meaning “Phoenician Quay.”

I have much more evidence on hand to buttress my claims that the invisiblecoils of solar energy flowing between Mt. Meru and Citlaltepetl form “TheRamayana Path of Unity,” but I feel what I have stated thus far should be con-vincing enough.

Although Mt. Kailasa is the world’s most sacred mountain, it is in such a coldand inhospitable part of Western Tibet, that only a few people visit it. On theother hand, Citlalteptl (Orizaba) lies in a tropical area, surrounded by ancientOlmec and Mayan ruins, plus many other tourist attractions. I predict that even-tually, when the Hindus and Buddhists find out that Citlaltepetl is in fact thefabled mountain Chandra (Moon Mountain), that part of Mexico will becomeone of the most popular places to visit on earth. Because solar energy is morepowerful in that area, I predict that many health resorts will be built there.

Everything I have said thus far can have true meaning for all humanity, only ifwe are willing to accept the fact that Bel, or Confusion, is the god of those foolishenough to think that mere words can convey truth. The truth lies only in thearchetypes and symbols of solar energy. When we see that this energy, not thenames mankind gives to it, is the real god of the world, we humans will somedayreduce wars and misunderstandings to non-lethal levels.

How did Dr. Pande come up with his drawing of a human lying with the backof his head facing the East, symbolized by Mt. Meru? He “translated” his drawinginto human language as he received it in mythological language from God, whichwe call archetypes.

By now, you may want to ask: “Is there any other way for mankind to under-stand that message from God, other than the one Dr. Pande provided? If I startunderstanding this type of message, I might be classified either as an Anti-Christor a witch.”

Yes, there is another archetypical symbol for recognizing this energy, Remem-ber, I am describing the movement of Universal Life Energy around the worldeternally, from East to West. Man’s life is fastened to this energy. He is nailed toit, just as Jesus was nailed to the Cross. This energy is the same, for all peoples, ofall religions, but not all the names are the same. Don’t forget: God just gives the

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“games.” Only humans give the names. If you can accept that fact, then you maybe able to accept in your mind what you are about to see next.

Every major religion on earth, and in every known nation and tribe, from thebeginning of time, has provided this example for mankind to see and understand.We inherited it from the Turkish Krishtaya Aryan Nephilim when they firstarrived on and populated the world. The following is what the followers of theHindu worshippers of God Krishna often receive:

Fig. 5. The Hindu God Krishna.

Have you noticed that the figure at the left is nailed to an Aryan (Turkish) orCeltic Cross? Did you know that these figures existed a thousand or more yearsbefore our Jesus Christ was born?

The famous American atheist, Kersey Graves, discussed in detail sixteen cruci-fied saviors in his book, The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors. He listed manymore. I will not list them in this book for various reasons. However, as I said atthe beginning of this book, I want interested readers to study Graves’ book care-fully, as well as to discuss these things with educated atheists. It is of utmostimportance that they do this, for sooner or later, if we humans are going toprogress to our full potential, we’ll have to redefine “atheism” to reflect the Sana-tana Dharmaist (Hindu) and Buddhist definition of the term.

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Fig.6. This plate I copied from Moore’s “Hindu Pantheon,” called “Krishna’sCrucifixion in Space. The editors of Moore’s first edition removed this picturefrom their first edition because they thought it would be too controversial.

This one is reproduced from Godfrey Higgins, “Anacalypsis,” Vol. II. (1836.)Notice the rays of the sun above Lord Krishna’s head. This figure symbolizesthe East-West Holy Directions, carrying the energy of Kristi, the Archetypical

Father, from Mt. Meru down to where you see the nail holes on his feet,which is Citlaltepetl or Mt. Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico. According to theancient Hindu scriptures, the most powerful currents of life energy whirlaround the world unceasingly, just like the body of a snake, between the

Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.

I now ask these questions of my atheistic, skeptic, “scientific,” and fundamen-talist Christian readers: A lot of people go around these days, accusing others ofbeing “Anti-Christs.” Who are the real Anti-Christs in this world? Those who saythat our Jesus Christ came into this world only once-and no more? And only tothe existing 24,000 existing Christian sects on earth? Or those who say he hasalways been with us, among all peoples and all religions, often with differentnames, since the beginning of time? Forget about all the idols or “natural arche-types” that Hindus or Sanatana Dharmaists worship. To know whether the Hin-dus are our brothers in Christ, consider the following: They adore a Cross which

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they call Swastika. The pith of their teachings is the Holy Trinity. They knowthat mankind aligns himself with the Infinite through training his mind to liveDuality (real spirituality). They know that all life energy emanates from the sun.Are they our brothers in Christ, or are they not? Is the Cross for all religions andpeoples, or is it not? Must they be converted to the Jehovah’s Witnesses or theMormons? After all, their sons and daughters may be doing better in school andin life than yours and mine. You decide.

Bulgarian King Kubera (Heber) and his Yakshas or Yakhus (Phaleg) broughtsettlers to Mexico and Meso-America, wanting them to civilize themselves andsupport Talan, The Eastern Hemisphere, on their backs as “Guardians and Pro-tectors of the Upper World:” Patala (The Western Hemisphere, Land of Bud-dha, or The Underworld). Therefore, The Western Hemisphere is also known asAtala(n). To help my readers understand this concept more easily, I would like todiscuss the legend of Atlantis, but I have found out, through experience, thatsuch a discussion always produces losers; not winners. However, I do want todescribe what the word “Atlas” really means. It is a compound word derived fromboth Turkic and Nahuatl. In ancient times, people thought of the continents asfloating on water. The Nahuatl word for water is Atl; its Turkic equivalent is Su.The ancient Turks and Mexicans felt that both their “waters” were holding upthe world. Therefore, they combined them as “partners.” Atlasu, meaning “wateron water,” eventually became the Greek god Atlas. What I have just stated shouldgive my readers an idea of the tight unity that once linked Turkey, India, andMeso-America.

My discussion thus far gives me the opportunity to prove to the world that theRoman Catholic Church is not so “unscientific” as its enemies and detractorsclaim. On the contrary, just the opposite. In the past few years, we have noticedthat the Vatican is more and more emphasizing the importance of Mexico. The“rationalist” haters of Rome claim confidently that the Church is becomingsteadily weakened, wanting to protect its vested interests in Mexico in order tosurvive. But the Church doesn’t need to grasp for a lifeline. It is destined to sur-vive for tens of thousands of years more, just as it has existed since the arrival ofthe Five Krishtaya tribes with the Nephilim.

The enemies of Catholicism like to poke fun at and criticize the Catholic Cru-cifix with the body of Christ nailed to it.

Many people cannot accept the idea that all our religious knowledge has comefrom the Turks and the Hindus. Even the deities have similar names. In order tomake the science of the Cross more understandable to those who practice ourbrand of Christianity, I have used only icons and archetypes that Europoid Chris-

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tians can understand easily. I said to myself: How would I see this situation if Iwere a Hindu? I came up with this; I know it to be accurate in every way. I hopethis does not make fundamentalists think I’m an Anti-Christ. When our forefa-thers were chased out of North India, each tribe carried with them a piece oftruth. Those who stayed behind also remained with a piece of truth. If we can getall those pieces back (The Hopi Indians insist that there are five pieces needed tosolve the riddle), we humans will be much the better for having done so. Thespiritual or dual solution does not consist of “killing infidels” or forcing everyoneto kiss each other when they’d be happier bloodying their respective adversaries’noses. Just because we call it “spiritual” doesn’t mean it isn’t “scientific.”

Go With the Flow!

In figures 7 and 8 at the left, I am showing Christhanging on a Cross. But in this case, his back iswrapped around what is called the “World Egg.” Asnake wrapped around the World Egg could alsorepresent the spinal cord. In this case, I am showingthe eternal circumbalatory movement of life energyas a human fastened to a vertical beam (of light) andits arms (light beams) extending North and South asthe horizontal beam (of light) Christ’s outstretchedarms are nailed to the North and South Poles.

Christ’s head is placed in the Eastern Hemi-sphere or Upper World, representing Mt. Meru, theorigin of all mankind, and the source of all knowl-edge and phenomena. The vertical beam representsthe spinal cord and the constant flow of universalenergy through it.

On the backside of the World Egg, we seeChrist’s feet nailed approximately opposite to thehead of Christ on the other side. So where wouldChrist’s feet be nailed symbolically in Mexico? Andhow do I know his feet are symbolically nailed there?Once again, God’s language comes to the rescue.

We must remember what Dr. Pande said about the word Ramachandra, meaningSun-Moon. Mt. Orizaba was also once one of the holiest places in ancient Mex-ico. The father of God Quetzalcoatl was buried there. Anyone who is conversantwith the mythologies of the ancient world can readily identify Quetzalcoatl with

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the Hindu Dyaus Nahusha (Dionysius), God Vishnu, and God Krishna, for thethree are the same spiritual being. The Hindu myths say that Dyaus Nahusha wasturned into a Naga. To where did the mother of the Nagas, Kadru, send her sons?Was it not Mexico?

Did you see the movie, The Passion of Christ? When Christ and his discipleswere in the Garden of Gethsemane, he crushed a serpent’s head beneath his feet.I don’t remember reading anything about that in the Bible. Why did the produc-ers show him doing that? They knew that the Buddhist, Turkish and Hinduviewers would understand, sending them a powerful message that was sure toresult in long lines of Buddhists, Turks and Hindus wanting to see that movie.You may not want to accept what I say, but that serpent represented the Nagasliving in Southeastern Mexico!

Most modern Mexicans may not know that Christ’s feet are symbolicallynailed on Vera Cruz’s Mt. Orizaba, the third largest mountain in North America.It, Mt. Ararat, Mt. Meru, and Adam’s Peak, in Sri Lanka, possibly others in theworld, are the world’s most sacred mountain peaks. The Aztecs and Nahuatl-speaking people called Mt. Orizaba Citlaltepetl, meaning “Mountain of theStars.” This would conform to Dr. Pande’s description of the connectionbetween Rama (the sun) and Chandra (the moon). I have already stated in mydiscussion of the Toltecs and Aztecs that the Virgin of Guadalupe is also theancient Innan of the Sumerians. The Sumerians were Turks. The Virgin ofGuadalupe even wears the same colors of vestments that the Aztec Mother God-dess did. Remember, like you, I am not insane enough to think that Jesus Christhimself as a physical person is wrapped around the center of the world, betweenthe Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. If I truly thought that, I myself would seekrefuge in a padded cell in the nearest insane asylum and have “Anti-Christ” tat-tooed on my forehead. All I am doing is visualizing “Christ” as the maximumforce of life energy circulating around the spine of the world-the space betweenthe Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.

Here is another way to visualize this so-called Sanatana-Dharmaist archetype.Picture in your mind a real human brain connected to the spinal column. Now,visualize tha veins and nerves extending outward throughout the body. Theseveins and nerves are “the rays of the sun” spreading North and South. Now, let ussuppose you are religious. You pray gratefully, “God, thank you for giving me thelife energy from the sun, enabling me to experience life.”

What can possibly be “pagan” and “Anti-Christian” about reverentially wor-shiping the earth, the sun, the stars, the moon, the deserts, mountains, and allother blessings of existence and the Creations of God. Is not Creation (God) the

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Father and Mother of us all? Can we not honor our real Father and Mother? If wecannot reverentially honor our “Father and Mother,” protecting them fromharm, we have only ourselves to blame for all the troubles on this earth, the dam-age done to it, and the real possibilities of a future destructive Great Flood orother catastrophe that may destroy all that we have accomplished and send usback to primitivity. Always honor your father and mother-both temporal andeternal.

If what I have said is not yet sufficient to convince you that Christ’s feet arenailed symbolically, not physically, to Orizaba, I still have more to say in thischapter and in my special message to the Mexican people.

In Sanskrit, Mt. Orizaba would also be called Kumeru or Meriku, which wastheir name for Orizaba or Citlaltepetl. It is from this name we derived America.

Naturally, I am not talking about a physical Christ nailed to a wooden Cross.In this case, I am talking about pure solar life energy moving around the worldnight and day: Guhadhamaala. Even the most skeptical of scientists will admitthat all life emanates from the sun. Without light, there can be no life.

The vertical beam itself symbolizes a snake, the energy of the sun, or the Pri-mordial Father coiled around the World Egg. When our bodies are aligned cor-rectly at night, the energy of the sun, even at night, recharges our respectivespirits through the brain and spinal cord. The disks on the spinal cord are calledChakras in Sanskrit. When we are mentally attuned to the Tao, behaving andthinking as I described in preceding chapters, our spirits gradually accumulateenough Divine Power to climb back up Jacob’s Ladder. As we make the returnclimb, we acquire new insights and Divine Knowledge which will help us evolveas God intended.

Is The Idea of An Unseen Umbilical Cord a Laughable Superstition?

Mt. Meru, the Tree of Hamrin, or any other similar symbol is another naturalarchetype. The umbilical cord extends downward into the earth as far as the cen-ter of the Earth. The center of the earth is like another sun-a molten mass ofextremely high temperatures. This center is the earth’s heart, just as the bloodred, flaming Sacred Heart of Jesus is his heart. Your own heart is a microscopicversion of the heart of the earth and of the heart of our galaxy, which is the sun.Anything that has a heart is also a living being. The invisible umbilical cord(Guatemala) passes through the earth’s core until it reaches the Navel of TheUnderworld, which is Mt. Orizaba (Citlalteptl), to which Jesus, Surya, Krishna,Indra, Agni (God of Fire), Vishnu or Rama’s feet are symbolically nailed.

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The “arms” or “rays” of the earth’s heart spread out from North to South,symbolized also by a Cross. Just picture a Cross jutting out in four directionsfrom the earth’s molten core. The solar power roaring around the surface of theearth constantly also roars through and around its interior as well, making theearth’s molten core a kind of axis of a giant wheel of energy. Often, this energy issymbolized as an energy swirl or spiral rising out of the earth’s molten core.

If Mother Earth has a “flaming heart of Jesus,” we can be sure that she, too, isa living being just like us. What do we do with our Mother Earth? Do we not lit-ter her and damage her any way we can? Do we not fight over pieces of her flesh?Can we be sure that she will not retailiate someday? Or am I just being “supersti-tious?”

A Message to Those Who Reject What I Have Just Said.

By now, many readers who do not know anything about God’s ArchetypicalLanguage, and who see the Devil’s work in such matters, may be wishing tothrottle those of us who know that archetypes are the language of God and say,“How dare you teach a philosophy that was also a mainstay of Mithraism, Apol-loism, Krishnaism, and all the other two or three dozen ancient crucified sun-gods. You heretics are Anti-Christs.”

The Bible tells us exactly how to recognize the Anti-Christ:

This is Antichrist, who denies the Father and the Son…Every Spirit thatdissolves Jesus is Antichrist…(John 1:2:22 and 4:3.)

This is my answer to those who think I’m some kind of “Anti-Christ:”Have I denied or affirmed the Father and the Son in this book? Have I tried to

dissolve Jesus or make him more visible? All I have done is declare that Christ isas much a Christian as he is a Jew, Buddhist or Hindu. Look around you; seehow today’s world is floundering in wars, tears, and tragedy. Are you willing toallow religious provincialism, ignorance and stubbornness to blow it out of thesolar system? If you are, look to yourself as the Anti-Christ; not to those of uswho insist that all the sun gods of mankind, by whatever name, are Jesus Christ.What can possibly be wrong with a universal spiritual or dual solution to theproblems of the world? This is the only solution capable of working. Don’t let thewords Mithra, Kukulkan, Surya, Rama, Shiva, Vishnu, etc., blind you to reality.That energy concentrated between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn is noneother than the archetype of the original Krishtis-our own Jesus Christ.

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You may want to ask me: “If what you say is true, why do the same horribleconditions under which mankind lived in the past still exist?”

There is no question easier to answer than that. What I have told you did nothelp ancient mankind because he was just as rebellious and irascible then as now.The Great Flood and the dispersal at Mt. Meru weren’t enough inducement forhim to love God sufficiently to improve himself, just as they are not now. Hardlyanyone in those days was “going by the rules.” The solution which I recommend,and which God guarantees “or your money back,” will work when, and onlywhen, men humbly surrender to the Will of God.

That the Panchala Krishtayas brought the ancient Mexicans the Religion ofthe Turkish God Tengri, there is no doubt. Murad Adji said that the Turk’sWorld Tree extended downward symbolically to the world of the Snakes. Theworld of the Snakes or Nagas is Mexico. The Hindu holy books are emphaticabout this. The American Indians themselves told the Spaniards that all of NorthAmerica was named Quivira (Kheever, Khyber, Heber, etc.) (See El Orígen de losIndios, by Father Gregorio Garcia). We must not forget that the dispersal ofnations took place in the time of Heber and his son Phaleg. The Bible does notlie to us.

So far, I have discussed the mythology concerning Mt. Meru. So how doesthis tell us anything about a spiritual or dual solution to many of the problemsnow plaguing mankind?

As I have stated, these unseen dimensions, beings, and powerful energies roararound the earth constantly, from East to West. These dimensions, beings, andenergies are hundreds of thousands of miles high, perhaps reaching the sun itself.They pass through the human body and spirit just as water leaks through a sieve.During our working days, we move around in these energies, but we get thegreatest benefit from them at night. I should also emphasize that these dimen-sions, beings and energies are omnidirectional, even inwardly.

Those who have read my books know that I am as much resentful of gurusand political activists as I am of those who want people to convert to other reli-gions. Neither of the two groups know anything yet as they should know. As Ihave said, I once thought that by just exposing the specter of Bel (the PhoenicianGod of the Underworld), people would get the hint. I was mistaken. So, Idecided to reveal what I know about Christ as a a truly educated Hindu wouldunderstand him. The omni-directional Christ nailed to a Cross says it all. AnyChristian who can understand that I’m not being blasphemous or “sacreligious,”will surely see that I’m talking about an energy that can someday be measuredwith scientific instrumentation.

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I know without investigating that many people reading this book will some-day be able to travel within that domain (bilocation, etc.), just as easily as theytravel in airplanes, ships, buses, trains, and automobiles. Once that happens, theymay need another type of symbol to be their guiding light, which will be either aMogen David or a Swastika. We should not be prejudiced against the Swastikabecause of what Hitler did with it. The wrong use of the Mogen David and Swas-tika will always destroy “the bad guys.” I guarantee it.

Why Is It Absolutely Necessary For People to Sleep With Their HeadsFacing East, and Their Feet Pointing Toward The West.

Although I have already explained why the Sacred Directions are importantfor having peace in the world, I must emphasize this fact. All humans are differ-ent, each from the other. Furthermore, because the Ego makes us all different, itis impossible for us to to see life collectively in the same way. As Christ said,“There will always be wars and rumors of wars.” But Nature assures us that wecan keep war at a bare minimum if we’ll all sleep in the Sacred Directions. In thisway, Life Solar Energy can penetrate every human equally, synchronizing andharmonizing all individuals within the five races, so that contention will be mini-mal. In time, and if enough people sleep with their bodies aligned in the sacreddirections, mankind will begin to regenerate himself and do better in life. Allprison, hospital, military, private, and any other kinds of beds must face East andWest. This includes all churches and temples. Again, I say: Our heads must pointtoward East and our feet toward the West. Don’t forget: Christ’s head symboli-cally, but not physically, represents Mt. Meru. His feet are nailed symbolically,not physically, to Mt. Orizaba. His hands are frozen or “nailed” to the North andSouth Poles. Symbolically and not physically, of course. I am talking about anincredibly powerful energy that is personalized.

Why Is The Spiritual and Energetic Umbilical Cord ConnectingCentral Asia and India With Mexico So Important For Health,Wealth, and Happiness Among All Mankind?

The story about the Eastern and Western Nagas is much more than a story. Itis a symbolical reality of realities. The Nagas represent the very real spiritual andenergetic umbilical cord connecting Central Asia and India with Mexico. This“umbilical cord” or the vertical beam of Christ’s Cross, which is the spacebetween the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, contains the most powerful ele-ments of Solar and Life Energy. Therefore, it throws out the most powerful rays

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in all directions. If the inhabitants of Central Asia, India, and Mexico unite spiri-tually, totally, in every way, their “rays” will regenerate the North and South aswell. For this reason, all mankind must encourage the Central Asians, Indians,and Mexicans to get their act together.

What I Have Just Written Is Symbolic Reality; Not MysticalGuesswork!

I did a lot of careful research and study before writing this book. Even in theTurkish republics, people are getting increasingly restless. They’re thinking moreand more about their ancient religion of Tengri, and his Only Begotten SonKeder/Keser. Once the Mexicans (really all Meso-Americans), Turks and HinduSanatanists remember how tied together they are genetically, mythologically, andhistorically, a quick change will take place on earth. Even if these peoples don’torient themselves in the Sacred Directions simultaneously, the Cross-hating reli-gion will begin to weaken and crumble, for any religion rejecting the Cross andthe Holy Trinity is destined to fall. I predict that if my message gets to the Mexi-cans and Turks, the Cross-hating religion will weaken beyond redemptionin dur-ing the lifetimes of many people reading this book! At the same time, theproblem of millions of Meso-Americans seeking to flee to the USA will dramati-cally decrease.

What Is The Difference Between Europoid Christian Atheists andSanatana Dharma (Hindu) and Buddhist Atheists?

I will use the natural archetypes of Jesus and Krishna hanging on a cross as anexample. The Hindu and Buddhist atheists do not need natural archetypes or anyother kinds of archetypes to know that the greatest amount of life and solar ener-gies whirl eternally around the world, between the Tropics of Cancer and Capri-corn. They know that the energy exists, but they will not, or cannot, visual it asan archetype. And they will worship this energy that they cannot see, feel, andidentify. So, according to Europoid Christian criteria, they are not atheists butreligious Sanatana Dharmaists which they, indeed, are. On the other hand, theEuropoid Christian atheist might insist that there is no divine, solar, or any otherkind of energy circling the globe constantly and maximally between the Tropicsof Cancer and Capricorn. Therefore, Europoid Christian atheist scientists maynot even bother to find out. And if they do take the Sanatanist and Buddhistideas seriously about these things, their Europoid Christian fundamentalistbrothers might label them as devilish “Anti-Christs.” So where do I stand on

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these matters? I myself am certain that these energies exist in the world. But Imust honestly confess that I can’t visualize them as men hanging on crosses or asserpents wound around the World Egg. And for certain, I am in no way aEuropoid Christian atheist.

What Is The Aryuveda?

The Aryuveda, meaning “Truth of the Aryans,” is, perhaps, the world’s mostancient book on the art of healing. It even predates the Chinese Nei-Ching andthe science of Tao. When the Aryan Kurus entered India, they brought theAryuveda with them, containing the science of healing they used back in Hyper-borea, in pre-Noachide times. The Aryuveda insists that anyone wanting a truehealing of his body, mind, and spirit must always sleep in the East-West directionI have described, if he wants to heal himself effectively. It is the starting point forany kind of healing to take place.

A world-famous Hindu medical researcher, Dr. Asoke K. Bagchi, said the fol-lowing about the Ramayana Path of Unity in his essay, Concept of Neurophysiologyin Ancient India:

To the medical historians the Aryan civilization is of prime importance.Various historical facts derived from the treatises on the same are still of pro-found scientific value…their metaphysical ideas were so potent and rationalthat we cannot still refute some of their primitive concepts.

Is It Possible For Sectarian Fundamentalists, Wishing to RemainAloof From Other “Non-Christian” Religions to Achieve Salvation?

If a sectarian religionist refuses to accept the the eternal universality of Christin all religions, but prefers to practice his religion as if Jesus Christ was born2,000 years ago, and at no other time, he has absolutely nothing to worry about.God is merciful. He/She/It/They seeks to place Christ, the true medicine of thebody, mind, and spirit in the innermost pith of each human, according to hisrespective level of spiritual and intellectual development. Regardless of what hisconscious mind, the Ego, tells him, The Doctrine of the Cross helps keep hismind and soul attuned to the Infinite. He may think consciously that he wor-ships the Jesus Christ who once lived in Israel. But inwardly, he worships theEternal Energy of Life, just as many so-called “pagans” do outwardly in their ownrespective religious persuasions. However, he should never try to convert anyoneto his particular brand of religious sectarianism or condemn others to Hell. Only

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God can do that. Let each person reach Christ-Conscious in his own way and inhis own religion.

Some of the religions we mistakenly call “pagan” are culturally correct for thesocieties in which they are practiced. Since their outward appearances appearstrange, with a plethora of idols, strange rituals, etc., we think of them negatively.But as I said, if they are practicing Cross Science, as outlined in this book, regard-less of the excess baggage bending their backs, they stand on equal ground withthe Christianity to which we are accustomed. It’s their business, not ours,whether they want to mash themselves to the ground with non-essentials. We,too, appear suspiciously strange to them. Additionally, we should not forget thatwe don’t need any of the trivial, useless lead we throw on our own backs. All ofus, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, or whatever, would do well to just stickto the basics and not burden ourselves unnecessarily. True religious practiceshould be kept simple and easy. I hope I have made it appear so in this book.

Mankind has become so smug and conceited that he can’t accept the arche-typical symbolism of Mounts Meru and Orizaba seriously. A friend of mine, whohas read my books, told me that some of his friends were shocked and dismayedto find out that I, an educated man, would take Cross Symbolism, Christ as rep-resenting solar energy, and the extra-cerebral flow of the mind seriously. I haveno apologies to make about that. I’m glad I found out this information. I have nodoubt that the Catholic Church already knows this as well. There’s an old Span-ish saying: Dime con quién andas, y te diré quién eres. (Tell me with whom you asso-ciate, and I’ll tell you who you are.) If such a saying has any truth to it, I’m runningaround with the right people. Also, as I’ve told you previously, I’m giving the“spiritual or dual cure” for Man’s predicament. It’s not like the so-called “scien-tific solutions” given by Europoid Christian mathematicians, physicists, biolo-gists, social scientists, and politicians. Spiritual technology abides by its own laws.We should not be afraid to try it on for size.

The life-giving, recharging action of the sun is especially powerful from sunupuntil around ten o’clock in the morning. Take advantage of this extra charge ofenergy. Get up early in the morning; take a walk; get a little exercise; greet the ris-ing sun.

A few hundred years after Christ’s crucifixion, the new religion to which I’vebeen alluding came along, insisting that the sacred directions were really Northand South. Any adoration of or trust in the Cross was considered idolatry. Atsword point, many millions of people, especially in the Turkish nations, wereforced to join this religion and point their bodies North and South while sleep-ing. It could also be true, as it is with so-called Christians, Jews, Buddhists, and

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Hindus, that they slept in whatever direction they wanted. But when people wereforced to align their bodies North and South, the archetypical Son’s (Jesus) bodybecame a huge impermeable dam, preventing free flow of the sun’s energy. Hisarms pointed helplessly toward the East and West. This time, Christ was cruci-fied again, and without the protection of the Heavenly Father. No rising on “thethird day” this time. The result was devastating for mankind. No longer able topass through mankind’s head and spinal column, the energy roared and tumbledover his body just like a nightmarish tsunami, destroying mankind’s body, peace,and happiness. This is a fundamental reason for much of mankind’s suffering.This is an entirely scientific spiritual or dual solution. What are we going to doabout it? If we must, let’s use “rational, scientifically acceptable” Europoid Chris-tian atheist terminology for Divine Energy and get on with our lives. After all, weinvented the words. God gave us the archetypical symbolic language.

Developing The Faith That Can Move Mountains. How All HumansCan Become Super-Beings!

What I am about to tell you is, perhaps, the most important metaphysicalsecret any human being can ever learn. It is certainly the most amazing facttaught in this book. It is the best kept secret in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Chris-tianity. True spiritual leaders fear that if this information becomes generallyknown and made easy to understand, the wrong people can acquire it and destroythe world. I say that “the bad guys” are already in at least partial control, usingthis same secret. Perhaps this is the reason why they are the masters of this earth!

It is now time for the “good guys” to get this information. My greatest regretis that I did not find this out when I was a child. If people can accept and practicewhat you are about to learn, we humans could rise to the status of “super-beings”in just three or four generations!

“Faith” and “belief” are really opposites. “Belief” is something we erroneouslythink can happen if we will it to happen. It is a way of making lying seem real.“Faith” is something that really happens if we will it to happen. It is based ontruth; not brainwashing. Faith=Zion or Science. Belief=Bel; the Underworld; theDevil.

You have learned that just the amount of solar energy in a cup can make theoceans of the world boil over. I have also described how solar energy, the energyof all life, a.k.a. The Breath of God, swirls around the world from East to Westeternally, by day and by night. The greatest concentrations of this energy passbetween the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, the symbolical spinal cord of JesusChrist, with the nerves and veins (the sun’s rays) spreading toward the North and

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South. All that I have said will be proven scientifically someday, if not already. Itdoes not demand blind belief on our part.

We symbolize this symbolical head, body, and feet as Jesus Christ, with hishead being the sun, the swirl of energy being his spine, the veins and nerves beingthe rays, and his feet being the moon and stars. The polar regions symbolizeChrist’s hands nailed to the Cross. Anyone wanting to unify his mind with thatunlimited energy must, from now on, condition it to become confident that thesun, along with its movements across the sky, is symbolically the head of JesusChrist. The suns rays are his halo, as depicted in pictures of Jesus. What we don’tsee is his body and spinal cord, but it’s there nonetheless in the unseen form ofinfinite energy. At night, the moon symbolizes his feet. Even during cloudy daysand at night, this energy moves around and through the earth perpetually.

You may be wondering how Christ can help us if his back is facing the earthand not his face. But Christ is omnidirectional. His face is as much lookingdirectly at us as his back. The Hindus teach this truth to their people by depictingtheir principal Gods as having faces pointing in all directions. No matter what wedo or where we go, Christ is looking directly at us, both from the sky and in ourhearts.

If a person will constantly remind himself that the Christ is moving with thesun around the world, he will ultimately become the instrument of his own per-sonal evolution. Like my recommended exercises in reacting subconsciously toduality, so also must our awareness of Christ’s head being the sun, his body theflow of energy, and his feet being the moon and stars, as a subconscious reflex. Intime, what is locality (the individual mind) will fuse with infinity (non-locality),welding each individual and Jesus Christ as one and the same mind. Even theBible assures us that this will happen:

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus; who, being in theform of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God…(Philippians 2:5-6.)

The children of parents who teach them what I have described in this book,will cause their grandchildren and beyond to evolve toward becoming super-minds and super-beings in every sense of the word.

Those who discount the importance of what I have just said should study thehistory of mankind. All ancient ruling houses, of every nation on earth, claimedto be the flesh-and-blood manifestations of the sun (Kashi): the Hindus, Sumeri-ans, Greeks, Egyptians, French, Germans, Romans, Japanese, Aztecs, Mayans,

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Incas, ad infinitum, without exception. They kept the common people in controlby convincing them that they, the ruling houses, were the official intermediariesof the sun. When the now deceased Chinese dictator, Mao Tsung, was totally incontrol of Communist China, banners and posters of his face staring out fromthe middle of the sun were displayed all over China. In this way, he was able toget the Chinese people to follow him blindly. In doing so, however, he nearlydestroyed China, for the honor of being The Only Begotten Son belongs to JesusChrist, not to any mortal man. Even now, this secret metaphysical knowledge hasbeen kept exclusive so that the ruling oligarchies in religion, government, andbusiness can continue being the “alpha wolves” on earth. Don’t accept naivelywhat I have stated in this paragraph. Investigate for yourself.

The secret of the sun (Kashi) and solar energy, not communism and other“isms,” promises salvation to all mankind. Jesus Christ was the first person onearth to reveal this secret to the common man. It is now time for all the “betas”on earth to become “alphas.” There is a lot more I would like to say about this,but I don’t want it to dominate this book which gives the general natural laws ofthe dual universe. I will deal with this subject in greater length in my next book.

Psychologist Carl Jung wrote in his work Mysterium Coniunctionis:

The arcane substance [of alchemy] corresponds to the Christian dominant,which was originally alive and present in consciousness but then sank into theunconscious and must now be restored in renewed form. (CW 14, par. 466.)

This so-called “Christian dominant” is still known and used by a few famousHindu metaphysicians. By deliberately making their scriptures appear overly fan-tastic, incomprehensible, and preposterous, they maintain a monopoly on thisknowledge. I have taken this knowledge and made it understandable to themasses, thus restoring it in renewed form. I have also clothed this Christ arche-type in acceptable cultural and theological garb familiar to Christians so that itwill not threaten their sectarian sensibilities and provincialism. If those Hinduswho monopolize this knowledge are worried that the masses in general will graspthe synthesis of what I say in this book, they need not worry.

When I tell you that the head of Jesus Christ lies symbolically at Mt. Meru,and his feet at Mt. Orizaba, while the Hindus say that the honor belongs to GodRama, there is no contradiction because we are dealing with natural archetypesand not with man-created names. Mt. Orizaba should become as sacred for theTurks, Buddhists, and Hindus, as it should be for the Christians. Regardless ofthe various names of this deified archetype, it is the same for all humans. If you

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can accept this, then no more tensions and misunderstandings about religionsbeing “different” will ever again keep humanity divided-that is, every religionexcept the one which is still too stubborn to present that “fifth stone tablet” tothe patient Hopi Indians. Hopefully, sooner or later, the Hopis will receive thattablet.

Carl Jung wrote:

…the conception of the unitarian and trinitarian ideas…were in existencemany centuries before the birth of Christianity. Whether these ideas werehanded down to posterity as a result of migration and tradition or whetherthey arose spontaneously in such case is a question of little importance. Theimportant thing is that they occurred because one, having sprung forth fromthe unconscious of the human race (and not just in Asia Minor!), they shouldre-arise anywhere at any time. It is, for instance, more than doubtful whetherthe Church Fathers…were even remotely acquainted with the ancient Egyp-tian theology of kingship. Nevertheless, they neither paused in their laboursnor rested until they had finally reconstructed the ancient Egyptian archetype.(Psychology and Religion: West and East, CW 11, pars. 194-206, in passim.)

Again, my readers may inquire, “If what you say is true, why hasn’t the worldimproved over the millenniums? Why do most people still value evil, stupidityand ignorance over enlightenment?” As usual, I say that this is the easiest of allriddles to clear up. Only a few people in the past took this “sun secret” seriously,just as many people who read what I have just said will laugh their heads off,wondering how an educated man like me can be so “superstitious” or “anti-Christlike.” Instead of getting on the sun’s (Christ’s) bandwagon themselves, theygo back to their movie, artistic, and music idols, politicians, social activists, igno-rant clerics, or whatever and whomever else specializing in keeping the masses’heads buried in the sand. However, I do know that some people will act on whatI have just written, and they will reap extraordinary benefits for having done so.Jesus Christ will not disappoint them. This is his objective: Let each man andwoman become his and her own king and queen.

The Mexicans and people of Meso-America are directly in the path of thisradiant energy. They, including their Turkish and Hindu brothers who also livewithin the spine of Keder, Keyser, Shiva, Mithra, Horus, Indra, Agni, Quetzal-coatl, Kukulkan, Bochica, Surya, Rama, Krishna, Vishnu or Jesus Christ will bethe first to benefit if they take seriously what I say in this book. God’s plan for theworld is kindergarten simple. It is not exclusively for the members of a particularruling oligarchy, religion or sect. If this were so, Karma would be just a supersti-

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tion, which it isn’t. Even a child can visualize and apply “The Spiritual Solution.”It is entirely scientific. Don’t wait until the scientists discover it in order to getbenefits. Start now.

How I Discovered The Power of The Sun.

Since I retired from the teaching profession in late 1988, I have been takingdaily walks in order to stay in satisfactory physical condition. Unfortunately, theCalifornia High Desert is not the most pleasant place on earth in which to live. Itis consistently windy. The summers often get intolerably hot. The winters tend tobe mild, but we get our share of cold days also. For these reasons, I can’t walkevery day. I also start my walks just before dawn breaks, even in cold weather.

Soon after my retirement, I started suffering from a king-sized case of acidreflux (heart burn). I found out through experience that I could control this ail-ment and eventually rid myself of pain by walking as regularly as possible. I alsofelt unusually energized after these walks. However, on the days I couldn’t walk,I’d suffer a relapse and would have to start all over again.

For years, I attributed my success in controlling my condition to the dailyexercise. However, I discovered accidently that some other factors, not the walk-ing, were freeing me of pain and giving me extra energy. It took me more than adecade to discover that if I stopped walking and faced the east at the break ofdawn, the pain would disappear in seconds. I also noticed the extra burst ofenergy. Whereas before I’d greet the rising sun only during my walks, I now driveto the desert and face my car toward the east during windy and cold weather. Ican free myself of pain immediately, without getting out of my car. I have not yetfreed myself of acid reflux, but as long as I face the sun at dawn every morning, Ifeel completely normal and free of pain. I can also eat spicy foods. As the Biblesays, “…bodily exercise profits little…” (Timothy 1:4:8.)

It is not necessary to see the orb in order to get immediate relief. As soon asthe eastern sky lights up, good things start happening to me. And when the orbdoes finally appear, it is a welcome sight indeed! I have noticed that the effects arealways greatest at the break of dawn, continuing to be strong until the sun hasrisen about 45 degrees. After that, the healing power of the sun begins to weakendramatically, but not completely. Additionally, I have found out why the differ-ent religions of the world have holidays dedicated to the sun on almost identicaldates. The power of the sun on such days becomes dramatically intensified.

At first, I felt like a “Columbus” who discovered something that nobody elsehad ever found out before. But research on the Internet showed me that manythousands of people have also discovered the power of the sun. One man, an ex-

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Protestant preacher, wrote that when he discovered the power of the sun, con-cluding that it is truly the energy emanating from Jesus Christ, and the fact that itunifies all religious teachings, he left his pastorate. He knew that if he declaredthat God, Jesus, Vishnu, Shiva, Mithra, Apollo, Indra, Agni, or whatever else wecall the Divine Sun is no respecter of particular religions and man-created names,his congregation would think that he had become an Anti-Christ and kick himout of the church. He might have said to himself: “They can’t fire me. I quit.”

In his book Spontaneous Healing, the world-famous medical doctor andresearcher, Andrew Weil, told how a non-Christian Japanese man suffering fromterminal cancer became healed by the rising sun:

Shin…went to the eighth-floor rooftop of his apartment house, where hecould look over the skyline of Tokyo. He recited Buddhist mantras andpoems, put his hands together to pray, and awaited the sun. When it rose, hefelt a ray enter his chest, sending energy through his body. “I felt somethingwonderful was going to happen, and I started to cry,” he says. “I was just sohappy to be alive. I saw the sun as God. When I came back down to my apart-ment, I saw auras around all my family members. I thought everyone wasGod.” (p. 128-129).

Andrew Weil said that Shin’s recovery was not immediate. He had to get upon that rooftop for several weeks more and watch his diet carefully. But he even-tually made a complete recovery. Not bad for a terminally ill cancer patient.

About twenty-five years ago I had an experience with the Sun of God. Forabout a week I got up every morning to watch the Sun come up. On that lastday I felt a liquid electricity from the Sun enter the top of my head. It was inearth-time about 30 seconds of ecstasy. I have not had that particular experi-ence again, but I feel some of its light has stayed with me. (Outer and InnerSun Worship, by Wendell E. Wilkinson.

Shin and Wendell Wilkinson’s experiences are not uncommon among peoplewho have discovered the power of the sun. I hold the view that some particles ofsunlight, bombarding the earth, are supercharged, renewing and invigorating themind and body of anyone lucky enough to be in their path.

Suntan salon companies are well aware of the divine nature of the sun and itshealing powers. They insist that artificial but full spectrum lighting can do all thesun can do. Don’t listen to them. All you’ll get from them is a magnificent sun-tan. The sun emits much more than “full spectrum lighting.” Only the sun itselfcan bless us physically and spiritually. If you are interested in learning more about

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the healing power of the sun, I recommend The Healing Sun, by Richard Hob-day, published by Findhorn Press.

If you want maximum benefit, both spiritual and physical, from the light ema-nating from the sun, you must go outside and wait for the sun to rise before dawnbreaks. As dawn begins to break, face the east and absorb the incoming energy.The moment the sun rises, look at it directly; contemplate its beauty and visualizementally the energy penetrating every cell of your body. Extend your arms out-ward, with the palms of your hand facing the sun. Most people feel a curious tin-gling on the palms. Think of something you want for yourself or others. Ask for amiracle. I know many people who got their miracles in the form of spontaneoushealing, greater energy, and other benefits. As you acquire more skill and experi-ence in benefiting from Christ’s light shining at you from the sun, you’ll find outthat you’ll get maximum benefits about 15 minutes before down up to an hourafter the sun rises.

This is what I do: I face the sun for a few minutes and then walk, letting theenergy circulate throughout my body. Then, I stop, face the sun again, and con-tinue walking. Before I found out about the power of the sun, I customarilywalked from five to seven miles a day. I now walk just one or two miles. Do notstare at the sun for more than a few minutes after dawn breaks. Keep a pair ofdark sun glasses on hand.

I want to emphasize that beyond the archetypical Keder, Keyser, Indra, Mitra,Apollo, Shiva, Rama, Krishna, Vishnu or Jesus encasing us with and in its eter-nally revolving energy, there is even another energy manifestation. The Hinduscall it Brahma. However, it is beyond our comprehension. The reader will notealso that I have not discussed the feminine aspect of this solar energy. Thatbecomes easy to understand if you can visualize that the receptors of the energyare the feminine aspect, whether physically male or female.

Readers familiar with Sanatana Dharma religious practices, which emphasizenatural archetypes, such as the constellations, to help people recognize the Divinewithin themselves, have probably noticed that I studiously omitted a recountingof that first, foremost, and most long-lived war in human history: India’s immor-tal War of the Mahabharata, the war that sent Abraham and Sarah to the MiddleEast. It was and is known as the war between the Sun and Moon dynasties. Untilpeople get accustomed to understanding the place that natural and cosmic arche-types have in human religions and psychology, I have deliberately avoided men-tion of those whose spiritual emblems were and are moon and star symbols fromwhich they derive their power. In that first of human world wars, which is stillbeing fought, the Krishtayas or Krishtihans, the original tribes to teach about the

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sun, were driven out of India, to the Middle East, Europe, and other parts of theworld. Christ told us over and over, and as the doctrine of The Holy Trinitydemonstrates, that he belonged to the Sun Dynasty and wanted to re-establish itsauthority in the world.

I hope by now that I have shown all my readers, even the so-called atheists,skeptics, and “scientists,” that real religious practice is not a speculative andpurely subjective practice, although its enemies and ignorant clerics have made itappear to be so. In reality, it is the most exciting and nearly exact science to learnof all Man’s other sciences-and the easiest to learn. I feel that I have said nothingin this book that “rationalists” and their comrades-in-arms, the religious provin-cialists of all the world’s different religions, can effectively reject and mock.

I want to emphasize that our bodies and our homes are temples to the HolySpirit. Remember: There are non-human phylum on earth. Each type of beingemanates a unique type of energy. Don’t put yourself in danger of absorbing it,for, like it or not, all beings are in competition for supremacy over all the others.We don’t want their energies to accompany us on our interminable circumambu-lations around the Wheel of Life. Mankind must not sleep near non-human phy-lum or allow them to inhabit his private domiciles. In time, these non-nephilimphylum will mix their energies with their human masters, destroying them in theend. Like most people, I, too, love pets like dogs, cats, fish, canaries, etc. Just keepthem out of your home. And if you must have a pet in your home, keep only oneor two.

Why do we humans congregate in churches when we’re worshipping collec-tively? We are just combining our Nephilim, Panchala Krishtaya energies inorder to strengthen ourselves both individually and collectively, giving thanks toGod for appointing us as Alpha-Phylum on Earth.

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Fig. 9. Balinese drawing of the Ramayana Path of Unity, showing thatcerebral images are the microcosmic mirror reflections of the macrocosm

itself. It shows that each individual is at one and the same time existing inlocality and non-locality. Whatever happens in the universe also happens

simultaneously in his brain. “Happening” likewise includes the flow ofUniversal Energy. When a person lies down to sleep at night, aligning

himself properly in the Sacred Directions, he and all others who are doing itsimultaneously synchronize and harmonize themselves with one anotherand the Universal Life Energy. (Picture donated by T. L. Subash, Chandra


Throughout this book, I have “lawyered” in defense of the Cross, the HolyTrinity, and the importance of regarding the sun as the actual archetype of JesusChrist’s blindingly bright face as he stares at us lovingly from Outer Space. I havedescribed the infinite solar energy sweeping around the earth by day and night asmoving endlessly between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, the spinal cordof our Lord Jesus. The rays shining from his face move out towards the north andthe south, illuminating the minds, bodies, and souls of anyone knowing thistruth of truths. The frozen North and South poles represent the nails holding fasthis arms. The moon and stars reflect the light from Christ, lighting up the dark-ness of men’s souls and minds. They represent his feet that are nailed to theCross. When men adhere strictly to this archetype, they automatically begin toblend their conscious awareness with that of the Cosmos, becoming one with

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Christ himself! Some people have used this knowledge and bent it to their ownselfish agendas, to achieve domination in all areas of human existence.

Regardless of my Herculean attempts to reveal simply and effectively the eter-nal truths of the spiritual science handed down to us by the original five races ofmankind, the Aryans or Turkic Krishtayas, many readers will continue to laughat what I call “spiritual science,” wondering how such an “educated” man can besuch an ignoramus. Some may say, “The ancient Krishtayas or Krishtihans neverexisted. Several thousand years ago, someone just dreamed them up.” Perhapsthey agree with those Hindu activists who want people to think that the TurkishAryans or Krishtayas were an invention of the whites to keep the darker races insubjection. Yet, the Hindu myths plainly state that the Aryans, a term meaning“Noble Ones,” were all the races of mankind.

Some agnostics, atheists, and skeptics have also told me that the sun is is notGod. They say, “Gene, can’t you see that the sun is just a natural creation?”

I must admit that I agree totally with the above argument. I always tell them:“Yes, you are absolutely correct. Nothing can be more natural than Jesus Christ.Jesus as the Divine Archetype of all humanity is the Only Begotten Son of theUnbegotten. There is even a power above him. His Father. You win. You’ve con-verted me.”

The Hindu equivalent of “The Only Begotten Son” is their God Shiva. Hewas born of the sun. He also crucified himself voluntarily the minute he becamethe Only Begotten Son. The images of Shiva show his throat as dark blue fromthe stain of the deadly poison he swallowed voluntarily. Had he not done that,neither the gods nor mortal men would ever have any hope for immortality.Shiva poisoned himself so that all humans could live forever, both in and out ofthe physical body.

It is an interesting anomaly that Jesus and Shiva had and have the same names.(See my book, The Ego-Mankind’s Inner Terrorist!)

Most humans, who truly want to progress and move upward in the world,must crucify themselves for the greater good. Soldiers will fight to the death inorder to protect their respective countries. A man who loves his family will workand sacrifice to provide for his wife and children. A student will suffer all kinds ofdifficulties in order to educate himself for a better life. I can go on and on withproofs that when men want to achieve transcendence, they must make sacrificesfor the greater good. Nothing worthwhile is ever free of charge. Those who don’twant transcendence will spin their entire lives wallowing in the mud. That, too, isa kind of sacrifice when you consider that they are wallowing in the mud so thatthose of us who do want better lives will have the least competition.

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I stated in Chapter One that some inner force started eating at my soul, forc-ing me to write this book about spiritual science. I wanted to write it, not only forall mankind, but to encourage my deceased Mexican wife Consuelo’s people thatspiritual science, not slavery in the United States and starvation in their owncountry, is the road to both spiritual and material liberation. This book was notat all difficult to write, for I had already accumulated enough knowledge to put ittogether. Also, this “inner force,” that ordered me to write the book, directed meto the right references I needed to complete it.

Almost immediately, some disconcerting pressures from without strove toweaken my will and convince me to doubt myself. But I endured those pressuresand prevailed, coming out the better man for having done it.


Fig. 10. Manusa, the archetypical representation of mankind. Notice thatManusa is locked in place by a crate or brace. He can only move around in

the small space allotted to him under his feet. He cannot merge into theinfinite until he reaches a certain spiritual level. (Picture donated by Mr.

Subash Bose.)

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Some Western Christians, who don’t want to know that the Hindus are alsofull-fledged Christians as well, often send missionaries to India to convince theHindus that only Western Christians are right and that Hindus or SanatanaDharmaists are entirely wrong. Fortunately, my Sanatana Dharmaist friend, theTamil Nadu holy man, Mr. Subash Bose, felt no need to convert me to his reli-gious persuasion. When he found out what I was doing, and some of the pres-sures endeavoring to weaken my will, which he had predicted before Consuelodied in August, 2004, he put his shoulder to the wheel with me. All humans, ofwhatever religion, must keep the Cross and the Holy Trinity alive. The word reli-gion is just a word or Bel. It’s practice that counts.

The original five races of mankind, the Krishtayas, also had another name:They were called Man. Its Sanskrit equivalent is Manu. The Cologne SanskritDictionary defines it as “the thinking creature, mankind, the man par excellence,the representative man and father of the human race, Noah, the mental powers,father of men, and most importantly, Born of the Sun. Krishta, Krishtaya, Bud-dha, Krishna, Vishnu, Horus, Mithra, Shiva, and Manu are the one and the samebeing.

I now have this question to pose to the agnostics, atheists, “scientists,” andskeptics: Can you deny that mankind never existed? If you are confident andknowledgeable enough to “guarantee” that the Krishtas or Krishtayas existed onlyin mythology, then you must be honest and declare that mankind has neverexisted, either. Or what about Manu being “born of the sun?” Who looks downfrom the sky at you every day? Why did Jesus tell king Salivahana that God is inthe center of the sun? Why did Jesus say he was “The Son of Man?”

Manusa or Manusha is a term meaning “the races of Man; the condition ormanner or action of men.” (Refer to the Sanskrit Lexicon.) In this case, Manusahas his shoulders, arms, and head enclosed in a type of packing crate. The sym-bols on his body show mankind’s spiritual centers which, if he were not locked inthat packing crate, could make him equal with God Himself. When mankindgets the wisdom and love for all Creation to not defy God or destroy the Uni-verse, God will release him from that packing crate.

I ask you: Will mankind ever be able to free himself from that packing crate?Will he look at Shiva or Jesus staring at him from the sun and emulate him onearth by blessing all things and beings? It often appears doubtful, doesn’t it? Iknow without asking that many people are going to look up at the sun and laughat the thought of it being an archetype of Jesus or Shiva. They will brag that theyaren’t “superstitious” and “ignorant.”

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The Dance of Shiva (Nata Raja)

Another name of God Shiva is Nata Raja, King of the Dance of Life. In hisbook, Facets of Brahman, Indian author Swami Chidbhavananda states:

Beings are normally entangled in states of existence called the wakeful, thedreamy and the dreamless sleep. They come by these experiences successivelyand not simultaneously. While in the state of wakefulness the other two arenegated. In this manner all the three experiences undergo extermination oneafter another. They have made alliances not to co-exist nor to quit the field allat the same time. In this triple alliance any one state at a time happens to reignsupreme in the course of a day. And what takes place in a day is invariablyrepeated all through the life of an individual. In this shift system slight varia-tion is permitted occasionally, but no one in the party ever thinks of taking aholiday. Now herein comes a bold philosophical statement the truth of whichnot one in a million is able to grasp. ‘Whatsoever exists at one time and ceasesto exist in another, has no permanent value.’ It has neither absolute existencenor absolute value. This maxim leads one to the logical conclusion that all thethree states of existence-the wakeful, the dreamy and that of sound slumberare mere passing phases in life, each in turn exposing the unreliability of theother two…. Nataraja’s raised foot indicates his exhortation to spiritual aspir-ants to transcend the phenomenal experience which is constituted of thesethree passing phases…(pp. 109-110.)

I would like to quote more from this book, but I prefer to discuss it in greaterdetail in the next book I’m planning.

Did Jesus learn about Nata Raja in India? Or was he Nata Raja? In the Apoc-ryphal Acts of John, before his crucifixion, Christ told his twelve disciples to holdhands and form a ring, with him in the center. As they moved around in a circle,Christ sang a special song of praise. I quote from some extracts of this song:

I will save, and I will be saved, Amen.I will be loosed, and I will loose, Amen.I will be wounded, and I will wound, Amen.I will be begotten, and I will beget, Amen.I will be eaten, and I will eat, Amen.

I will be thought, being wholly spirit, Amen.I will be washed, and I will wash, Amen.Grace paces the round. I will blow the pipe. Dance the round all. Amen…

The Eight sings praises with us, Amen.The Twelve paces the round aloft, Amen.

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To each and all it is given to dance, Amen.Who joins not the dance mistakes the event, Amen.I will be united, and I will unite, Amen.

A lamp am I to you who perceive me, Amen.A mirror am I to you who know me, Amen.A door am I to you that knock on me, Amen.A way am I to you the wayfarer.Now as you respond to my dancing, behold yourself in me who speaks…

As you dance, ponder what I do, for yours is the human suffering which Iwill to suffer. For you would be powerless to understand your suffering had Inot been sent to you as the Logos by the Father…If you had understood suf-fering, you would have non-suffering. Learn to suffer, and you shall under-stand how not to suffer. Understand the word of Wisdom in me.

Notice that Jesus stands in the center of the Circle of Twelve as the Sun shinesin the center of the astronomical entities in our galaxy. Why? For he is the sunshining down on us throughout all of our successive lives!

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Reincarnation(Cross Science 103)

The famous atheist, Kersey Graves, hated Catholicism passionately, but hehad to admit that it is the world’s greatest success story. Edward Poco*cke, one ofthe most distinguished orientalists and theologians of the Age of Enlightenment,was a dedicated Christian Protestant. No one could ever accuse him of being anatheist. However, he, too, had to admit that the Roman Church knew how toreach the hearts, minds, and souls of its adherents.

If Catholicism’s critics placed the Church’s secret of success under a micro-scope, they’d convince themselves that the Church teaches religion scientifically.As long as it keeps on teaching religion scientifically, not interfering with scien-tists working in other areas and staying out of politics, it will always be successful.Just recently, I read in the newspaper a story about a certain Los Angeles Catholicprelate who said he would take political action to insure that people fleeing fromMexico and other countries to this one would not be sent back. Had he adheredtightly to his “job description,” that of Catholic priest, no one would need tocome to this country in order to build a better life for himself. For whom is heworking? For Christ, or for the religion insisting that North and South are theHoly Directions? He should not be ashamed of preaching “the spiritual solu-tion.” What does it matter if he gets ridiculed for the type of science he practices?After all, it is the only one that will work in the end. How tragic, that I, a layman,should have to remind him that a priest should do God’s work; not that of politi-cians and wicked money-grabbers wanting cheap labor.

The fathers of Catholicism must have paid attention to Genesis when it statedthat God invented things, but Man, not God, invented words.

…the Lord God formed out of the earth all the wild beasts and all the birdsof the sky, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; andwhatever the man called each living creature, that would be its name. And the


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man gave names to all the cattle and to the birds of the sky and to all the wildbeasts…(Genesis, 2:18-20.)

In all my writings in which I need to describe archetypes, I use the best expla-nation I have ever read: that of J. Iglesias Janeiro, author of the cabalistic text, LaArcana de los Números:

An archetype is the sovereign and eternal model that molds beings andthings, giving them understanding of what they really are…it is the mode bywhich a thing or being comes to exist in the physical world, making it com-prehensible on the psychic plane. The Cabala derives archetypes from the pri-mordial causes…(p. 68.)

Paintings and other representations of the Holy Mother Progenitor of man-kind often show rays shining out from around her. Upon observing such imagesand paintings, the human mind unconsciously intuits that all life comes from thesun and from the vulva or vagin* of the female because those rays also look suspi-ciously like pubic hairs. These representations appear idolatrous and p*rno-graphic to the uninitiated, but they do serve a deep and noble purpose-that ofleading mankind to the certainty that he will always have life everlasting, both inand out of his physical body.

When does the human spirit become masculine and the sun feminine? Whenthe body dies and the spirit returns to its source, which is the sun. It remains mas-culine until it re-enters a physical womb. Masculine=movement. Femi-nine=repose.

Everyone wants desperately to live forever. Since few of us can remember ourprior earthly lives, we cannot be convinced by words and other people’s positivetestimonies alone. It really does no good for clerics to assure us whether or not weare going to live again physically. The members of the religions preaching thedoctrine of reincarnation, including the clerics preaching them, are just as unsureand fearful as those belonging to religions denying the pre-existence and eternallife of the human soul. As the old saying goes, “Damned if we do; damned if wedon’t.”

God (Creation) has no knowledge of Time and Space. Man created it while hewas naming all the animals and noticing that there were varying intervals betweenwhere he was at a certain moment and where he was at another. Therefore, hedeveloped the sciences of time and measurement. Although this knowledge was“dangerous” enough to someday aid mankind in increasing his mental stature onearth, perhaps even leading him to challenge God’s authority again, as Adam and

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Eve did back in their Hyperborean Paradise, God at least let him retain a fewmeasly crumbs from the table of Divinity-and that included the Mystery of TheCross, the Mystery of the Tree of Life, and the Mystery of the Holy Trinity. Inreality, these are all three ways of saying the same thing.

…Adam separated the Tree of Life [The Cross} from the Yesh [the mate-rial, physical world]-the Tree of the Science of Good and Evil-from the tree ofthe Ayeen [the invisible, non-materialized archetypes of Creation], The Treeof Life [The Cross or The Holy Trinity]. He insisted on using the Yesh [thematerial, physical world] for his own selfish pleasure, condemning himself todeath, that is, to taste the bitterness of death. (La Cábala, by AlexandréSafrán.)

When mankind comes to distinguish the Yesh [the material, physicalworld] from the Ayeen [the invisible, non-materialized archetypes of Cre-ation], but toward that which he can direct himself willingly, he frees himselffrom the anguish of death. He understands that his entry into the Yesh [thematerial, physical world] is a proof of the life that God [Creation] has for him.God [Creation] wants the man to live in the Yesh [the material, physicalworld], but not exist solely in it, so that he may not die but rise up again, ofhis own free will, toward Him [Eternal and Constant Creation]. (Ibid.)

Note: The words within brackets are my own. I repeated the meanings of the wordsYesh and Ayeen each time the Rabbi expressed them, so that no one can misunder-stand his message to all mankind. Cabala is not like the teaching of dogmas and scrip-tures.

Since Man was wise enough to perceive that there were varying intervalsbetween Points A and B, God allowed him to notice that when he made circui-tous trips from their origins to their destinations, and from their destinations andback to their origins, he would delude himself into thinking that the return trips,even though one was traveling at the same speed, would pass faster time-wisethan the first part of such circumambulations. This is a phenomenon that mosthumans experience when they pass the first half of their respective journeysthroughout life. When I turned 50, my dad called me on the phone and said:“Son, welcome to the over-the-hill club.” As middle-aged people and beyondcontinue to age, they sense that time is passing faster and faster. In the case of aman like me, in my late 70s, time zips by almost like lightning.

Jesus’ sayings in The Thomas Gospel expain clearly that life is cyclical, alwaysbeginning and ending in the same place. I especially appreciate Jesus’ commen-tary about the cyclical nature of life because the Hindus say the same about thefetus’ nine-months in gestation:

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The man old in days will not hesitate to ask a small child seven days oldabout the place of life, and he will live. For many who are first will becomelast, and they will become one and the same.

The Hindu scriptures say that a fetus with bad karma will experience its con-finement in the womb as a hellish straightjacket, suffering from indescribablyagonizing claustrophobia. While imprisoned within the mother’s womb, it is tor-tured day and night by memories of the evils it committed in its prior life. Inmost cases, it vows that after leaving the womb, it will never again repeat its pastmistakes. Just after birth, it still remembers its recent past for awhile, but thesememories soon fade into oblivion. As Jesus said, if an old man could communi-cate with a recently born infant, he would get a clear account of the penaltiesGod imposes on those who will not live righteously. Will what Jesus and theHindu scriptures said really happen? Or will nothing happen as the skeptics andatheists assure us so confidently?

As I said, time perception is a learned process. It took thousands of years ofmental conditioning for mankind to involve himself so completely in an illusionof his own making. In order to create types of measurements capable of explain-ing time intervals from one point to another, Man had to make a habit ofremembering those intervals by certain definitions, such as seconds, minutes,hours, days, weeks, ears, centuries, millennia, etc.

But not all men allowed themselves to be fooled by the specter of linear time.Some began to reason that time was not speeding up. What was happening? Thegap between the beginning of their earthly lives and the ending was just narrow-ing exponentially to a point where it would reach the point called death andimmediately enter birth once more. Our perception of the time processes arememories of things we’ve done before. The wise-men of old had to reach oneconclusion: Time appeared to be speeding up because they had circumambulatedfrom birth to death before—hundreds and even thousands of times. Man’s eter-nal lives are, in every case, cyclical, just as day and night, the seasons, the move-ments of the planets and stars in space, are cyclical. God has at least given ushumans enough intelligence to know that we’ll die. This archetype of acceleratingtime is God’s merciful message to us: “You shall never die.” God told Moses: “Iam that I am.” In Nature, everything “is.” “Not” is the only philosophical andscientific concept on earth that doesn’t exist, but some ignorant people will tellyou it does.

Even the world’s greatest scientists are beginning to see that time is an illusion.No one can say that the magazine Scientific American is “unscientific.” The

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world’s brightest minds pen their thoughts in that magnificent periodical. I readan article in a special edition of Scientific American, that every thinking humanbeing, especially religious leaders, should study carefully: That Mysterious Flow,by scientist Paul Davies. The following is what Mr. Davies said in the conclusionof his article:

…what if science were able to explain away the flow of time? Perhaps wewould no longer fret about the future or grieve for the past. Worries aboutdeath might become as irrelevant as worries about birth. Expectation and nos-talgia might cease to be part of human vocabulary. Above all, the sense ofurgency that attaches to so much of human activity might evaporate. Nolonger would we be slaves to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s entreaty to ‘act,act in the living present,’ for the past, present and future would literally be thethings of the past. (Edition on display until February 20, 2006; p. 88.)

If modern scientific thinking has at last led mankind to realize that by explain-ing away the flow of time, we’ll never truly die, there is no doubt that religionand science are at last becoming unified. The singularity is near!

The fact that the singularity is near is one of many reasons why I wrote thisbook about all mankind’s need to link his mind and spirit to the doctrine of TheHoly Cross, a.ka. The Tree of Life and The Holy Trinity. In my last two books, Iwas able to discuss the flow of time in relation to the individual. But I did not feelcapable of being able to help all humans perceive the collective flow of circulartime from points A to B, and from B back to A.

When I first started my studies of the origins of religion back in the 1960s, Ithought I would find out that essentially, Christianity was a hoax and that Christhad not really died on that Cross. But as I got deeper and deeper into my studies,I realized that just as my own life after age 50 seemed to be accelerating, I wasgoing back to point A again. I am moving eternally, round and round, from Mt.Meru to Mt. Orizaba, and back again. God is real. Everlasting Life is real. How-ever, I did not abandon my contention that the remains of Jesus Christ are lyingin the building called Rauzabal, in Srinagar, Kashmir, India. His sarcophagus liesin an East-West direction. The sarcophagi of two saints belonging to the religionthat forced so many millions of human beings to accept North and South, caus-ing the violent deaths of approximately forty million Hindus, as the holiest ofdirections, are also in the Rauzabal. Until I get verifiable evidence that I amwrong, such as DNA, I will continue to suspect that the remains lying in the firstnamed sarcophagus, are those of our Jesus.

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Little by little, as my knowledge deepened during my researches, I becameconvinced that the progenitors of all mankind were the Hindus. When I got tothat point, the Turks kept popping up. I tried to wipe them from my memory. Isaid to myself: “Oh, no! This can’t be happening.” However, later on, I learnedabout the Panchala Krishtaya, the Five Original Races of Mankind, and how theyleft their Arctic Circle paradise and entered India. It was then that the AryanTurkish Krishtayas and the Hindu Ramanakas merged and united, becoming thegreatest nation ever to exist on earth: The Eastern Hemisphere or Talantes.

Even the Turks are becoming aware that they and the Hindus are the progen-itors of all mankind. They are realizing that all Life Energy flows eternally fromthe East to the West, like a perpetually revolving fly wheel. They are writing moreand more books and articles about the Doctrine of the Cross and the enlighten-ment they originally had when Tengri, also Hodai (God), revealed to them themysteries of life. Yes, it is true that human civilization began at the Arctic Circleand extended down to what is now Sri Lanka. But from there, the Light of theSun carried the energy of life from East to West, between the Tropics of Cancerand Capricorn. More and more Turks are realizing that they can no longer affordto keep on thinking that North and South are the sacred directions. I feel in myheart that Tengri is at last returning to them. And in returning to them, theTurks also link up with us, for all of us carry their blood in our veins. Our DNAand our Christianity prove it one hundred percent.

At the time of this writing, a Hindu politico-nationalist movement wants thememory of the Turkish Aryan Krishtayas expunged from all the history booksand from the memory of mankind. They say that the Aryan story is a concoctionof European white racists. Yet, even today, the Turkish people call themselves Ariand Kurus. Here is my warning to the Hindus: If those ill-informed activists getaway with this crime, India will be shattered into tiny pieces, for the Kurus formthe backbone of their history. Not only that, but they’ll become the laughingstock of the world. What intellectual blindness forces them to deny that one hun-dred fifty million Aryans and Kurus (Turks) live in Central Asia? How can theyconvince the world that we Europoids invented them? I, too, once fell sway to theanti-Aryanist error, as evidenced by my book, Jesus and Most Are Buried in India,etal. I thank God that I freed my mind from that type of reasoning. If that activistorganization succeeds, India will become a Humpty Dumpty, never to be putback together again!

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An Urgent Message to theMexican People!

Mexico is an extremely rich country. Its people are hard-working and intelli-gent. Why doesn’t it progress as the United States is doing? The answer to thatquestion is simple for those who know something about the Science of the Crossand the Holy Trinity-and who are not afraid to prove its efficacy. The Mexicansare the Atlantes, the name the Aztecs gave to idol columns holding up templeroofs. These idols symbolize the Mexican people themselves. Their source is Mt.Meru, or the Upper World. The Turks and the Hindus are their spiritual fathers.They are connected by a spiritual umbilical cord. Whatever happens to one, hap-pens to the other. This causes another anomaly to spring up. Everyone in theworld is Turk also, but on a different frequency. Whatever goes wrong for the“Holy Twins” also affects us adversely. Don’t ask me why. God’s infinite plan isbeyond my understanding. Also, most Mexicans do not care in what positionthey have placed their beds, just so long as they get a good night’s sleep.

A millennium and a half ago, that “certain religion” I’ve been discussingousted the Turks’ beloved Tengri and his Only Begotten Son, Keder/Keser. Theyforced the Turks to accept North and South as the true Sacred Directions, insist-ing that these directions were their only hope. Immediately, the Aryans or Pan-chala Krishtayas (the original Christians) ceased to be a great people. At the sametime, the Mexicans blinded themselves to the blessings of their own country,becoming convinced that their only hope was the North. This is brought out intheir mythology. The Aztecs taught that their divine destiny was to conquer theNorth. However, they were kept from doing so by the Michoacanos and theirsuperior bronze and copper weaponry.

Although I have no definite proof to back me up, I feel that the Aztec myth of“Go North young man” arose when the Turks and Northern Hindus were forcedto accept the new religion.


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Even the Spaniards, when they first invaded the Americas, noticed that some-thing had gone wrong in both Americas. The Amerindians were falling intounspeakable savagery. Even the civilizations of the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incaswere falling apart. No one knew at the time that they were declining because theTurkish and Hindu worlds were falling apart. Since they were sharing the sameumbilical cord, each was pumping unhealthful life energy into the other.

My Mexican friends tell me that if not for them, no one would do the dirtyslave work in this country, so they have volunteered to become slaves. However,if they would just sleep in beds facing East and West, abiding strictly to the HolyTrinity, they would again become the Atlantes holding up Talantes or the UpperWorld. This, in turn, would strengthen the Turks sufficiently to again embracethe governorship of Tengri and His Only Begotten Son, Keder/Keser. Gradually,Mexico and Central Asia would become The Hope of the World and no longerThe Hopeless of the World. They would stop going North to sell themselves intowage slavery. They would progress as never before.

The Dual Solution Will First Unite Mexico Within Itself!

Regardless of outward appearances and the Mexicans’ fondness for flagrantand outrageous flag-waving here in the United States, Mexico is a badly dividedand territorial country in which the word mexicano does not invoke the sameemotions in the different regions and social classes. The Spaniards chose to namethe whole country after the Meshika, who were the most powerful and hated tribein Meso-America. Even today in Mexico, there are tribes who don’t want to becalled “Mexican.” Mexico’s different social classes are also seriously disparate.Upward mobility is more difficult in that country than in the United States.Theupper classes, who generally govern the nation, are often raised and educated out-side Mexico itself. As a result, they have no true “national awareness” when theyare elected to office. Their definition of power is the opportunity to milk Mexicodry, giving nothing back in return.

When the Mexicans start abiding by God’s “dual solution,” they will almostimmediately notice more solidarity and cohesiveness within their country. Thatalone could save Mexico.

Adam, a Turkish word meaning Man, was the first of the Spiritual Men to beevicted from the Hyperborean paradise in which he lived. The Koran and Jewishlegends state that when he was cast out of Hyperborea (Eden), he went directly toCeylon.

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…When the primal pair fell from their estate of bliss in the heavenly para-dise, Adam landed on a mountain in Ceylon and Eve fell at Jiddah, in thewestern coast of Arabia. (Arabia: The Cradle of Islam, by Rev. S. M. Zwemer;p. 17.)

“Wasim” is the high mountain called Adam’s Peak in today’s Sri Lanka, oncecalled Ceylon. There is a foot-like impression on a stone at the top of the peak,which is regarded as that of Adam himself. It is regarded as the one holy spot onearth, uniting all the religions of the world. The Buddhists teach that it is Bud-dha’s footprint. The Catholics and Syrian Chaldean Christians revere it as thefootprint of St. Thomas. According to Hindu traditions, God Shiva flew directlyfrom the top of Mt. Meru, following a longitudinal line called Vedka, connectingwith the top of Adam’s Peak. According to Sri Lankan legends, even Alexanderthe Great visited Adam’s Peak.

When Tengri or God forced Adam out of Eden, he allowed him to take alongthe hallowed Tengri or Celtic Cross, so that he would not get lost in his wander-ings. According to the legends about Adam, he went to Ceylon and then followedthe sun westward before making a complete circumference of the globe andreturning to Eve in Jiddah. This story tells how mankind and the development ofcivilization spread throughout the world, from East to West.

The Turks also had two other names for Adam, the man: Olmak(er) andOlman(er), meaning “becoming; coming to exist; coming into being.”

Let us take these Turks at their word, to see if their hoary legend and our ownBible make any sense. We fly around the world, landing in Southern Mexico andCentral America. There we find the impressive ruins of Mexico’s first human civ-ilization: that of the Olmeca and Olman. Not only were they the progenitors ofthe Mayan civilization, but that of the Nahuatl or Toltec peoples, as well as thatof the Zapotecs of Oaxaca.

According to the legends handed down to the Mayans, seven families weretaken to Meso-America by a great navigator (really sea peoples) called Votan orPotam. This would indicate to me that they left from Mesopotamia where theSumerians had their seaports.

This word Votan appears to derive from the Sanskrit words for boat: Pota;Vah; Vadhu; Vadh; Vahittha; Bohitta.

The legends of Votan or Potam are known throughout the world: Woden,Odin, Faathan by the natives of the South Pacific island of Yap, Bataan by theFilipinos, and similar names throughout the world. According to the Meso-American myths, Votan was a member of the Chan (Shan) tribe. The Chans wereTurks from Central Asia and Northern India.

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The Chiapanecan Indians, from whom Mexico’s state of Chiapas got its name,claim that Votan and his people settled there first. The word “Chiapas” derivesfrom the Sanskrit Shiva-Pas, meaning “Shiva, Protector of the World.”

Foreign tourists visiting Turkey soon hear about an ancient race of “snakepeople,” called Nagas, who once lived there. I have stated that they were led bythe Bulgarian Turkish king, Kubera. His Naga subjects were called Yakshas orYakhus. These would be the people of today’s Siberian Turkish Republic ofYakutstan or Sakastan. Kubera, also known as Khyber, Kheever, Heber, etc. wasreally the ancient commercial and maritime partnership of the Phoenicians andtheir Juddhi (Jewish) warriors. The Phoenicians had a privileged slave caste calledMeshechs or Meshikas (in Aramaic), Tubal, and Tiras. The Kuberas (Khyber,Heber, etc.) respected and honored them in spite of their slave status. If we wentback into the past, we’d probably want to be Meshikas ourselves, for they lived aswell if not better than their masters. They were regarded with awe as a sacred peo-ple because they were the sons of Japhet, the favorite son of Noah whom theycalled Na, Nu, or Nava (pronounced as Nahua). Na/Nu also meant “LordKrishna; God Shiva; Buddha.” Nava meant “Divine Ship or Divine Ark.” It wasthe highest and most honored title that a human could hope for. That’s how theyreceived the name Meshika, meaning “Messiah.” The Phoenicians also gave themanother honorary title: Navak (pronounced as Nahuac), a term meaning “prayeras a vessel leading to Heaven.”

I know that by now, my Mexican readers may be shocked to find out all thisinformation. If they doubt me, all they have to do is look in the Sanskrit Lexicon.

After the Great Flood, the Meshechs began to degenerate as a people. Theysaid among themselves, “We are the direct descendants of Japhet. We should bemasters; not slaves.”

The time came when this slave caste got restless and started rebelling againstthe Kubera hordes, allying themselves with savage Huns moving into NorthIndia. They even wanted to abandon the Kristayani religion, the religion of theNephilim, and force people to follow them. All this happened at Mt. Meru, orthe Tower of Babylon, when God decided to disperse them and the other troublemakers to faraway lands.

In order to bring more peace to Central Asia and Northern India, Kubera andhis Yakhus rounded them up, exiling them to Ceylon. But they were as bad orworse there as they were back in Central Asia. Therefore, he took them to Amer-ica, settling them in the Mayan lowlands. Since they had fallen into a state of dis-grace, the Phoenicians started calling them Anahuac, or “people with no ship totake them to Heaven.” A is the Sanskrit term for “not; without; no longer.” The

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Mexican people have long forgotten that Anahuac is a term of disgrace, meaningthat not even God in Heaven will give them passage on Noah’s heaven-boundship. However, Anahuac is still regarded as a term for “water” and the Mexicanpeople.

Besides the terms Naga (Snake) and Anahuac, meaning “the people whomGod rejected,” we also have abundant evidence that the Mayan lowlands werenamed after the Nagas. Let us now put this legend to the test, to see if it has anymerit. After all, we must not be satisfied with mere myths and legends. We needconcrete evidence. Even today, all of the Mayan lowlands, extending from South-ern Mexico and Central America, are called Nacaste. This word derives from theSanskrit Nagasta, meaning “Nagas Living Where the Sun Sets.” There is a regionof Nicaragua and Costa Rica, which the early natives of the region called Guana-caste, derived from the Sanskrit Guhanagasta, meaning “The Cosmic Intelligenceof the Nagas of the Western Hemisphere.” Don’t forget what I said about theSanskrit meaning of Guatemala. Everything is exactly as I say it was and still is.

Mexican Indians and country people believe that each person is born with aTona, or animal guardian angel spirit. It is his individual zodiacal sign. Some-times the Tona (zodiac totem) and the human it protects become so close thatthey merge. When this happens, the human becomes a Nagual or were-animal.Here is a superstition definitely inherited from India, for a Naga is supposed to besimultaneously human and serpent.

In India, the parents of a newly born child generally assign it a zodiacal totemsign as soon as it is born, called Pa-Thona. It, too, is an animal. Pa-Thona (San-skrit zodiacal sign) = Tona (Nahuatl zodiacal sign)?

Mr. Subash Bose gave me his opinion of how the Mexican were-animal cameto be called Nagual:

It appears to sound like Nagula or Nagulan. one of the brothers of Pancha(five) Pandavas in the Mahabarata epic.

Lord Indira (Indra) has 14 names in which appears the word Naga, one ofwhich is Naga-nagrku nathan. Nagr = town or loka; Naga nagrku = town orloka) of Nagas; Nathan = God. We have the traditional practice of titling thename of a child as Naganathan.

Before going to live in Mexico, the Hindu God Dyaus-Nahusha (Dionysius asthe Greeks and his Turkish countrymen called him), was banished from India forhaving raped the wife of a great Hindu philosopher named Agastya. According tothe Hindu legend, he was turned into a snake. In reality, he just boarded a Nagaship and went to Mexico. At first, the Meshika welcomed him with opened arms.

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He taught them the arts of civilization. However, the welcome soon wore off.One night, in Tula, a city which he had founded, he got drunk on his home brewand raped his own daughter. Some say it was his sister. For that, the Mexicanssent him back to India. Though Anahuac, they still knew the difference betweenright and wrong. Quetzalcoatl left Mexico (Land of the Meshechs) on a Nagaship from a harbor in Southern Veracruz or Northern Yucatan, near Mt. Orizabawhere his father was buried. He left on a raft of Snakes. Mt. Orizaba was proba-bly a navigational marker that ancient mariners used to return to India or wher-ever else they were going. Quetzalcoatl returned to India via the same route thathad brought him to the Mountain of the Stars (Citlaltepetl or Mt. Orizaba) fromMeru. Even today, Mexico is connected to Turkey and India by that invisiblecord of Solar Energy and Divine Knowledge. Nothing in this world is happeningby accident. There is some kind of plan of which we are ignorant. That is becausewe have rejected the idea that there is a spiritual side of ourselves. We are pawnsin a Divine Chess Game. Are we spiritually powerful enough to win it? Or is itmore “scientifically authoritative” to reject the Cross?

Fig. 11. Quetzalcoatl (Dionysius) returning to Mt. Meru on his raft of snakes.

Notice the strange Snake Cross at the bottom of Quetzalcoatl’s raft. The snakehas no tail; just two heads. The two snouts point East and West, showing that it

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is completing a round trip back to where it came from-the sun or Mt. Meru. Thefrontal drawing of a snake’s head symbolizes the total Divine Unity between theMexicans of the West, Nagasta, and the Nagas of Turkey and India. Could thefuture of the world depend on a correct understanding of that astonishing arche-typical Cross symbol? As Murad Adji said, “The roots of the World Tree [inHamrin) go deep into the underworld in the serpents’ kingdom (Mexico).” Willthe Mexicans awaken from their slumber on time to save themselves, Turkey,India, Catholicism, and the world as well? Or will they remain blinded and con-tinue worshiping the North as so many millions of their blood brothers are doingright now, back in the Turkish nations?

Because of their passionate adherence to the flow of Life Energy from East toWest, each immigrant tribe to America tried to find a cave or a mountain whichcould line up with their ancient homelands back in Central Asia and India. TheMayans called their cave to the Underworld, Xibalba (pronounced as “Shivalva”).It derives from the Sanskrit Shivulva, meaning, “The Vulva or Womb of GodShiva.” The Aztecs told the Spaniards they came from an ancient land called Teo-colhuacan. Since they couldn’t pronounce “R,” the word meant “Teo-Kaurava-Khan,” meaning “The Kuru (Turkic)-God-King.” The Southwestern Puebloantribes of New Mexico claimed that their underworld was Sipapu, derived fromSanskrit Siva-Bhu, “The Sacred Ground of Shiva, around Mt. Meru.” TheOlmecs and Aztecs revered Mt. Orizaba. The O’odhams of Arizona look toBaboquivari Mountain near Sells, Arizona and a cave in Northern Mexico astheir place of emergence.

The Carib (Kaurav) a.k.a. Arawak (Arak [Erectheus]) or Taino (Dannu/Tannu) Indians, though entirely illiterate, really facilitated the job of finding outthe origin of our American Indians. Not only did they give the Spaniards awealth of details hidden in their mythology, but they could pronounce “R” cor-rectly. They told them that their mythical forefathers were the Kuru-Rumani.The Arak were a tribe of Afghan Turks. The Tannu or Dannu were the warriorgroup of Tannu, an ancient Turkish nation that is still very much in business.Their place of emergence on the Carib island of Española was from a cave at thebottom of a hill called Caunana These were the Khan-Anu, one of the five Krish-taya tribes. After the Krishtayas went to India, the Anus could have settled inwhat is now Himachal Pradesh, India. After that, many of them went to Ceylonwith Kubera, eventually settling on the Caribbean Islands. The Caribs said that apersonage called Machekael (Skt: Mesech Family) guarded these newcomers care-fully, to keep them from escaping. In my opinion, as the old saying goes, that’s

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“telling it like it is.” (See El Orígen de los Indios, by the Catholic Priest, GregorioGarcía. pp. 318-319.)

There is no end to evidence that the Mexicans and Central Americans areblood brothers of the Turks and Hindus. Actually we all are, but the Meso-Amer-icans are more so.

Here’s my message to my Mesech (Mexican) friends, among whom I’ve livednearly for about 60 years of my life. The feet of Jesus Christ himself are symboli-cally nailed to your sacred mountain, Orizaba, in Vera Cruz. You are truly a peo-ple blessed by God because you have his spiritual feet symbolically lying directlyon your soil. Instead of looking North for your salvation, look to your brothers inTalantes or The Upper World. Look to the East, to the rising sun, from which alllife and human civilization originated. No longer can your Atlantes, which areyou yourselves, continue to keep holding them up. A certain religion now pre-vails in the Upper World, which has decreed that the only hope for mankindoriginated in the North, which is now the Arctic Circle. They say that the mysti-cal teaching of the movement of Life Energy from East to West is idolatry. Theysay that only they are right and that everyone else is wrong. As blood brothers ofthe Turks and North Indians, you, too, are being spiritually forced to look north-ward. If your blood-brothers’ obsession with the North, the original abode ofOlmak or Olman, the Turkic name for Adam, continues this way, your presentsufferings, compared to those to come, will seem trivial in comparison.

There is a growing movement among some Mexican-American political activ-ists in this country, who call themselves Hijos de Anahuac (Sons of Anahuac),which says that the spiritual homeland of the Mexicans is not Turkey and South-eastern Mexico, but Southwestern United States. They want their Mexicanbrothers to become obsessed with the idea that North is the sacred direction fromwhich humanity’s first civilization left to populate the world. I don’t knowwhether they’re doing this out of ignorance or because of some evil intentions.They don’t want their brothers to know that they and the Turks and the Hindusare connected by spiritual and blood ties. Furthermore, they want to build upenmity between the European-Americans and them, saying that only Mexicanshave a right to North America. But we are all Turks. However, the Mexicans aremore so. And their salvation lies not in going North, but in re-establishing theirrelationship with the Turks and Hindus. We are all brothers, but the misguidedMexican-American activists in this country don’t want anyone to know it. Doyou think I’m lying? What did I tell you about the history and meaning of thatword Anahuac? Are they not doing right now in this country what their forefa-thers did thousands of years ago, at the Tower of Babylon or Mt. Meru?

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I have given you the spiritual or dual solution. Take it or leave it. My sameadvice is for the African-Americans, for they are bending under the same leadenweight on their backs. But their problems are even worse. A large portion of themalso belong to this Non-Christian religion, both in this country and in Africa.Not only that, but hundreds of thousands, even millions of Africans are them-selves Turks, such as the African Turkmen, Kuris, Somalis, Ethiopians, and oth-ers. African-Americans are known for their deep religiosity. If they are tired oftrailing behind some other cultural groups, all they have to do is learn Cross Sci-ence. Then, they will progress steadily and surely.

Fig. 12. Mayan priests worshiping the Cross which is also the World Tree.Every religion on the face of the earth at one time worshipped the Cross.

There had to be a reason.

Are You Still Unconvinced That Christology Has Always Been TheOriginal Religion of The Entire World?

Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan, and Gucumatz were the same person. Even he wascrucified, died and then rose from the dead before leaving the coast of SouthEastern Mexico on his raft of snakes. The coastal area from where he embarkedfor Mt. Meru was near Mt. Orizaba (Citlaltepetl) where his father was buried. Itdoesn’t matter whether we call the crucified saviors of the world, Jesus, Rama,Shiva, Indra, Agni, Keder, Keyser, Krishna, Mithra, Apollo, Dionysius (reallyQuetzalcoatl, Kukulkan, and Gucumatz), or whoever. All are names of God’sOnly Begotten Son. Atheists and skeptics insist that all these saviors were plagia-rized from a common source in Turkey or India. This may not true. And even if

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it were true, the same archetypical representation would and always will appear insome nation of the world. Peace and understanding will come to the world whenwe realize that the Ramachandra Path of Unity is, and always will be, the same inevery crook and cranny of the world. Notice the following illustration of Kukul-kan fastened to a Celtic Cross. The mystery of the Holy Trinity and the Cross,and its implications, are mankind’s beginning, existence, end, and eternal repeti-tion of the cycle of existence!

Fig. 13. Kukulkan or Gucumatz-The Mayan Jesus Christ! Just because helooks “culturally different,” with a different name, and is stuck on a strange-looking cross, doesn’t mean he isn’t Christ. Remember, we’re talking aboutan archetypical image of Divine Energy and not about a physical person. We

all live in the same universe and are subject to the same physical andspiritual laws.

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Two Non-ChristianSouthwestern Indian TribesWho Want You to Become a


These two non-Christian tribes don’t have any missionaries. They don’t wantyou to join them in their religious services. They’d be delighted beyond measureif you stayed away from their villages and religious services. If you do observe anyof their religious dances and gatherings, don’t take pictures. Don’t ask questions.Don’t give “Christianly” advice. Just watch. Don’t join them in their dances,prayers, and supplications to God. Anyway, I don’t think many people wouldwant be converted to their anti-Christian Christian religion because some of theirceremonies require that the faithful handle rattlesnakes.

The members of a certain Christian sect who knock incessantly on our doors,handing out poorly printed leaflets and tiny booklets, giving every conceivableargument to convince us that the rest of us are wrong, and only they are right,would probably be chased out of these two non-Christian Puebloan villages fortrying to make them become Christians. They themselves have no desire tobecome Christians, but they certainly want you to become one.

It is a historical fact that in 1700, one of these tribes annihilated an entire vil-lage for having converted to Catholicism. This tribe, more than the other one, isthe more fanatical of the two in wanting you to become a Christian. They keeptheir dances and prayers going on almost around the clock, 365 days a year.Hypocrisy? Not if you look under the surface.

These two tribes are the Hopis and the Zuñis (pronounced as ZOONyees.)The Hopis are the more “fundamentalist” of the two tribes. They were the oneswho annihilated an entire village for submitting to Roman Catholicism.


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Why don’t they tempt you with attractive and irresistible inducements, assome Protestant sects do, such as promising to let you handle and step on hun-dreds of rattlesnakes if you’ll sign on the dotted line and become one of them?Why will they not let you become a full-fledged card-carrying.old-time snake-loving hallelujah-shoutin’ Naga?

This is why. Preaching and scriptures are Babel. Each one of us is different.No one understands Babel in the same way. No one attains spirituality by readingscriptures and listening to deafeningly loud preaching. Not even tithing ten per-cent of our yearly earnings can help. We can attain spirituality only by recogniz-ing and attuning ourselves to Duality, The Holy Trinity, and letting God’smessage get to us by understanding the full meaning of the three most powerfulnatural archetypes in the Universe: the Cross, the Swastika, and the Wheel ofLife.

These two tribes opine that only some inner voice within us all can wake usup. So, they are praying that we all remove the cobwebs for our eyes, the cottonstuffed in our ears, and the mush from our brains.

How, When, and Why Did These Two Tribes Get to America?

Mr. José Sandos, a Zuñi authority on Puebloan cultures, wrote in The PuebloIndians:

The people came from the north to their present areas of residence from theplace of origin, Shibapu, where they emerged from the underworld, by way of alake. During their journeys they were led by the war chief…With his assistantsand war captains…, they constituted a force responsible for clearing up the pathupon which the people traveled. And with them came the Great Spirit, and Heguided the ancient ones through the many arduous tasks of daily life…Many ofthem finally settled at the Four Corners area, where they developed their civiliza-tion and settled for some hundreds of years before moving to their present home-land. As the ancient ones relate, it was in order to preserve the people from totalannihilation that the Great Spirit impelled them to migrate…They were advisedto build fortress-like communities for protection and were promised the guard-ianship of the warrior twin gods Maseway and Sheoyeway.” (p. 17.)

The names of those twin gods appear to be derived from variations of theHindu God Shiva: Mahashiva (pronounced in Sanskrit as Mahasheewa) andShiyavha (Pronounced as SheeYAHwah), meaning “Shiva, The Fast and Swift.”

The word Shibapu tells exactly where they came from: Shiva-Bhu, “The SacredLand of God Shiva: Mt. Meru.”

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Mr. Sando gives further evidence that his people came from Northern Indiawhich was also the southern frontiers of the Turkish nations:

Since the caciques (chieftains) and the other leaders were responsible forgoverning the clowns (Kushare in the Keresan language; Kusa in the PuebloanTewa language; Tabosh in the Tawa language) were that group of societyresponsible for the entertainment of the people. All these peoples, with theirmany and varies responsibilities, were under the titular leadership of thecacique and his staff.” (p. 20.)

Kushare and Kusa derive from the name of India’s leadership caste: Kashi.Tabosh derives from the North Indian Tavith or Tavish, meaning “people whoimpersonate the Divine Mother.” These can be either male or female. Berdaches(gender benders) play an important part in Zuñi religious practices. Keresa derivesfrom the Turkish Kurusha. Tiwa and Tewa are names of the ancient Turkishnation of Tannu. Tanu is also another name of the Keresan, Tiwa, and Tewa lan-guages.

The Hopis are not really a tribe, but a group of clans who escaped fromNorthern India and went to New Mexico to pray for the “poor lost souls” orthose who drove them out of Central Asia. According to them, they escaped fromtheir ancestral home of Sipapu through a “hole in the sky.” Sipapu is just a dialec-tical variation of Siva-Bhu. After their escape, they met Masawa (Shiva the Great)who led them to America.

Hopi accounts of their migration to America differ among all the clans, forthey originally were not a tribe but a group of affiliated clans of like mind. How-ever, a good conjunct of their ancient history confirms that the following tribesescaped with them: Navajo, Supai, Paiute, Apache, Ute, Heheya, Bahanna(White men), etc. Heheya derives from Haihaya, another name for “Phoenician.”The Bahana, also called Pahana, derives from the Sanskrit Vahana, meaning“Transporter; Shipper.” Hopi historian Edmund Nequatewa explains why theyleft Northern India and Central Asia:

The Hopis lived in the underworld, which was the original place of allhuman life. Here, in the beginning, all life and everything was good, in peace,and happy…the people were classed as common, middle, and first class.

The time came when the common and middle class grew wise to thedoings of the priests and the high priests. All the days of their lives these poorpeople had been cheated of their family rights by the upper classes of the peo-ple. At times the wives of the lower class were visited by their men and by the

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priests and high priests, while the poor husbands of the women were away.Now all this kept on from bad to worse.’ (Truth of a Hopi; p.1)

Notice that Mr. Nequatewa said they came from the original place of allhuman life. We should know by now that they were from Central Asia, the homeof the Krishtayas or Turks.

When the Turkish-North Indian Hopis could endure no more suffering, theysought the advice of the chief Yai-owa (Jehovah). He decided that they shouldabandon India and migrate to Southwestern United States.

The Hopi migration account must have happened between 700 and 1000A.D. At that time, India was in hellish turmoil. The religion that convertedeveryone at sword point, forcing them to accept North and South as sacred direc-tions, and to forget about that idolatrous “Cross,” took the lives of an estimatedforty million Hindus. The Brahmanists, the top priestly class of the Hindus, werealso on the move, trying to force the tribals to give up their lands and accept thecaste system.

The Hopi Wind God (Yaponche), a.k.a. the Hya-Phoenicians, blew themhere on the ships of the Vahana.

The author of Truth of a Hopi goes on to say:

The legend of the bahannas, white brother, or white savior of the Hopi isfirmly established in all the villages. He came up with the people from theunderworld and was accredited with great wisdom, and to set out on the jour-ney to the rising sun-promising to return with many benefits for the people.Ever since, his coming has been anticipated. It is said that when he returnsthere will be no more fighting and trouble, and he will bring much knowledgeand wisdom with him. The Spanish priests were allowed to establish their mis-sion in the Hopi country because of this legend, for the people thought at lastthe Bahana had come…” (p. 108.)

Soon after the Spaniards arrived, the Hopis found out that even they, withtheir deep spiritual insights, were not so clever as they thought they were. In noway were the Spaniards “The Great White Brothers.” Time will also tell that theHopis have erred in another way. The rapid acceleration of scientific develop-ment is bringing the world to “singularity,” in which the material and the spiri-tual halves of mankind again unite as one. They should quit dancing, chanting,and praying long enough to enjoy a few material delights, for their prayers will beanswered in the coming years-hopefully. It could also happen that God will bring

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us down to our knees again as He did in Eden and Mt. Meru. Where spiritual sci-ence is concerned, even priests are getting “Fs” these days!

Those who are curious about the Hopi non-Christian teligion that prays con-stantly for the rest of us to become Christians should read the work of a leadingauthority on Hopi religious practices: Gary A. David. The title of his work is TheOrion Zone-Ancient Star Cities of the American Southwest.

When Mr. David read this chapter before I sent it, this is what he answeredme:

I don’t know why you ask the Hopi to quit dancing and doing their cere-monies. If that happens, according to them, the Fourth World will end, prob-ably violently (i.e. WW III).

As you have read in this book, so little is asked of us in order to prevent thetotal destruction of mankind. Yet, for the so-called scientists and skeptics, it is tooradical and irrational to be a solution. If what I have written is so impractical,why have the Hopis danced almost continually for more than a thousand years,pleading with God to enlighten us a little? Could it be possible that they knowsomething that eludes our educated, “know-it-all” scientists and atheists?

Don’t ask the Hopis to sell you a copy of their bible. They don’t have one. Allthey have on hand are four stone tablets with some strange markings on them,which only they can understand. They say they are waiting for a fifth one toarrive, when that Cross-hating religion that I’ve been describing comes to itssenses and brings it to them.

While I was preparing this book, I thought hard and long about the differentreligious groups who preach the sanctity of Duality, the Cross, The Holy Trinity,and the Holy Directions: All forms of Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, Bud-dhism, Jainism, Tengriism, Hinduism, and of course, the Hopis and the Zuñis.The nearly 60 years I’ve been in Catholicism have convinced me that these arenot religions or organizations at all, but some kind of mask hiding a “thing orbeing.” When people tell me they despise Catholicism, they innocently thinkthey’re hating some kind of organization. But these described religions are in noway organizations, but a “being” we can’t yet comprehend. It’s like hating thetumbled-down barn keeping the finest of horses and cows hidden where we can’tsee them-and then deciding that the horses and cows are inferior because of thebarn. No matter how perverted and ignorant the leaders of these religions are,and no matter how slanted their holy books, this being just stays where it is. It’snot going anywhere, and it’s not going to die out-ever.

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The Los Angeles prelate who forces the priests under his command to tell theirMexican flocks that their happiness lies in the North, would not do this if heknew how much damage he is causing, not only to the “sheep in his barn,” but tothe world at large. But no matter what he does, no matter how many idols theHindus worship, no matter how “scientific” and “rational” the Protestants pre-tend to be, Krishtaya will never die, for it came into to the world with theNephilim. It will stay here, even though the rest of us, though our ignorance andthe evil in our hearts, invite the virtual destruction of the world in scourgesdesigned to wipe out an evil humanity who think that the Cross and the HolyTrinity are a joke! But all the while, Krishtaya will remain what it is-and where itis. It will survive whereas those of us who should be living according to the Taomay not.

Before closing this book, I will include one more chapter, just in case no onehas “gotten the message” yet. I ask myself, if no one listens this time, what must Ido? I’ve written several books in this vein already, and everyone still prefers toworship that “Second God,” Bel. Will God give me more inspiration and wisdomto make the Holy Trinity and Cross teachings more comprehensible? After all,that little boy told the priest in the Salvadorean folk tale, that no matter how hardwe try to understand the full meaning of the Holy Trinity and the Cross, we can-not, for it is a secret that only God knows.

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Give Christianity Back to theChristians and Tengri Back to

the Turks!

The Turkic brand of Christianity emphasized the Aryan (Arianism) teachingthat the Unbegotten (God the Father) and his Only Begotten Son Jesus, Keder,or Keser, were born before time began. The Unbegotten was Creator of theWorld. The Father, working through his Begotten Son, created the Holy Spiritin which, and with which, all men are able to enjoy life in the flesh. We, thedescendants of the Aryan Krishtaya Nephilim, must be subservient to the Son,just as the Son (Jesus) is subservient to the Father. What I have just stated is cor-roborated in I Corinthians 8:5-6:

Indeed, even though there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth-asin fact, there are many gods and many lords. Yet there is one God (Theos) theFather, from whom all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord (Kurios)Jesus Christ, whom are all things and through whom we exist.

These “other gods and lords” are the archetypes that have created all the non-human beings on earth, such as cats, dogs, bears, worms, fish, etc. Additionally,there are other beings and dimensions among us, that we cannot see with thenaked eyes.

In 325 A.D., the Aryan concept of Christ being subject to the Father createdmuch infighting among the different Christian sects at the time. Emperor Con-stantine organized an assembly called the First Council of Nicaea in what is nowIznik, Turkey, condemning Arius (the name of the Aryan leader), demanding theformulation of the Nicene Creed, which is still enforced in Catholic, Orthodox,and some Protestant churches. The central teaching of the Nicene Creed is thatthe relation of the Father and the Son is the same. They are not two beings, but


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one. There was also in those days an Asthanasian Creed which was a more aggres-sive rejection of the Holy Trinity.

Constantine succeeded in getting the Bible of the Aryans burned. For a fewyears, the dispute calmed down, but opposition to the Nicean creed continued.

Eusebius of Nicomedia was one of the most outspoken Aryanists. Constantineturned against him but later allowed him to resume preaching. In fact, he evenhad Eusebius baptize him on his deathbed, for in life he was a hypocrite and anevil man, to boot.

After Constantine’s death in 337, the dispute rose up again. Constantine’sson, Constantius II, who had become emperor of the eastern part of the RomanEmpire, supported the Aryans, vowing to reverse the Nicene Creed. None otherthan Eusibius of Nicomedia advised him to do it. At the time he was both headof the Aryan party and the bishop of Constantinople.

Constantinius had the Nicean Creed bishops exiled. In 365 A.D., Constantin-ius became the sole emperor of both the Eastern and Eastern parts of the RomanEmpire. He succeeded in exiling Pope Liberius Gregory Nazinzus.

Later on, the Nicene proponents succeeded in gaining power again. At thetime, the Temple of Serapeum in Alexandria, included a branch of the library atAlexandria. This library contained several thousand Turkish books consisting ofworks on history, Tengri religion, science, and the like. To wipe the memory ofthe Turish Aryan Krishtayas (Kipchaks) from the mind of Man, they marched onthe Serapeum and destroyed it.

The Turks to this day bitterly resent the fact that Constantine had religioushistory rewritten in such a way as to downplay the major part that the Aryans(Goths, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, etc.) played in shaping Christianity. I will quotesome comments from Murad Adji’s book. I recommend that all people read hisbooks. Give him your full support, for the Turks must return to Tengri if theyare ever going to become a great power again.

The Greeks were the first Europeans to remember the old political axiom:“Your god your rule.” So they came to the Turkis in an attempt to steal theGod of Heaven and impose their power on Europe. Never before had anyoneattempted anything like that. People came to learn, not steal from the Turkis.

A Greek by the name of Constantine was among the seven august pretend-ers or emperors (rather, claimants to the shaky throne of the Roman Empire).Like his rivals, however, Constantine had only his high title to show for hisclaim, without an army and, therefore, power. The Mediterranean was in thehands of Maxentius, the real emperor. His army was stationed in Rome, andnothing seemed to forebode trouble. One day, however, the Romans saw

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horsem*n galloping under banners decorated with a cross (those werelabarums) no one had ever seen before. The attack was sudden and daring.

Maxentius’ army was dealt a devastating defeat at the Milvian Bridge insight of the walls of invincible Rome in 312. Maxentius was killed in the bat-tle, and Constantine hastened to proclaim himself emperor. Actually, theKipchaks who had entered into an alliance with him on his insistence clearedthe way to the throne for him. The Turkic cavalry won a battle, victory inwhich was ascribed to the Greeks. Really, the Greeks had not a single soldierunder their banners.

The balance of forces in Europe swung heavily in Constantine’s favour.The period of anarchy ended.

In the same year 312, by a mere coincidence, the Greeks invited Turkicpriests to say prayers before congregation crowds to the Sole God (in Turkic,of course). Prayers were said on central squares of Greek cities on orders ofLicinius, Constantine’s rival for power in the empire’s East.

Europe first heard about God from those preachers. This is a confirmedhistorical fact.

The public saw the will of God in the Kipchaks’ victory over Maxentium.Fighting under a cross-emblazoned banner, a small Kipchak force had notrouble defeating the Roman army. Its victory was received as a sign of theHeavens. Indeed, “your god your rule” was the general opinion.

A very shrewd politician, Constantine grasped at this chance to show him-self off, in the wake of that victory, as a believer in the new God and make thenew faith and the Turkis serve his objectives. Following Licinius’ example, hecame out for recognition of the new Christianity that had come from its birth-place in the Caucasus. He expected to benefit from an alliance with theKipchaks.

As they write history books, some researchers overturn, pass up or concealfacts of history as politicians tell them. They ignore the old maxim that youcannot conceal the truth for long-it will come out eventually, at the leastexpected time. The Greeks chose to conceal the truth. They accepted the faithin God under Constantine. This is a fact no one is going to deny. Historianspass up for some reason the fact that they accepted it from Turkic priests,however. They seem to forget that there were no other teachers or bearers offaith in the God of Heaven around at that time, only the Kipchaks.

The Turkic religion gave rise to Buddhism in the East and to new Chris-tianity in the West. Tengri opened up differently to different peoples, and Hispresence in the new places was added evidence of the Great Migration of thePeoples. Europeans did recognize God and, through Him, Turkic spiritualculture. These facts cannot be denied or concealed.

It is impossible to conceal that Constantine never accepted God andremained a heathen all his life. A heathen High Priest. He was least of allinterested in true faith and only cared for power. He went to great lengths todeceive the Kipchaks, so they could be next to him and keep him in power.

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He paid a high price for victory over the Romans and lavished gifts andpromises on the victors. He stinted no efforts or money to keep the Turkicwarriors at his side so they could serve him. And stay behind they did. Itlooked as though the Greeks had overindulged them on drinks. Those traitorswere later known as “foederati” (suggesting the treaty they had signed with theGreeks).

Constantine pampered them as best he could. For example, he introduceda new calendar, with a day-off on Sunday, the Turkic way. Townsfolk werenow forced to go to church and pray to the new God of Heaven.

Please note a significant fact: until the year 325 the Greeks prayed to Ten-gri only and relied on Turkic books and prayers in church service.

This fact is completely forgotten or ignored. Really, it helps explain someof the darker aspects of European history. For example, coins minted in theByzantine Empire at the time bore the image of the Sun, or more exactly,equal-armed sun crosses, Signs of the Sun. And Constantine himself was gen-erally known as the Sun cult follower. Was it right?

What is more, Turkic, dubbed “soldiery”, was spoken in the Byzantinearmy for a long time afterward. Thousands of Kipchak families were inducedto settle on Greek lands. They were given the best lands and their relocationcosts were paid by the Byzantine treasury in gold to the khans of Desht-i-Kipchak. Their relocation was, of course, part of the Great Migration of thePeoples. Actually, though, it was not a free movement of free people—theKipchaks’ services were bought for gold.

In real fact, the Kipchaks were behind the rise of the Byzantine Empire, amajor presence in Eastern Europe for a millennium. Three generations past, aByzantine culture sprouted in the new country, a product of cooperationbetween two nations admitted to this day. According to experts, its easterncomponent played a predominant role.

Nothing to wonder about. Europe offered a replay of the Kushan Khanatescenario, with the only difference that the Byzantine Empire was ruled by aGreek rather than a Turki. Whatever the case, it was a close fusion of two cul-tures. (Doesn’t it strike you how cheaply and smartly the Greeks bought theKipchaks?)

Constantine had no enemies now, keeping a tight rein on the gullibleKipchaks. He played generous with them and spared no efforts to have themon his side. Unless he did, no one would have heard of the Byzantine Empire,ever.

In 324 Constantine laid a new capital, Constantinople, for his empire.And again he turned to Turkic architects, so they could build it in their ownway, as a challenge to Rome, with churches erected in the name of Tengri. Afoxy trickster, that what he was.

Anyway, the Byzantine Empire was born.Rome’s colony of yesteryear, the new empire was gaining strength with

each passing year and turning, with Kipchaks’ helping hand, into a prosperouscountry. Alliance with the Turkis gave it the weight to dictate its will to Egypt,

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Syria, Palestine and Rome itself. Constantine’s appetite was growing, how-ever.

In 325 he summoned all Christian priests to Nicaea (modern Iznik, Tur-key) for the First Ecumenical Council of the Christian Church (GeneralCouncil) that went down in history as the Council of Nicaea.

The Council set a sole objective no one cared to disguise. The emperortold the Council to establish a Christian church on a Greek, not Turkic, pat-tern. He had toyed with that idea for years, stinting no efforts or money toachieve his aim.

Under Constantine’s design, Tengri and Christ were to become one per-son, or rather a sole God. The Greeks thought that the name of Tengri theyusurped would give them divine power. And they needed the Council ofNicaea and the church itself for this purpose.

By appropriating Tengri for the needs of their church, they encroachedupon Turkic prayers, rites and churches, upon Turkic culture as a whole. Thetreasures the Turkis had spent centuries to amass were now taken over by theByzantine Empire and its Church. A real crime against the Turkic people,isn’t it carefully concealed to this day?

The priests gathered at the Council of Nicaea failed to see throughEmperor Constantine’s design. When they finally realised what was behind it,they got indignant. Making God and man one-could there be a sillier thing? Asacrilege?

The first to speak out in defence of Tengri was Bishop Arius of Alexandria,Egypt. You could not, he said, equate man and God, for God was spirit andman was flesh, or God’s creation to be born and die by the will of God.

Arius was a very enlightened man, confident in his power of persuasion.He was supported by bishops of the Armenian, Albanian (Caucasus), Syrianand several other churches. Not one of them, of course, rejected Christ, andno one wanted to equate him with God, for fear of divine punishment.

The argument ended abruptly and pathetically. Emperor Constantine, anunbaptised neophyte, who presided at the Council, interrupted Arius rudely,saying he was not there to be contradicted.

My comment: Arius was not a Greek as so many historians say. He was a Turk orAryan as indicated by his name. At one time, the Greeks and the Turks were the samepeople, but they both separated. In the time of Arius, no self-respecting Greek wouldhave even thought of calling himself Arius (Ari).

The dissident bishops remained unconvinced. They defied Constantine’swill and did not equate God and Christ. Which signified that they retainedloyalty to the faith they had been taught by Turkic clerics at Derbent.

Tengri remained the true God in the Christian churches of Armenia, Alba-nia (Caucasus), Iveria, Syria, Egypt and Ethiopia, and congregations in those

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countries continued to pray to Him alone. His images were portrayed onicons and churches were dedicated to Him.

Surprisingly, the Turkic khans seemed to overlook the Council of Nicaea,as though they lived in a different world, in which “there is no god but God.”

Again, the Greeks got away with impunity. To vindicate themselves, theycame up with a New Testament, a book of Christ’s deeds and genealogy,which, they claimed, were records left by Christ’s disciples. It was a brazen lie.

How and where could they find those records, if Christ’s name was firstmentioned in the 2nd century (by the Greeks themselves)?

A situation, of which the Turkis say, “Spit at the Sky and get the spittle inyour face.”

Anyway, the New Testament compilers did not bother much about nice-ties. When they learned about Gheser (Tengri’s son), the Greeks attributedsome of his deeds to Christ and borrowed some other details from Buddha’slife story. In the end, the politicians, little concerned about religion, succeededin composing a sacred book for the Christian world, which was reviewed andrewritten time and again by none other than politicians. The whole thing hasnothing to do with true faith.

My comment: When I was planning this book, I was at first attempted to omittotally Adji’s evidence that our New Testament was compiled from Turkic, Buddhist,Hindu, Jewish, and other sources. Take Catholic rituals as an example. They are inno way similar to Jewish rituals and ceremonies. Yet, anyone having knowledge ofBuddhism and Hinduism knows exactly the origins of those rituals. The architectureof our Christian churches is modeled after the old pagan Armenian churches, for theArmenians were the first to accept Christianity. Adji even wrote more about this real-ity, which I did leave out. However, this fact can bother and anger only those whomistakenly “believe” that “scriptures make the religion,” just as clothes supposedly“make the man.” Since each human thinks uniquely, and since all mankind’s conceptsare constantly changing, our understanding of the holy books never remains frozen. Ifwe could go back into the past, we would be shocked to see that, ss far as the scripturesand tales about Jesus are concerned, these are in a contant state of change. Essentially,the origins of our scriptures are unimportant. We read scriptures for inspiration andguidance, no matter what their origins. The only requirement of true religious prac-tice is knowledge of Duality, the Cross, and the Holy Trinity (Logos). All else is waterunder the bridge. All the writings and thoughts of mankind are just Babel, even thewords that I write in this book.

Constantine was a politician with a deep sense of what he wanted. Hepicked the right time to set up his own church. Tensions boiled over between

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the Kipchaks and their neighbours, the Alans, so the Kipchaks’ concerns werevery far from Greek intrigues.

“When two men fight one of them dies,” runs an Oriental saying.

I would like to comment that even Flavius Josephus, in his Antiquities of theJews, complained that the Greeks were notorious copycats wanting even tosequester Judaism as their own invention. According to what little we know ofancient history, the Greeks and the Kuruks (Turks) were once Phoenicians. Eventoday, they are famous sailors. The Gr and the Kr in their names indicate thispossibility. Later on, they separated. They have been inimical to each other eversince. Many Greeks argue that their civilization preceded that of the Turks. Thisis not true, for they all originated from the same Aryan Phoenician Krishtayas.They’re the same people. For most of my life, I thought that Anatolia belonged toGreece. I needed most of my life to understand that the Anatolians were Turks;not Greeks. The squabble between the Greeks and Turks is like two siblings bornof the same mother and father, each calling the other a bastard.

I can’t speak for any of my readers, but I have always felt that the Aryanistsand the Nicene supporters were just splitting hairs. In their own way, both werecorrect. God and his Son are one and the same. The Son is flesh and blood man.The Father is the divine energy coursing through the brain and spinal column ofmankind. Mankind is just a microcosm of the macrocosm which is Creationitself. In reality, The Holy Trinity just describes the totality of a single body orthing, whether physical or spiritual: Infinite or Finite Volume = Infinite or Finite(Length x Width x Height).

We must also accept the fact that we are too ignorant and stupid to decide infavor of one or the other group. Something seems to be playing a not-so-funnygame with us. Are some strange beings in Outer Space laughing at the fun they’rehaving with us? Are they saying, “How can they expect to rise to our spiritual sta-tus? They cannot understand that the world is for all the five Krishtaya or Manuraces, not for any particular manmade religious sect. Ha! Ha! The joke is not onlyon them, they are the joke.”

If we practice consistency and faithfully the doctrine of the Holy Trinity,sooner or later our minds will expand sufficiently to know exactly what is right,wrong, or in between. Also, as I have stated before, it really makes no differencewhether we accept the reality of reincarnation or not. What will happen, willhappen, regardless of what we “believe” or “don’t believe.” Keeping that in mind,I ask: What can possibly be wrong with admitting the Gospel of Thomas, whichcontains Christ’s original teachings of Christianity, back to the Bible? And what

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Gene D. Matlock 181

can possibly be wrong with admitting that nearly all of our ideas about Christian-ity we inherited from the Kipchaks? Let’s give Christianity back to the Christiansand Tengri back to the Turks.

In the past few years, the Vatican has come to realize that its basic teachingsare entirely scientific. Right now, as the first Catholic fathers did in using theancient Turkish sign of the Cross, duality, the Sacred Directions, etc., all takenfrom the Tengri religion, the Church is realizing that after all’s said and done, itoriginally incorporated in its doctrines a powerful, simple and universally effec-tive science that anyone can understand and apply in minutes. Church leadersand thinkers are additionally studying other religions, to find out what else theycan add in order to increase Catholicism’s effectiveness. But things were notalways this way. For example, in the 1200s, the Church and its militaristic fol-lowers killed an estimated one million Aryanist Catharis (Kedaris) because theywere getting too competitive. Yet, the Catharis had made discoveries which eventoday would seem miraculous. The persecution of the Catharis initiated theInquisition. The good news is all that has ended forever. The Church is back ontract. The bad news is that many of its prelates appear to have no faith in theirpriestly duties. They’re trying politics on for size. They must remember that theyweren’t educated to be politicians. They were educated in the ways and science ofthe Cross.

The time has arrived to bring this book to a close. I pray that what I have writ-ten will find acceptance. I still have much more to say, but what I have said up tothis point must be digested before I can present new information to the world. Ido have much more evidence than what is in this book. Christianity is the firstreligion ever to appear on earth. This is a truth beyond any kind of contradiction.Here is another original name of Christianity: Krishtiyoni (The Original Sourceof all Mankind). Again, I repeat: Don’t accept what I say blindly. Investigate foryourself.

I promised at the beginning of this book that I would give the Atheists andskeptics a few welcome rays of hope. After all, they, too, should get what theyreally want out of life or the lack of it. Christ said:

…Whoever blasphemes against the Father will be forgiven, and whoeverblasphemes against the Son will be forgiven, but whoever blasphemes againstthe Holy Spirit will not be forgiven either in earth or in heaven. (Thomas Say-ing 44.)

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What is the Holy Spirit? It is your unseen body that accompanies you untilyour physical carcass is ready to turn back to earth.

What is Heaven and Earth? It is the here and now. It is in no other place.What is Hell? Hell is what the world becomes when we deny our duality as

humans.Where is Christ? Not only is he in your heart but he is constantly staring at

you from the sky. Just go outside on a sunny day and see for yourself.Now for the “treat” I promised my atheistic and “scientific” readers. If you are

absolutely convinced that all I have written and all that Christ said, are just a con-glomeration of lies and lunatic ravings, why don’t you put your money whereyour mouth is? All you have to do is deny the reality of your own spirit and curseit. I guarantee: if you’ll do that, you’ll be in business. Or would it be more accu-rate to say, “out of business?” Do it now!

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About the References Usedin the Book

Each person has his own idiosyncrasies, and I am no exception. One of my petpeeves is footnoting quotes and references and then listing the cited works at theend of a page, chapter, or book. I prefer to give credit immediately after com-menting on or quoting a source. Additionally, I see no need for a bibliography atthe end of a book if the references were cited within the book itself.

The perennially popular Plain English Handbook, by J. Martin Walsh andAnna Kathleen Walsh, states: “If the source is clear, you may mention it briefly ina sentence within your paragraph…but usually a footnote is best for completereference to your source. (p. 121.)

In the past, providing footnotes for references and sources was necessary, formost people had to go to a library to find out more about the sources they wereinvestigating. Local libraries had limited resources. Therefore, dedicated research-ers generally had to travel many miles to do research in a university or large citylibrary-or pay someone to do the research for them.

Fortunately for all mankind, the worldwide web and personal computers havebrought the libraries of the world into our homes. We can now corroborate orstudy source materials on almost any subject, and to any depth, without leavingour homes. We who are passionately addicted to researching our respective fieldsof interest are too impatient to procrastinate in investigating the sources quotedin books and magazines. After reading a quote from or comment about a certainauthor’s field of interest, we get to work immediately, stopping only when ourhunger for more information has been satisfied. Having done that, we move onuntil we come upon another quote or comment that interests us. For that reason,I know that people seriously researching the subjects mentioned in my book mayhave already satisfied their curiosity by the time they finish it. They won’t need torefer to a bibliography, either. There will be scribbled notes in a nearby note-book; passages and references highlighted in bright yellow or some other color.


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The margins of the book will also have notations and comments. They will alsohave found pertinent material that not even I have found. In this way, authorsand their readers interact with each other. Readers often send me informationthat will add to my own knowledge.

Most people read for information or general interest only. They don’t wish topursue a subject further. Therefore, by naming my sources in the book itself, Isatisfy the intellectual needs and requirements of general readers and researchersalike.

Another of my pet peeves is some author’s bothersome habit of using foot-notes to inter- and extrapolate. I have read books in which the inter- and extrapo-lations delivered more vital information than the book itself. This made itnecessary for me to read two books at once. If a person is going to write a book,let him write only one book at a time; not two in one.

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Recommended References

Although I don’t like footnotes and bibliographies, I do favor recommending cer-tain references to my readers, as follows:

Pagan Sun Worship and Catholicism-La Verita-The Truth, atwww.aloha.net∼mikesch/verita.htm, produced by Michael Scheifler’s Bible LightHomepage. Mr. Scheifler’s outstanding essay and accompanying graphics aboutthe abundance of solar symbols and rituals in Catholicism is a masterpiece.Whatever Mr. Scheifler’s opinions, good or bad, about Catholicism’s alleged per-petuation of “pagan sun worship,” valid or not, does not concern me in theslightest. Evidently, I favor the “sun worshiping” approach as evidenced by mybook. There is one thing I do know for sure: Regardless of what one may think ofCatholicism’s spiritual proximity to the pagan sun cults. Anyone who takes thesun seriously will improve all aspects of his material and spiritual life.

The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors, by Kersey Graves. Don’t be afraid to readthe works of atheists. They, too, have a vital part to play in mankind’s spiritualand secular history.

The Healing Sun, by Richard Hobday.

Jesus Christ, Sun of God-Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian Symbolism, byDavid Fideler.

Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions, by T. E. Doane.

The Bible in India-Hindoo Origin of Hebrew and Christian Reveleation, by LouisJacolliot.

Suns of God-Krishna, Buddha, and Christ, by Acharya S.

¡Mariolatría! El Enigma de la Virgen, by Martín Careaga Montaño. This enlight-ening book will tell us anything we have ever wanted to know about the impor-


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What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?186

tance of “The Mother Goddess” in human religions. It’s a shame that this all-important book has not yet been translated into English.

Jung on Christianity, Selected and Introduced by Murray Stein.

Christianity-Mankind’s First Worldwide Religion! by Gene D. Matlock.

We humans have now arrived at a critical crossroads. We have just two roadsopen to us now. Shall we take the road to the left, or the one to the right? One ofthose roads will more than likely lead us to the destruction of this world andeverything in it. The other one may save us and put us back on the right path. Iquote often from Turkic author Murad Adji’s writings in this book. I now urgeanyone who takes what I say in this book seriously to read Mr. Adji’s onlinebooks, especially his Asia’s Europe, Volume 1 (Europa, Turkic, the Great Steppe);www.adji.ru/book 10_2.html.

Although I’m not in agreement with everything he says, especially the partwhere he shows partiality to Attila the Hun, he certainly lets all humans knowwho and what our origins were. After reading his writings, you’ll never again seethe world and human history in the same way.

(PDF) Gene D. Matlock-What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholic Ism, And Mexico- A Concise but Detailed History of Things Divine and Earthly - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)


What strange mystery unites the Turkish nations? ›

What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico? discusses the religion of the Aryans, called Khristi, Krishtaya, or Kristihan. Their religion taught that by understanding the mysteries of the Cross and the Holy Trinity, mankind could live forever, both in and out of the flesh.

What happened to all the Christians in Turkey? ›

The percentage of Christians in Turkey fell mainly as a result of the late Ottoman genocides: the Armenian genocide, Greek genocide, and Assyrian genocide, the population exchange between Greece and Turkey, the emigration of Christians that began in the late 19th century and gained pace in the first quarter of the 20th ...

Are there any wonders of the world in Turkey? ›

Using modern-day countries, two of the wonders were located in Greece, two in Turkey, two in Egypt, and one in Iraq. Of the seven wonders, only the Pyramid of Giza, which is also by far the oldest of the wonders, still remains standing, while the others have been destroyed over the centuries.

What are some unusual customs in Turkey? ›

15 Turkish Traditions You'll Find Fascinating
  • 1- Nazar (The Evil Eye) One of the most popular Turkish traditions is the blue eyes made of glass. ...
  • 2- Turkish Tea. ...
  • 3- Suspended Bread. ...
  • 4- The Henna Night. ...
  • 5- Hand kissing. ...
  • 6-Throwing Water. ...
  • 7- Shoes and slippers. ...
  • 8- Turkish Hammam.

What is the mysterious temple in Turkey? ›

Göbekli Tepe is considered by many as the world's first temple, and its carvings suggest it was a place of ritual importance. The intricate carvings of animals and symbols might indicate a form of prehistoric animistic belief, suggesting an early form of religious practice.

What happened on 29 October Turkey? ›

On 29 October 1923, the status of the nation as a republic was declared and its official name was proclaimed to be Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ("the Republic of Turkey"). After that, a vote was held in the Grand National Assembly, and Atatürk was elected as the first President of the Republic of Turkey.

What is the name of Turkey at United Nations? ›

Following an official letter submitted to the United Nations by the Republic of Türkiye, the country's name has been officially changed to Türkiye at the UN.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.