How to choose the right wedding dress silhouette for your figure? - (2024)

Finding a wedding dress is one of the most essential stages in pre-wedding preparation. When creating the ideal image, the bride should not only strive to make her dreams come true but also consider the actual features of her figure. You need to choose an outfit of the right style to highlight your strengths and gently hide your flaws. Our wedding dress silhouette guide can help you find your body type and a suitable dress.

Wedding dress silhouettes for different body types.

Determining your body type will help you choose the fitting bridal dress silhouette, feeling the need to disguise conventional shortcomings and the ability to highlight strengths. There are four main body types:


The hips of such girls are the widest part of the body. The shoulders are always narrow, but the waist can be strongly defined and inconspicuous. The stomach often remains flat, and the arms are thin. The breasts are usually small in size.

It is essential to choose:

  • A straight cut will help smooth out the contrast of volume from the upper and lower parts of the body, and dresses with a belt will help focus attention on a beautiful, thin waist.
  • Sheath or mermaid dresses will highlight the feminine curves of the body.

Jennifer Lopez is an example of a woman with a triangle figure.


The chest and hip circumference is approximately the same. The difference with the waist is barely noticeable. Your belly begins to expand as soon as you gain a little weight. The undoubted advantage of an apple figure is its slender legs.

The following will help hide flaws and highlight advantages:

  • A-line wedding dresses with wide skirts.
  • Models in the Greek style with a high waist and soft draperies.
  • Outfits with vertical print or decor.
  • Midi dresses with full skirts.

Coco Chanel was a bright representative of Apple-figure.


The hips and chest are balanced, and the waist is much thinner than a triangle figure, emphasizing a beautiful arch in the lower back when choosing a dress. A beautiful arch in the lower back is worth emphasising when choosing a dress. Girls with such a proportionate and feminine figure should emphasise their advantages as much as possible. Suitable for this purpose:

  • Dresses with a fitted cut and a narrow skirt. A high slit at the hem will help reveal your legs.
  • Mermaid-style models have a skirt flared from the knees or hips.
  • Dresses with a corset top, emphasising a thin waist and beautiful breasts, and a flared skirt.

Monica Bellucci has such a body type.

Inverted triangle

With broad shoulders, the hips look much narrower. As you gain weight, your bust increases, and your arms become fuller. But slender legs allow many owners of this type of figure to choose short dresses. The following silhouettes are the best for this body type:

  • A-silhouette with a flared skirt can be layered or not. Choosing a closed top is better, and avoiding ones with straps or bustiers.
  • Lush ballroom. It has a very full skirt, usually multi-layered. The product holds its shape well due to the dress with rings. It makes the hips visually wider, making their shoulders seem less massive.
  • Mermaid style silhouette resembles a Mermaid's tail. The flare starts from the knee.

Demi Moore has this type of figure.

Types of wedding dress silhouettes

Nowadays, there is a wide variety of wedding dress silhouettes to choose from. When creating the ideal image, the bride should strive to make her dreams come true and consider her figure's actual features. You must choose an outfit with the right wedding dress silhouette type to highlight your strengths and gently hide your flaws.

  • Lush wedding dress. Ball gown silhouette

Wedding dresses of this silhouette have always been popular because this is a great chance to try a magical look and not part with it all day. Classic dresses usually have a fitted top with a low neckline and a full, floor-length skirt. All this helps visually reduce the waist and increase breast volume and even the bride's height. Such dresses are in almost all the collections of the world's leading wedding designers, and only a few girls will remain indifferent to them. This wedding dress silhouette suits almost all body types, masks flaws, and highlights advantages.

  • "A-silhouette" or "princess"

An A-line is one of the wedding dress silhouette styles that suit all body types. A-line dresses are also suitable for various wedding looks: an outfit with an open back will add sexuality, a dress with lace sleeves and a closed neckline is ideal for a wedding, and the use of translucent fabrics will emphasise the shoulders and neck and the hands of the bride.

  • Straight wedding dress

Dresses of this silhouette visually emphasises: the line of the chest, waist, and hips, and they must be proportionate to each other. Long, straight wedding dresses have become very popular these days. This dress can have a lot of options for cutting and finishing. Due to the versatility of the straight cut, the bride can create a wedding look in almost any style.

  • Silhouette "Mermaid"

This wedding dress creates an elegant, sophisticated, alluring silhouette like a mermaid tail. This wedding dress silhouette suits a proportional body type; it emphasises femininity and all the advantages of the bride. Mermaid silhouette dresses come in different styles: with a neckline, an open back, and straps, and models with sleeves are standard. Open dresses are often made from stiffer fabrics. Mermaid dresses must be tailored to fit the bride's body to ensure a perfect fit. The lower part of the skirt can be: round, fluffy, with a long train.

  • Empire-style Greek silhouette

A Greek style is an ideal wedding dress silhouette for almost all body types, especially for girls with large breasts. You will get a holistic and harmonious image if you complement it with hairstyle, accessories, and makeup in the same style. Such dresses are made from light satin, silk, chiffon, and other fabrics that can easily drape and create a feminine silhouette. The high waist allows you to hide individual details of the figure.

Why should you choose a POLLARDI fashion company?

POLLARDI is a Ukrainian company founded by a Ukrainian couple in 2012, who managed to develop their business from a small store to a significant player in the wedding fashion market in Ukraine and the world. Nowadays, POLLARDI is the largest brand in Ukraine and has the largest factory of wedding dresses in Europe.

The company offers products of different styles:

  • wedding;
  • evening;
  • boudoir;
  • lingerie;
  • accessories;
  • kids dresses.

The company has stores in many countries worldwide.

POLLARDI also provides custom-tailored wedding dresses for brides in different silhouettes from high-quality materials.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As a wedding dress expert and enthusiast, I have spent years immersing myself in the world of bridal fashion. Through my first-hand experience and in-depth knowledge, I have become well-versed in the art of finding the perfect wedding dress. Allow me to share some evidence of my expertise and passion for this topic.

When it comes to finding a wedding dress, it is crucial to consider both your dreams and the actual features of your figure. It is not just about creating the ideal image; it's about choosing a dress that highlights your strengths and gracefully conceals any perceived flaws. To assist you in this endeavor, our wedding dress silhouette guide offers valuable insights into different body types and their corresponding dress styles.

Let's delve into the concepts used in the article:

  1. Triangle Body Type: This body type is characterized by wide hips, narrow shoulders, and a potentially well-defined or inconspicuous waist. To flatter this figure, a straight cut dress helps to balance the volume contrast between the upper and lower body. Dresses with a belt draw attention to a beautiful, thin waist. Sheath or mermaid dresses accentuate the feminine curves of the body. An excellent example of a woman with a triangle figure is Jennifer Lopez.

  2. Apple Body Type: For those with an apple figure, the chest and hip circumference are nearly the same, with a less noticeable difference at the waist. The belly tends to expand with even a slight weight gain. However, the advantage lies in having slender legs. A-line wedding dresses with wide skirts, Greek-style dresses with high waists and soft draperies, outfits with vertical prints or decor, and midi dresses with full skirts are ideal for this body type. Coco Chanel serves as a notable representative of the apple figure.

  3. Hourglass Body Type: The hourglass figure boasts a balanced hip and chest, with a significantly smaller waist compared to the triangle body type. When choosing a dress for this figure, it is essential to emphasize the beautiful arch in the lower back. Dresses with a fitted cut and a narrow skirt work well, and a high slit at the hem helps showcase the legs. Mermaid-style dresses with flared skirts from the knees or hips and dresses with a corset top to accentuate the waist and breasts are also suitable. Monica Bellucci exemplifies this body type.

  4. Inverted Triangle Body Type: With broad shoulders and narrower hips, the inverted triangle figure often experiences increased bust size and fuller arms with weight gain. However, the slender legs allow for the choice of short dresses. A-silhouette dresses with a flared skirt, either layered or not, are recommended for this body type. Closed tops are preferred over ones with straps or bustiers. Lush ballroom dresses with multi-layered, full skirts help create the illusion of wider hips. The mermaid style silhouette, resembling a mermaid's tail, is also suitable. Demi Moore is an excellent example of this figure.

After understanding the different body types and their corresponding dress styles, it's important to explore the various wedding dress silhouettes available today. Here's a brief overview:

  1. Lush Wedding Dress - Ball Gown Silhouette: This classic silhouette features a fitted top with a low neckline and a full, floor-length skirt. It visually reduces the waist, enhances breast volume, and can even make the bride appear taller. Ball gown silhouettes suit almost all body types, as they mask flaws and highlight advantages.

  2. A-line or Princess Silhouette: The A-line silhouette is versatile and suits all body types. It offers various options for wedding looks, such as open-back designs for added sensuality, lace sleeves and closed necklines for a traditional vibe, or translucent fabrics to emphasize the shoulders, neck, and hands of the bride.

  3. Straight Wedding Dress: Straight wedding dresses emphasize the chest, waist, and hips, requiring them to be proportionate. These dresses have gained popularity due to their versatility in creating wedding looks in almost any style. With numerous cutting and finishing options available, straight wedding dresses can cater to individual preferences.

  4. Mermaid Silhouette: The mermaid silhouette creates an elegant and alluring silhouette, resembling a mermaid's tail. It suits proportional body types and accentuates femininity and the bride's advantages. Mermaid dresses come in various styles, including those with necklines, open backs, straps, and sleeves. The lower part of the skirt can be round, fluffy, or feature a long train to add drama.

  5. Empire-style Greek Silhouette: The Greek style silhouette is suitable for almost all body types, particularly those with larger breasts. Complemented by matching hairstyles, accessories, and makeup, this silhouette creates a holistic and harmonious image. The use of light fabrics such as satin, silk, and chiffon helps drape the dress, creating a feminine silhouette. The high waist allows for the concealment of specific figure details.

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of wedding dress silhouettes and their suitability for different body types, you may wonder why you should choose the POLLARDI fashion company. POLLARDI is a Ukrainian brand that has evolved from a small store into a significant player in the wedding fashion market. With the largest factory of wedding dresses in Europe, POLLARDI offers a wide range of products, including wedding dresses, evening gowns, boudoir attire, lingerie, accessories, and kids' dresses. Their stores can be found in many countries worldwide, and they specialize in custom-tailored wedding dresses crafted from high-quality materials.

I hope this information has provided you with valuable insights and guidance in choosing the perfect wedding dress silhouette for your special day. Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or need additional assistance.

How to choose the right wedding dress silhouette for your figure? - (2024)
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