GODS RAID: Team Battle RPG Tier List - Talk Android (2024)

GODS Raid is an incredible turn-based RPG game that may seem identical to others at first glance, but it presents a unique twist. Instead of our team being composed only of heroes, we also have Gods that can be equipped to strengthen our characters.

And, as you might have guessed, the game offers pulls for both heroes and Gods, doubling your chances of getting that coveted character while significantly expanding the strategic scope and team customization.

That's why we're here to assist you in this GODS RAID: Team Battle RPG Tier List and show you who the best heroes and Gods in the game are because, although having just one of them is enough to build a good team, having both is even better.

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Tier List Explained

As we mentioned, GODS RAID has two types of draws: heroes and Gods. Each also has its own rarity grade category—except for Mythic, a designation for both.

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GODS RAID Heroes Rarity Explained

Heroes can range from common to mythic characters. We won't mention the commons in this tier list, as they only serve as fodder. Mythic characters cannot be summoned; they are acquired through the fusion of other heroes. The Heroes' rating will start from S and go all the way down to D.

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GODS RAID Gods Rarity Explained

Gods have a different category. The most common rarity is called Mythic, followed by Ancient and, finally, Absolute, the best among all. In short, all Gods are good, as they only add to a hero and empower them. However, some are better than others.

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We will rank the Gods from S to C since the game has half the Gods relative to heroes. But again, don't consider C as bad Gods, just that there are others better than these. The higher a God grade, the more Favors they have, which means more passive bonuses to a hero.

GODS RAID Heroes Tier List

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There's no escaping the premise that the rarest heroes are also the strongest. This is the lifeblood of a free-to-play mobile game: encouraging you to play and try your luck on pulls to get the best heroes.

Heroes will be divided by their rarity, type, and race. The hero's type suggests the position they should take in the formation, while their race determines which God they should enchant them with.

However, there are a few Gods whose Favors benefit a particular hero type, such as Ranged or Defense heroes, so pay attention whenever you summon them.

GODS RAID S-Tier Heroes

VulkanMythicMelee HeroesOrc
BrynhildrMythicMelee HeroesDemon
HeraclesMythicDefense HeroesBeast
EstherMythicRanged HeroesHuman
SarielMythicRanged HeroesUndead
Orc ChiefLegendaryDefense HeroesOrc
Orc SwordsmanLegendaryMelee HeroesOrc
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If you have yet to notice, observe how the game has only 5 Mythic heroes, each from a different race. They are the best in the hierarchy, and this racial flexibility ensures that they are enchanted with corresponding Gods that benefit those races.

If you manage to fuse and acquire a mythic hero, rejoice, there's nothing to complain about. But for those lucky with pulls – and disregard the generic names – Orc Chief and Orc Swordsman are great heroes. Even more so because the best Gods synergize with Orcs.

However, both are easily swappable for Vulkan, the Mythic hero of Orcs, since he benefits the most from Absolute Gods. But until you get him, these two are your best bet.

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GODS RAID A-Tier Heroes

Skeleton SummonerLegendarySupport HeroesUndead
Viking PrincessLegendaryMelee HeroesHuman
Dark WitchLegendaryRanged HeroesHuman
Giant RobotLegendaryDefense HeroesDemon
Harpy QueenLegendaryRanged HeroesBeast
Divine PriestLegendarySupport HeroesHuman
Death KnightLegendaryMelee HeroesUndead
PaladinLegendaryDefense HeroesBeast
Duke of DarknessLegendaryRanged HeroesDemon
Monkey KingLegendaryMelee HeroesBeast
Orc HunterLegendaryRanged HeroesOrc

Here, we will highlight the two support heroes because, as you can see, there is none in the S-Tier. Which is a pity, because every team composition can enjoy some support from the backlines.

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Skeleton Summoner and Divine Priest, although of the same type, are fundamentally different.

Skeleton Summoner has the ability to summon 2 Skeleton Soldiers, and its Ultimate calls a Skeleton Totem to decrease the attack of enemies while increasing that of their allies. They are a buffer.

Divine Priest is a support healer. Their primary attack doesn't hurt enemies but heals the HP of one ally.

The Angelic Authority skill heals an ally for a higher amount and grants them a barrier. Their Ultimate, Tears of the Heavens, heals everyone and increases defense by 50%.

GODS RAID: Team Battle RPG Tier List - Talk Android (9)

Personally, we prefer Divine Priest. But if you're looking for a more aggressive team, go for the Skeleton Summoner. However, at the end of the day, it's up to your God's synergy with the support hero.

GODS RAID B-Tier Heroes

OgreEpicDefense HeroesOrc
AssassinEpicMelee HeroesHuman
Plague DoctorEpicSupport HeroesBeast
Orc WarriorEpicMelee HeroesOrc
YetiEpicDefense HeroesBeast
Lightning DemonEpicRanged HeroesDemon
Knight CommanderEpicRanged HeroesHuman
Fallen AngelEpicRanged HeroesUndead
Power FistEpicMelee HeroesHuman
BansheeEpicSupport HeroesDemon
Skeleton MonarchEpicDefense HeroesUndead

Here begins the Epic heroes tier. They are good but don't excel at anything and can easily be replaced by legendary heroes that match the same race, as long as they carry the God buffs – or Mythic, even if there is no God's favor.

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Power Fist is one of the mandatory heroes in the game, and the tutorial uses her to teach you how to level up and ascend, so take advantage of these perks to keep her in the lineup. Moreover, opt for heroes that have synergy with the available Gods.

GODS RAID C-Tier Heroes

Iron ArmorRareDefense HeroesDemon
Half-Beast ArcherRareRanged HeroesBeast
WraithRareMelee HeroesUndead
Orc MagicianRareRanged HeroesOrc
Gnoll ChiefRareDefense HeroesBeast
Heavy ArmorRareMelee HeroesDemon
PriestRareSupport HeroesHuman
Ogre CannonnerRareRanged HeroesOrc
Dark MageRareRanged HeroesDemon
Child of the ForestRareSupport HeroesBeast

Here is the middle ground for those who aren't lucky but still manage to get some rare characters. Honestly, there are few standout heroes.

GODS RAID: Team Battle RPG Tier List - Talk Android (11)

But if we were to consider any, Priest and Child of the Forest are highlights. As always, there are few Support heroes in the game, so we have to make good use of the ones we have.

Furthermore, if you're going to use rare heroes, go for those that match your available Gods.

GODS RAID D-Tier Heroes

Dark MageRareRanged HeroesDemon
Mummy SorcererRareSupport HeroesUndead
Goblin WarriorRareMelee HeroesOrc
Spear KnightRareMelee HeroesHuman
Burning FistsUncommonMelee HeroesDemon
Winged DemonUncommonMelee HeroesDemon
Goblin ShamanUncommonSupport HeroesOrc
Elite ArcherUncommonRanged HeroesUndead
Skeleton GunslingerUncommonRanged HeroesUndead
Gnoll SpearmanUncommonRanged HeroesBeast

There isn't much to say here. All D-Tier heroes in GODS Raid should be replaced as soon as possible. Since you will have numerous draw tickets as well as rewards for completing the campaign, this is relatively easy to achieve.

GODS RAID Gods Tier List

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In GODS RAID, the Gods function as if they were equipment. We can enchant them on heroes, providing their Favors, which are passive buffs, and enabling Powers, a powerful ability on the battlefield.

And although you might be happy to draw an Absolute-tier God, remember that they come with Favors that only benefit a specific race or type, so it's worth paying attention to the synergy between a God and Hero rather than allocating them to any character.


ThorAbsoluteOrc Heroes
PoseidonAbsoluteOrc Heroes
ApollonAbsoluteBeast Heroes
ZeusAbsoluteHuman Heroes
HadesAbsoluteUndead Heroes
AthenaAbsoluteDefense Heroes
LokiAbsoluteDemon Heroes
GODS RAID: Team Battle RPG Tier List - Talk Android (13)

Gods are already powerful on their own, but those of the Absolute grade are even stronger. Fortunately, thanks to GODS RAID's generosity, the game provides Poseidon for free through the campaign.

This favors the use of Orc Heroes, as his favor benefits this race. Creating a passive barrier at the beginning of the battle is not too shabby, either.

But if we could choose one God, it would be Thor. His first favor increases the critical of Orc Heroes, while his other two boost attack by 20% and give a 10% chance to stun an enemy, respectively.

Since Orcs are generally a race with more physical attacks, Thor matches well with most Orcish heroes.

With Poseidon allocated to a tank, your team is already assured of victory throughout the campaign.

GODS RAID: Team Battle RPG Tier List - Talk Android (14)


BaldurAbsoluteHuman Heroes
TyrAbsoluteDemon Heroes
FreyjaAbsoluteBeast Heroes
OdinAbsoluteUndead Heroes
SkathiAncientBeast Heroes
HeimdallAncientOrc Heroes
ArtemisAncientRanged Heroes

Here, we have the remaining Absolute Gods and the introduction of the Ancient ones. While the Absolute ones have three favors, the Ancients only have two, significantly reducing their capability compared to the higher rarity Gods. Still, they have their uses.

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Despite being of an absolute grade, Freyja is in the A-Tier because her favor increases the defense of Beast Heroes.

Although useful, Beast heroes are naturally focused on offense, making it counterintuitive. But her Power to resurrect all allied Heroes still makes her powerful.

Heimdall is an Ancient God that should be enchanted on Orcs, boosting their attack by 20%.

His excellence lies in his Power, which teleports the hero to the farthest enemy, allowing them to advance to the frontline and quickly eliminate those pesky ranged damage dealers.


DionysosAncientDemon Heroes
HephaistosAncientDemon Heroes
AnubisAncientUndead Heroes
HelaAncientUndead Heroes
AresAncientBeast Heroes
AsuraAncientOrc Heroes
AphroditeAncientHuman Heroes
HermesAncientHuman Heroes
GODS RAID: Team Battle RPG Tier List - Talk Android (16)

I know it seems like we've entered a loop again and always suggest the same Gods and Heroes. But it's because GODS RAID often leans toward Orc Heroes, as the Gods that benefit them are among the most powerful.

Asura increases the critical of Orc Heroes by 20%, similar to Thor's Favor, the best God. The other passive increases Attack and Move Speed for any hero. These abilities, combined with his Power, make Asura incredibly useful.

His Power, called Absorb Soul, activates whenever an ally kills an enemy. They absorb the soul, increasing the attack of the enchanted hero by 12% for the remainder of the battle, stacking up to 10 times for a total of 120% attack boost.

Pair this up with an Orc Hero with a critical hit buff, and you have an onslaught.

GODS RAID: Team Battle RPG Tier List - Talk Android (17)



Here are all the Mythic Gods. They only have one favor, which works for any type of Hero. The buff is good but easily replaceable by higher-grade Gods.

GODS RAID: Team Battle RPG Tier List - Talk Android (18)

That's why what classifies one Mythic God better than another is their Power. Idun's Golden Apple heals the HP of all allies equal to 20% of the enchanted Hero's HP. So, place Idun on a defense hero and watch your party withstand a lot of hits.

If you prefer something more offensive, consider Nike. Her Horn of Victory increases the enchanted Hero's attack by 100% for 12 seconds. Since the cooldown is 20 seconds, the Hero will be causing double damage most of the time.

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New Players Boon

GODS RAID: Team Battle RPG Tier List - Talk Android (20)

Every new player of GODS RAID participates in two daily login bonuses, providing 10 tickets to summon Gods and Heroes.

These are excellent bonuses. To sweeten it even further, you are guaranteed to receive an Absolute God and a Legendary Hero on the seventh day.

Although we cannot confirm if these login bonuses are permanent, they also serve as a reroll in case you don't get the necessary pulls. Create a new account, restart the game, and receive the tickets again.

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I hope our GODS RAID: Team Battle RPG Tier List has helped guide you on the best Gods and Heroes in GODS RAID so that you can create the best possible team. The trick is: pay attention to which race of type your God's favor and you can’t go wrong.

Ultimately, combining the right hero with the ideal God to enjoy all their benefits matters. What is your best team? Comment with us! Thanks once again for reading Playoholic.

GODS RAID: Team Battle RPG Tier List - Talk Android (2024)
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