Cranberry Puree Recipe (2024)

Are you ready to tantalize your taste buds with a burst of tart and vibrant flavors? Look no further than the irresistible cranberry puree recipe. This versatile and nutritious delight is not only easy to make but also offers a multitude of health benefits.

Whether you’re looking to whip up a refreshing beverage, add a zesty twist to your favorite dish, or introduce your little one to new flavors, cranberry puree is the answer. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the step-by-step process of creating the perfect cranberry puree, along with its nutritional value and various uses.

Cranberry Puree Recipe (1)

Cranberry puree is a versatile and delightful treat that can be enjoyed by all ages. Whether you’re a fan of its tangy flavor or seeking to introduce new tastes to your little one, cranberry puree is a fantastic addition to your culinary repertoire. This vibrant puree can be used in a variety of ways, from enhancing beverages to creating mouthwatering desserts and even adding a zesty twist to savory dishes. So, let’s dive into the world of cranberry puree and explore its numerous benefits and uses.

Benefits of Cranberry Puree

Antioxidant Powerhouse

Cranberries are renowned for their exceptional antioxidant content, making cranberry puree a powerhouse of health benefits. Packed with over 24 antioxidants, cranberries help fight free radicals in the body, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and promoting overall well-being. Including cranberry puree in your diet can provide a natural boost to your immune system and contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

High in Fiber

Another remarkable benefit of cranberry puree is its high fiber content. Fiber plays a crucial role in maintaining digestive health, regulating blood sugar levels, and promoting satiety. By incorporating cranberry puree into your meals, you can increase your daily fiber intake and support a healthy digestive system.


Cranberries are a rich source of vitamins, including vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K1. Vitamin C is essential for immune function and collagen synthesis, while vitamin E acts as a potent antioxidant. Vitamin K1 is crucial for blood clotting and bone health. By consuming cranberry puree, you can effortlessly incorporate these vital vitamins into your diet.

Getting Started: Essential Ingredients

  • 2 cups fresh cranberries
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar (adjust to taste)
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice (optional)
  • Pinch of salt

Step by Step Recipe

Step 1: Prepare the Cranberries

Rinse the fresh cranberries thoroughly under cold water. Remove any stems, leaves, or damaged berries.

Step 2: Cook the Cranberries

In a medium saucepan, combine the cranberries, granulated sugar, water, lemon juice (if using), and a pinch of salt.

Place the saucepan over medium heat and bring the mixture to a simmer. Stir occasionally to dissolve the sugar.

Step 3: Simmer and Cook

Once the cranberries start to burst and release their juices, reduce the heat to low. Continue to simmer gently for about 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Step 4: Taste and Adjust

Taste the mixture and adjust the sweetness by adding more sugar if desired. Remember, cranberries are naturally tart, so adjust the sugar to your preference.

Step 5: Blend and Strain

Remove the saucepan from heat and allow the cranberry mixture to cool slightly.

Transfer the cranberry mixture to a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. If you prefer a chunkier texture, blend to your desired consistency.

Step 6: Strain (Optional)

If you want a smoother puree, you can strain the mixture through a fine mesh strainer to remove any seeds or solids. Use the back of a spoon to press the mixture through the strainer.

Step 7: Cool and Store

Allow the cranberry puree to cool completely before transferring it to a clean jar or airtight container. Refrigerate the puree for up to one week.

Step 8: Serve and Enjoy

Use the cranberry puree as a versatile topping or sauce. It can be used as a spread for toast, a drizzle over desserts, a sauce for meats, or a flavorful addition to drinks and co*cktails.

Additional Tips and Variations

While the basic cranberry puree recipe is delightful on its own, there are several additional tips and variations you can explore to customize your creation. Let’s take a look at some exciting options to elevate your cranberry puree experience.

Sweetening Options

If you prefer a slightly sweeter cranberry puree, you can incorporate various sweeteners into the recipe. Consider adding a touch of maple syrup, honey, or agave nectar to balance out the tartness of the cranberries. Be sure to taste the mixture as you sweeten it to achieve the perfect balance of flavors.

Flavor Enhancements

To add an extra layer of complexity to your cranberry puree, experiment with different flavor enhancers. Consider incorporating a splash of orange or lemon juice for a citrusy twist. Alternatively, you can infuse the puree with aromatic spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, or ginger to create a warm and comforting flavor profile.

Culinary Inspirations: Creative Uses for Cranberry Puree

The versatility of cranberry puree opens up a world of culinary possibilities. From refreshing beverages to delectable desserts and savory delights, let’s explore some creative ways to incorporate cranberry puree into your favorite recipes.

Refreshing Beverages

Cranberry puree serves as an excellent base for a variety of refreshing beverages. Consider blending it with sparkling water or club soda for a fizzy and tangy mocktail. You can also mix it with lemonade, orange juice, or even add a splash to your favorite smoothie for a burst of vibrant flavor.

Delectable Desserts

Cranberry puree adds a delightful tartness to a wide range of desserts. Use it as a filling for pies, tarts, or turnovers for a burst of flavor. Swirl it into cheesecake batter or add it as a topping for ice cream and yogurt. The possibilities are endless when it comes to creating cranberry-infused desserts.

Savory Delights

Cranberry puree can also be used to add a zesty twist to savory dishes. Use it as a glaze for roasted meats, such as turkey or chicken, for a tangy and sweet flavor profile. Incorporate it into salad dressings or sauces to add a vibrant touch. The versatility of cranberry puree allows you to experiment and create unique flavor combinations in your savory recipes.

Cranberry Puree for Babies: A Tart Introduction

Introducing new flavors to your baby’s diet is an important milestone in their development. Cranberry puree can be a wonderful method to introduce a tart flavor to their taste buds. However, it’s essential to take certain precautions to ensure their safety and enjoyment.

Nutritional Benefits for Infants

Cranberries are packed with essential vitamins and antioxidants that offer numerous health benefits for infants. The high vitamin C content supports their immune system, while the fiber aids in healthy digestion. Introducing cranberry puree at the appropriate age can provide a nutrient-rich addition to their diet.

Preparing Cranberry Puree for Babies

  1. Begin by following the basic cranberry puree recipe outlined earlier in this guide.
  2. Once the puree is blended to a smooth consistency, transfer a small amount into a separate bowl for your baby.
  3. Prior to introducing cranberry puree, it’s crucial to consult with your pediatrician to ensure your baby is ready for tart flavors and to discuss any potential allergies or sensitivities.
  4. Start by offering a small amount of cranberry puree and observe your baby’s reaction. If they enjoy the taste and tolerate it well, gradually increase the portion size.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use frozen cranberries to make cranberry puree?

Yes, you can use frozen cranberries to make cranberry puree. Simply thaw the cranberries before following the recipe. Keep in mind that frozen cranberries may have a slightly different texture compared to fresh ones, but the flavor will remain intact.

Q: How long can I store cranberry puree?

Cranberry puree can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to five days. Alternatively, you can freeze it in small portions for future use. Be sure to thaw the frozen puree in the refrigerator before using it.

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Cranberry Puree Recipe (2024)


How many cranberries are needed to make one can? ›

The average number of cranberries used per can of sauce is 200. If you lay out all the cans of sauce consumed in a year from end to end, it would stretch 3,385 miles.

How many people does 1 can of cranberry sauce feed? ›

One 12-ounce bag of cranberries makes about 2 1/4 cups of basic cranberry sauce—in my house, that's enough for about five people. Going the canned route? You'll need at least one can for six people.

How do you get the bitterness out of cranberry sauce? ›

Add A Splash Of Vinegar

While citrus is a natural pairing for cranberry sauce, bright, savory vinegars like sherry vinegar, balsamic vinegar, and apple cider vinegar play well with the bitter-tart berries. Start with a little, then add more gradually. It's easy to overdo it when in comes to bold vinegars.

Do you just eat cranberry sauce out of the can? ›

It's perfectly fine to serve up cranberry sauce — whole berry or jelled — straight out of the can. But in my experience, heating the canned sauce up takes its flavor to the next level. Plus, it becomes a little more aesthetically pleasing.

How many cranberries is 12 oz? ›

There are three cups of cranberries in a 12 oz.

How much is 3 cups of cranberries? ›

One 12-ounce bag of cranberries equals 3 cups.

How much sauce do I need for 2 people? ›

When calculating how much sauce for pasta per person, generally about 2 to 4 ounces (1/4 to 1/2 cup) of sauce for each 2 ounce (about 1 cup cooked) serving of pasta would be needed.

How many pounds of cranberries per person? ›

Today Americans consume nearly 400 million pounds of cranberries per year — 2.3 pounds per person — almost entirely in the form of juice or juice blends.

How many cups is 12 oz of cranberries? ›

One 12-ounce bag of fresh cranberries will yield about 3 cups whole or 2-1/2 cups chopped.

Why does my homemade cranberry sauce taste bitter? ›

Dear Evelyn: I had the same problem when I first started making my own cranberry sauce. I found out that you should cook them just until they pop. Further cooking will make them bitter, and once that happens, you need to start again.

Why is my homemade cranberry sauce runny? ›

Mistake #2: Your Cranberry Sauce Is Too Runny

You may have added too much liquid to the cranberries. In addition to pectin, cranberries contain water, which means you only need to add a splash of liquid to get the cooking going. Add too much and you'll be stirring at the stove much longer than expected.

What thickens cranberry sauce? ›

Jelling. Homemade cranberry sauce is meant to thicken, or “jell,” while cooking. If it stays soupy, that could mean a couple of things. One possibility is that you may not have used enough sugar: Sugar helps the sauce firm up, so be sure to use the full amount called for in a recipe.

Is homemade cranberry sauce better than canned? ›

Everyone found the biggest difference between the two to be texture; the homemade sauce had a distinct Jell-O springiness. The Health Nut: Store-bought. "The homemade's flavor is a little more mild and the texture more gelatinous, which isn't what I'm looking for in a cranberry sauce." The Foodie: Store-bought.

Is it safe to eat a whole can of cranberry sauce? ›

Cranberries and cranberry products are usually safe for most people if consumed in moderation. However, excessive consumption may cause stomach upset and diarrhea — and may also increase the risk of kidney stones in predisposed individuals.

Should homemade cranberry sauce be served warm or cold? ›

Should cranberry sauce be served warm or cold? You could, of course, serve it straight out of the pot, but I think it's best after it's chilled in the fridge. Chilling it helps it firm up some more in the fridge, plus, serving it this way means you can make it days ahead of a holiday.

How many cranberries does it take to make a bottle of juice? ›

There are about 4,400 cranberries in one gallon of a typical cranberry juice product.

How many cups are in a 12 oz bag of cranberries? ›

Cooking with Cranberries. The commonly sold 12-ounce bag contains about 3 cups of cranberries.

How many cranberries in a bottle of Ocean Spray? ›

Enjoy the crisp, clean taste of real cranberries straight from the bog. Each bottle is 100% cranberry juice, made from the juice of over 850 cranberries. It's a delicious way to get the health benefits of cranberry in a pure, authentic form.

Can cranberries be canned? ›

Cranberries are an acidic fruit and can be canned with little fanfare. Although it is possible to successfully pack them in plain water, using sugar not only adds sweetness, it will help the fruit retain its texture and vibrant color. This time of year, home-canned cranberries have another advantage.

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